
Tuesday 8 January 2013

Sorry guys...

I won't be on the Shift is Happening radio show tonight.  I feel like hell warmed over and I think I will be hiding in my bed.... in about 30 minutes..... after I have some hot tea and honey.


  1. Yeah! I highly approve of your decision. Like you said, we don't have to change the whole world in one day. :) Please take time away from computers/phones and get some rest. All is well. Peace

  2. Take care of yourself for sure! FEEL BETTER SOON! ;o)

  3. Lay low, sleep, lots of liquids and think beautiful thoughts!

    All is well,


  4. Seems like ole Casper is questioning what you ladies have put out. Casper is calling out heather in particular.

    For what it's worth, Poof said Casper is a Cheney stooge.

    1. Some of those insiders are disinfo agents, otherwise they would all have gotten along. Still, I hope enough of the insiders are smart enough to understand the buck stops there and enough with the delays and press ahead within 24 hours to disclose the truth to the mainstream news! Whatever the elites do to retaliate will be just a blimp compared to the impact that will happen when sheeple worldwide start waking up! I have far more fear of not seeing disclosure than whatever the nearly powerless elites can do at this point. Press ahead now with disclosure!

  5. I agree you need a break to sort everything that has happened since you released such vital information!

    1. She can retire once this all goes mainstream, hers and all her insider's jobs will be done. The only thing left is worldwide disclosure!

  6. Bless you D, you will be burnt out if you carry on at this rate. Sending you healing thoughts, I hope you have a good night's sleep.

  7. Be Well D!

  8. Get well soon! Sending you all sorts of healing vibes and lots of Love & Light! *mike

  9. get well sooner!
    lots of love to you.

  10. I'll still be listening tonight. Sending you best energies D! Lots of love and white light, feel better soon!

  11. Rest up and get well. Your kids need you!

    We do too but not as much as your kids do!

    Wandering Fire

    1. Agreed.

      Rest, rest, rest, rest!!

      There is a lot going on, and a lot of resistance right now. Like on the plane when depressurized and the oxygen masks come down... Well, I am sure you have heard that one before.

      Peace to you, D.

  12. Your decision harmonizes with the universe. blogtalkradio has been down for hours. The Powers That Were are still trying to BE. LOL

    Rest up wonderful woman, and save your energy for the future that is your children.

  13. feel better soon D, rest and recoup your energy, your an amazing BEing.

    1. get some healing rest, D! my message just got knocked off so am doing this again. seems you are becoming an overnite sensation. and i reckon you are only going to get more popular as all of this unfolds! so rest up - take care of yourself.


    2. I am really hoping that this time it happens! She and her friends will be famous worldwide if we see disclosure happen, hopefully within 24 hours! If nothing happens, she will have to keep pressing all her insiders and all her insiders need to press their insiders all the way up the chain to the top to make things happen and disclosure official! I don't even care if she is too busy to respond to any emails and comments, we can respond to each other's comments for her. All she needs to do is press her insiders. :)

  14. The realization that we put our hope in the hands of con artists can wear down even the strongest person. I am sure u will feel better, "in the twinkling of an eye". In fact, you already feel better, it is done, we just are waiting to tell you that you do. Unfortunately the Texas crew won't let me tell u yet.

    Listen everyone, we have some serious things going on right now, and their is a serious power struggle going on. Instead of wasting your time listening to heather's lies, and looking for handouts, go out and actually change something. They want you to sit and wait and wait and wait. All the while the real issues you should be paying attention to have passed you by....".......

    1. 1. Not wasting my time listening to lies. I'm giving the matter a fair hearing just like I have most of the information that's come my way the last few years.

      2. I'm not looking for or expecting a handout. Nothing has ever been handed to me and I'm not expecting it start now. My understanding of the matter at hand is not as complete as I would like but nowhere in the material I've read so far did I find any promise of money in any amount being handed to me on a silver platter.

      3. And just for the sake of argument, what do you propose that I or any of us DO to "go out and actually change something." Since you are so full of advice, perhaps you could direct us to some worthwhile project. If you cannot, I respectfully suggest that you go do something obscene, indecent and anatomically impossible with yourself.

      [Yes, I know, VERY 3-D but I'm getting tired of being told I'm an idiot when all I'm being is open to the possibilities.]

      Wandering Fire

    2. Looking for handouts?? These SOB's have kept us in SLAVERY FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS! I want what is rightfully mine and that of the rest of humanity to receive the same!!! Aren't you sick of the bullshit? I know I am!

      I am FREE.

    3. re: Anonymous7 January 2013 20:15

      hmmm, maybe you're right. Lets see.. i should be using my valuable time doing like you i guess then, right? Wandering around various blog sites calling other people that i have never spoken with before liars. hmmm... does it pay good? Let me know, please, honestly with all the sincerity in your heart.



