So many people have been asking for these documents.....
“The One People’s Public Trust” NOW PARADIGM PROTOCOL Documents… in One Zip Folder…

I have taken all of the Word docs and converted them to both OpenOffice docs and pdfs, for those who do not have MS Office, them created a zip folder of these. There are 13 documents in total (27 files) (6 MB) in the zip folder.
Here is the link:
Now, I cannot say that I know anything about where to go from here, after reading these. Nor do I know or understand what my role is with all of this (except in processing mp3s and making zippy files). But I do believe that Heather and company are going to present another conversation about this that will presumably clarify things for everybody.
Below are portions of an email we received from Heather about these documents.
I AM INSPIRED release of NOW PARADIGM PROTOCOL (evolved from “NEW PARADIGM”) for the people, by the people… if Truth IS… “by the people for the people”… then let’s test that out, and have some fun DO’ing while we’re at it, yes? We ask those who choose to, to co-manifest an opportunity to work/review/discuss/dissect DATA in order to close the OLD PARADIGM and choose what the NOW PARADIGM IS per what resonates within each of us…what resonates as Truth by the knowledge within…(yes, that damn broken record keeps playing on, and on, and on..infinity!)
By DO’ing by free will choice, the energy manifests, creates/co-creates, at the speed of thought, the opportunity to reflect the law of one that resonates with many by the knowledge from within…shall we?
Attached are documents of examples designed based on NOW DATA that the Trustees, Advisors and other we the people collected, willingly and sometimes under duress, through investigations and other matters that have come before us…these are just examples…
…so, whoever would like to take their shoes off and jump in the water with some DO’in so that we can finalize the people’s systems as they choose…We would be so grateful for the experience to BE and DO with all of you.
How do we the people use the REGISTERED tools done by the Public Trust, specifically the FORECLOSURE, COMMERCIAL BILL, TRUE BILL in a personal matter? How do we notice a potential predator that they will be held responsible and liable in such a manner that it IS enforced and collectible? How do we secure our property that is being held by someone purporting to be a custodian? How do we establish standing and authority while respectfully, yet firmly, simultaneously requiring those who come before us to identify and verify their standing and authority? How do we cancel the fraud already done?
Well, see the examples we have formulated thus far through moments of PRESENT that have transpired and let’s refine them together as one, as we choose, if we so choose! Please don’t ask for authorization to post or use…it was granted upon our creation!!!!
We are excited about what we the people can and choose to DO…I wanted all of this to be more organized and definitely more professional in presentation, but I need to get back to the current… I will check back in :)
with gratitude
in love
in love
Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
Good Morning
ReplyDeleteThis isn't the press release is it?
At current time, to the best of my knowledge, we are still waiting
Deletefor Heather to finish up a presentation and/or kit ( it's as yet
unknown what format ) that will help an average person be able to
use the documents that are posted in that zip file.
A "Press" release is a little bit different than a "media release",
but of course, the internet is the only reliable means for people
to get any real information anymore. Although it would be "nice"
to have the luxuries of all those msm "Good Old Boys", especially the
lack of trolls, lack of the media trying to squelch, the lack of other
detractors, etc., we have what we have and i am sure that's how the
original people felt as they gathered in their town halls over 200
years ago.
Hope this helps, and in the meantime, lets pour another glass of
town hall brew.
God, I'm beginning to love my country again. I am SO PROUD to be a part of this phenomenal group of people.
Deletethe PR is not quite ready yet and I will post it asap
Delete48 hrs ago...
DeleteBreaking The Silence 7 January 2013 17:29
I have been told that we should see EVERYTHING in the next 24 hours. I'm hoping that this time it goes....... But everyone is damn excited right now!
still waiting...
It is great that this has been made available. However, as KP himself says, "Now, I cannot say that I know anything about where to go from here, after reading these." It is a mountain of legalize which few will be able to make much sense of if they are not lawyers.
ReplyDeleteWhat would be much more helpful is a simple summary in plain English.
I have looked over all the documents in both folders that KP has given links for, and after about 2 hours, still don't even understand enough to know what intelligent questions to ask.
If I understood it I would be happy to translate it all into simple English summaries, but I don't understand it well enough to even start.
Tom M.
I agree with Tom, might as well be in German. That is not meant negatively, but layman terms would help. I am sure Heather and staff are busy but maybe someone with that background can break it down for us?
DeleteStill think this is great news, just how do we really use it?
I'll have to definitely agree. What exactly are the documents to be used for? What do they mean?
DeleteWe are all doing our best to wrap our heads around all this info, but sadly, we don't know how to translate "legalese"! LOL I don't think Google Translate will help either!
Perhaps another Q & A with Heather, Brian & D would be helpful.
So many people suffering right now. We need to be able to use these tools ASAP! Thank you.
xoxo Christine
How do we use it??? By simply accepting that you are free and realize the Corp has no control over you ever again. Its called Free Will Choice, All you have to do is Use it!!! As Heather has stated, "The public trust is to guard, protect and preserve the space of absolute truth so that the people have the opportunity to step in and stand there. we also do that by assisting with the tools that help you step in and stand without usurpation, violation, invasion,this IS the people's show...their grand production...their moment of source, we guard that, we protect that,and we preserve that right of opportunity for you to BE and DO what you BE...a beautiful reflection of creation's self, FREE to BE, FREE to DO as you BE,we cannot BE for you. We cannot DO for you. We can assist the people with tools and safe places for them to BE and DO. we commit, dedicate our heart and body to guarding, protecting and preserving the right of opportunity to exercise creation's guarantee of FREE WILL CHOICE."
DeleteThis book takes it from here:
DeleteWe are hoping to do another conversation/interview with Heather... but she's got no internet right now and hasn't had any for a few days. but we are working on it I promise!
DeleteD, If you are going to do Another interview, considering the outpouring of confusion.. you can't possibly put out yet another confusing interview.
DeleteYou have plenty of time to create a plain English interview. We do not need another confusing mess. Lawyers know the english language and so does Heather, so please no excuses. Make it Concise.
Postings that are confusing are irresponsible considering you already know you're audience is the average public and not attorney's.
So there should be only clear easy to understand info and instructions from now on if you're truly interested in helping rather than confusing...if this info is even true.
Additional Confusing Posts will be considered as Subterfuge.
The only problem with just using these is we don,t know what the situation was that she used these examples. For instance frozen bank account, is that a term she uses for what the banks do during foreclosure procedings or is that in reference to banks freezing her personal savings and checking accounts. In a few of the documents she lists actors, are they court clerks,judges etc, i have spent a lot of time readinging these docs and more information about the hand written statements and the circumstantses of the case would clear up a lot of questions in my mind.
DeleteI need to understand completely everything i put out there,because only i will be responsible for answering for my actions
Hey anybody know any constitutional lawyers?
Let the vetting process begin!
ReplyDeleteNo more excuses! We should have what everybody needs to see if this is valid. The UCC files are online at the TOPPT site.
You can download Heather case files from the Pierce Washington website.
Contact friends who are lawyers or in real estate and show them these documents.
slightly off topic:-(
ReplyDeleteyou can read statements from St-Germain(e) to NESARA here:
I realise some will see a contradiction in Obama's role, in particular in view of the recent news here on RTS. This might just be our limited left-brain interpretation. How many times have we been surprised by manifestations we would have never thought of beforehand?
ahhhh yes my friend. Hold all judgements in neutrality.
DeleteI've already "contracted" a business partner of mine who is an attorney and I will update everyone on his findings. BTW, I have more than one attorney business partner! I've supplied him with MANY links/the interview/and the above link just posted (thank you bewoprejudice!!!) He will get to work asap! I re-listened to the interview and it "clicked" last night! It all is making sense now. Thank you all for your help, I LOVE the collective POSITIVE effort for the benefit of ALL! What an amazing time to be alive!
