
Wednesday 30 January 2013

Collective Imagination Show Last Night- WOW!

I'm sorry that I didn't get to post an update in time to let you all know about the Collective Imagination radio show last night- it was another usual insane evening for me, lol.

If you haven't listened to the show yet, Please DO!!!  Heather concurred with all of us that it's time to rip the bandaid off!!!!  The energy of the show was amazing- The energy of it was enough to wake up friends in Europe in the middle of the night!  Not kidding.

I'm hoping that our ever expanding transcription team will have this have this  show written up asap.  The energy was so high that we had a perfectly clear line to Heather without so much as a bobble- and THAT has never happened before!

On a personal note: I woke up this morning with an intense amount of energy and guidance as to the next step of the journey.  We are going to move ahead with creating our own media outlet.  If YOU want to help us DO this, and you have any experience in web design, media, etc... please let me know in an email so that we can really pull this team together!

huge amount of love for all of you!


The Collective Imagination

5D Media Network

The Collective Imagination - 1/29/13 (US) | 1/30/13 (AU)

by 5D Media Network

At this pivotal time in Humanities evolution we are beginning to remember our organic technology. A technology when used correctly, can create an experience that the majority of people the world over want to live. It is time to use this technology consciously for our own benefit and healing and no longer unconsciously for own demise.


  1. I woke up with some crazy energy today too !!! Have a feeling it is going to be a good day. Thanks for all you do D !! Blessings.

    1. Hi D... Here is a "must listen" GET Team call with special guest "Contact 2",
      who explains how the RV/GS/PP ties in with the dark side, and why
      they are fighting to prevent it all (includes info on multi-billion-dollar
      cabal satellites that can be positioned anywhere in the world, read our
      email, our body temperature, and more). He also states the Chinese
      now have control over the release, and much more.

    2. I finally realized the dream I was living in was just a dream and now I am awake to something new and exciting and I am going to have fun! I am free and have always been free.

  2. D's quote "We are going to create our own media outlet."

    Considering Hope, of Hope Girl 2012, has pulled together this new business plan for their initiatives, collaborating with her/them about this new media outlet seems like a good step forward. So, among all of us connecting with this blog and others of like mind, let's just invite our Inner Being/Higher Self/Knowing Within and ALL PEOPLE WE DO KNOW to think of any connections we have with people in this field.

    As we tap into our Imaginations of what this NEW MEDIA feels like, looks like, tastes like, sounds like, we ready the 'vessel' to be built here in the physical realm Who do we know who would be psyched to help support the creation of this?

    How marvelous to help in any way we can, let's see how it materializes. Getting in that FEELING PLACE is so imperative to help get it going quicker!!!

    :-) YouMa

  3. So, how can we listen to the show? I clicked on the above links..... nothing.

    1. Try this. I had the same issue:

  4. Hi D,

    I missed the live show, and like your European friends was awakened at 2:33 am. I felt the energy, checked e-mail, and KP's MP3s of the show were the only thing in my inbox. The energy of the show is amazing.

    Does anyone have more info or direction on the Zeolite Heather mentioned?

    Thank you for all you do, D.


    1. I'm looking for info on the zeolite too! The show was amazing and the synergy was unstoppable!

    2. Tony, this is the product I finally settled on:


    3. Zeolite, you ask? Just so happens that I just became an affiliate (literally today; haven't had time to put the info on my website yet) for a company that sells Zeolite along with Silver Hydrosol and other amazing products you can't find at the local drug store. Here's the link for Healing

      Wow, that's funny! I've got to listen to the audio.


    4. I looked into Zeolite awhile ago and how successfully it was used at Chernobyl. So I bought this brand. I just put it in my morning cereal and my overall health started improving after a few weeks of doing so. Now I wouldn't want t be without it.

  5. The show was amazing. Absolutely amazing. I had a dream that I shared in the RTS skype room and now share here. I was walking in the woods and came upon a small group of men torturing a small rabbit. One man was holding it. I wrapped my hands around his and said give me the rabbit. At the same time a brillinat white light shone down on us and he let go of the rabbit. I held it in my hands up to my chest and asked Mother/Father Gaia to bring it back to it's birth state, meaning heal not only it's body but it's soul, it's innocence. The white light shone on us and seemed to connect to the men also and we were all healed. I wrote this dream down on the back of an envelope and promptly went back to sleep. I dont interpret dreams, but I think it means that we all need to start healing others with our knowledge now and work towards this immediately to hasten the awakening. We must all be awake to heal from the monetary slavery sytem or it will enslave us again. As they said on the show last night, LOOK HOW FAR WE HAVE COME JUST IN THE LAST MONTH. It is snowballing. And lets do the gold excercise and post in on the social media websites. We have to get this info out to as many as possible.

  6. it just occurred to me....has D or any of the ones with some pull here, contacted Foster & Kimberly Gamble of Thrive regarding the OPPT? getting them on board would probably explode awareness of this.

    i'm also hoping to see Fulford, DW and Kerry of Camelot weigh in on TOPPT...they've all been completely silent up to this point.

    1. Sent Kerry an email this morning with a link to the radio show. Also sent links to Clyde Lewis on Ground Zero, and to Rumor Mill News. Hope they realize how serious this is and help get the word out

    2. They all need to open their minds to OPPT otherwise they are not doing their jobs in helping free humanity.

    3. I absolutely agree that Kerry of Project Camelot should be involved, she has a huge following and was the one to awaken so many of us.

      It would be great if someone arranged an interview with her and Heather. We need as many strong warriors on our side.

      Warm wishes,


  7. I've been reading an interesting book that I wanted to share w/ my family of like minded, loving beings! As it contains info I believe relates to exactly what Heather's been discussing. Alchemy! - From the master himself. (Mark Prophet - St. Germain on Alchemy - Science of Self Transformation)

    > So I go to get the Scribd link which I had saved and was reading yesterday and it's gone. OMG, does this not go right along w/ what Heather says "the dark forces don't want this info out. - Good thing I read 2/3 of the book. (I will try and find a new link.)

    1. Found one ..

      : )

  8. You people are absolutely INSANE!

    1. I know we are and thank you!

      Sine Nomine

    2. It's not insanity, it's group consensus thought. In the old days dragons were fully believed in, and so in their chosen reality dragons were considered real. Same thing here. Even though not a single concrete result can be pointed to, the group consesus is that it is real.

    3. Sadly, I must agree with ANON 13:58.
      Heather is TOTALLY INSANE.
      This TOPPT thing is NOT REAL.
      I ain't buying it.
      This AUDIO has absolutely confirmed it.
      I shall not return here.
      Peace Out.

    4. Finally got chance to listen to the radio show...

      D: Whoopie cushions and purple hair dye in the shampoo? Love it. :)

      Ninja Bambi

  9. So glad I listened to this. I had to leave early to do caregiving, but I want to listen to it again anyway. How can heather be so 3D as a lawyer, but so psychic and 5D. She must be an alien, a galactic. I have studied metaphysics for 50 years. This was about the most metaphysical presentation I have ever heard.

    1. I'd wager she just has a direct line with her higher self. She has awareness of who her I AM really is. I get glimpses of this and it feels a-freaking-mazing, and then it all goes away. Sometimes I feel like I'm directly connective with my higher self and leaving my body from a mental sense, and just piloting from afar. It has happened more and more frequently ever since 12/12/12. It is definitely a journey we are on, I'd just wager Heather has traveled further on the path and is taking full advantage of her I AM knowingness.

    2. Just wanted to say that I smile every time I see your name, "fourthmeal"! Taco Bell, I'm assuming? Thanks for the smiles, Buddy!

    3. I don't know why, but I always get an Agartha vibe from Heather! :-)

    4. Hi fourthmeal,

      You took the words right out of my mouth!! :D Thank you so much!! I've been experiencing the very same thing for years now! Your right about Heather too.

      I also believe we all have this same ability....just have to learn how to tap into it. ;) !


  10. Media is the ticket . I have been thinking about this heavily the past 3 months . A network . A channel .To run parallel to all the big names . A network dedicated to highlighting all the good stories globally . The truth on stories that are manupilated on the other channels . Give people a choice to change the tv channel from them to us . From negative channel to positive channel. From lies to truth . I propose we call it the "Good Channel" the peoples network or something like that . Im talking everything to compete with Fox cnn abc cbs world wide . Reporters helicopters journalists meteorologists sports ..... the whole enchilada .I envision having the superbowl on our network and channel next year. Channel 1 or channel 0 or whatever . Something that fits the idea of 1people globally , universally . From there we would have our off shoot channels for science and history . The real truth . Even sitcoms on our network that take a new direction . We control all that on our network . Positive themes . Not like the other guys , pure violence , cops , sex, drugs , and racial divide . No sir . Nothing but good stuff . Man its what we need ASAP !

    1. I have had this same thought...a news/ programming network that spreads love instead of fear. Christi C.

    2. Also if those prosperity funds are for real, we the people can fund our own media!

    3. That will be awesome, and I can see it happening!

  11. One thing my attention is drawn to, is that higher evolved consciousnesses may tend to subconsciously regard others as being nearly as evolved as they are. They can't easily relate to the concept that some people want to violate and exploit others, and hoard wealth, for their own selfish purposes. An ape in a $20,000 suit, still has the level of conscience of an ape. No disrespect to apes. :)

    The evolved, must set aside the unevolved as any kind of "leaders". The evolved have mistakenly trusted. The unevolved have had the drive to exploit that trust.

