
Wednesday 16 January 2013

Impromptu Chat With Lisa Harrison On Blog talk Radio

Hi everyone!  I had just sat down this evening after getting kids to bed and I got a message from Lisa Harrison asking if I could pop onto  The Collective Imagination Radio Show on Blog Talk.  I came in around the 43 minute mark if you want to listen in.

The Collective Imagination

5D Media Network

The Collective Imagination - 1/15/13 (US) | 1/16/13 (AU)

by 5D Media Network


  1. Thanks for joining us D, an enlightening pleasure. Lisa

  2. So from what I've heard on this broadcast is, you admitted you have no idea if what you are being told is jive talk or not. That is very much in common with the bs Drake was given and we all know what was told to him was complete garbage.

    Today you also had to backpeddle on the Clayton Hanna sign up. I remember back when all of that went down, you assured everyone that it was the real deal ect. We know now, that isn't the case and the source of those funds are now supposedly the RV. Many of us who own Dinar and follow the RV also understand that in itself could easily prove to be a total sham.

    What I'm getting to and honestly, I am not trying to hurt anyone here, I'm only trying to get FACTS out so average everyday people can make reasonable decisions. So what we have here, appears to be a well worked cabal disinfo campaign that has been going on for more than the year. Different characters brought in when and old story line falls dead. The new story line is then spread about with a new blogger or radio personality.

    I think that pretty much sums everything up correctly and honestly!

    1. Yes, we 100% agree; and have not covered this latest line of BS. Really people, it's not so complicated to work out, the alleged original trust documentation had a very, very basic error in it "the the" ... Please; do stop spreading the latest OBVIOUSLY PROVABLE nonesense.

      This is the people who have the REAL information's biggest problem right now.

      Less lemmings; more covering REALITY please.

      Leo Wanta, for one.

      Lord Blackheath for another.


      Focus on them please, and jump in one easy second, from part of the problem, to part of the solution.

      If you need DOX/vids, etc on either of the above, we have them in spades.

      Use on site site (or if blogger search is letting you down, use main google with #OTB or #OccupyTheBanks etc ... gets into our site deep! :~)

      Please folks; HELP US!

      The White Rabbit!
      SOLUTION to fiscal crisis:
      "Get your Chaumian digicash library here ... we've needed this for many years!" c specifically:
      If you're a blogger/webmaster; consider the easy route ;)
      #BITCOIN Free Website #Blog Content #OT #CRYPTO

    2. PS. the BRITISH GOVERNMENT doesn't DA-NOTICE bullshit. Check out the HANSARD extract on site and then check HANSARD.

      Case closed; 15 trillion; we can NAIL THE LOT with this intel, but I cannot do it ALONE!

    3. Don't make life decisions based on info from people, just look inside and be guided from that place. Whether this is disinformation or not makes no difference. Just acknowledge the info and have joy when any or all of it unfolds. Simple task. No need to try and guilt because you aren't getting the answers you need to make some sort of intelligent decision.

    4. When I went to hollow earth website to learn about the Clayton Hanna sign up deal before D. put out on this blog , I felt a feeling of letdown too, I applied the grant because it supposed from St. Germain Fund , if it's going to be from IQD RV, just like all other investors are only speculating it will happen , if the grant is from St. Germain Fund that is not a sort of charity , but if it is from currency RV ,it's a charity , I don't need a charity. Start from beginning ,didn't Mr. Hanna know that we applied for St.Germain grant ? maybe he meant well , it's just not right , because it makes the whole thing totally different.
      I do hope Jan. 21 /2013 is the last date of Gregorian calender.or the first date of galactic calender in different time/space continuum .-V.

    5. Everyone already has the answers within they just don't like what their instinct is telling them so they hold on to the denial and deception and repeat the same expecting a different result. Of course our beloved blogger is boggled. A bored mother desperate for an altered state of mind to escape to will create any world she can. How many moms or housewives do you know of that rub elbows with the inner circle while getting the kiddies teeth brushed and ready for bed? Hundreds, right? Maybe I'm wrong but something is starting to rise to the top and so far it's not smelling so good. I pray for all of our sake that I got it all wrong but Ds lack of attention in addressing specific and valid questions says a lot.

    6. And this DWM character appears to be the latest installation. Can you believe the thunder this charlatan has gathered in the past week? They seem to understand we are getting tired of these old characters, so now they are offering up David Wynn Miller as the latest hero of the disenfranchised.