DeleteNow that it has clicked for you, can you answer one simple question that i have asked that has not been answered as far as I know? They say there were no loans actually ever made. Now I always thought that they just created the money on the spot with computer keys but now we are hearing that no loans were made. How is this possible when the original house owner is handed a check when the house is sold to a new owner? Did that answer "click" with you?
Somone posted this link here Yesterday which answers that very question.. thankyou to whoever it was who originally posted this...
Hey there, Anon 10:18, maybe this will help you:
DeleteThe actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks ... bankers discovered that they
could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay, or bank notes, to borrowers. In this way banks
began to create money. Transaction deposits are the modern counterpart of bank notes. It was a small step
from printing notes to making book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers in turn
could ‘spend’ by writing checks, thereby ‘printing’ their own money. – Modern Money Mechanics, Federal
Reserve Bank of Chicago
Good luck to you!
Thanks David but that goes back to the Freeman thing about getting out of the system completely. If I did that at the age of 60, I would lose all the SS money that I have paid in for 47 years.
DeleteMichael 10:56, Ah yes, back to the old creating money out of thin air thing again which is nothing more than counterfeiting. There have been lawsuits on those grounds in the past that haven't gone anywhere so this has to be something different if it isn't just more BS.
DeleteAnon:10:57 I wasn't suggesting you convert to Freeman right now, I was just saying that in answer to your question whoever wrote the material on that linked web page answers it with wonderful eloquence.
DeleteSaying that, as you entered into a contract with your many years of $$ then there is no reason why that contract should not mature. Then also there is no need for you to enter or respect any other contract that you did not enter.
This I think sums up what People Trust can do. Beat them in the courts with their own legal rules... WIN in the Courts - DO NOT let them take you to the battle field!
Here's what I've read and is solely for educational purposes- but vet this info yourself.
DeleteYou are the Creditor. Your signature monetizes the Note/Negotiable Instrument- It is entered into their ledger as an asset-They have incurred absolutely no Liabillity- therefore no True Consideration was given- 1 of the major factors in a Contract. They entered it as an asset- opened an account that you were not aware of and loaned you your own CREDIT. Banks by law cannot loan money-they can not put their depositors and investors in any jeopardy.
They have led you to believe that they took your note that you thought was secured by the mortgage/deed of trust- placed it into the bank vault for safe keeping- took cash out of the same vault and handed it over to whomever was to receive it. THIS DID NOT HAPPEN. In other words- They led you to believe that you were the Debtor and they were the Creditor. There was no TRUE CONSIDERATION no EVEN EXCHANGE. They basically created money out of thin air with the stroke of a key and a stroke of your pen. Check out Modern Money Mechanics, The 5 factors of a valid contract, Securitization and how it works. You will be surprised.
Again- research this-if any of you have more to add for educational purposes please post it.
Oh Yeah, and they charged you interest on credit you created. LOL.
DeleteIt don't get any better than that kidz.
When there is a closing for a house or other property, I, the owner of the property, no longer in debt to any bank, let's say, seeks money to then transfer to the new owner. A check is created and handed over to me at this closing. Did the apparent purchaser write me that check? I ask because when this closing is done I will successfully go to my bank, deposit the check and once it clears the bank from which it was written, I now have my CONSIDERATION. So, I ask you once again, who has actually paid me this money? Was it paid my the Smith family who has moved in and is now living there? If so, then they truly owe no entity for this house. Or, was it paid for by a mortgage lender?
DeleteHow on earth can you say that there was no consideration, therefore no legal contract? I, the former owner have the money I wanted, the Smith family (who did not give me that money directly from their own funds) now live in the house and the lending institution (who did indeed pay me the money I wanted) is now in a mortgage contract with the Smiths.
This is an interesting article regarding all of this.
anon 15:13 you said "Banks by law cannot loan money-they can not put their depositors and investors in any jeopardy."
DeleteThis isn't true. Banks do fractional reserve banking which means right now they can loan out 9 dollars for every one dollar they hold in deposit. It is a trick they use that allows them to counterfeit the 9 dollars but the 9 dollars are created out of thin air. If you did it, you would be arrested but the banks, the "chosen few" are allowed to counterfeit in this manner.
I also have read the documents and it is all in too confusing and legal language for me, and I do not have the funds to hire an attorney to sort it out, and I do not have any friends in real estate...there has to be an easier more understandable way for each of us that want to truely do the work on our own, because it is the only option we have right now.
ReplyDeleteBTS or are announced the changement 24 hours
ReplyDeleteHi all I am a new follower, and after reading your comments, I know that I belong here. I have followed every lead to where I might get some understanding. To no avail, all I have located is more confusion, I have send emails to everyone involved, not expecting answer, only trying to let them see that we appreciate all the work that has been done, but that most of us were not getting it. At this point I am not even sure that it can help anyone that is not in foreclosure. When I listened to the talk, I had the impression that this was somehow going to benefit all of mankind. Now I am not so sure if it means anything at all. The one thing I did get however we are all suppose to do something to help, before I can do that I need a starting point of understanding where I am. I decided that the one thing I agreed with is transparency so I decided that I will not be anonymous anymore so I will use my name when I post. I am done living in fear of ridicule.
ReplyDeleteCharlene - Nice name. We are on the same boat. I think there was a lot of misrepresentation here from the beginning. A lack of transparency and zero accountability. I am not a legalize ninja. These documents don't help me.
DeleteI have made an attempt at reading these 'Paradigm Protocol' documents (not all of them, but I've made a start) and I can confidently report the following:
DeleteMY EYES feel like they are BLEEDING!
Luckily, after checking in the mirror, I see they are not.
I can also confidently report that the part of my brain that ought to be able to understand, overstand, innerstand or even outerstand these documents is NOT WORKING!
I shall try again tomorrow.
Ninja Bambi
Arrested? Not so much. What say you, RTS?
ReplyDeleteHillary Clinton ‘Thrilled to Be Back’ at Work
Arrest and release
DeleteArrest and release, but still Sec. of State?
God, the depths to which you morons will go to hold onto the fairy tale.
Considering the source of your facts.
DeleteAbsolute BS and it doesn't matter anyway.
Oh, but at least she finally got her hair done.
That is still important to msm folk, i think.
Been awhile since i lived back in the old days
though, go figure.
The "Catch and Release" thing really gave me a chuckle and was my first clue not to trust this. What are they dealing with, a Bass and a King Mackerel? If these are mass murderers and if law enforcement is supposed to protect the public, how could they ever release them back into the population? This pings the old Bullshit detector.
DeleteNothing will happen©.
DeleteCopyright now, is it?
Good idea!
Ninja Bambi.
Man what a profound statement. I think about the depth and intent of those very three words uttered with such fore thought and knowlege every day and say to my self, self you have been visited by a real master.
DeleteI run those very three words through my logical mind, my higher mind, my sleeping and day dreaming mind, my spiritual self and my FTS self and damn if I dont come up with the same conclusion every single time.......nothing. You are right my friend and as you believe so it will be. The only thing I can say is
So Anon12:26...
DeleteYou believe you're free?
Are you paying bills?
Do you have a mortgage or have you gotten out of it using these protocols?
Have you asked a cop for his employment contract and told him he has no authority over you?
Have you seen throngs of people out of work due to their Govt Offices "shutting down" as Heather claimed?
Someone else asked if the nominations Obama is making are for the new Boehner Govt or the Old Shut Down Obama Govt?
Was the footage of Hilary in the Hospital, with her daughter crying, all theatrical production so she could 'sign a document in secret" ?
Do you believe Govt Officials have no place to sign a document in secret and need this huge theatre production to do so?
Do you believe that you've gotten "Everything" as D stated we'd "know within 24hrs"... which was 72 hrs (and counting), ago?
Please enlighten us with your wisdom, if you can abstain from sarcasm to do so and use only actual and verifiable facts. Thanks
A lot of people have ragged on "Nothing will Happen" but so far he is the only one on this site that has been correct again and again.