    The fundamental desire that spiritual evolution has brought many of us, is the desire to cooperate with each other, and rejoice in our collective success, in the form of peaceful and fulfilling lives for ALL. To an evolved being, that is the only useful definition of success. To be selfish and dishonest to produce personal wealth, while others suffer, is an example of personal failure, not success.

    The only difference between "the cabal" and common crooks, is level of opportunity.

    When common crooks conspire to mug an old lady, or rob a liquor store, it is because that is the only level of exploitation that they have access to.

    The criminals that endeavor to exploit all of humanity, have the same unevolved "TAKE what you can" mindset as the liquor store robbers, they simply have the opportunity to violate and exploit larger numbers of people than just a liquor store owner. As such, they can afford to buy more expensive clothes, but unfortunately the brain behind the suit works the same. :)

    1. In 5D terms, those souls are considered "service to self" where they only care about themselves.

    2. I believe that STS vs. STO is not necessarily obviated by actions. Only the consciousness itself knows what it's motivations are.

      I totally agree with you though; the activities of some people indicate heavy STS polarization. However, it does provide us with an experience rich in meaningful catalyst. It's just that I'm ready for a life experience of MILD catalyst for a while. :)

    3. Yes, as evolved beings, we really must wait for the absolute data to be revealed.

      It is most inappropriate to "own" anything.

      We have after all moved beyond the linear way of striving after things. All of that was so 3rd dimensional. Do you not think so?

      You should. If you do not, perhaps you will hold back your ascension.

      I recommend the following film for all of you who are enlightened enough to know better then to have to read those old paper books:

  12. "he energy of it was enough to wake up friends in Europe in the middle of the night!"

    Aha, that has so disturbed my beauty sleep tonight, you take no respect well, grin

  13. Yet Wikipedia has dumped the OPPT page as having lack of credibility. They said the only references come back to the same three web sites that have offered nothing in real proof. Imagine my shock.

    1. Wiki is controlled by the elites, they will delete any article that speaks the truth.

    2. One successful linked case would have been enough to provide proof of substance. Instead you are told over and over to use your imagination.

  14. The group called Anonymous could be of great service in regards to getting this information out. Imagine if they hacked into all the major television stations or satellite(s) (not a techy, so don't know how it would go)and interrupted all programming long enough for the "Official Disclosure" to air. GOOSE BUMP CITY!!

    Giggles, smiles, and more giggles!


    1. They would need to be careful or the sheeple could get spooked and go on a stampede.

    2. This could only have come from a warm and loving heart--one that is "holding the light."


    3. Anonymous and occupy are what "woke me up"

    4. Cryptic, do you approve of Jane's idea?

      It seems that you like it, the energy of it.

      I don't recall seeing this type of comment from you before...

      Ninja Bambi

    5. Cryptic and Sardonic?

  15. Hi guys,
    I listened to the show a day later. Just wanted to let you know that it is well heard and noted in Bulgaria. OPPT work and info is closely followed and highly appreciated, gratitide to D and all other people disseminating this most valuable info.
    With best wishes from Bulgaria, Stan.

  16. Uh, wow. A lot of us moved a good portion of our HARD-EARNED wealth into REAL MONEY (gold & silver) from the criminally unbacked fiat dollar. THAT is our protection and OUR energy. THAT is our cumulative labor energy. But we're participating in the slavery of another energy field, according to Heather??

    Heather wants us to go digital? And live in happy communes?

    1. Honestly, it sounded like they were rolling around in mud on that topic. Very unclear.

    2. I warned you.


    3. You warned us of WHAT, exactly, Cryptic?

    4. About a moneyless society I think Anon. 15.28. Digital credit serfdom.

    5. Ahh, digital credit serfdom.....where others know exactly what your digital credit totals are at all times. As in no financial privacy whatsoever??

    6. And the communes. Don't forget the communes. They are lovely are they not? Waking up in the morning to the sound of communal labor. Going to sleep at night to the sound of...well, communal labor.


      Farenheit 451 burns money too.

    7. I posted this further on down, but after reading these comments, this is where it belongs.

      It appears that Bill Gates and other Elites want this cashless society. If Heather and Bill Gates are on the same page, it makes me take pause on this idea in more ways than one........

  17. It woke me up too! Those are probably the energies that Sheldon Nidle mentioned
    in his post last night.

    I can see how those waking up will need the BOOST to be able to withstand the impact of just the announcements.

    They will roll out NON-STOP for 3 hours!

    I'm encouraging as many people to have something set to record it because on the first time around most people won't be able to pause, rewind etc. They'll have to 'SWALLOW IT' with NO WATER!!

    1. Yes babycakes ,He probably mentioned it last month and the month before and the year before that and ,hey,you dont need to believe ME!
      go here and check out exactly what he said and when he said it.

      Presented to you with kindness,in order that some charlatan does not pull the wool over your eyes.

    2. baab,

      I've been reading Sheldon's messages for several years now, but there have been many 'first's in the picture happening ritght before our very eyes this lifetime for instance:

      How many times before have we had a President of the United States that taught Constitutional law for eight years before becoming President?

      How many times before have we had the influx of energy of our Sun effecting Planet Gaia as it has over the last several?

      The 'firsts' are too numerous to name, and the bottom line is, I'm here on this blog because I believe that we are helping mankind usher in the next age, the Golden Age.
      Humanity HAS to progress, as long as there is a God, it will NEVER stand still.

      All of my years of research has brought me to this point and I choose to believe that
      it is time to move forward.

      What you believe is totally up to you.
      Love and Light to you :)

    3. "How many times before have we had a President of the United States that taught Constitutional law for eight years before becoming President?"



    4. I've been reading Sheldon's messages for several years now- and ?
      i have given you a link not as a competition to how many times you have read him,But in order for you to look with your own eyes and see the proof that he has been saying the same stuff for years....with no result.
      Did you look?

      I would be grateful if you would go and look at the posts,which are provided by Sheldan,and then come back and tell me that he has not been saying,the same stuff over the years with no results,soon,soon,just around the corner,the green light,etc......

      Then you just change the subject with something about Obama???
      Again you have no proof about Obama teaching Constitutional law,no one has any proof of Obamas past,its all heresay.

      How many times before have we had the influx of energy of our Sun effecting Planet Gaia as it has over the last several?

      Well again I have only been alive for nearly fifty years so i do not know how many times this has happened,and as far as how it is affecting humankind,there is no proof of anything.....yet.
      And I dont think you do either,Its just a subject that goes hand in hand with noo age lightworker stuff...and it is very interesting.

      Also, its always time to move forward..not just this moment in time.
      I want my children to have joy in their lives and not be abused or exploited by liars and charlatans,
      I hope others see and maybe investigate the Sheldan Nidle Link I provided...And not just go with what you comes across as a faith based thing...and we know where that leads.

      One other thing,the Golden Age is a Saturnalian Age,its not for everyone.

      I once had a discussion with my Reiki teacher on what she wished or 'believed in.
      One world government one religion,one love etc...........
      Well guess what the new world order wish for...the same thing!!!!!

      So hold that light BabyCakes...oh That reminds me,what are the Illuminati all about?
      Thats right Illuminating everything..with thousand points of it.

    5. So let me get this straight...

      My understanding is that the People's Trust is based on absolute sovereignty of each human.

      That we all are derived from the same creator, and no one stands above or below another. No need for divisive lines on a map or belief systems

      So yep, in essence it's "One government (if you want to call it that), one religion (if you want to call it that), one love etc."

      The "illuminati" wants One government, One religion (we think) etc. But with all their hierarchy, slave system, injustices etc...

      And you really have the audacity to sit here and call them the "same thing"

      Please tell me we all haven't consumed so much flouride that anyone actually read read your sentence and were nodding their head in agreement ;)

      Tell me you were chuckling and were just "joshing" when you wrote that.




    6. If you don't believe thats okay, nut with the same respect you wouldn't walk into a church and tell them their faith is meaningless and that GOD doesn' exist. You would definately get the boot out the door. Same here if you believe this is nonsense, tell your friends and family and leave it at that. I clearly choose to believe there has to be a better life than the one we exist in. One where if someone is sick or starving they get the care they need. I have lost faith in our current medical field and government. You go to doctor to get help and all you get is a HUGE bill with a bunch of pills to swallow, with all kinds of side effects that could make you worse off possibly. How is that OKAY? I am fed up with the charlatans in the medical field who shove crap down our throuts and tell us our pain is in our heads. They are a JOKE.

    7. What is so hard to believe Sean,
      Make a list,for both.
      The New world Order and The New Age.

      Write down the goals for each.

      Sit back and give it some thought.

      As for the love and light thingy,look up the illuminati and see what theyre agenda is.
      And compare it with Holding the light.

      Now if you want to add in the heirarchy for each.

      remember and add in ,The ascended MASTERS,All the gurus,all the wilcocks,cassidys,heathers,Drakes,all the celebrity noo agers.

      Now for the current situation add in the royals of the world who wear a fancy outfit and claim the god given right of being special.
      Now add in the would be gods in the noo age movement and all the folk claiming to live in 5d and claim the god given right of being special
      There is not much of a difference.

