
Monday 21 January 2013

Between Heaven and Earth

Please read this amazing outpouring of remembering and love.  I was gob smacked when I read this as Heather and I had been discussing so many of these things between ourselves this weekend. There is amazing truth written here which plays into the excitement that this week brings.

The illusion of "Hierarchy" is just that, an Illusion.  Those that have built up this illusion do not wish to let go of their position in the pyramid, and yet now they have been woken to the truth:

We are all ONE.

As Above, so Below. As Below, so Above.

.....Apparently they needed to be reminded of this. That reminder was delivered last week.

Between Heaven And Earth

We stand this present moment, between heaven and earth, Gaia and Sol.
Surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses on land, sea and space,
 who both fear our duality and praise our promise of Oneness and rebirth.

We give great honor to those who have journeyed far from their star, to visit ours.
We thank you for the messages you’ve sent, channeled through being, media, music and art.
We’ve tried to listen, even while our perception was attenuated by the interlopers.
Signal received.
Time lines are converged.

You’ve sent your own sons and daughters to be born as one of us,
 to aid us in our long climb from the depths.
We thank them and you.
It was a good plan.

Yet it is US, who have been prisoner of the darkest powers,
Some not our own own who fled in retreat here to be with their kind because they fear light
And found our enslavement an ample source of sustenance.
It has been US who have been reborn life after life under the most brutal and cruel circumstances.
We know you want to wait for the perfect moment when our own kind pose no harm to you.
Yet we, who have not yet your abilities must stand here and face the same.
If we can face these beings, in this thick pea soup energetic, why can’t you?
If not now? When?
Are you more fearful of death than we?
Can any appearance by you,
be worse that the children slaughtered each day by the dark ones?
What about us?

Creator Source gave great mercy and grace to the corner stones overlooked,
 not just the sage from Galilee, but all 7 billion of us.  
Source chose to create a new seed of human, a new line of being,
 the merging of Angel and Man, for the Service of One,
In physicality.

We knew light, and we have seen great darkness. 
We know all exists in Creator Souce.
Never in our darkest moments did the Source of All abandon us, will you?
Even when we were not deemed suitable for contact, nor even safe to encounter.
Quarantined like a plague infested town.

Consider it was not safe for even us, but here we remain, 
struggling with great ardor towards the light
 like a young field of sunflowers tracking the Sun so bright.

Source has smiled upon our venture.

Ascended ones,
You call yourself Masters, but have your forgotten your humanity?
There is only one living gold, Love.
And the only way one gets wealthy with this kind of gold,
 it is to give as much as possible away,
For it comes from an inexhaustible mine.

There is in each of us a diamond, 
made from the carbon of our hearts.
Forged in the heat and pressure of life on Gaia.
It has been a rough cut diamond,
We know that.
It comes in many colors.
But soon it will sparkle in the Light.

Do you fear Oneness more than us?
Will you not come to our aid 
In our moment of need?
Will you choose
Protocol over LOVE?

We love you.
We are sorry.
Forgive us.

We choose you.
Return us our heritage,
Our inheritance,

There is only NOW.
We love you all.



  1. Replies
    1. Beautiful, but has been on AK website since Saturday.
      Nice Everyone...
      Keep getting played.

    2. What's your point? Good G-d some people just have to bitch about everything. Go away

  2. The reality of illusion is the illusion of reality.

    Sine Nomine

  3. It was said that no one knows thee hour not even the son. But I did read the book and we win so until then we all just do the best we can to get through our an patiently sit and wait for the great day of victory!

    1. That scripture was referring to the 'second coming of the Christ'. I understand that He will show up eventually during these times especially for the sake of those who don't believe that this is really happening.


    2. I think the 2nd coming you speak of Anon 09:08 is in fact the awakening is Christ Consciousness.... Doesnt really matter what you or I think but that we KNOW it will be!

      Love and light to ALL!!!!!!