DeleteIts interesting that you ask me to refrain from sarcasm as I find the remark that started this thread to be pretty damn sarcastic. That wouldnt be you by any chance now would it? Well actually it doesnt matter cause we all are anonymus or at least think we are. i will remain that way as I do not care or need any recognition for who I am or what I say. I speak with the best of my integrity and I grant you yours as well and welcome respectful serious discussion tinged with humour cause beyond anything I may or maynot believe I like to laugh.
DeleteI have little time today however.
In short the thing that I get over and over again is that all that is and isnt happening seems to have something to do with the human relationship to hope. Why do you think that everyday we are given something new to hope for? And why is it ingrained in the psyche that "hope is such a great thing" anyway, and "to be human is to be hopeful", and "we must keep hope alive for ever and ever?"
Hope keeps you out of the now thats why. There are powers vested in owning the unownable now and I can sence by things I am seeing that there are 99 monkeys waiting for somebody, or some group to say 'fuck hope I want to jump in cause the water looks like fun!'
Right on, anon 14:00
DeleteAnonymous9 January 2013 13:19
DeleteGreat point.
Anonymous9 January 2013 14:39
DeleteGreat point but, missed the point entirely too.
This site is not about "IF" or trying to coax
the sleeping sheep. This site is about how to
help the mass of people who are about to blow
our doors down trying to figure out how to get
their lives back.
"Great point but, missed the point entirely too. This site is not about "IF" or trying to coax the sleeping sheep.
DeleteThis site is about how to help the mass of people who are about to blow our doors down trying to figure out how to get their lives back".
Do you actually think THOSE PEOPLE WONT BE SLEEPING SHEEEP? That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
"Masses of people about to blow your door down trying to figure out how to get their life back" ...who the day prior were "Sleeping Sheep" and not following this blog and undoubtedly will have more questions than anyone who's been following this blog currently has.
Will you rudely and defensively attack them and call them Trolls too as you've been doing here? This is not 'Helping'.
Sounds like a walking contradiction and mood swing. You told Anon 14:00 that he missed the point.
I certainly wouldn't take advice from you after reading your posts. Someone else here called it a 'Circle the Wagon' mentality which seems spot on to me as well. Cults, Nazi's and the Govts also attack critical thinking, they didn't help many people that way.
No one attacks from above. Only Lower Vibrations are mean spirited.
Yes, we've all read it, but how do we apply it to our daily lives? Truly, we need to re-learn who we are. I'm reading this book right now and for me, it explains what Heather is trying to tell us. A MUST read!!
DeleteI will heartily second this!!!!! Still reading through it, but 97 pg free e-book that is completely spot on with what Heather et al and TOPPT are trying to do. The first page of the book also has a link to the author's blog with ongoing updates etc.
:-) Crow (not in any way whatsoever affiliated with thecrowhouse or the author etc etc etc, just a funny coincidence for me)
Yes it is! I'm still reading too. Hard to wrap your head around some of it.
Right on 10:13 just started reading
How about send these documents to senators and ask how do they see affecting us?
ReplyDeleteI did quick survey w/ colleagues and friends whether the would go back to work if they were awarded w/ $1B... Answer 0 out of 10.
This tell me there is good chance we're going to run in major shortages in everything.
How do we solve this?
We can work part time for the betterment of humanity. We could keep our jobs or change them but part time ONLY I AM NOT PLAYING THAT FULL TIME NO MORE! In day time shifts!!! NO MORE GRAVE YARD SHIFTS. And... we can volunteer as candy strippers in hospitals to help the nurses on the night shift.
DeleteThe greatest missunderstanding here is that everyone will recieve huge$ That is a missunderstanding! Money can be generated 'fictitiously' based on a persons worth. That money would be the fund required to form new governance, if Governance is required. In that case the assets would be managed by 'said governance'. No one will get 1 billion suddenly - that is not going to happen.
DeleteI know you meant "stripers"!! LOL! Felt good to laugh. Not making fun, just enjoying the boo boo!
I think you are more likely to be correct, DavidG.
DeleteIt's not logical to me that we'll all get a big fat wedge of dough.
But money or no money, I'm sure most of us just want to live in a way much more conducive to personal happiness than we do today. Whatever that means to us as individuals...
Ninja Bambi
Yeah Ninja, From what I can see this is a way to set in place common law for everyone. I am still not entirely clear how it all works and I am trying to read and learn. Im sure it will all become far more clear in the comming days. We don't have to follow 'Their' rules anymore!
DeleteThis whole money thing cracks me up. I mean come on you got 7 billion people each with a billion dollars or gold bars or tulip bulbs and then you take your checkbook to the super market but a loaf of bread now costs 6 large. A new leisure suit sets you back 4 million. A flight to go see aunt Millie costs 60 million. You go to Las Vegas and win a newly minted trillion dollar coin with Obamas face on it but it cant even get you a weeks stay in palukaville. WTF
DeleteWhy do I get this feeling that when we look back on this time years from now when we were forming our new and wonderful world we will say "boy were we silly". My opinion only and nobody need ask me to leave, cause I already left, but I'll be back cause there is a part of my brain that gets stimulated and excited by what we can be if we intend together!
Keep the money just give me a replicator
DeleteYou're welcome
While with our current thinking it is hard to imagine- but picture this...
Delete-What if money didn't matter??..
-What if we had all we wanted so a medium of exchange wasn't required to make things "Fair"???
- What if we didn't have to deal with the artificial "scarcity" created by money??
Why would we not work in together so we all help each other meet each others needs. Idealistic I know....not likely to happen overnight. Probably take a generation or so to breed out our current attitude.
The freedom to think and create for the good of all - instead of fight and scratch and compete. How the hell did we spiral down so far anyway?
Don't know about anyone else but the possibility lights me up!!
Not a generation of attitude breeding, but a DNA upgrade from the universe in a fraction of the time!!! That unknown 90% is NOT junk DNA; it's everything that is about to get activated.
DeleteSlightly off topic: the IRS announced yesterday that it is FURTHER delaying the date for filing 2012 income taxes -
ReplyDeletenow to January 30th! WTFO? It would be nice if it were because of Nesara, but I doubt it. I need my refund yesterday! (Tax credits, not due to overwithholding...)
DeleteA bit of humble advice, if I may: give yourself about 10-14 days of study time. Nothing serious, just a regular series of reading sessions. Go at your own pace and I guarantee things will start to make sense. I'm not an attorney but I became a lawyer just by reading UCC filings and other court documents on a normal basis. After a short time, drafting your own filings becomes rather simple. Good luck!
ReplyDeleteThis might help:
DeleteAside from Heather, are there any Attorneys who follow this blog?
ReplyDeleteIf so, I'd be very interested to hear your take on these latest confusing legal-ease documents with no clear 'protocols for the Average Person" to understand and follow. It seems that if there are any attorney's on this site, they keep themselves hidden which doesn't seem likely as attorney's ALWAYS chime in with their two cents and usually do not withhold their opinions. So, 2+2= there must be no attorney's here.
In its current state, this is just another confusing pile of documents.
Seeing that its free, a little patience is
Deleteall you need.
Might want to read back through the blog a bit to
realize that Heather is doing the best she can for
a mom of 4 kids.
Sine.. you seem very willing to accept and defend all this. Your comment suggests I have no patience. You have no idea how long I've been watching this blog. I have plenty of patience and have employed it for months on end, silently, while waiting for something tangible to be posted but it seems there's not much making good on this blog.
DeleteFrom what I see, its a lot of 'almost there' then either no more mention of it, excuses of why not, or the distraction of an unrelated post ...all while being very defensive about it the whole time attacking people who happen to question its authenticity and/or continuous lack of delivery.
If this blog is about waking people up, peace, the new age, promoting love, we are all one etc.
It sure does seem to consist of a lot of attacks and alienation of people who are new to this and find it difficult to buy into and who naturally would like some sort of confirmation, explanation, verification...or for something to work out as its posted here. This a.) make the whole thing look suspect. And B.) pushes people away which is the opposite of waking people up or spreading the news.