      The cashless society...whos agenda is that by the way?

      No I am not laughing.

    8. baab 'No I am not laughing' - me neither when you put it like that. That's why I prefer a 'neutral observer' stance at the moment.

      Sine Nomine

    9. Here's your answer Baab, Bill Gates and Elite pals want a cashless society.....

    10. This is very interesting...

      I instinctively like the idea of a cashless society. Why not?

      I did know about the Bill Gates, et al, agenda towards the same thing.

      That I don't like.

      We know who they are.

      What is the solution?

      I doubt if I know...

      Ninja Bambi

  18. I have alot of good ideas regarding how to take the final step and get the announcements and disclosure out to the masses. This is where me and others can help.

    1. Perhaps you might start by not calling them "the masses."


    2. Each is an individual. Maybe everyone is forgetting "Self."

  19. Wikipedia is cabal controlled my friend . Very decieving . Heck , Websters dictionary is cabal controlled too. Keep going forward my friends . We will make our own dam wikipedia. We kind of have to anyways since we our free now. We need a watchdog for the oppt , a group that is dedicated to inspecting every thing that is shoved in our face and down our throat . We can now supercede the fed . Legally too. ! Every food ,medicine , consumer product , vehicle , the people have the final word. If it is'nt in the best interest of the people or hazardous or unhealthy then we simply reject it . We are legally the final word on everything now . Coorperations now have to design products that meet our standards ,not the federal corp. standards . That is conflict of interest . Someone needs to tell Heather that its crystal clear now . Heather thanks ! Lets run with it ! It all just clicked for me . I see it now. Ucc is the means to put the greedy ones back in their place. We can technically sue now too . I will work for free as an inspector of something . Or part of a team that protects the people of the republic of usa . The republic usa military and coast guard is mandatory . Lets make sure our military is not coorperate run. It is to protect the people period ! Just open your imagination a bit . Its ours right now ! Common law my friends ..

  20. My vote is to yank the bandaid off quickly!,
    Excellant broadcast,the energy is amazing

    1. I agree. Yank it off and be done with it. I know those in the position to make this happen want it to be a painless as possible but I think we reached the "painless as possible" point a while ago and further delay only increases the suffering of those who don't see any way out. I also think that they are underestimating the ability of the Unawakened to adjust to the new realities once they are presented with the facts. Maybe I'm an optimist but I believe that Humanity will rise to the occasion once the blinders are off.

      Wandering Fire

    2. And I can see why there are fears there will be civil war. Someone misunderstanding the meaning of all property is owned by everyone and walking into his neighbor's house and taking it at gun-point? Anyone thought about that scenario? Its a real possibility if this is not handled properly and sensitively. What is the ratio of awakened to asleep? Logic and common sense need to raise their heads and THINK about the implications.

  21. All due respect to all of this but the truth of the matter is a huge percent of people in the states and in the world are so dumbed and numbed down they are not going to get all this that is spoken on this show above, so now we have to wait around for over 6 billion people to come to level of were some of us are, They don't want to hear about raising conscious of having this energy, People are dying, losing their homes, jobs, cars etc ... People are shot down, way down, always waiting! b.s.

    If you want to raise the energy of the people, knock out the cabal-media and get the truth out there and start to wake them up! Why are we going backwards, why is the media not been taken over? Why? If I told somebody the gold has energy, they would just walk away, most people don't want to hear about science/spiritual / going back to prime stuff, co-create this is going to take a very, very, very long time to waken them up. Remove the creeps, take over the media and start with the truth and get some kick start money out there.

    A huge majority is not where heather is in her mind and knowledge and they aren't going to be. I have been following the nesara thing 24/7 for almost 15 months and stuff around the 9/11 stuff and everything in between since 2001 and I have a hard time wrapping my head around what Heather says, forget about your everyday people. I cant even get people to understand about the basics of nesara let alone what Heather is saying.

    1. I, Agree Anon1201, you have to use a information portal the sheeple are accustomed to being the gateway of truth CNN/FOX/ABC, sad but true. Even my on family in friends they are completely brainwashed by these media outlets and you cant convince them othewise. One problem In last nights show there was no mention of Gold Ormus or Orme', which I've, read is an essential component for ascension, that you ingest over a series of 5-7 days.

      Just curious as to why this topic was not discussed.

    2. I am also in agreement with 12:01.
      I wonder if it will take generations for the people to accept the "new reality".
      It seems that popular culture evolves rather slowly.
      Maybe a "miracle" will happen and all will have the veil lifted so they can see.
      TOPPT is real but it will be bucked/ignored, made fun of etc. until it gathers some serious momentum.
      The more people believe in it, more will believe in it. Like a small snowball rolling down a hill :)

    3. I really loathe the term "the sheeple" and the smug elitism that comes across from some people here. All the talk about 5D and all those useless dolts in 3D - if you were so damn enlightened, you'd be out there on people's levels, the same way that truly enlightened people are. Sorry if this is "negative" but honestly, if any of you who have this kind of attitude want things to move forward, start somewhere a little closer to home.

    4. Sue, they are just the Solidarity Patrol.

      You do seem a bit negative. You wouldn't want to be seen alone now, would you?


    5. Where did all the 3D ascension to 5D come from? Anyone know?

      You have a good point Sue. Thank you for making it.

  22. Two important factors: Media that has a large viewer audience already established. Heather said she had those connections, and, recognizable people to be there to announce. To create a credablity factor. Alternate internet sites are unfortunatly easier for disinfo types (and uninformed) to decry
    as false. If a credible two or three people, say it on an established show, and give the webb site out to the world for referance to more information, there is connect.
    It will travel fast and far that way. Must have known faces, in known places.

  23. For most, Listening to Heather and trying to understand her is like trying to explain calculus to a five year old!!! Rip the band aid off and let the people handle it the way they will handle it! The healing will happen faster than you will imagine. We need the band aid off already!!!!

    1. Yes, Anon 12:10 I agree!
      People are way to busy to realize in their 3D world to realize or even give a hoot as to what is going on. That is how most of us are, unfortunately. Just RIP THE BAND AID OFF ALREADY!!!!!!
      We can be strong for the rest of the people, we will teach them. They will be OK!!
      Dee-Light :)

    2. what if they don't want to be taught or learn and don't want you representing them?

  24. Band Aid off!!! We demand it, We will heal. You have to let the air get to the wound. Lets go!!! We want our money, gold, silver back that belong to us rightfully so! Heather you are way to spiritual and educated for most of the planet! Have you forgotten how dumbed down they all have become.

    1. Your statement that you want your money, gold, silver back that belongs to you is precisely what is keeping us from getting to the right point. We need to get to the point where we don't want to own it. Please listen to the show again.

    2. Now why wouldnt we want to own it?? If ya want to put it in a bank account where it is placed there to fund and I cant ever see it, I am good with that. Please explain if ya dont mind funkyjomedina :)

    3. Heather stated that the gold, silver and precious metals have a conscious energy, and that these energy fields have been enslaved, hoarded and devalued for the benefit of the few. We are all created from the same source energy, and this includes the gold and silver. We are connected, and as we are currently in the process of removing the shackles of humanity, do we want to jump back into the same slavery system by using the energy fields of the precious metals to assign value to our new financial systems? Or,do we wait a bit longer for the absolute data to be revealed, so that our decisions reflect careful and moral consideration? I feel that it is inappropriate to try to "own" the precious metals, but to work with them to co-create a new financial system that includes dignity and value of all expressions of source energy.peace and love to you


    4. Reminds me of the incident at Woodstock where people felt they had to liberate the food.

    5. The funny thing is that we've all seen the model played out on our televisions and movies. Think Star Trek and you'll have a glimmer of where we're going. In Star Trek the Next Generation there's an actual episode where the Enterprise comes upon an early 21st century ship that has people on board in a cryogenic state. Only three could be revived and one of those was a rich man who had stock holdings. He immediately wanted to check-in with the law firm that handled his holdings. Captain Picard looked at him sardonically and said, "A lot has changed in three hundred years. People are no longer obsessed with the accumulation of things. We've eradicated hunger, want, the need for possessions. We've grown out of our infancy."
      The ideas for what is being discussed here has been floating around with the Trekkies since the sixties, man. ;0) I couldn't help myself. A society free of money for exchange. It will take some technology we may not have at our disposal right now(or has been concealed from us), but it's can be done.

  25. What is cvac?

    What is absolute data?

    1. I don't think anyone here really knows what absolute data means. People seem to be using the term but its one of those things that could mean anything.

    2. You can find the definition of CVAC (Creator's Value Asset Center) on the site. Click on CVAC tab and click on the first filing titled "CVAC".

      Absolute data means that no data shall be missing. It's all inclusive, not one piece missing.

    3. Absolute data is the complete truth, with all facts being accounted for. The event in which "absolute data" is released to all is synonymous with Disclosure or the Announcements.

  26. I would like make a comment on the importance of going within. Yes, we are getting still to get answers to questions, but it is even more vital to get still with no questions and no answers! That is to say, get still with no thought at all. IT IS VITAL.