    4. Sine Metu do you think you could lessen the sarcasm, negativity, judgmental elements to your posts please. Your intentions may be honourable but how about trying to raise the vibrations a little? Thanks and love.

    5. my friend (up to the original poster)- we ARE doing something! Why do you think we have been working like crazy to work on this? Why do you think I've published everything I have? If we all wanted to sit back and expect handouts, I'd be sitting on the couch, eating bon bons and watching soap operas instead of posting here and letting people know what's going on and helping to organize things.

    6. Anon 20:15. I have been doing something. When Drake first came out I had been busy before him, and he seemed to have all the paperwork in order, I stayed busy. I listened to Rod Class and he stayed busy, I listened to other talk shoes and people were busy, busy, busy.

      Drake said fireworks and green lights, and I stayed busy, and other places were still busy and affecting the courts and such.

      Someone came out with that UCC 45 trillion dollar whatever on the treasury, I stayed busy, the other audios I listened to they were busy, and you had the ones you listened to Alex and Steve and others and they were just getting angrier.

      I found that when we were doing things to make a difference we were having fun, so they only way someone could be angry is they weren't getting anywhere with what they were doing, or they were waiting.

      Heather said she filed some stuff, so it seems she was busy, and I stayed busy and the audios I listened to, people were still making a difference. People in jail were making a difference from within those confining walls.

      So as people wait today, there are those that are still the Saviors they want to be and not waiting. We are not angry because we need a clear head to do what we do.

      Thanks for giving us a head's up on the struggle. I believe we collectively have come into the system from many avenues and there is no way for them to write enough processes, procedures, rules, provisions, laws, etc to thwart our activities.

      As Morpheus said in The Matrix. Their world is based on rules. You may think they are faster, but they are not. (I paraphrased.)

      I keep doing things, sit back, watch the news sites and disinfo and awakening sites, and catch the truth within the lies and smile as so many others do.

    7. Wandering Fire,
      It was very 3D.
      Knowing who you are, you are not an idiot.
      Knowing who you are, you don't even have to listen.
      There is a 'Wandering Fire' in you. When you find that passion and it doesn't have to do with anything anyone else is doing, you'll do it.

      I like to say a 'fire' got lit under me and that's why I'm doing what I do.

      The system is kind of crazy. If you tell exactly what you are doing, they come up with a procedure to work against that exact thing.

      I see it over and over. Someone does something, like figure out how not to pay a bill. They tell everyone else, and everyone else does it, then there starts a delay for people that are doing it, then there comes rejections from those trying it, and then there comes other issues from it.

      All the time. So to make a difference it gets to the point that each of us, do our unique thing in the infinite possibilities of life.

      It was us doing processes and trying to figure out how to make a process work that had our tails spinning.

      Someone would drop the paperwork in the public and while you were waiting on it, they had an agent waiting on it too, and as soon as it dropped, while you were trying to figure out how to do it right, they were figuring out how to stop it from working.

      So it's harder than it is to explain why people are so 'generic' in their answer on what needs to be done.

      If what we did worked, it has a procedure to make sure it doesn't work no more, so why waste your time. If you had learned something in the same area and did your thing, and I did my thing, and others did their thing, then the system can't keep up.

      So many of us have been stuck in process world where nothing worked that they are moving into their own creative powers...based on what they know...what can they changed.

      Sort of like people baked bread, but they also broke bread when they ate dinner, and someone decided to make sure everyone had an even piece of bread and enough to go around so they sliced it.

      They did something different.

      Someone else wanted the loaf to go even further so they made the slices thinner.

      They did something different.

      You are no idiot.
      Whoever had posted in all honesty we would do good to assume that's all they wanted to state or the most they could state when they posted the response.

      We can walk away if we take one of those approaches.

    8. Breaking The Silence8 January 2013 05:04
      we ARE doing something! Why do you think we have been working like crazy to work on this? Why do you think I've published everything I have?

      If you have been publishing everything you have then you have no proof. You have nothing that backs up what you say.

  15. I'm sorry you are feeling icky. Get some rest.....FYI colloidal silver (nano size) keeps me from getting all the cooties my girls bring home from school. Since they were home schooled until this year....they were catching everything. 2 Tablespoons a day will keep you well....gargling with it will KILL a sore throat pretty much right away!

    Don't forget to INTEND TO FEEL BETTER!


    1. I'm trying to find some right now, lol!!! and raw garlic, raw honey, cinnamon, and..... (gulp, gag) baking soda and water (ugh). i broke a tooth right off yesterday so I'm also treating that with my own mixture of teatree, oregano, lavender, eucalyptus, and peppermint oils.