Honestly, as I read, you seem like the main watchdog here and you're very offensive in a lot of your posts. I see displays in behavior the opposite of accepting, loving, what the new age is supposed to be about, etc.
Further, the intensity with which you go after people suggests that you enjoy being that way. This does you, this blog or Getting the word out there, no favors.
I am attorney in oklahoma, and know constitutional law well. The documents provided are complete jibberish and make no sense what so ever. Any pleadings stating these type of things would be dismissed as soon as filed. And fees would be assessed to the filing party.
DeleteHeather is a fraud.
Indeed Anon 16:13! I agree with you 100%. Saying be patient, it will happen and then nothing happens is getting a bit annoying. People are demanding proof from these "sources" and that they deliver in their messages. They say that the cabal are finished, but they still control the media and causing bad shit to happen. "No!" the new age people say, "we're already free!" blah blah blah. Provide proof and then we'll see.
DeleteSine Metu, it is quite clear that you should practice what you preach. Being an attack dog and calling out people in a negative light isn't very "love and light" or "5D". Just saying.
This is the same link we were given a couple of days ago. It doesn't make any more sense today than it did then or is any proof of any of these claims of arrests.
ReplyDeleteThis bucket of fish is decaying rapidly and really smells bad.
You must be mixing up your web site buttons.
DeleteThis site is about a successful court case.
Ok here is some substantial things in my journey I have turned up, did anyone watch John Beohner's oath video, he said some very interesting things, not that I am any expert in politics, because facts of the matter are I hate them. Also we all know that what is shown on MSM is not the complete truth, but if you do some fancy typing in the google search it can lead to some very interesting info in some local news. Try this 248 arrested in US, and I think it gives some info that is surprising, not anything MSM thinks is important, but it should peek your interest.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing remotely close was a headline that said "248 arrested in China for food violations, In US 0".
Deletewhich does not peak my interest whatsoever.
Maybe a link?
DeleteI alpologize I relize I got a off topic here, I guess the point I was trying to make is there is so much stuff out there that its hard to believe anything anymore. When this all came about I was under the impression that it was done deal and benefited humanity, but now I am not sure how it benefits anyone except those in foreclosure. So where do we go from here, if what I am understanding that even the legal system is corrupt and does not work under the constitution. So where do we go from here?
DeleteHey Charlene, Please don't apologize. You are correct, MSM is full of crap. This peoples trust stuff isn't only about foreclosure it is far more - we hope! There is still confusion as can be seen so we need to figure it out. It might yet end up being a rat.. too early to decide without some legal knowledge. Let us stick with it and see what develops... and don't let the negative yelpers get you down.. enough of that already lol :)
DeleteUh well Alex Jones also mentioned in his recent Piers Morgan interview wanting to go back to 1776. Is he somehow in league with the People's Trust 1776? (also note the first caption on this page )
ReplyDeleteAnother thing, was apparently a misinformation campaign (bush-sponsored) that no longer exists. What are they up to now, I wonder?
Jones actually said that if the government goes for our weapons, there would be another 1776. The first revolution started when the British bankster whores tried to disarm us. We had nothing to lose then just like we have nothing to lose now. We are like a wounded bear and a wounded bear is a very dangerous bear. All it will take is the first raid.
Delete"...Alex Jones also mentioned in his recent Piers Morgan interview wanting to go back to 1776..."
Delete"Jones actually said that if the government goes for our weapons, there would be another 1776..."
A nice reminder (or proof) of why one shouldn't believe anything one reads unless one knows it to be true or until one goes off to do the research to establish the facts for oneself?
Thanks to the Anon's above for the reminder/proof.
Ninja Bambi.
re: Anonymous9 January 2013 10:33
DeleteYes, there is an affiliation between the man you mention and
the court case discussed here. The affiliation is that the man
is an American citizen. The other man you mention is just some
foreigner that gets paid to read a script to people.
Hope that clears it up for you.
Hi all,
ReplyDeleteI'm a historian with a legal and economic history background. I can write up the 'plain English' summary of the Paradigm Protocol documents that you're looking for. I just sent an email to the Trustees to make sure that they'll agree to vet my summary on a quick turnaround. Presuming so, I'll be back with the goods.
Awesome, thank you!
DeleteI understand that the work that the People's Trust did is global in scope. The documents provided are for a US court and I am in Canada. My question is about how to make sure the process can be used in my country. I would think that people in other non-US jurisdiction would have a similar concern.
DeleteWhen you vet your summary, can you make sure they address this? Thanks
Thank you and if it works out it would be great if you could give some ideas on how to proceed .
DeleteYes, Anaya, you are right.
DeleteThose of us in EU, or wherever else, will be wanting something to get our collective teeth into that applies where we live.
Ninja Bambi.
Dear Anony historian/legal/economic friend,
DeleteThank you.
Ninja Bambi.
Send this wonderful soul to the RTS workroom on Skype! Things need to get done and the Room is in sore need of dedicated minds/hearts/souls.
DeleteDear Anon, 11:50,
DeleteI beg to differ.
I suggest our 'wonderful soul' needs to be left alone, in a quiet room, to do what he/she has so kindly offered to do, with no interruptions.
Ninja Bambi.
gotcha :)
DeleteHow do I use these docs in Sweden?
DeleteHey all,
DeleteGot word back from Caleb (Trustee) that he'll vet what I write. So I'm on it.
Anaya and McCroft, I'm in Canada myself. My impression is that the UCC docs themselves can be used globally. I'll write the summary with that issue in mind. Thanks for the heads-up.
Can't skype, not enough bandwidth, I live in the woods. I'll turn up again after I've done some work on this.
Nice Paula drop me an e-mail when done.. bless you.. !
DeleteLove and light
Oliver aka McCroft
Paula - thank you! :)
DeleteThat is so cool thank you
DeleteThis is like trying to understand calculus without a basic grasp of arithmetic. Thankfully there must be way-shower lawyers out there that will help build momentum and take this somewhere and guide the laymen.
ReplyDeleteClarity for once, would be amazing. I hope they get back to you.
ReplyDeleteI wrote to emails listed on their site with a few questions when they originally released these documents the first time. 0 reply. hmmm.
Awesome video 'bugger the bankers' found on AK's blog:
Bravo 10:33, thank you in advance for your expertise. Anyone heard any recent responses from Drake? His show tonight may be enlightening, maybe.
ReplyDeleteDrake is probably pacing and drooling. He scoffed at this Boehner and arrest thing and is hoping that after running his mouth for a full year, he finally has a chance to be right.
DeleteDrake who? If you are going to gossip, please fill
Deletethe rest of us in with facts. Are you referring to
the guy in this article here?
Sine Metu,
DeleteSorry, we were referring to Drake Bailey who most of the time just goes by the name Drake. I heard him long before I heard of this blog. What is interesting is that back in the spring, he was reading from pretty much the same script we are hearing here, which makes it surprising now that he is so dead set against RTS and Heather. Drake told of mass arrests within the week, Nesara funds, the whole ball of wax.
It's not gossip. You can go to GlobalVoice and hear his old shows. My point is that he has never been right before and failed every time with his predictions. Stew Webb claims he is cointelpro and challenged him to an on air debate which to no surprise, Drake never took him up on it.
Maybe after Drakes false greenlight and subsequent loss in credibility, he lost all his followers to RTS?
DeleteWould make perfect sense.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, the President who is not the President is about to do an end run around the 2nd amendment.
Great point. He sure is doing quite a lot for a "figurehead" president.
DeleteYou know what bugs me the most? Heather and a lot of the other people involved in all this talk like the new age leftists. I just can't stand it anymore; even reading it. Cut the bs and speak in plain English please....if you know how.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I'm at one of those hard left blogs. It's infuriating.
lol...really? is >>>>>>>> that way
DeleteAnon 11:11, if you really want to hang out with the wacko, left-wing woo woo types, go check out Dingbat Jean Haines' blog.