    True, it only happens for a few moments before the mind comes in. But there are people who have awakened totally and permanently to their their natural state by coming back often to that moment of stillness without thought. Because it is only then that you are resting in your true and natural state. THOUGHTLESS AWARENESS. It is the "silence behind the sound", it is looking at a tree or other object for a moment before you label or name it, it is just stopping completely at a stop light and looking out without thought in total, thoughtless absorption. And coming back to that as often as it occurs to you. Not as a practice, just when it occurs to you, whether it is minutes, hours or days. The cumulative effect is that you start living OF world instead of IN it. The mindstream begins to release it's grasp and CREATIVITY arises and all the "gifts of God" - peace and joy.

    The reason this is important is because many people do not understand what it means to just BE. This little, seemingly simple little exercise is what many teachers and Masters are ultimately taking you to. The I AM. Because in that state there is no longer "I am this, and I am that." There is only I AM.


  27. Brian from the show at the 101.3 mark You nailed it! We need to reach as many as possible and it needs to be explained in the simplest of ways. You can lead a horse to water by cant make it drink.

  28. We either need a mass awakening i.e., ripping off the band aid or full court Media Press for months just pounding the public with truth. And an education as to who and what humanity really is.

  29. What the hell is the hold up? Waiting for the planet to awaken? I think mass media announcements might suffice! We are selling people short to assume they will respond in fear. People are just getting on with life , supporting loved ones and surviving. They haven't the time for philosophy, history lessons, rabbit holes and spiritual pep talks. Give them the truth and they will deal with it. Free the people so that they may free themselves.

    1. Agree !!! Give the people the truth....we are stronger than we are given credit for....
      We can handle it, otherwise we wouldn't be here!!

  30. Agreed! The band aid needs to be ripped off NOW! The ONE people are resilient and will respond and reorganize quickly as information is presented. Many are "aware" enough that something is wrong, that everything is corrupt, but don't delve into it because it seems "too big" and there's no apparent remedy. It really can appear that there are too many problems to fight, kinda like that arcade game of bopping the ghosts that pop up.

    When the ONE people are presented with the Absolute Truth, and also a solution, they will deal with it quite well. We always end up pulling together, and we surely will in this moment. The beauty of the OPPT, is that it begins to solve ALL the problems, at once. The ONE people are very creative.


  31. Please let us not forget that there are HUGE bursts of energy generated by all that is and has been hitting the planet. This seems to be causing changes which while imperceptible to most folks as to cause and effect, at least lets them know that something big is happening. I can see it when I mentally review conversations I've had in the last year and particularly in the last several months. People are beginning to say things that they never would never even thought before in an old paradigm perspective. I have to think it is source's energy pouring in since most of these people are basically unaware of any but sheeple thoughts and events.

    This morning, a weird thing happened to me when I got out of bed. I was halfway out and had a severe bout of vertigo, falling flat on my ass on the floor. All I could think was WOW and gathered my 68yo bones in front of the computer to find that those in the "know" say that the energy has greatly increased. Tell me about it! If it's doing that to me (still dizzy at 3pm) what the hell is it "doing" to others?

    Looks to me like things are really speeding up. Bring it on! Let's do this!

    1. When the vertigo and stuff kick in, be sure to do some grounding meditations, and get yourself "connected" and it will dissipate...until the next build-up. Regular mediation with a grounding routine with purposeful intent should keep you in good shape. - fourthmeal

    2. Thanks fourthmeal. I've never meditated, but I've found a lot of fun ways to commune with my higher self, primarily through beauty and service. But occasionally, as this morning, I suppose it is necessary for source to kick me in the ass although, gratefully, I always seem to fall into the arms of an angel. I appreciate your advice reminding me that there is more than one way to skin a cat.

    3. Make sure you remain aware of it!

      We can't afford to lose crucial team members to "head meets dresser" incidents. :)

  32. Another vote here for Ripping The Band-aid OFF. If we wait until the lowest common denominator (the fully asleep) wake up, we're gonna be waiting a l-o-n-g time. There are so many great ideas here...I say Go For It. Dr Steven Greer anyone? Sirius Movie? He's over's up to the people.

  33. Why does any band-aid need to be ripped off when Heather has foreclosed on the entire system?

    Once again, it is the mistaken notion that if I can create my own reality. Neale Donald Walsch explains it very well here:

    "The message that for many years spiritual teachers have been sharing—that “you are creating your own reality”—can be a dangerous teaching if it is not fully explained.

    There are two things you must know about the “you create your own reality” teaching:

    (1) First, it must be explained (as we have done several times here now) that you are not “creating” anything, but merely noticing or remembering its existence, then, by focusing on it, calling it forth as a “manifestation” from the Field of Infinite Possibilities that is the Always Now/Always Here of things. What you are creating is your Interior Reality of these manifestations. It is in this sense that the statement “You are creating your own Reality” is true.

    (2) Second, you must understand that even what we call the act of “creating” the Exterior Events of our lives is not something that anyone is doing alone. No Exterior Event in Physicality is created by any single individual. Such a thing is impossible.

    1. We create our reality....that is why we need the bandaid ripped off so everyone has the absolute data or the truth of our existence. Which includes the past corruption, greed, control, etc. This data will allow us the opportunity to build our reality together in unisen. Ripping the band aid off has nothing to do with the foreclosure on the corporations but has everything to do with the masses acknowledging it. I hope this helps....

  34. I agree band aid time. I know We humans can take the truth. We will all pull together. I mean come on is there any doubt? Pulling together is as natural as breathing. It will just happen. We will do it!!!

  35. Research the Delphi Technique.


    1. You're not the Oracle of Delphi by any chance ?

      Or at least the security guard who stood outside the oracle's chocolate factory.

    2. The Delphi Technique — How to Disrupt It

      Ground rules for disrupting the consensus process (Delphi Technique) — when facilitators want to steer a group in a specific direction.

      1) Always Be Charming. Smile, be pleasant, be courteous, moderate your voice so as not to come across as belligerent or aggressive.

      2) Stay Focused. If at all possible, write your question down to help you stay focused. Facilitators, when asked questions they don't want to answer, often digress from the issue raised and try to work the conversation around to where they can make the individual asking the question look foolish, feel foolish, appear belligerent or aggressive. The goal is to put the one asking the question on the defensive. Do not fall for this tactic. Always be charming, thus deflecting any insinuation, innuendo, etc, that may be thrown at you in their attempt to put you on the defensive, but bring them back to the question you asked. If they rephrase your question into an accusatory statement (a favorite tactic) simply state, "that is not what I stated, what I asked was… (repeat your question)." Stay focused on your question.

      3) Be Persistent. If putting you on the defensive doesn't work, facilitators often resort to long drawn out dissertations on some off-the-wall and usually unrelated, or vaguely related, subject that drags on for several minutes – during which time the crowd or group usually loses focus on the question asked (which is the intent). Let them finish with their dissertation/expose, then nicely, with focus and persistence, state, "but you didn't answer my question. My question was… (repeat your question)."


    3. Here is more infor from the above website:


      always be charming,

      stay focused, and

      be persistent.

      Never, under any circumstance, become angry. Anger directed at the facilitator will immediately make the facilitator "the victim." This defeats the purpose which is to make you the victim. The goal of the facilitator is to make those they are facilitating like them, alienating anyone who might pose a threat to the realization of their agenda. [People with fixed belief systems, who know what they believe and stand on what they believe, are obvious threats.] If the participant becomes the victim, the facilitator loses face and favor with the crowd. This is why crowds are broken up into groups of seven or eight, why objections are written on cards, not voiced aloud where they are open to public discussion and public debate. It's called crowd control. It is always good to have someone else, or two or three others who know the Delphi Technique dispersed through the crowd; who, when the facilitator digresses from the question, will stand up and say nicely, "but you didn't answer that lady's/gentleman's question." The facilitator, even if suspecting you are together, certainly will not want to alienate the crowd by making that accusation. Sometimes it only takes one occurrence of this type for the crowd to figure out what's going on, sometimes it takes more than one.

      If you have an organized group, meet before the meeting to strategize. Everyone should know their part. Meet after the meeting to analyze what went right, what went wrong and why, and what needs to happen the next time around. Never meet during the meeting. One of the favorite tactics of the facilitator, if the meeting is not going the way he/she wants, if he/she is meeting measurable resistance, is to call a recess. During the recess, the facilitator and his/her "spotters" (people who wander the room during the course of the meeting, watching the crowd) watch the crowd to see who congregates where, especially those who have offered measurable resistance. If the "resistors" congregate in one place, a "spotter" will usually gravitate to that group to "join in the conversation" and will report back to the facilitator. When the meeting resumes, the facilitator will steer clear of those who are "resistors." Do not congregate. Hang loose and work the crowd. Move to where the facilitator or "spotters" are, listen to what they have to say, but do not gravitate to where another member of your team is.

      This strategy also works in a face to face, one on one, meeting with anyone who has been trained in how to use the Delphi Technique

    4. That describes Cryptic perfectly, now we know. Thank you.

    5. Good one Cryptic.
      I worked in Social Work for a number of years and every training day was designed to push the agenda.
      If I noticed this was going on I would ask questions and encourage debate and all it resulted in was colleagues politely asking me to not say so much,and "we might get home early".