  4. Hopefully it's a good and interesting sign that D is posting in the morning. It seems she usually posts at night. Today is the much anticipated 21st. Well, aside from the other one last month. LOL Will something wonderful happen today? We can hope!

    I love you all.

  5. I can only hope with every last breath I have in me, that something good for the people will be seen this week. My hope, my joy, my everything is tired of waiting. No money to do anything so it's now down to the wire on my hope for change. I don't want to give up. It's really not in me to do so, however, when you don't see anything happening for all the people and you wait and wait, what's the point? Yes...I am a dinarian. Waiting has been the game I have played for quite some time. This piece of poetry by American Kabuki led me to believe he/she is frustrated too. In my's time to get off the pot, or leave us alone to fight our own individual sad little battles with the elite. WHERE ARE THE GOOD GUYS? No offense Heather & D...but one more thing and I will have to let go of the rope. It's just getting to be too much.

    1. WOW, you took the words from my mouth Anon 07.53. After what just happened my heart feels like ice and I'm too tired to attempt to thaw it out. I have myself just let go of the rope. I wish you all well.

    2. I too have just let go of the rope.

    3. Hide the rope else someone might get throttled with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    4. I am already looking at other things to do, applying to slave wage jobs, finding out if I can get some projects done...just let go of the rope and try to survive. The alternative is just based on "hope"--and hope doesn't do much to feed or clothe or house you. I've come to despise that word, because it means you need something. I would rather say "I need" then use that word.

      If your heart is broken then leave this stuff and ignore it. Your well being comes first, and if this is not contributing to your personal happiness, please go and know you are doing what is right for YOU! :)

      I plan on taking a few months away from blogs of this nature. Starting today...because thursday will be like today and yesterday. "Nothing will happen *insert date*" AFAIK. Drake has been proven to not be doing anything already, belittling anyone that has REAL information b/c he has nothing himself. Poof has proven himself accurate, but unable to give specific dates. Which is alright. He isn't in it to be an ass, he is helping keep accuracy without dates.

      I spent a year reading, discerning and learning whom is accurate and whom is not. And now I am going to leave for a few months...enjoying life outside of this circus.

      Enjoy the show all whom choose to remain. :) Remember, just an illusion. Just a show.

    5. Liz....good to hear that you are moving seems that everyone here has been played for an absolute joke and it has been happening across the baord...who would be so vicious and evil to perpetuate these lies.....obvious everyone believing in this has once again been played by the dark side....just look at Cosmic called Comic Awareness....for many, many years he told his faithful followers of acension, Plant A, Planet AB, the arrest of Obama and other elite criminala, all to happen at the 12/21 point............and then NOTHING....what did Comic Awareness have to say to his frustrated, faithful followers? He said that what he had promised had indeed happened....maybe they weren't vibrating at a high enough rate to's that for BALLS............years of lies and then when D-Day comes....just say it did happen, you fools just weren't enlightened enough to get it.......
      Same here............turn these pyscho ops web sites off...tune them out.....they serve only to mis lead you and play you all for fools........
      look at the back 5 -10 years and you will see Ben Fulford and Poof and the rest were making their silly "imminient arrests" of the cabal back then, nothing has changed but more liars have made the scene...Keenan, Montaque, Drake, Wilcock..........channeled message from you "ascended masters" SaLuSa and all the's a big hoax....they sit back and ahve a good laugh at the stupid sheeple always ready to buy off on the lies........
      Stop it now...........get out and LIVE and never look back....there is REAL work to be done and these charlatans keep you from that work........organize and become active in changing this world we have to work with......take up a cause.........they are seriously poisoning our food, air and water.........pick one and get organized and you can save the lives of your fellow man...........we need to stop GMO poisoning, flouride mass drugging our water and chemtrails filling the air with pathogens, aluminum and god knows what else...........this govt plans to kill us off, but first use us for slaves and our only saving grace will be if we become the RESISTENCE..........this love and light and foo-foo feel good BS will get you nothing and give them exactly what they want.............shame on you Heather and all the others.........shame on you. Obama the drone bombing killer is alive and well and sworn in for another 4 years of tyranny........John Boehner and Ron Paul are all very much a part of this elite group of criminals....they are all on the Federal Reserves GROW UP and move on....Liz is right!