DeleteLOL!!! I come here to see the updates. It looked promising at first but it's just more new age bs. I like direct language. Oh and we don't have cable tv. I never watch the news; I get everything I need to know on the internet.
DeleteOne more thing; it looks like business as usual in the sewage of DC. The kenyan terrorist will be sworn in again on the 20th.
ReplyDeleteWhere were you when the sewage of Bush was stinkin up the country with war and spending money like a drunkn sailor ooops pilot.Wake up the only difference between a dem and repub is the r and d get real are you that asleep!!!!
Delete"sewage of Bush"...
Delete...made me think of a toilet brush...
But even a toilet brush operates in honour and has a valuable contribution to make to society.
Ninja Bambi.
LOL!!!! The repukes and the rats are the same. I want a Constitution Party and I am a Libertarian. The repukes are essentially a minority wing of the demonrats. And you didn't address my comment at all; you just raged about the 2 worthless pos parties. You need to take some classes in English comprehension. Your response is both amusing and pathetic.
DeleteWake up! LOL!! LOL!!!!
LOL!!! You must be one of those leftists.
DeleteNot you Ninja Bambi...I love you lots. I'm referring to the one who voted for the kenyan terrorist.
You are correct about the inauguration. The White House is still selling tickets to the ball and claims they are almost sold out. They wouldn't want to refund all the money to the Democratic butt kissers so we have to know by now that this whole Boehner thing is BS bigtime.
DeleteYep. The first clue imho is this: Why, if all this wonderful news is true, do the "positive military" or "the good guys" whatever you want to call them... (per D's article "You Have To Know") why do they have to "pay off" those who are interfering? Why is that? I don't buy any of this at all.
DeleteThe first gun grab that's tried WILL start the civil war. If Americans don't stand up we will be a muslim slave nation under sharia law. That's what the kenyan terrorist is trying to accomplish and he's done a great job destroying this country.
there's that term again..."leftists" refer to anyone with a conscience, heart and mind for helping ALL the people.
Deletewe're all in this together buddy, so why not rise above partisan name-calling. consider it a good thing we aren't currently at war with Iran, and that's BECAUSE the "kenyan terrorist" is in office as opposed to that other wanker.
They're both wankers. And it's not partisan name calling. Leftists and communists are running this country. Research the demonrat party from it's very beginning. You might be surprised. The demonrats do not help anyone but themselves. The left and multiculturalism have destroyed individuality and are helping to ruined this country. LOL!!!! Everybody thinks the demonrats care about people. They care only about themselves, their money and power. period.
DeleteWe have a brainwashed lobotomized electorate.
...and I meant the demonrat politicians....that care only about themselves.
DeleteYou have a great way with words, 14:47! Thanks for the guffaw we all need at this point
DeleteYeah...and have you noticed with the leftists, they can't take it when someone doesn't agree with them? Not a happy bunch...they can't even get along with each other. You have to agree or else...! lol!
DeleteWill you shut up already troll
DeleteI saw someone posted that "248 arrested in US pedophile ring" link in the comments of one of D's posts, sorry I don't remember which one for sure. Maybe 3 days ago? I'm wretched with 3D time!
ReplyDeleteHappy to be involved in freeing eachother! We all know the problem is the time for action , peaceful noncompliance in any form is the way to end slavery
ReplyDeleteI think that I must be the dumbest dumb person on the planet, this makes no sense to me what so ever! I was once told by a lawyer that most people see the world in black and white, yet lawyers and the judges and indeed the entire legal system see it in a thousand shades of gray, and each shade has a price, thats how the legal system works, so, the real question that I want to know is, when will this all take effect, when will these people take control of the mainstream media, for without that they are just whistling in the wind, for as Stalin once stated, "control the media and you control the people", I am still wearing the shackles and chains, its no use telling me that I am free, if I my master is still standing over me with a big stick! the law needs to take him away and let not just "let justice be done" we the people need for "justice to be seen to be done"!
"I think that I must be the dumbest dumb person on the planet..." - No, you are not.
DeleteOr if you are, then so am I. Oh, wait. No. We can't both be the dumbest, can we?
It will all come out in the wash...
Ninja Bambi.
These documents provided as examples from TOPPT are great. (If you are a lawyer). We need to wait and see if: A) We can get a lawyer versed in UCC and Common Law to review and provide a template in plain english, B) Even after A, we will most likely still require an 'expert' in common law to assist us in filing the appropriate documents - in the correct manner.
ReplyDeleteI've been reviewing some of the various websites linked here by others (killingyourstrawman, yourstrawman, etc.) and after some time on both websites and on various other websites it is obvious.......this is a legal minefield that - when done correctly will set you free.
In trust with responsibility and ownership we will all have to educate ourselves on these 'new' principles are we journey forward. To me, like when learning a new language you normally have guides, tutors, mentors, experts who you rely on as you progress.....this is the same thing.
Finally, offtopic, there have been comments on Drake.....fwiw, I stopped listening to him after the '4th of July fireworks' alert. However, I do remember him talking about common law and that all the lawyers (and we the people too!) would need to re-learn what we once forgot.
Finally - to the Anon 10:33 - that would be very much appreciated! Thank you!
I too have been reading (killingyourstrawman, yourstrawman, etc.). He states that with every bankruptsy we go through we create a war so that we can create new currency. Still reading so not up on everything but what I get out of this is that now that we (they) are in bankruptsy a war within the states will be attempted so that the old system actually stays in place. Sooooo much reading with all this new info. I guess house cleaning will just have to wait a while longer.
In reference to that text your reading there 11:49 the war was in Afganistan following the fales flag event of 9/11 then in Iraq ON false inteligence, but those wars were not enough to satisfy the blood lust of these evil puketards, they want more!
DeleteAnon 11:34 Have you found out how to still collect Social Security if you kill your strawman after you have paid into it your whole life? It looks to me that this would only be good if you were a slave coming of age. I'm an old slave and have a lot invested and there are many boomers in the same leaky boat.
DeleteFrom Anon 11:34 to Anon 13:13
DeleteI have not. You bring up a good question....I have run across a few more while downloading documents, ebooks, websites, etc. And I am still traveling down this rabbit hole. I will post more once I feel 'comfortable' the information is accurate.
(Which means - by the time I do that - TOPPT will have produced more documents) : - > (fingers-crossed)
I posted a question on another post about how all this is supposed to "stop" WW3/the next American civil war and why haven't these people been arrested yet, but I'm posting from my phone and for some reason it won't allow me to reply to that comment.
ReplyDeleteI appreciate the response, but I still need further clarification. I'm a new reader, so I haven't read anything really besides the most recent posts, so I guess I've missed what you've been talking about regarding all this. I'm not saying the trustees have done nothing, but I don't understand the connection between their work and preventing WW3/civil war. I do understand that fear is a control tactic, but that doesn't make the government's control over the military and their motivations/actions any less real. If you would please provide some type of evidence that really proves none of this will come to pass, I would greatly appreciate it.
Some interesting background on ancient "voluntary slavery" in Egyptian times:
ReplyDeleteHi all,
ReplyDeleteJust a quick post to let you know about Deborah Ariel Pietsch's blogtalk radio show tonight...
in Love,Light and Unity
Day 3: 7 Days of Creation-Activating, Igniting & Anchoring the Global Re-Set-Throat Chakra-Speaking Gratitude that it is DONE!
Note to Audience – What does your New Reality Look like?
CALL in with 13 things to share, anchor & activate to the world…
Tonight’s show is intended to be a fast-paced, high energy show with lots of callers calling in and SPEAKING – yes we’re activating your Throat Chakra – the GRATITUDE you have for everything that has already occurred in your life since the Global Financial Re-Set has already happened!!