      The agenda is pushed on to the heirarchy of government workers,(nearly all in the 'service' industry),
      a good few years before the general public are exposed to it.
      These policies are then projected on to the service users as ,'oh you must not do that,or think that.....
      The workers consider it their 'duty' to follow the new orders,or they will be disciplined.
      So it goes.

      This also says a lot in regard to 'the awakening of people in the world to what some other people want them to believe' .
      The majority just want to get away early and are not interested. .
      Sad but true.

      i will be going immediately to that link..

    6. OR, instead of a "conversational strategy", one could simply maintain the philosophy that we are all One, and that disagreement due to lack of information, does not have to be regarded as adversarial.

      We are trying to repair our civilization from the damage that's been done by a few. Chances are you won't be talking to one of the perps, you'll be talking to a kindred spirit who has also been exploited, and just doesn't have the info to recognize HOW it's been done... YET.

      Remember, "sheeple" are MOSTLY good people too. They are just too trusting, and don't incorporate enough skepticism/suspicion where "authority figures" are involved. But it's part of the scam to condition most people to BE unquestioning.

      Some of us can see the magnitude of the scam, and some of us have been duped into NOT seeing it. We are still one species/family.

      To have an "intellectual battle strategy" seems a bit counterproductive to me. How bout you want your human family to understand these things, because you Love them?

    7. To Peacefrog: They tried to steal my technique!?

      To everyone who enjoyed that clue, try researching the following: The Delphian School.

      And here is a little piece that will help some of you understand the danger of reverse brainwashing. How to empty a mind:

      Bene venare.


    8. Just Sayin--
      I work for the public sector and can honestly say--
      We do think, ask questions, and work with the consumers. We are not out to get them or harm anyone in any way. We want to help them become self-sufficient. Not only does it help the individual, it helps all the taxpayers.
      Not every government worker is out to get the public. The people that I talk with are very kind, caring, and loving individual. They work hard to help others who need it.

      We are all not brain-washed in the agenda that every part of government is out there hurting the people. Folks, there are good people who do good work. There are rules that have to be followed so integrity isn't lost. There is no lack in those values.

    9. What I just don't understand is how anybody who has a clue about how the world actually works can come from a place of such fear. Have not you in this mini-thread not heard that there is NOTHING to fear? I agree with your statement that adversity may be counterproductive, Neoamor, as the attitude seen here conjures in my mind a person who cuts himself shaving, then goes on a suspicious rant at himself in the mirror for doing that. Blaming anything outside of yourself for what happens to you is exactly like that, and frankly, what other people choose to believe is none of your freaking business.

    10. Already know about Delphi T - Drake uses it a lot though I don't think he is aware he does.

      Sine Nomine

  36. Yes, Anon 12:10 I agree!
    People are way to busy to realize in their 3D world to realize or even give a hoot as to what is going on. That is how most of us are, unfortunately. Just RIP THE BAND AID OFF ALREADY!!!!!!
    We can be strong for the rest of the people, we will teach them. They will be OK!!
    Dee-Light :)

  37. Please come together in these exciting times. One of the tools out there is this website, where people are OPPT in courts and making history. And showing the world how to do it.


    1. AJ,
      When you go to that site, you see that nobody has been able to get anywhere with UCC filings.

    2. Then maybe you should go to this site :
      Make a user and password. Go to forum tab, then click on success stories.

    3. Anon 16:00. I am sure you have been able to get somewhere with the old slavery system. Good luck to you.

  38. Ahh, digital credit serfdom.....where others know exactly what your digital credit totals are at all times. As in no financial privacy whatsoever??

    1. Digital credits is just a cashless society and easier to tax. This certainly has nothing to do with freedom.

    2. Cashless society? Cashless society? Oh yeah, now I remember. Years ago I remember reading about a cashless society as a goal of the NWO. This must be different, though.

    3. Transparency is part of the deal(right in the logo). Why would you need financial privacy? Really think about it. It's a new paradigm.

      What would you be doing that you'd need to hide it from someone?

      I'd say initially we all have that knee jerk reaction. I did. Finances are private. No one else's business.

      But why not?

      When I really examined my reaction, changed perspective, imagined what it would be like in this world of abundance...I was okay with it. No one would want to steal it or covet it because they've got their own. And if they did, I'd see it in their would everyone else.

      I daresay no one would even look at the balance after a while.

      After contemplating it you're end result may differ, and you're still upset. Okay, I'm fine with that. Can you come up with something better? (assuming this is even the way it's going to go)

      Let's hear it.

      I've also seen here someone who is upset that they've scratched and saved and have a $2million home or nest egg of some sort, worrying about joint property everything.

      Let's see...I give you 10 BILLION $ and you acknowledge that you don't really own the home you're only a tenant don't have to leave...and you get upset?


      Heather said the whole financial roll-out could begin now...take 2 weeks to implement...but she's not certain the world is ready for it i.e the vibrational level isn't high enough. She gave the example of the people at the marathon...

      And here we are, the supposed vanguard, on this very blog we have people who reject the freedom and abundance out of hand because they think a cashless society is evil? will lead to communism?

      Can't we be more openminded? Can't we let go of old beliefs that don't serve us?

      Can't we trust the universe to do what's best for each of us and all of us?

      Will our ego's once again rule the day?

      Just sayin


    4. Not only is it easier to tax but its the ultimate control mechanism. Once you've run out of digits for the month what do you do? You can't do odd jobs for folks as they'll have no way to pay you.

      IBM Cashless technology commercial


    5. ..…and don’t forget the Powers that Be (I won’t accept PTW until they are the PTW) have been working on installing their cashless society idea for many decades. Think about the reasons why they thought a cashless society was a good idea (for them).

      I remember my dad used to get paid in cash. Cash gave us freedom. The PTB didn’t like that. Now we get paid digitally, we can pay for our groceries and everything else in digits (if we want), and millions of digits are transferred electronically across the globe every second. They have been quietly installing and testing their cashless infrastructure for decades. Now they can stop your debit card, monitor your transactions, freeze your account, limit how much you can transfer etc with the push of a button. The infrastructure is already in place. All they have to do tomorrow is withdraw cash from society (the last step) and hey presto you have a cashless society. Be vigilant!


    6. Dear GF,

      Please just try to change your point of view from lack,competition and slavery to this degrading system (that nobody will ever want back and which has no purpose when the abundance takes its place).

      Try to see our/your value for what it is and not through any other means (gold and silver).
      We are the value and no other object is needed to symbolize it. It is the understanding that will eventually happen to you as well. This shift happens all of a sudden and the understanding just kicks in. The rest is easy to grasp.

      The world you fear is not a possibility any more.Not with abundance that it brings with it.

      This I know because I have been through the similar transformation. It happened through my studies of Cannons of Law. It wasn't the law I learned but rather the transformation that the knowledge of law brought with it.

      The law in practice in our court/administrative system right now is the lowest form of law-the law of commerce(saline law-law of water-law of pirates). It does not have the same spiritual value as the superior forms of law. But if you ever check those, they will change you forever and you will see yourself and others in a completely new light.Much more powerful and free. You will like who you are and then the fears you expressed in your comment will not exist any more.

      We are changing so fast right now and the ride is truly incredible! It will get better by the day. Don't get distracted by the rumblings of the "cabal".Smoke and mirrors!

      They know very well why they have such obsession with contracts and "laws". Once our free will was clearly expressed through the TOPPT filings,they understood very well that their time was up.They operate now (for the short time that is left to them) against our legally expressed free will.One of main Universal Laws is now broken by them and they know that by that they are collapsing the very rules that their illusion of power resided upon. Very bad for them,trust me! :)
      Every lawyer and judge knows this fact!

      As long as they cling to "power" they are also considered to be our debtors as well. Bad deal for them, bad deal all the way!

      Allow the possibility that the good things might be finally taking place after such a long time of oppression and human suffering.

      And in regards to the "tax": We have finally collapsed the legal person (corpo-illusion). The legal person can be taxed,a human being can NEVER be taxed! Now try to go and read the UCC filings again. You see?

      Your questions have to be dealt with though, and every doubt has to be answered. This is good.We are a race of traumatized individuals and it has been like this for thousands of years. It is understandable that we are cautious.

      However, this is the time to fully engage your inner knowing. We are all your brothers and sisters and soon no corporate "law", religion, race, country will be able to separate us from our real roles as masters of our own destiny. Nothing and nobody. Simply LIVE and let LIVE.

      Love to you and no fear,brother/sister.


    7. A cashless society is a neutral endeavor. How it is expressed and for what aims ultimately depend solely on those who control and utilize it.

    8. Exactly, :)

      We will decide how all this is done and let's forget the option where others still decide for us.
      Let us grow up. There will be nobody to tell us how we should live as long as we don't hurt anybody.
      The rest is a fear based mentality that we are leaving behind, along with the slavery system.
      We will not go back to a system that was so destructive to life on this planet. It clearly is not our system, there is many signs that this monetary slavery system came to this planet (maybe from somewhere else?) even before Babylon.This human race of ours has been deliberately abused and harvested on many levels. Can we accept the possibility that this system that is now going away isn't of our making?
      Maybe the change will be happening much faster than we think.Maybe we are more than ready for it.
      This time I trust the TRUST! We can decide anything we want for the future. Do you see it?
      Awesome, isn't it?