    6. Liz and Anon 11:15 I applaud you! Good luck and all the best to you.

      Sine Nomine

  6. Yes!!! Something wonderful did happen today. The sun came up, and I'm walking upright. Anything after that is a plus. ;)

    Keep it simple folks. If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.

    Peace. Light. Love.


    1. image.. wake up in the morning, the sun 's shining,
      and when you decide to go out....

      you don't have any idea who you're gonna meet...
      whom you gonna share dinner with....
      and what the evening will bring...
      you dont have any plans for tomorrow..
      nor for what you're gonna do today..

      you are having a wonderful experience called life..


      contributiosme= michael tellinger

  7. AK outdid himself with this one. I continue to look forward to the next moment with excited matter what happens or doesn't happen.

  8. Doesnt look like its happening... Biden swearing in right now as I type....

  9. As I watch the inauguration at the moment, one commonality I am certain of - each and every person has love at their core, regardless how diverse and unique they display themselves in this world. Cannot we join together now and always seeking the highest good for ourselves and all creation?

    American Kabuki expresses heartfelt sentiments that stir my visions for peace and love and a healthy life for all Beings. Thank you for your dedication in providing us with a source of information on your blog.

    Obama just took his oath of office as the 44th President of this country. May the All That Is Creative Intelligence bring us all into harmony. Now his speech . . .

    Thank you AK!


    1. I watched that part of the inauguration and my eyebrows went up. Kennedy was the 44th president! Obama is the 57th president. LOL!!

    2. Wrong :) Kennedy was 35th President on 44th term while Obama is 44th President on 56th and now 57th term.

    3. Oh, oops! Darn wikipedia! Thanks for the correction.


  10. if the reminder was delivered last week, WTF is the delay?!?!?

    1. I saw it when I was doing my homework, daily research.

    2. say it then..dont be like D and Heather acting like the cabal and keeping privileged and insider info to themselves and between themselves.

      FUCK THAT SHIT..WE HAVE RIGHT TO KNOW! WHAT MESSAGE WAS DELIVERED, BY WHOM, TO WHOM AND WHEN??? WE HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW. Se we the one can hold the messengers and recipients accountable and liable!

    3. Do your homework.

    4. and what makes u think your "homework" provided the right answer. If u know say, if not STFU!

  11. Hey SUCKERS, Are ya'll watching PRESIDENT OBAMA get sworn in?

    So, what happened? I've got to know!

    YOU GOT PLAYED, again.

    PT Barnum was a genius.

    1. Go grab yourself a Corn Dog then sit back and watch > ONE PEOPLE'S PUBLIC TRUST "A PERFECTED SUPERIOR CLAIM" Jan 20, 2012 on Santos Bonacci Show - at 42:00 >

    2. Santos is one of the most knowledgeable and truthful people out there. He has posted the OPPT info and the interview with Heather on his FB pages. Can you give a synopsis of what he said, I won't have time to listen until right now.

  12. Can't wait to hear the *lame* excuses.

    Come on, don't disappoint, who's first?

  13. Looks like we got played.....Obama is pretty much mocking the constitution that he has never followed......this is a joke...

    1. Yeah, that was painful.

    2. Yes, Obama plans to destroy this country, shred the Constitution and hand us over to the UN for their AGenda 21 and One World Govt.....that is why he passed a new law giving himself Secret Service Protection for a lifetime (instead of 10 years as all other POTUS got).............and that is why he wants gun laws ASAP.......he knows they have plans to do American in all the way..........complete slavery..........RTS and all the hoaxes out here are 100% psych-ops............get out of here and join the resistence.....that is what they want to stop.......that is why they develop these elaborate hoaxes and push them all over the internet.......cling to your religion and GUNS (what Obama hates most about Americans), and know that god is hoping we are smart enough to save ourselves!