    7. My friends, everyday when I open the computer and open up RTS I have several choices I can make:
      - I can choose to tell you the truth that I know, give you the details that I know, give you my opinions (that are marked as MY opinion), I can give you the intel that I've been told and have vetted out to the best of my current abilities, I can try to explain to the best of my knowledge how certain pieces come together. I can keep you up to date on new information that I receive, I can tell you when I'm wrong about a previous post or information and I can honestly admit when I have made a mistake, or not had all the facts, or been given incorrect information.

      - or I can choose to stick to my original opinion/facts/information and refuse to admit when I'm wrong and can make up things to support my original opinion/information/facts and bash anyone who doesn't agree with my outdated info and proclaim that only I am right.

      When Clayton posted the information about the Grants that many people applied to receive was NOT through the SGT, I immediately posted the information here, in full transparency. The grant applications have been processed and are awaiting the funding that is coming through RV money that is being set aside by group of people who have invested in IQD and are tryign to make a difference in the world by sharing and spreading the wealth. I know of another group doing the exact same thing with RV and PP money.

      " I'm only trying to get FACTS out so average everyday people can make reasonable decisions. So what we have here, appears to be a well worked cabal disinfo campaign that has been going on for more than the year. Different characters brought in when and old story line falls dead."

      Which is exactly what I am trying to do: get the facts out to the people. I made that choice. Yes, there has been a shitload of cabal disinfo crap going on, and as I uncover each piece of the puzzle and expose it for what it is, I come here and tell you , the people. Yes there are different characters that rise to the attention of the public- some are disinfo agents who's purpose is to distract from the truth. That is one of the things I talked about with Lisa Harrison last night- digging up the truth of the major players and figuring out how they fit into the picture and who's side they are on. then bringing that information to the public.

      I bring what I can, in full transparency. the ultimate choice is up to each reader to decide what and if they believe. I just write. once I hit "publish" it's up to you what you do with that information. I try to answer questions, I try to respond to comments... and if someone wants to give me an extra 10 hours to add to my day, then I'd probably be able to do that job better. Sorry.

    8. BTS, I have NO doubts that what you are doing comes from a good place. You are well intentioned and the work you do here comes from a good place. That said, my words at 20:27 are pointing out FACTS!

      People need real FACTS to reach logical opinions. They need real FACTS to carry on with their lives to help protect their families. Sadly, what we are witnessing is not FACT but what appears to be deliberate "disinfo" fed to your multiple sources ( whether they are in on it or not).

      What does it say, when all of your sources agree on what they are being told and then when said time interval takes place NOTHING happens or if something happens it is completely opposite of what should have happened? Clearly that is a true sign of disinfo and manipulation from people above the source, isn't it?

      I often wondered over the past year when supposed bloggers and radio personalities watch as the info they are given fails to appear, what YOU actually think of the source's "intel" going forward? Doesn't that tell you, they can no longer be trusted? Doesn't that tell you that they are either making things completely up or being fed disinfo? What other options are there for repeated false info?

      This is a side show generated by the cabal to keep people focused away from coming together to defeat them. Why do people have to come together if there will be mass arrests? Why do people have to come together if a new financial system will take them out?

      As this sideshow plays out, on the grand stage, we see the cabal grinning from ear to ear and moving assuredly and steadily to disarm the American people with poorly constructed false flags and reaching THEIR goals!

      P.S. back to Clayton Hanna for sec. How could it be that a person in charge with collecting names and distributing grants NOT know the source of said grant? ...or worse yet, how can that same person preach a certain source and then completely turn around and say it is now coming from a new source that has serious potential of being a sham itself? ......Funded by the RV, really?

    9. Don't sweat it, D. No matter what you say, certain ones will not give you an inch (even though they offer no positive input or ideas, only doom,gloom and their so called "reality"....guess they're right, everyone has something to sell). You'll explain yourself to death when you have to continue going in circles. Just do what you do and everyone else can continue doing what they do. Those that receive your messages will continue doing so and those that don't, won't. We know the game being played and those that don't "get it" by now, (at least on this blog) don't want to get it, nor do they want others to get it. Best not to engage those. Although, I see there is a new movie coming out where the "zombies" can become Human again when they learn to Love instead of fearing everything facing them. Maybe that will help some folks out. Thank you for all you do!