    9. What if people don't want anymore cashless society? We virtually have that already and don't trust it. It is another method of control. Why is it always 'we will do this' by the people in charge of all this (Oh yes, they are in charge of this, and anyone who claims otherwise isn't thinking!) without my consent and without the consent of any one I know. A month ago these people came out of nowhere and presented us with a fait accompli. We were not asked if we wanted them to act for us. The choice we are given is to be with them or not. What kind of choice is that? Who are these people? Why should we trust them any more than we trust the ones in power now? We are accused of following blindly and being sheeple when its perceived that we are following the 'other side' but how is this different? A lot of 'sheeple' want to know the answer to this and its gonna take a helluva lot of explaining if anyone takes the time to think about it. Put yourselves in the 'sheeples' shoes.

      The radio show did not fill me with confidence to broadcast this groups aims far and wide. No offense but the people on the show seem to be the ones who are asleep if they think this is going to be a walk in the park for them to convince the WORLD that they have got it right and join with them. We already have a system where the few dictate to the many and I don't see the sense in more of the same by more strangers proclaiming to have our best interests at heart, whether from this planet or any other. Freewill is being violated.

      Anyone who thinks that there will be nobody telling us what to do is dreaming. If there is no consensus, how will things like transport networks be maintained? Someone is going to have to take responsibility and make the decisions for the collective which is no different to now. I don't want to replace one set of masters with another unknown set, no matter how prettily they may be wrapped up and presented.

      I am an individual part of the all with thoughts and feelings as valid as any other and no desire to live in a commune, transparent or otherwise.

      No offense intended to anyone, just felt I had to get it off my chest.

      Thank you.

      Sine Nomine

  39. I love your idea about "Anonymous" putting the word out and hacking into all of the TV stations and sats Jane!!! LOLOLOLO!!

    Wouldn't that just make everyone stand up and listen.

    On another note I also have the problem of friends and family not buying into any of this and thinking I'm the one that's brainwashed! lol
    But I look at it this way. I will be the wayshower for all of them when it all rolls out and they are standing there completely perplexed by
    what the hell is going on!! That's my roll and I will lovingly help them to the truth of this wonderful golden age we are now entering! And my
    light will be shinning bright! Right D? Love to you and all of our wonderful friends that are showing us the clear path to FREEDOM!


    1. SusieQ, I have gotten the same reaction from loved ones. At this point, I am picky who I mention things to. I am very passionate about what I have learned and how much I have awoken and dont care to hear people tell me im a whack job or I dont live in reality. I feel bad for the sleeping ones but will be there for them when this FINALLY takes off. :)

  40. We are so on the right path, D...please take 3 minutes to watch this incredible video that my 7th grader in the midwest was shown in school today...there is SO MUCH HOPE ALIVE for humanity with each new generation. I can't tell you how happy this made me knowing all of the "other" crap happening out there. :)!!!!!

  41. The Truth will set them free. It is the time for the Truth. Any system in place now can not be fixed. It will never work with Being and Creating. Rip it off, the time is now.

  42. Why don't they foreclose pon the existing media companies ?
    I don't understand how they still control the media.
    IF they are bankrupt, it's time to foreclsoe on all their
    assets, including the media.
    Plus, the media has engaged in Misprision of felony and Misprision of treason
    by hiding a lot of serious crimes such as 911.

    1. Yes Anon 18:06 I`d like a solid answer on that is well. Doesn't it make sense that they should of been the first ones to go, even before Drake started touting about the mass arrests.

      We all know how the media was used to enslave us all from the truth and fill our minds with lies
      and we all know how we need to get the truth out to the people in mass then we need to take out the media whores first. I t was said that as part of nesara, that was going to be done but it always seem to me, you would take out the mass media first, replaced by transparent media, mass arrests, education programs, to inform the masses about what and why these things took place and tell the people the truth of all that has been happening!

      The majority of people still believe in what they see on TV news is true, I live in a house that at least 5 people follow the news as it is all truth. We need to get the real truth out to these folks and wake their sorry asses up!!!

  43. It has to be now. As in NOW.

    1. Why?

      As I go off for the evening, I leave you with this:

      Don't stop reading. Don't stop trying.

      Don't let the conversation pull you adrift.


    2. That last sentence sure is an ironic one coming from you, Cryptic.

      I find it odd that a scholar of the esoteric such as yourself has such difficulty discerning the difference between studying the past -- which is of vital importance, I grant you -- and embracing the NOW that you truly want to vibrate in (opening your DNA up to the toroidal source of infinite expansion and love). I still cannot ascertain what motivates your posts besides the sewing of divisions, the constriction of enthusiasm, unbridled doubt, trepidation -- fear. Others sure seem drawn to the vortex of tangled apprehension that your posts invariably elicit, but I continue to find them quite mundane, easily repudiated and full of withered, circular logic. The chasing of tails ad nauseum (since you are such a great advocate of Latin -- but wait, isn't Latin one of the most preferred languages of the occult controllers?)

      "Don't let the conversation pull you adrift." Indeed.

    3. Hmm. Interesting choice of vid Cryptic when there was a news report last evening that ancient books and manuscripts were being destroyed in Timbuktu.

      Sine Nomine

  44. I also am known among friends and family as a whack job. I used to be careful what I said but I don't anymore. In fact, when I meet people I tell them right from the beginning that I am weird and they'd better get used to it. Wait til things take off. When things get confusing or scary we'll be the first ones they call!

    I wanted to share a sort of aha! moment I had. Last October while sitting in a bank (off all places lol) waiting for a rep to open an account for me I had a more or less divine smack in the forehead moment. One of those mind-expanding OMG I got it moments! So here was my thought. Put all of the money into one account. All of it. Then, issue a debit card to every person attached to the same account. Think about it. . .I take my debit card and go say out to dinner. I swipe the card at the restaurant whose account is the same as my account so they get paid and I just get the money back. It's all the same account sooo. . .It wouldn't matter how much any one person spent whether it's $10 or $10,000 it would all go back in the same account. Everyone would have everything they need all the time and the account would be bottomless. As you play this out you realize there is no need for money after all.


    1. Sounds great in theory.. but what if its not a debt card your swapping. Instead its a chip in you right hand or forhead that allows the "transparency" " absolute data" ect
      I'm starting to rethink all of this.

      Are we being lead down a path that only leads to the mark of the beast?

    2. See my comments to Anonymous 30 January 2013 15:48 above and the IBM commercial link.


    3. Too late. The mark of the beast is your legal NAME

    4. Next, Heather is gonna say we all need to drink cyanide-laced Kool-Aid,
      and get on that space ship Heaven's Gate apsired to.
      I bet cyanide has lots of energy fields, too.
      Maybe we should do the exercise of playing with Cyanide (Energy).
      Why play with gold energy ?

      My discernement tells me Heather is probably cabal.
      It's either that, or she's totally off her flippin' rocker.
      I'm not sure which.
      Oh, yes. Heather "DO, and Heather "BE", a raving lunatic.
      I've heard a lot of tripe, but this recording beats ALL.
      I want changes, but this is not going to get it done.
      It will take FOREVER to get a media network done, too.
      This is just more of the same.

    5. I actually listened to it twice because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

    6. I hear you, ANON 20:14.
      And, there are people buying it.
      I want a change REAL BAD,
      but I do not think this TOPPT is the real deal.
      I mean, Heather is a raving lunatic.
      The recording absolutely confirms it.
      And, D the lap dog will follow her over a cliff.
      Oh, Yes : We must all BE, and DO. Yeah, sure.

      I was quite disappointed with 12/21.
      Since then, I have zero interest in astrology.
      You know, Jupiter is conjuncing with Mars ?
      Or, Saturn is giving Pluto a handjob ?
      SO WHAT ?????
      There is NOTHING out there about TOPPT.
      I would not be surprised if the whole TOPPT thing
      has been planned by the cabal, and the ONLY THING
      going on "behind the scenes" is that the cabal is
      laughing their asses off at all the idiots
      giving it credibility.
      And, forget about waking the sheep up.
      911 was done right in front of their faces, and the
      perps of 911 are still walking free, and
      laughing at the idiot sheep for being such idiots.
      I knew what 911 was the moment I saw it,
      and I thought "This time, they went too far".
      Boy, was I wrong.

    7. Well here we are late January, soon to be February, and nothing has happened. Waiting, waiting. "It will happen soon" they say. Perhaps, perhaps not. I'm just gonna enjoy my time and be happy no matter what outcome. However, I won't be giving anymore energy on Heather and her crap as well as other bloggers. Bye now. Feel free to prove me wrong, but I doubt it. lolz

    8. To The Big Momma Ant: I'm not referring at all to RFID chips. I've thought about the whole "mark of the beast" thing quite a bit as it is something that has scared me most of my life and I've come to the conclusion that it is a "scare tactic" that I won't fall for anymore. And I don't believe we are being led anywhere. To say that we're being led takes away our power. I'm not being led, I'm creating the way I was meant to.


    9. The "mark of the beast" is just a reference to us being carbon-based lifeforms, and Terra is correct, it has been meticulously warped to suit the requirements of a monumental fear trope used for spiritual control:

      Please disregard the "cataclysm" mentioned at the very end of the video, which was uploaded in 2010 :) I believe most folks would find all the rest of the information to be quite grounded in hard physics and of a...revelatory nature :)

  45. Lover of All Life31 January 2013 at 04:03

    I cannot believe Heather talked about manifesting "a burger on your plate." In "5D" people want to manifest fear, murder and death on their plates????