      I WILL feel better!!! I don't have time for this, lol

    2. You are using a powerful, wollop of good things there D. However, don't forget CLOVES/Clove oil, for tooth pain too. Also, and probably best, your urine is an instant rememdy/repair you can use for that tooth, when you keep it in the mouth for a while, let the tooth sit in the fluid, as it were, then rinse.


      Ninja Bambi.

  16. Please for your own good look up candace Goodwin and her frauds. Navy seals forced Clinton and congress to pass nesara legislation? Get real people. Also ask your self why heather is asking for donations when she is supposedly backed by some of the richest people of the world. Wake the hell up.

    1. Wow, looks like you fell for a con-artist then and have personal experience with it. Sorry that happened to you. And now you are afflicted with the inability to distinguish the real from the rest of the crap out there. I highly suggest forgiving whatever con-artist did that to you. After you have cleared that pain from your heart, you will be able to make an unbiased due diligence on such matters. Best of luck to you and yours in either case.


  17. Feel better D :)

  18. I have just posted a "Laymans Terms" article on my blog. Please click on the name thingy and read what I have posted. I don't want to be wordy here so I am wordy there. ;)

  19. D Take as long as you need to rest! You have been taking on alot and the load probably intensified a lot in the last week! Sending you lots of Love & Light!!! Namaste!!

  20. It's NOT our debt! Debt truths from The Public Trust 1776...

  21. Youve got the worlds attention at this very moment D, cant you see whats happening? The world is waiting for YOU!!! And you want to go off on a 'sniffle'??
    Come-on, YOU can do this, were all behind you. This is your reason for being. You were born for this reason. Dont let negative enter your mind. You are a CREATOR GOD. Your time to shine is here.... NO FEAR!

    1. Even God rested on the seventh day.
      Get well D :)
      Love, Light and healng to you!

    2. I love you my friend. I'm up,I'm at'em!!! got my army boots on and ready to kick butt!

      Let's go!

    3. Yes, even us skeptics want you healthy wealthy and wise!

    4. Baby cakes,
      God went surfing on the seventh day, and he enjoyed what he created. Enough of the astro/love chit chat. Bring some heads out on silver platters!

  22. Love coming your way D ;-)

    Sine Nomine

  23. All the best D, from down under...take care

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Take all the rest you need, if the body don't have any reserve power one needs to charge it.
    The closest family comes always first, in the now! <3

    I suggest those who are waiting to take some action. Why not ask those questions to TOPPT you are wondering about?

  26. seit einer Weile lese ich hier mit, ich versthehe aber die Botschaften in Englisch nicht,
    gibt es eine Möglichkeit dies in verstädnliches Deutsch zu übersetzen,
    oder kann sie ein Mitglied zusammenfassen in Deutsch, danke

    is here a possibility to translate the important messages into German, which someone can unterstand, who cannnot speaks English. i would like to understand the messages, but i can't, because my english is not good.

    1. Hallo, können Sie einen Dienst namens Google Translate.


      Ninja Bambi

    2. guten morgen, mein freund,
      ich verstehe, dass google translate nicht dienlich ist.
      im moment versuchen wir aber arbeitsgruppen zu organisieren, um die artikel in verschiedene sprachen zu uebersetzen.
      ich hoffe, dass uns so bald wie moeglich nuetzliche uebersetzungen meiner artikel zur verfuegung stehen.
      D's uebersetzerlein

    3. ich danke sehr für die Antwort, google Translator habe ich versucht, versteht aber dennoch nicht die Zusammenhänge, darum wäre es sehr schon, es in deutsch lesen zu können, danke und Lob an alle, die sich hier bemühen.

      thank you for your directly answer, google translator did i try, but i cannnot understand the complex context. Therefore it would be wonderful, to read it in German. Thank you und praise all people, who engage here,
      there are many German , which are with you, want to help, to stop the slavery,
      and i think in whole Europe. We must fight against ecb, which is robbery / they are Thieves and turn whole Europe into poorness - in Greece they kill the people, they get no Medicine and so on, in Spain they have stolen the Pensionsfonds, every day more people make suicide - and so on. They are killers, the one who are responsible for this)- they will murder ltiitle people by costs fo energy and so on,
      many peoplea ar going to vote for the killers in the next eletion, as tehy do not know, what ist going on
      Please excuse my bad English. Hope you understand me in spite.
      And thx to Nina and BTS

    4. Yes, no problem. Your English is good enough. I understand you perfectly.

      I am not German, but live very near your borders, on the continent, so I know what's going on and I think it's the same problem everywhere.

      Ninja Bambi

    5. Auf der google translate Webseite

      English = Englisch
      German = Deutsch

      Auf dieser Seite kannst Du die ersten Übersetzungen in deutsch finden.

      A lot of thankful war warm warm greets to you Lady D.
      From the old also suffering continent.

  27. Best of Positive Thoughts for your recovery .. stay strong


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