    10. my friend. Please feel free to step up to the plate and take over. I'm having a very bad day right now and seriously considering walking away from the computer for a few days. So. anyone that wants to go dig out the information, please, feel free. I'm not being bitchy or sarcastic, I'm seriously requesting that someone else step up and try their best to keep people informed.

    11. Namaste, dear BTS. To my understanding, Namaste means "Bow" "I" "You" or more understandably, "The Divine of Me honors the Divine of You." You are perfect as you are. If you are stressed, please get away for a bit and do something that makes your heart sing. Hugs.

    12. BTS, how can someone else step up and inform the people? No one else here started a blog because they have multiple inside source feeding the "intel".... wrong or otherwise.

  3. Reposted:

    Okay, so I'm listening to this Universal Voice interview with Russell Gould, who works with David Wynn Miller. Apparently, Gould is to meet with Obama on February 11th to discuss ways to alleviate some of the financial problems in this country.

    Obviously, Gould didn't get the memo concerning Boehner as our new interim president. He obviously believes Obama will be still be president in February.

    So how does this play out with the declaration on this blog that Boehner is the new prez? Help me out.

    1. Again, with these new characters coming out of no where to save the day, Heather this guy David Wynn Miller.

      I think now people are waking up to this new form of disinfo. Already i have heard many doubting this Heather and as of today many were calling out this Miller character. some even saying he is a Freemason.

      ...and that is EXCELLENT! what the heck have ANY of these characters done to gain such trust from people? they have done NOTHING except come onto the scene spouting a new concocted, feel good message.


    2. As has been mentioned, David Wynn Miller will be on Drake's show tomorrow night. We need as many sharp people as possible listening to that show, as possible. Drake and Denise will be asking audience questions to be answered by DWM. Watch the 24-part YouTube video series, if you have not already. This should be a very enlightening interview for all of us.

      Gould seemed very credible to me on the UV program, but all of these characters need to be put under a microscope. Eyes wide open.

    3. By the way, "America" means "no justice for the sheep" within the corrected syntax utilized by DVM and Gould.

    4. David Wynn Miller firmly believes that there's no ice at the north pole. True story.

    5. Anon 21:48, seeing that you're much smarter than DVM, why don't you send in a brilliant question to Drake's show tomorrow in order to expose the man even further?

    6. Who the hell is this David Wynn Miller? All of a sudden, out of no where, this guy appears and everyone just starts following him for no reason. Did he seriously say that there is no ice in the North Pole. WTF?

    7. David Wynne Miller should go to Canada and head North. I don't think he will have to get too far on foot for his "200 IQ" to let him know that just maybe he will find ice at the North Pole.

    8. I have never been to the North Pole, nor to the South Pole.

      Any information about what is or is not there, is hearsay to me.


      Ninja Bambi

    9. Check out his Wikipedia page; my bs meter went off listening to him.


    10. DWM uses a common tactic that many pathological liars use, but one that can be a bit subtle for most to catch. The first thing he does in any of his talks is to offer up his bonafides (none of which can be confirmed), and in that offering he establishes that he is hopelesssly smarter than ANYONE is the room, certainly, but probably more like the planet. This puts the audience on its heels as no one is willing to challenge his outrageous claims. And this is where the fun comes in for this pathology. He can satisfy his pet sickness with one lie after another until his ego comes to love this power so much that it chooses to believe its own lies.

    11. Remember to tune in to Universal Voice radio tonight at 4:00PM Pacific to listen to Drake converse with David Wynn Miller and field questions from the audience.

      The really smart people on this blog need not tune in because they have everything figured out. Very bright people they are, to be sure.

      The truth shall be found and will set you free. Imposters will ultimately be exposed.

  4. Its WORTH listening.

  5. I come across some pretty interesting stuff on the Silver stackers type channels. This Must Watch group of youtube vids are as good as Wilcox's stuff and it will open your eyes to how the high muckety mucks have been using (in their mind) legal means to buffalo (help) the country.
    This is about the ESF (exchange stabilization fund)of the Treasury, complete with drug running and murders all last century.

    I post it to anyone that thinks what Heather et al are doing is rediculous. this video will spell out rediculous for you...

    1. And your level of education, and thus ability to discern when you are being bullshitted is in severe doubt, if you cannot even spell ridiculous.

      Dignity (yours and mine) prevents me from saying anything else save this: People, get with the program, or GET OUT OF THE WAY.

    2. ANON 21:12 Absolutely Correct. and nice time of post btw. Means you're correct. lol

      Taxes went up today from a shut down Govt.