    1. No. More like taking raw energy and reconfiguring it into a burger. Or a filet steak. Or a diamond. It's all energy. WE are all energy. The only thing that makes the burger different from the diamond is the way the energy is configured. That is how a "replicator" is supposed to work. It takes energy and configures it into the desired form.

      Wandering Fire

    2. Lover of All Life31 January 2013 at 04:25

      Are you kidding me?

    3. Wandering Fire, you must be an Alpha, no?


    4. To Lover of All Life: No, I'm not.

      Cryptic: That depends on the definition of "Alpha."

      Wandering Fire

    5. Lemme tell ya, "lover of all life", it seems about time you thought a little bigger. You may get sick at the thought of eating "dead animal" but I definitely get sick at seeing dead plants on food plates and HEARING people chew on live plants (celery is the absolute worst, with lettuce a close second). I haven't eaten plants since childhood, and I'm very old. You obviously need to gain a little respect for other people's beliefs and feelings as well as a tad more about what the phrase "all life" actually means.

    6. I go where the lord leads me. Here I am. I thought it was to be a part of this, however I may have misinterpreted what my purpose is.

      Has anyone heard heather or any of the trustee's state in full transparency. WHO THEIR CREATOR IS?

      My creator is god.

    7. To Wandering Fire

      Howrya, maybe he means an ox. Maybe an alpha male or an alpha particle, I don't know. I wanted to ask you where you get your knowledge about replicators. I know of three anecdotal references myself. Please enlighten me.

  46. Yank the band aid . The people need information. Across the board . Especially those who dont use the internet . Hit the media somehow . Radio stations too .

  47. Yes, yank the bandaid, and show us it's all "REAL".
    So far, I have lots of doubts.

  48. Wandering Fire is correct about
    replicators, but I do not think
    that (or any other helpful technology) will be released in my lifetime, or even my childrens'
    lifetimes, I am sorry to say.
    The cabal has hidden all patents :
    For energy, for health, or any other good thing.
    Heather seemed to say it's all our fault it has
    not manifested yet.
    Maybe it is, but sheep cannot manifest ANYTHING,
    except sheep-shit.

  49. Seeing a pattern here: For the last 14 months, things have been talked to death and little by little one new idea replaces the other and is not so much heard of again and to me, the "Other " wasnt a bad plan at all! One may say, well that`s how progression works, Yes! but since the original ideas in the first place never seemed to push the new ideas into place, it was just a replacement.

    So, was the original plan of nesara all b.s.?? I remember all the things nesara was to do and it seems as if all of that was just forgotten about and now we have the all new ucc docs.Heather and co. People have been doing this ucc and A4V thing for a number of years. I hope I am missing something here. If one here knows exactly what is going down, please explain and please explain in 3d language.
    Thank you :)Man, am I ever so tired of this run around crap! Either shit or get off the pot. Either put us all in fema camps or bring us our well deserved prosperity already. jeez, What a mind F**ck!

    1. UCC/Redemption has been around since the early 90's, maybe longer and it never produces anything other than trouble. This time it is dressed up in new age/spirituality with some science fiction thrown in.

  50. I agree Anon 21:03 - it's a mind F*CK.
    Speaking of lap dogs, Kauilapele (KP) is such a lap dog, he eats all this TOPPT stuff up, just like D (also a lap dog). D said "I Talked to Heather on the phone, and I knew IMMEDIATELY TOPPT is what I must work on". Sure thing.
    I wonder what the flavor of the day will be next month ? Is D of the cabal ?
    KP even has Nidle posted today, if you can
    imagine that. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. NIDLE, AND ALL THESE OTHER PEOPLE, ARE NEVER RIGHT.
    I would lie to hunt Drake down, and take him out.
    Yep, I'm getting sick of this shit.

  51. *sigh*

    Wandering Fire

    1. I feel your plight Wandering Fire. Why one would continue with such juvenile diatribe can only lead to one conclusion. Have a wonderful night my friend.

  52. I wonder if Heather can stick a piece of coal
    up her arse, and pull a diamond out in 1 minute flat ?
    She has been deified on this, and KP's, blogs.
    Also, AK.
    I think it's time for TOPPT to "put up, or sit down and shut the f*ck up".
    Rip the bandaid off, or just go away.

    1. I agree 100%! If or when things ACTUALLY happen, THEN OPPT can be praised or deified or whatever. Until then, it's just empty rhetoric.

  53. Elmer Fudd has his Wabbit season, Maybe we need to all have our Cabal season?? What do ya think?

  54. Did someone say 'PLAYING WITH GOLD'?
    Things that WERE once hidden... > ANOTHER NEW 3-HR Russian Documentary Blasts Financial Tyranny!

  55. Do you SIGH because I hate Drake's f*cking guts ?
    I meant what I said, and I don't care if that makes you *SIGH*.
    If Civil War breaks out, I will be looking specifically for Drake, among others.
    Drake is a f*cking piece of shit.
    Trust me, Civil War could still happen.
    Thank God, I believe it to be the Worst Case scenario - at least I hope it is.
    I hope the people don't go quietly to fema camps.

  56. It is possible cabal season cometh.
    I really don't know - violence is NOT my first choice.
    But, if things will not change peacefully,
    then violence suits me just fine.
    We currently do not have lives that are worth the freight of living.
    We all struggle to survive.
    One way or another, it HAS to change.

  57. Big Mama Ant :
    You ARE God - that is the secret the cabal does NOT want you to know.

  58. For some time now I "collect" Points of Light...Moments have taken place that show that the Light is Shining trough...

    To day yet and other One...Bolivia has past a law: Mother Earth is an Living BEing and has rights :-)




    1. You are a sweet girl, Marthe!

  59. I really hope D you reconsider moderating posts again. It is quite obvious the trolls are back. Starting to think I will have to cart them off too. If you aren't working for us then it's time to go somewhere else meaning other than Earth!! Go in peace while you can and stop trying to spread your lonely negative bullshit.

    1. So your idea of moderation is stop anyone raising concerns, or opinions that are different to yours? And again a 'troll' in your opinion is not someone who disrupts for no reason as is the accepted definition, but someone who doesn't agree with what you may have written and thus exercising their right to hold a different opinion? "If you aren't working for us then it's time to go somewhere else meaning other than Earth!!" Sounds somewhat "totalitarian" in outlook imo and "Go in peace while you can and stop trying to spread your lonely negative bullshit" sounds like a threat.

      Just a general observation, is this what we mean by enlightenment, to bully others into acceptance? Does that sound like it is coming from a place of love?

      Sine Nomine

    2. Hello Sine Nomine. Please repeat after me 2 + 2 = 5.

      Again please, 2 + 2 = 5

      Now doesn't that feel better?

      Rinse and repeat if neccessary.

      P.S. TODAY - I have mostly not been eating anything.

      INSTEAD - I am endeavouring to manifest a burger onto my plate.

      I'm trying to manifest one onto your plate aswell, did you get it? Would you like manifesto fries with that?

      TOMORROW - I may attempt photosynthesis.

    3. Hi Peacefrog! haha! no it doesn't! No burger appeared either, but that's no big deal but I wouldn't have minded the fries, manifesto or regular!

      Good luck with the photosynthesis, you probably should eat some greens today to help it along, maybe? ;-)

      Sine Nomine

      PS, just tried 2+2 again and it still only adds up to 4! C'est la vie!

    4. It does raise the question: Why would someone frequent a blog, just to repeatedly disagree with the philosophies, and topics of discussion? Sure they have a right to their own opinion, but why does their objective seem to be to tear down what pleases others?

      To me, it's similar to when a car pulls up next to you at a stoplight, in 30 degree weather, with all the windows down, and blasts their stereo so you can't avoid hearing it.

      They have an objective. They feel unworthy, unimportant, insignificant. They believe that if they can impact others in some way, ANY way, that they are proving their significance to everyone, including themselves.

      The thing they are not mindful of, is that EVERYONE has equal worthiness, significance. It is only their recognition of it that is not realistic.

      Nobody is saying they don't have the right to an opposing perspective. I'm saying that maybe they should ask themselves what their motivation is to repeatedly shit in THIS punchbowl. :)

  60. I just want the TRUTH! I came out of organized Religion 3 years ago. Spent most of my life believing in the teachings until I began to wake up and see it was all just something to CONTROL me. I spent most of my life unhappy because of those teachings. I tried to be perfect and quote "sin free" to the point I could not enjoy living because In the back of my mind I felt I could never please this "god" and nothing I did would ever be good enough. I then started studying out law of attraction, new age teachings, ascension, etc. Now I'm even more confused then when I was in church. Same promises a new earth, no more pain, etc. I am tired, so tired. I want the truth already! I am tired of suffering and tired of seeing others suffer. I want to see real results, not hope, hope, hope and wait, wait, wait. I did ALL of what the law of attraction taught, and NO results thus far. I am tired of being LET DOWN. My whole Family has been through all of this with me. My Daughter told me yesterday, Mom its the same old thing, NOTHING has changed, so why should I believe in anything? She feels so let down to. My whole Family is tired of suffering and all we ask of this Universe is the truth and nothing but the truth, because if we are "god" as so many people say, then Why can't we CHANGE things as in NOW??? I know I have certainly tried everything I have learned and still nothing is different. I feel like my Daughter, I haven't a clue what to believe in any more because so far everything I thought resonated with my heart has NOT happened. If all of this is true, then I like the rest of the world want to see REAL CHANGE and NOW not hurry up and keep waiting! I'm just worn out and want to be FREE already. Free to not have to work myself to death and have nothing to show for it. Free to get the help I need to see a Dr. when I'm sick because now I have no health insurance and my Family is suffering because we can't afford to get help we need. Free to eat without worrying will I have enough money this week to buy food. Free to have a decent car because mine is falling apart and I can't afford to buy another one. FREE, FREE, FREE is all ALL of us wants to truly BE! But NOW!