The Global Financial ReSet HAS occurred – the money, the currency is F-L-O-W-I-N-G …your life has changed to include many synchronicities, co-incidences showing up everywhere, headline news continues to reveal more GREAT things that are happening in the world…
We are in the process of 7 Days of Creation – 7 Chakras, 7 Elements, 7 Frequencies and 7 Days to MANIFEST INTO THIS TIMELINE OF LIGHT a new reality …
We’re IN THIS TOGETHER – We are creating a Unified Field of Light AS Beings of Light Unite…feel the shift, be the change, release the baggage and garbage of the old timelines that were filled with deception, greed, enslavement, control & contraction of money…
A new Day is Dawning – the Golden Age is here – We’re speaking from Gratitude that it’s done NOW!!
Much Love to you ALL!
of course of course all wonder of the world for me
ReplyDeleteBTS close the blog if it is to tell bullshit for 1 year
ReplyDeleteHere is what Geno Kalmes thinks regarding why the reset has not taken place:
ReplyDeleteGeno KalmesJanuary 9, 2013 9:23 AM
By the way Dinar holders, white hats, and others confused as to who is blocking the resets and pro-longing the war with terrorist attacks, "insurgents."
Bush is blackmailed by the Mossad, the Israeli Zionists DO NOT WANT a prosperous IRAQ or Middle East, Muslims United.... They were the one's that created the think tank policy papers of the Project for a New American Century... That called for a Pearl Harbor event right before 911 and whose main signers and contributors just happened to be in all the key positions to order stand downs from the Pentagon to the White House... Including NORAD.
Larry is viciously angry because the revalue of the dinar and currency resets challenge the Zionist control of banking. The movements around the world also challenge their control of law, the Bar Association, and the Corporate contract law that usurped common natural law in the United States around 1871.
The White Hats can't win this battle because they refuse to identify the real enemy. The main reason I stopped participating.!
the news obama more taxes
I want to be free and not be a slave but I just don't understand any of this! :(
ReplyDeleteQUESTION....if Obama is sworn in again on Jan.20th does that mean this Boehner deal is FALSE??? Curious minds want to know??
ReplyDeleteIt means it's all bullshit. And you don't have to wait til the 20th to know that it is.
DeleteWhat concerns me is why did they include this particular bucket of excrement in with the Trust stuff? Is it poisoning the well or is the whole package all BS?
DeleteEach ticking moment with Obozo working to disarm us makes this start to stink even worse.
I was thinking the same thing Anon 13:42
DeleteIt would seem that the announcements would happen BEFORE that date unless they're not ready.
Let's use our 'COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS' to get it done!!
Hello all I am truly amazed at how many of these type blogs are in turmoil over this topic, wow at times I feel like Linda Blair in the Exorcist. I don't believe anyone is taking the time to find out what it all means for humanity. Other sites are popping up, FB groups are popping up, and I've tried to keep up with them, impossible I am not at all sure anyone knows how this is going to help. Now correct if I am wrong is this not suppose to be about all of humanity? If so why are there so many different groups forming and not combining to work as one? Is that not what we are suppose to be working toward? I would love feed back on this. I am just an old confused lady.
ReplyDeleteTruth has many parts to it, and each sees different part. What does truely being human mean to you? We are all unique, and each has to follow what is true in his/her heart. Life does not come with an instruction manual although tptw made us follow their version for centuries. It is time to grow up.
DeleteI don't remember saying anything about truth, and I think maybe at 62 years old I don't need to be told to grow up. I am talking about unity, is that not how everything got so messed up in the first place, everyone out for themselves. I see that most are still want to hide behind anonymous, so maybe we should question ourselves who the grownup is, I don't have anything to hide do you?
DeleteThe power of the creator is the loving choice to experience through many.
ReplyDeleteThe power of many is remembering the choice to experience.-I learned this concept from Operation Terra website since 1999, there is no duality NOW , 3D world is holographic illusion , everything we choose to do just for Knowing our Selves ,seriousness killing all the fun . Everything will come in place at right timing , that is how the universe operates ,there is a clock fits in different timeline ,there is no mistake just like our watches or clocks. Patience is a virtue to test out the degree of our Heart for unconditional Love .-V
ReplyDeleteI think this should be our anthem. I was very moved when I heard it.
Set your dreams where nobody hides
Give your tears to the tide
No time
No time
There is no end
There is no goodbye
Disappear with the night
No time
No time
No time
No time
No time
My interpretation: First two verses self explanatory. Time is an illusion. Humanity will never cease to exist as it only changes. The negative side of duality go away. Please share with me your thoughts.
if anyone is interested in how far the freeman,common law,magna carta movement is faring in the uk while you wait patiently.
ReplyDeletetry here
and also when some people used common law in a british court and attemted to arrest a judge for not being on his oath.
these are from a couple of years ago,I do not know how far forward any of those involved are,but I am sure the breadcrumbs are all in place.
And in other news, Clinton is thrilled to be back at work after her illness, er, I mean, secret indictment. And the President-who-is-no-longer-President is considering subverting the Second Amendment by means of an Executive Order. Silly people, don't they know that they have been ousted?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Oboza the Forger is about to show us just how free we really are.
Deletehey D - are you going to start posting updates to your facebook page?
ReplyDeleteGood evening. I have asked this question multiple times and now I'm going to ask it again. The Pierce County Civil Case - HAVE ANY OF YOU READ IT? Pay attention now. The 2 links for Pierce County Filings that have been bouncing around this echo chamber for the last few days relate only to filings. It leads only to the option to download 4 pages. These 4 pages are NOT the case, and contain NO information on the motions or rulings of the case. They are merely an acknowledgement of filing. A record that a complaint has been filed. OK? - are you with me so far?
ReplyDeleteLet me make it clearer by offering you an example; I can go to my local courthouse and have my dog sued for eating my lunchbox. I can go through the proper legal ropes to have this case filed. I can show everyrone that I did indeed sue my dog and point to the filing of the case to prove I did this. This does not prove that I won the case and the dog was ordered to pay me damages. Do you all see the difference? D - do you see the difference?
So I will ask you all again, one more time, altogether now - "HAVE YOU READ THE CASE"?
I've tried a similar approach, Peacefrog. People are so impressed with a filing. I've asked can anyone point me to a positive legal decision resulting from any of these filings, and no one ever answers.
DeleteSorry to say, but not much has changed with human nature, 12/21 be damned. Peoples eyes glaze over and logic goes out the window with the promise of free money. This is what irks me about the whole thing: dress it up in new age clothes with 5th dimensional lingo and it is still as legitamite as a ponzi scheme.
Good luck with whole Freeman thing, people, sounds groovy. But don't expect any of your efforts to put dime one in your pocket.
Well you're in luck. I didn't buy the filing, but I bought the case. $200 lighter my nearly empty pockets are now. SHE LOST - the PLAINTIFF was ordered to pay $11,785 in sanctions to the bank for wasting everyones time with "baseless claims", "riddled with non sequiturs", "unsupported legal conclusions" "being impossibly vague" putting forth "strawman arguements".These are a few quotes from the defendant's motion to dismiss. So what did the court have to say about it?
The Court Finds......................................................
1. There is no dispute that the bank lent money to the Plaintiff and her husband through a line of credit secured by the Property at issue, and that they accessed those funds.
2. Plaintiff can not challenge the foreclosure on her property because she failed to enjoin the Trustee's sale
3. Plaintiff has failed tostate a claim for fraud againsed U.S Bank.
4. The documents Plaintiff recorded purporting to cancel the Deed of Trust, Notice of Trustee's sale, Trustee's deed, Appointment of Successor Trustee and Real Estate Excise Tax Affidavit are without legal force and effect, and are invalid.
5. Plaintiff has failed to state any cognizable claims againsed U.S. Bank, and U.S. Bank is entitled to dismissal of all claims with prejudice.
6. Plaintiff's filings in this action have been both baseless and wre made with an improper purpose
BASED UPON the above finding, it is hereby ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED that:
1. Defendant U.S. Bank's motion for summary Judgement is GRANTED
2. Plaintiff's Complaint is dismissed without prejudice.
3. U.S. Bank is entitled to an award of sanctions the amount to be determined at alater hearing
You're all welcome, peace.