      Heather, an attorney without a computer.. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA

      This site is absolute DISINFO.

      Nothing comes true.
      More Sh1t is put out
      It passes with nothing
      More "almost here"
      Then Nothing.
      THen Insiders tell me blah blah
      Nothing again
      BLIND BELIEF IN NONSENSE these people.

      Quick question.. collectively between all readers... how many teeth are we talkin on this site? 2 per?

    3. Even D in the interview has reservations of the info that she is receiving. People have the power of intuition, they have discernment. We need to use it. Let's be sure that we are asking questions. My thought is this.....What if our government WANTS this NESARA to end the nightmare they too are in? A Reset that gives them another 100 years to rebuild. I am not a religious zealot, but I do remember the Bible saying......."Satan would come as a Being of Light". What if? What if we fall for this easily to find out we have been viciously deceived? We need to use our best discernment. Believe me, I want freedom also, but not at ALL COSTS. Let's be firm, and insist on direct answers to our direct questions. Let's be of Love & Light when we ask these questions. Its ok to ask questions and not just blindly go where a stranger wants you to go.

    4. David Wynn Miller even stated in his seminar on youtube that he showed the Government how he could sue for all these foreclosures, and THEY could get a portion of each foreclosure. Does that sound like David is of Love and Light? Why would he CARE if they get a portion of the 25 million dollar lawsuit? Think! Think! Yes, he is brilliant, he has a mind that is unbelievable, I understand it when he talks Quantum Grammer, because I have a college education and I am into that kind of stuff. Yes, it makes "sense", but.........does that mean he is of Love & Light. No. Godly beings do NOT care about our government getting their fair share. Right? He had stated he worked with the United Nations to rewrite ....their Constitution? Really? Why do we care about the United Nations? They are not of Love and Light....... We really have to discern......seriously discern......

    5. Hey, Super Spammer/21:27. It seems that you have a bag full of shit to sell? Oh by the way your garanimal/super hero outfit is a tad small....

    6. Ha ha! I have all my teeth! :-) People here know something is wrong and they are looking for real hope and answers. There is nothing wrong with that. At least they are looking, unlike many people out there.

    7. Anon 21:42 your ridiculous insult at the end of your comment shows your level of maturity.

  6. This helped clear up some confusion for me, personally, when it came to the confusing nature of the documents. I get it and I continue to enjoy the unfolding of all of this.

  7. I miss cryptic.... his clues, chasing them. Cryptic, if you are reading this, please come back!

    1. Your time would be better spent doing crosswords than following a self-confessed paid shill. Just saying...

  8. We have NOW come to the time otherwise known as the "fork in the road", whereby we are witnessing the facility for perception of TRUTH, or the complete and utter inability to grasp what is just beneath one's nose (and WE do not mean "snot"). The mind will OPEN to the potential of an unfolding Higher Reality, or it will NOT. Those who continually choose to nay say and refuse the Light of day will be relegated to the dungeon of their own making. THIS is a guarantee, for the Universal Laws are to become manifest upon this blue-green orb, and they will bring with them either an infinite potential, or an eternal sentence to the prison of one's choosing. ALL have been and forever WILL be offered the outcome of their own creation. NOW is the time to embrace what is the birthright of each and every Sovereign BEing upon this planet, and cry FREEDOM from the mountain tops, to echo from the ONE heart of ALL Creation and beyond. NOW is the time.

    1. Not so hasty... Anonymous 22:00..... it is not yet time, to shout from the rooftops. Discern.... Freedom is not yet ours....... patience......don't be the fool.....discern, wait, and soon we will know. For me personally, all of this "disclosure" is no disclosure. Our lives, our government, our tyranny is much bigger, broader, etc that to even assume that this is all it takes. Think about it. The government is constantly trying to suppress info, they delete postings, they pull down websites.... I think something big is happening for sure, but I am not certain it is what we have been waiting for........... I think we have many more trials to go through before we will be granted our freedom.

  9. D....Heather told you that the "constitution was not a perfect document" and everything is taken back to prime. Does that mean that the Constitution got wiped out along with everything else?

    1. I am actually surprised nobody stopped Heather when she got too "deep" and said, "NO NO NO! Speak in layman's English. Legaleese will confuse people even worse. Just speak in "regular", layman's English!"