    1. What you have described is the timeloop of the false "light of darkness" system. In pain we reach out to religion, law of attraction, new age teachings looking for divine help. Mixed into these Sacred teachings of Truth from many ancient masters are timeloop distortions.

      We are handed false dogma that at first gives hope of salvation and then our focus and energies are highjacked by the false "light of darkness" slavery system. Hope of external help is the false "light of darkness" system's method of hijacking Faith of our eternal abilities. To pray to someone or something outside your divine heart self is to become PREY.

      Do not HOPE for outside divine help. Instead have FAITH in knowing that the Power of the True Light Creator that we are sparks of will release us from slavery when enough of us stop feeding the Dark Conciousness that has enslaved us.

      Grow this spark of FAITH by only connecting to Source via a private conversation with your own heart. This inner connection to Source has been hijacked by the systems promoting external prayer.

      Choose FAITH in TRUE SOURCE and do not be discouraged by the false "light of darkness" systems that have delayed your manifestations. Earth's global conciousness is connected. Until enough seek within instead of externally we must wait.

      The true teachings of Jesus did not ask us to go into a church to connect with God. Instead Jesus advised not to pray publically but to go into a closet and connect one on one privately with True Source. In this way our connection cannot be distorted.

      We cannot force others against their freewill to choose True Connection with Source, but we can share the truth that any hierarchy system of prayer outside ourselves will be hijacked by darkness.

      But you and I can do our part of effecting the timing and the outcome by not inserting the false HOPE which cancells FAITH. External HOPE shows doubt, Internal FAITH knows TRUTH.

      With FAITH, privately have a conversation with TRUE SOURCE daily and encourage all others to also do this.

      It is really just that simple. And if everyone on the planet did this privately instead of these mass connected meditations that get hijacked everytime, then we would finally shift global conciouness out of the control of the false "light of darkness" Conciouness.

      Thoughts truly do become things manifest in this world.
      Guard your every thought, word and action and ensure it is with FULL FAITH a positive loving actions. This is called right action= creation for service of the highest good of all as opposed to wrong action=destruction via service to self at the expense of another.

      Never become discouraged, it is true delays are happening because darkness purposely creates these delays. But we are so close now. It is time to get serious and take "Right Action" This right action at this time is FAITH.

      Sending you waves of Pure Heart Love as we ride the choppy surf of the Divine unfolding.
      "Kindness is Power"

    2. 'The true teachings of Jesus did not ask us to go into a church to connect with God. Instead Jesus advised not to pray publically but to go into a closet and connect one on one privately with True Source. In this way our connection cannot be distorted.'

      Very true! Thank you I needed to be reminded of that.

      Sine Nomine

  61. Just found this on Divine Cosmos.....Is this true?

    Just an FYI, it was announced on Lisa Harrison's radio show last night that The One Peoples Public Trust temporary governments, aka CVACs, are going live in less than two weeks.

    1. Lisa had a show last night. I heard the tuesday night show. Can you point to were this was said on D.C.

      Thanks :)

    2. It's in the Jan 29th Collective Imagination show, starting at about 1:21:20, give or take a few seconds.

  62. God I hope this will go LIVE in two weeks. I sat there and watched the inauguration and Cried because yet again WE WERE ALL LET DOWN! No interim Government happened, no REAL change, just sat there and watched the same ol, same ol! I want this change to happen so badly, God, please let this truly take place in two weeks!

  63. Dweller on the Threshold31 January 2013 at 14:10

    I know now why the OPPT trustees selected this and the other couple of blogs to watch. It's because the loyal commenters -- the ones who have been around the longest -- represent the lowest common denominator of the current Human psychological profile. It makes perfect sense as a testing platform for their ideas.

  64. Wow, just read this article on another site. It seems that Heather and Bill Gates and are working towards the same goal, a cashless society. It makes me take pause that Heather could be on the same page as Bill Gates.

    It was also very surprising to me to hear that Heather and company was holding up the new financial system because with it comes the release of all the announcements, good and bad and she questions whether the masses are ready. There will never be a perfect time. So just get it over with so we can move on.
    Heather, you must have realized that we BEings of the light that are trying our best to HOLD that light shining brightly for the good of all BEings, can only hold it for so long after being let down time and time again when nothing happens that we are being told.
    Of course you should proceed to allowing the rest of the plans to roll out. The longer you wait, the dimmer our lights grow when we start to question if we are believing in a pipe dream, when no visible action occurs.

  65. ' It seems that Heather and Bill Gates and are working towards the same goal, a cashless society. It makes me take pause that Heather could be on the same page as Bill Gates.'


    Sine Nomine

  66. Hi, The Netherlands here.
    I also think it's time to move on forward!!!
    Europe is becoming one big mess in no time. Southern countries are already fallen in poverty, no jobs, no money, no houses, etc. It's a matter of time for Northern countries (the rich ones) to go the same way. Everyone is trapped in the same evil deal, called the European Union.
    Announcements are already made that critical journalists are going to be prosecuted. Censorship in Europe?!?!
    But... most of the people know in their heart something is really going wrong and their trust in governments has lowered deeply.
    Because there seems to be no answers, or the answers that are given are lies, people are knocking out and try to have some fun.
    But, I think, there's so much energy hiding in the people wanting to come out.
    Also wanting the truth about what's going on!!! Specially if they get a glimpse of a way out.
    We have to trust the creator inside all people. Nobody can make the process, we can just put the truth out and be there for each other.
    It needs time to put things together, but I think waiting too long makes things only worse.
    Thanks for Being and... Doing!

  67. It may be time to start asking the hard questions around here... Especially to Heather!

    (In a cashless system, however, an enormous amount of trust is placed in the hands of the government agencies, banks, and corporations that would then control the money for the “convenience” of the unwitting soul who has sacrificed his own personal responsibility and control for the luxury of his convenience. If even one of these institutions decide, for whatever reason, that the account of the user should be frozen, disconnected, or discontinued, the ability to purchase the basic necessities will disappear. That is, it will disappear if there is no longer the option of cash.

    When all financial transactions eventually become digital, it is only a matter of time before banks, corporations, and governments begin to force citizens to bend to their will with the threat of cutting off accounts as punishment for resistance or refusal.

    This is precisely why we need both resistance and refusal now, before it is too late.)
    By:Brandon Turbville

    1. It was stated some time back that we the people would be chipped, that plan has since not taken off. Maybe now this is a new plan to have a cashless society with the use of a say, debit type of card with a chip in it like they already have in passports and American ex. cards. along with eye scanners, finger printer scanners ( which TD Bank used, I had to do it myself!TD has since removed them. If ya dont play right by them, they shut you off!! Lets see if Heather can talk herself out of this idea - jus sayin!

  68. Hi, The Netherlands again.
    Is there a possibility for people with the same language to join and discuss this together.
    It's a hard way to understand this, especially in a foreign language and it's easier to make our questions clear for you.
    If there's not, maybe it's an idea to make a forum.

  69. WOW! I am sooo confused. It apperars as if Kauilapeles blogs has done a complete 360. Maybe I am just reading this worng, but I don't think so. the article is called "Energies have upgraded....Extensively....Drop your paradigms"
    They go on to say that basically what is spoken of here is yesterdays news and everything has been changed. They go on to give you a list of things that are old paradigms for lightworkers.
    Here's a list

    And the “Light Worker” old paradigms… those can be the most stubborn, for some. And wrenching to the open minded, to see those folks struggle with them, trying to maintain the old “Light Worker” paradigm. Here’s a few…

    ■NESARA (from my view, this ain’t gonna happen… not needed anymore… it’s been changed)
    ■The Galactics are all going to show up all at once, in the sky. (been changed… new approach)
    ■I am working with this Master Teacher, so I have to remain with them. (no more gurus… WE are the guru)
    ■I am working with this group, so I have to remain with them. (groups are together, then dissolve, new groups form… may be with a group for a day, then leave and join the next one…)
    ■I am living here, and I’m comfortable here, so I have to remain here. (“comfort” has nothing to do with “where you live”)

    what is this? Are all of these sites some kind of a sick mind fuck? I mean really? NESARA, not gonna happen. Been changed. UFO's, not showing up. Been changed, new approach. Been changed to what!? Did some of us miss something here?

  70. Why haven't Heather, Caleb and Randall had an Internet press conference yet? I mean, it's not rocket science. If Usama bin Laden can do it from the caves of Tora Bora, certainly the OPPT trustees can do it from the comfort of their homes or offices.


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