DeleteGo to this RTS thread:
"This is 'taking action'"
Toward the end of the thread, a transcript is posted of a conference call devoted to discussion of Heather's Pierce County foreclosure suit on her own house. She was evicted from the house and she discusses this in the transcript.
However, her action set a precedent that began to shift the way that the Sherrif's office in Pierce County, WA did business. This in turn had a positive effect on foreclosure settlements in Orange County, CA. Heather and others discuss this in the transcript also.
Heather put her own house into foreclosure in order to test the process. She took a bullet for the team. What the TOPPT team learned from this process allowed them to finalize the UCC filings that have now become the TOPPT Paradigm Protocol documents.
The Paradigm Protocol documents now for deployment in our own individual circumstances. We don't need to file a slew of documents anymore; instead we just need to refer to the Paradigm Protocol documents, which rely on UCC Filings.
My two cents. Peace back at you.
OMG PEACEFROG! THAT IS REALLY BREAKING NEWS. On behalf of everyone with a heart I want to thank you. I also want to apologize to you for losing 200 bucks and I am sorry no one else here NO EVEN ME put up the money. I don't have any...I got less than 200 in my bank account. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
DeleteThis looks like she is trying to start some kinda scam put advertisement on her page and direct a lot of traffic so she can make the money. OH PEACEFROG - LOVE YOU LOTS AND THANKS A 200 BAYILLION!!!!
Hi Peacefrog
DeleteThe "9" documents I was able to download from the Piece county website, shows a different picture. Are if looking at the right case ? Maybe she lost and then won it back ? What is the date of judgement in your case ?
Heather has worked for years for filing a report which government and bank and eliminates the cabal and gives liberty to people or who come and ask the to make known to the world 2 blog unknown to most of the world it did not post in media or another 2 blog unknown worldwide bullshit you all
ReplyDelete"And... we can volunteer as candy strippers in hospitals to help the nurses on the night shift."
ReplyDelete--Anon 10:18
That is one of the funniest things I have ever read.
Can't agree with you more, since we can always volunteer for something. Didn't know there were candy strippers in hospital though--
DeleteI am going to try and do some "reflective reading."
ReplyDelete1. We were told that we will know what is going on
2. We were told Hillary was arrested and in the Hague
3. We were told of a "green" Christmas
4. We were told to sit back and color
Now, when someone tells me they are going to do something, either they do or don't. What I see while reading is no information that is out there on the web. Hillary is receiving presents for her illness due to her staff feeling sorry for her, the green christmas must have meant no snow is some regions. We have sat back and colored for a long time.
Here is my question, why should we believe anything anymore? You know how it works, you cry wolf too many times, pretty soon no one believes you. Is that what this is about? Distract and confuse what is going around the planet?
Maybe we need to get back to the reality that we all know. Maybe we will all ascend after our is completed. Who knows? All I read is "get your hopes up." -"Nah, I am not going to tell you, just kidding."
Well, there comes a time when we have to critically think this thing out. Yes, things are going on behind the scenes. No, we are not going to get to know, because all I have ever known about the dark is they do everything in secret.
If there is a candle in the room, no amount of darkness can take it out.
That is what I believe in...
After watching Drake, Cobra, Wilcock, Poofness, Machaffee,AK etc all put so much stuff out that has never come true and some old proven BS, I firmly believe that what we are seeing is an all out assault on the integrity of the internet. Doesn't it sound just like what is going on in all the staged shooting incidents? They are all made to grab attention, sensationalize, but never give you any truth.
DeleteThen you get disgusted. If you get disgusted enough, you are more willing to let them censor and control info just like the idiots that think they will be more safe if guns are illegal.
Newspeak - Agreed 100%. However rational thinking isn't permitted on this blog. If you didn't have a name, your post/opinion would have earned you the name 'troll' by some here which unfortunately steals credibility away because that's what Cult's do. Disallow critical thinking. Go try and question Scientology and see what happens. Same result. You'll get attacked.
DeleteI'll issue an apology upon such time as 'something' is delivered upon in a tangible way.
But as long as critical thinking is attacked, its empty of worth.
I see some negativity here, so guys please try to be patient. I'm working a job that is killing me and all I want to do is quit this daily war, but I just can't yet. Like all of you I'm waiting for this global reset miracle.
DeleteWe are all frustrated, but the reason this reset hasn't happened yet is because of the criminals behind all the misery in this world. They have to be taken out for this to happen. We will soon see if the "good guys" have really been successful or not.
These controllers are maniacs and will fight this war to the very end. I hope to God we win for once. We haven't won since Atlantis (thousands of years ago). That is veryyyy longgggg drought for the "good guys" team. Instead of complaining you should pray that these criminals are finally defeated.
D, is an amazing human being and even if she is wrong this time it is not her fault. Thanks to her I invested heavily in both Dong and Dinar. I found this blog by accident and read her "intel" about the currencies" When these criminals are defeated we will finally see the global reset and not before. I'm just praying that it is finally this week. I know the "good guys" are trying to the best of their ability and maybe if they fail is because they are just not smart, good or strong enough. Let's pray they shock us all and hit a grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth to win this horrible and painful "power" game.
I'll bet the NSA has teams of paid-disinfo'ers in the basement working all over the internet. Since everyone conceals their identity due to their 'sources', or 'insiders', we can never ask them to verify themselves. And they attack us when we do.
DeleteI ask my higher self to direct me. So far, I'm suspicious of every blog except Kauilapele's. KP stays neutral, doesn't allow comments to then attack or call 'trolls'. Nor does he make comments he can't back up. He simply presents info with a preface of using discernment and doesn't claim or preach for others to believe and is a much more credible and positive vibe than any other blog or site I've found. :)
I feel as if we were let down time and time again. It's as if the roller-coaster has taken off in high speed and there is no getting off.
DeleteIt hurts so much to read one thing, just to be let down the next day.
What type of world are we living in?
We hear of the "trillion dollar coin"
We hear of the resignation of the bankers
We hear Boehner is the interm president
We hear that some of the PP's going out
We hear of the fiscal cliff
We hear the BRIC system is doing great
We hear the IMF is in big trouble
We hear the People's Trust filed paperwork
We hear what we want to, discount what we want to as well.
The fiscal cliff was a lie, our taxes went up, making our paychecks smaller
The BRIC system is doing great, does that have anything to do with us?
Does the IMF have anything to do with us?
The bankers who are going to court, what does that have to do with us?
The banks are being sued, money is coming in, but it sure isn't going to the people who work hard every day
There is no relief in taxes
Every day we hear our second amendment right is about to be dismantled
Every day is getting harder, food is going up and there is nothing we can do about it.
We try to take care of our family, and even extend ourselves out to help the poor. We do everything that is right in our hearts, but there is no relief. Who are the good guys? Who are the bad guys? Who knows?
I believe D is doing her best with the amount of information she knows. Her only flaw maybe is that the sources she is "vetting" are all in the ring together, pushing her along, to get the bloggers excited only to let them down again.
As for Heather, I really don't know. Like another blogger had stated, "Has anyone seen the court case?" Just because papers are filed doesn't mean a thing.
The "dark" have always hid themselves very well. So well, many people believe they don't exist. But they do. They try to put out anyone's candle who starts to think for themselves, because those type of people don't make good little slaves.
They try to scare us
They try to bully us
They try to use us
They try to hide from us
They try to confuse us
They try to destroy our spirit
Frankly, maybe in a few days I will be feeling better... but right now it doesn't feel as if the "light" is winning.
The darkness hides from truth
The darkness loves to watch us cry
The darkness feeds off of us
The darkness will lose
After all, with all the movies we have watch and conditioned to believe, isn't that always the outcome?
Again I'll state I have never read anything D wrote stating Hilary was at the Hague. The only thing that I've seen inferred is that Hilary was under house arrest and had an ankle bracelet monitoring her movement. She can still go to work with that. Please, show me where D or Heather stated Hilary was at the Hague. I'll be very surprised. I think you made an inaccurate assumption
DeleteNo one has questioned the issue about the teleporting of the gold. In that long interview at the 2:08 mark she is asked about it and goes off on a tangent and then comes back and says yea she or they teleported all this gold. This exchange is not in the transcript of the interview.