      And just keep stopping her until she does speak in the language of the people--because legaleese does not make sense. It often causes me to get rather short with people that DO talk it. The language is round about, and says absolutely nothing five times in a row. Or worse, gets you into a terrible agreement you didn't even know you made--buried under 30 pages of subtext and bs.

      I have told myself that if it does not make sense, and I cannot digest it I cannot and WILL NOT take it as anything of positive value. And instead as a HUGE detriment to my mental and physical well being.

      Legaleese is the reason I'm so deep in debt. Legaleese is the reason I might NEVER be free from college debt this useless degree in BS and "hope". They call them "liberal arts" degrees now from what I hear.

      Tired of hoping, wishing and really quite tired of folks popping in and not talking English. If I can't understand you then you'd better *dumb it down* before I leave mid-conversation, Heather. D:<

      If it wasn't for AmericanKabuki's *wonderful* presentation and the other presentation on Leo Wanta, etc. I would be completely in the dark and fully frustrated. Heather makes no sense, and I will never trust my emotions when it comes to something this important.

      "Feeling" leads to some very dangerous places as long as certain folks control everything...they use emotion to lead you to some pitfalls. I learned that VERY early in life, and still fall for it. I love just like everyone else-- I cut it off like a faucet the second I even suspect something is off. And this is one of them I can finally say after getting to the end of that crazy long legaleese she offered.

      ONTOPIC: Thank you for being honest with us in the broadcast/blog. It is rather difficult to be privy to knowledge and then not have the tools to 100% "back it up". I might have given out long before you would have even considered the thought! I appreciate you and your work and I wish you the very best.


  11. questions to those of you with a law degree who understand this stuff, because I dont
    ok, "I am free" what does that mean in reality? does it put food in my empty belly, does it pay long overdue bills ?, does it give me warmth at night as I try to sleep? does it feed my neighbors kids when they cry of hunger? does it help me at all now that their are no jobs to be had? the answer is s big no! I can see why some of the slaves in the past feared their release from bondage, and I truly would like to embrace the freedom you talk about, but for me and 300,000,000 other people here in the USA we could use that ten or even one billion we are worth right now, we dont need "lawyer speak" we dont need platitudes, or empty promises, we have had too many of them, we need something that we can physically hold on to, we need action, and out in the open stuff, we need to see it happening, as Heather said "here are the tools", fine, I worked for 30 years in engineering, I know how to use my tools, but its no good giving a jeweler a set of tools from a plumber and expect a fine work of art from his bench in a few minutes, so this will have to be dumbed down for the rest of the population, you cant give a starving man a silver salver of caviar and expect him to understand the nuances of fine etiquette, just give him a steak and a lump of bread and he will understand and enjoy it, I wish you all well and hope you all get the freedom you want, but until we see real action in the mass media, real action (not subtle hints) this to most will be just another episode in "the twilight zone" so, I will bid you all farewell, and I will carry on trying to survive until I cant, then its game over!

    peace to all mankind (even the haters)

  12. And D - we need to know what happens to the Constitution under this Trust.

  13. This trust is bs

  14. The Keshe foundation Is going to make a big announcement
    On the 20th 21st maybe this will be the catalyst for disclosure

    Now for the public trust watch the kids movie THE POLAR EXPRESS
    Maybe you will get the message.

    We are the creator what ever you believe in your heart will become your
    Reality your choice.


    1. "We are the creator what ever you believe in your heart will become your
      Reality your choice."

      People say this as well that we create our reality by stating in and believing our intentions and I wonder.... Do the starving kids in Africa believe that they should starve? Is it their intention to create a reality that they starve to death and die from diseases every day that are easily cureable? Just wondering if the intended to believe in and create that reality for themselves? This must all be their choice seeing as how we all create our own reality.

    2. Exactly right brando. The "creating your own reality" thing is part of the con.

    3. To understand that, brando, takes deeper spiritual understandings. It's a hard thing for most to wrap their heads around, when it comes to suffering in the world. There IS a purpose for all that happens and in our current state of limited understanding, it's hard to see that. All situations are created either consciously or unconsciously. You cannot control actions of those around you, BUT you DO choose HOW to respond to those events and circumstances. Nobody with compassion wants suffering, anywhere. I don't know where you are on a conscious level, but the answers to your questions will come to you (if they haven't already) when you are ready. I DO have a feeling that all suffering, as we know it, is about to end. I wish you well, Brother.

    4. Anon 06:09, it's only a "con" to those with no basis of understanding and to those that are deeply invested in the physical. You should know that the physical isn't the "real" world. Just because you can't feel, touch, taste, see or hear something, doesn't meant it doesn't exist. You have unlimited "senses" but you've filtered all your life through only 5. The term "con" that is so freely thrown around is from those that haven't yet understood there is more at play that what is being shown on the "news" or from your "Life experience". There is MUCH more to this world and to Life than most are aware of. This is not an insult to anyone at all, it's just that some are presently more "aware" than others. We ALL have the ability to become aware, at any time that we choose. That's all it is really, a choice. A choice to stay in the "shell" we've been in, or to allow the shell to fall away and be "birthed" into a new life. Change is good. Staying dormant in a sea of misery, anger, jealousy, bigorty, "beliefs", etc will land you exactly where you are...never evolving as a Person, Being or Soul. It's your choice where you go from here. Nobody else can influence your growth, unless you let them. Peace to you, Anon 06:09.

    5. Hold on. Hold on. Brando raises a very good point about the falsness of the whole Manifest-a-new-world crowd. We can put a major influence on our world and our personal lives, however, there is a higher power that has the ultimate autority over all of it. Call it god, the light or whatever, but this authority is inscrutable and final in its creation. This is why we can never understand why anyone would starve or suffer horribly, but to say that all these people need to do is to manifest food or health is not seeing the whole picture.

    6. Michael your attempt to answer is merely running circles around the question....And it does not come down to my spiritual understanding of the situation it comes down to are these people consciously or even unconsciously choosing to minfest this horror that they live in? Cuz Im pretty sure the answer is no.

    7. Michael you come off as disingenuous and arrogant and you just insulted at least half the posters here. I believe you have a long way to go. I don't trust you.

  15. It was a great show ... thanks for posting

  16. Does anyone else get the impression that we are being carefully "ushered" down the proverbial treasure trail towards truth? If you look at the way the juicy information is coming out lately, it just doesn't seem "natural.". The cabal's mistakes are simply too obvious, and the whistleblowers are just too self-contradictory. Hmmmm...

  17. D, just want thank you for doing what you do!

  18. Paitience, Grasshoppers.

    Master Po: [after easily defeating the boy in combat] Ha, ha, never assume because a man has no eyes he cannot see. Close your eyes. What do you hear?
    Young Caine: I hear the water, I hear the birds.
    Master Po: Do you hear your own heartbeat?
    Young Caine: No.
    Master Po: Do you hear the grasshopper that is at your feet?
    Young Caine: [looking down and seeing the insect] Old man, how is it that you hear these things?
    Master Po: Young man, how is it that you do not?

    1. And it frustrated Young Caine to the point that he hung himself by the balls until dead.

  19. It's become apparent to many, what/who we have waited for is us, and so WE manifest!! Why is there so many folks still uncomfortable and unable to REALLY believe it.

    EVERYONE that actually is BE'ing and DO'ing are not always disinfo agents. Discernment and trust of what we've created and still creating. Don't stop.

    Watch and take care to feel/see how perceptions and old programming attach themselves into the current shift WE WANTED.

    It's what we've created. Why be skeptical? Go with it, BE with it. DO IT.

    Give thanks and show appreciation for all the truth feelers in the world. We have EVERYTHING to Gain when we LOSE the old mind/ego gotta have proof to believe it attachment(s). Legalese and Mainstream haven't worked FOR us historically, so why does any one require it to believe there IS CHANGE NOW????? It's a feeling and expansion from the seat of the soul and zero point in OUR ONE heart.

  20. Well said! Thank you for your contribution!

  21. Hi D. Thank you so much for sharing this recording with us all and for your personal contribution. I found the information shared in this interview/gathering very uplifting and quite calming for me personally. I am extremely excited about the days, weeks and months ahead of us all, it's going to be an awesome blast of fabulous energy in my opinion. I believe we have reached the point of no return and that truly makes me smile. Much love to you D and thank you so much for everything you are doing to bring this new reality forward.

  22. Sometimes i think Heather knows that stuff is gonna happen on X day but she cant say it, so she's giggling in her home at our frustration and theorycrafting. Does anyone think about it too?

    1. My sentiments, exactly.

    2. No, I think she giggles because she knows better than anyone what a load of crap this is.

    3. Anon 11:47, sometimes I get the exact same impression as you. It does seem that she knows more than what she's telling.


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