ReplyDeleteInteresting. I heard her say it and heard her tell Brien that "we" had possession.
DeleteSo why would it not be in the transcript?
I remember that.. and she was giggling through it.
DeleteI see some negativity here, so guys please try to be patient. I'm working a job that is killing me and all I want to do is quit this daily war, but I just can't yet. Like all of you I'm waiting for this global reset miracle.
ReplyDeleteWe are all frustrated, but the reason this reset hasn't happened yet is because of the criminals behind all the misery in this world. They have to be taken out for this to happen. We will soon see if the "good guys" have really been successful or not.
These controllers are maniacs and will fight this war to the very end. I hope to God we win for once. We haven't won since Atlantis (thousands of years ago). That is veryyyy longgggg drought for the "good guys" team. Instead of complaining you should pray that these criminals are finally defeated.
D, is an amazing human being and even if she is wrong this time it is not her fault. Thanks to her I invested heavily in both Dong and Dinar. I found this blog by accident and read her "intel" about the currencies" When these criminals are defeated we will finally see the global reset and not before. I'm just praying that it is finally this week. I know the "good guys" are trying to the best of their ability and maybe if they fail is because they are just not smart, good or strong enough. Let's pray they shock us all and hit a grand slam home run in the bottom of the ninth to win this horrible and painful "power" game.
Final time. This is absolute crazy talk. I know we all want to believe, but this is a red herring. Pure and simple.
ReplyDeleteWhen the student is ready, the master appears. - Buddhist Proverb
ReplyDeleteBeware of False Prophets. ...talking about RTS
DeleteLOL HAHAHahahaha
ReplyDeleteCrazy Talk? Well, i guess we all know what side of the shift you are headed to then, huh. LOL The funniest part about all this is that D told most of her regulars to tone down on the stuff we all REALLY know because it would probably spook a few nice people that could honestly use the help. So, if you came here to try to convince anyone they are crazy, let me help you out. Basically, this stuff is so old and tired, we already been through it all 100's of times collectively and you are getting this "news" dead last at the butt end of the barrel only because its considered OBVIOUS to most rational people in OUR side of the shift. Oh well. Toss you a line when it happens, though, but you are probably like that guy stranded on the island telling everyone, "God will save me" LOL.
Huggs anyways,
Tree to you, please
So, in the new age, 5D, we no longer say anyone is damned or going to hell, after all that's all so laughable.
DeleteNow, instead, we point out "what side of the shift" they are headed for while knowingly shaking our heads from "our side of the shift"
Got it.
The way your going on about, makes you in the WRONG side of "the shift". Honestly, you are the definition of a troll. A new age troll at that.
DeleteUnfortunately, you couldn't be more of a harm to this blog and to this cause with your ignorance, childish, caustic and condescending empty of fact tantrums. Its so obvious to everyone but you that your 'feelings' get hurt, and when they do, you react like and make yourself look like an adolescent.
Your pretending to have info, claiming to be filtering old info to all us, "on the wrong side of the shift" is condescending, untrue and removes any doubt that you have a mental issue. Theres no intent to "help' anyone in your actions.
You use this blog as if you have some sort of power here but your inability to refrain from being emotional betrays your ruse and exposes you for the fraud that you are.
If you're an adult acting like this you should be mortified. If you're not, you're missing the mental gauge that sane people have that tells them to be a rational adult. You've yet to display an adult response or relay a fact of worth here.
Word of advice. Sit this one OUT for awhile before you totally ruin this entire blog for those who still buy into it.
No credible site would align with such angry and illogical adolescent types. So if your intent is to help. I suggest in your time off, you re read the definition of Help.. It doesn't mean chastise, insult, divide or alienate or be defensive or childish. I'm trying to explain this to you as plainly as possible. Take this and elevate yourself and stop name calling and help if thats what you want to do. I seriously doubt if there is a 5d shift, that anyone there is calling others names and having tantrums. Have more Love than Anger, unlike now.
Sine - So you've been through the shift, and you have nothing better to do but hang out on a blog?
ReplyDeleteLet me know when they hold the Ego Olympics - I'll root for you, as you'll Surely be the winner!
Right on Anon 17:42!!!
DeleteSine is to be ignored. Sine is the definition of Troll and also unstable.
DeleteAnyone want to take bids on heather, d and sine being the same person?
ReplyDeleteD, D, D, - please answer me these questions three.
ReplyDeleteI ask you valid questions but you never respond, I don't press you on them, and I stick up for you because I think you're doing your best. Then you pop up to answer a superfluous question that doesn't amount to anything more then speculation, skipping over many more pertinant questions from other people, why is that?
Why didn't you do some due diligence with regard to the TUCCI - JARRAF foreclosure success story? I asked you "did you read the case" - No answer, so I bought a copy myself. Read the ^court ruling I posted above^.
Why did you promote her story as a template for other people to follow when you didn't read it?
If you are a genuine person as I thought you were, you will at least do me the mild courtesy of responing this time.
P.S. That goes for Obi- Wan, Brian and KP.
P.P.S. Heather is probably in a trance, she may actually believe the garbage she spouts, that's why she is incapable of answering a direct question, not because she's in the 5th dimension. That's probably why the mind - control video was put out. Do you get it? Am I jumping to conclusions? Are you going to answer me now -ARE YOU FOR REAL?
DeleteDid you say it looks like the case never went through and was not a success?
Or is there just no record of success?
He spent $200 on the case and posted it above. Heather ...LOST.
DeleteAnonymous 18.18 Look, I don't know. I have no experience of courts, and apparently, according to someone in that thread, the losing doesn't matter. The case sets a precedent to make it easier for other people have success. Quite frankly I do not have the intelligence to comprehend how that could be so. I'm half blind and I have a headache from pouring over all that tedious legal language. I'm going for a walk, peace peeps.
DeletePer above post in this thread (Anon. 17:12) :
Delete"Heather put her own house into foreclosure in order to test the process. She took a bullet for the team. What the TOPPT team learned from this process allowed them to finalize the UCC filings that have now become the TOPPT Paradigm Protocol documents.
"The Paradigm Protocol documents now for deployment in our own individual circumstances. We don't need to file a slew of documents anymore; instead we just need to refer to the Paradigm Protocol documents, which rely on UCC Filings."
Who says there was no ascension on 12/21? Apparently, all one needs to do now is to claim the currency of their new 5D selfhood and the annoying 3D concerns magically disappear. Well, they are acutally left for the poor shlubs who didn't "shift" along with you and your new 5D pals.
ReplyDeleteIndeed, Tom.
ReplyDeleteTo those of you who are dissatisfied, I must say you are on to something. Most people seem to have been taught to discredit their intuition. You however have obviously retained some vestige of it. That will serve you will.
On the other hand, to those great many people here who express dissatisfaction at being unable to "wake" people up to the coming "shift" in consciousness, I would venture to say that your real frustration is far simpler. Look again at your neighbors and friends--look closely this time. You will see what you never saw the first time: they are quite awake already. Most of them have watched Oprah talk about the crystal awareness and new consciousness. Most have read Eckhart Tolle on the evolution of the new earth (it was, after all, on the New York Times Bestseller list). Most of them recycle in order to save the planet (or Mother Gaia). And so on.
You see, it's the Age of Aquarius. It's everywhere. If they don't bat an eye, you can rest assured that it is only because they have already heard what you are saying, not because they refuse to wake up. If they express mirth or dismay, it is most likely out of shock at the extremity of your demands.
Have you ever noticed that everyone is saying in essence the same thing?
That was Cryptic at anon 18:08.
I hope the psychopaths don't throw a wrench this time to fuck things up.
ReplyDeletethis could turn into something very interesting. wish this lady luck!