    3. Guns? No wonder you are all f****d up ;)

    4. Speak for yourself, asshole!

      The Second Amendment is in there for a reason. A very good reason.
      Take a hike shit-head.

  14. Between heaven and earth lies ....... the cabal and the shills.

  15. This has been the pattern for this past year. The cabal set up some blogger or internet radio personality with a trumped up, hyped up story to raise the energy and hopes of the public. Then when the stated event is supposed to hit a crescendo, nothing....absolutely nothing happens.

    Pure psyops, pure mind control games. Very similar to a women in an abusive relationship. The man beats the living hell out of her, then turns around and tells her he loves her. Eventually, her mind is so warped, she can not differentiate reality from fiction.

    It's all about control and after all these decades, the cabal have it perfected to a science!

    1. This seems to be the case...I don't want to roll over and go back to sleep! What now!?

    2. Ironic how the more the "schills" come on here the more people come to the site...Keep up the good work naysayers! LMAO

    3. Anon 9:37, "naysayer"? really?

      You are aware the Obummer has been sworn in officially today ( for the second time) on open tv, aren't you?
      You are aware that John Boner...yes Boner, and Ron Paul are nowhere in the picture aren't you?

      You see, in a reality based world, that isn't being a "naysayer', that is pointing out the facts.

    4. Yes I am quite aware of that and the post I put is NOT about that is it? ;o)

    5. What now you ask?

      Become the resistence...pick a cause and become an activist......they loath us and they fear us........take GMOs....death by design.......get the info in the ahnds everyone you know and their are plenty of very legitimate groups fighting GMOS..........fouride is added to our water to make us docile and cause cancer.....plenty of information out there....take it to the streets........tell everyone....start a movement.....there is so much we can do...we are many they are few....that is what they fear.....if you think for one moment that love and light and enlightment will bring down the dark cabal you are mistaken.........they will mow you over and laugh while they do your love for your neighbor..........the dark cabal needs well organized resistence....boycott big corpoations that are killing all the big idustrialized food...
      get out.......get off the computer..........move it.......there is work to do....and be sure to buy a gun and ammo for the sheer joy of knowing they hate that...slaves with guns are scary!

    6. Nope, idiots with guns are scary as history proves more often

  16. Looks like AK is just as stumped as most of us are.....this post and then nothing for a full day +

    Makes ya wonder for sure....

    I am getting very tired and wishing this would all just end. Losing the will to go on and the Cabal just keeps on living....

    Any Positive Military or leaders that can go in there with guns drawn and start arresting. Come on Military, come on U.S. Marshalls!!!!!!!


  17. YOO HOO > ONE PEOPLE'S PUBLIC TRUST Jan 20, 2012 on Santos Bonacci Show - at 42:00 >

    1. Yeh? And? 1hr51mins telling us to listen tomorrow (now today)?

      Where's TODAY's link?

    2. Santos is in Australia.

      That means their is a big time difference.

      Ninja Bambi

  18. D is right! It is going to be an amazing week, for the cabal that is. Stick a fork in the so called "good guys" because they are done!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It is up to us the people I mean the sheeple. It always has been. Unfortunately there is not enough people awake, or that care to do something about it. Even if they were enough people, the cabal has a stronghold on everything. so it would be almost impossible to defeat them. Ahhhhhhhh, business as usual in prison planet Earth. Let have a good time being slaves and keep watching crap on TV or playing idiotic video games or drinking beer like morons. Yeah life is amazing!!! Whoo hoooooo!!!

    1. This was supposed to be the moment that the "media" was supposed to be forced to "disclose" in order to wake up the "sheeple" who are oblivious

  19. I wonder who President Obama was looking for when he was exiting the platform????

    1. I wondered the exact same thing . Obozo looked a bit nervous !

  20. Looks like all the welfare queens of RTS will have to find another way. Sorry, no free checks, no PP, no NESARA to save you all from the working life. Hell, here it is MLK day and I had to show up to my racist employer's place. In this world we just do the things we gotta day, as unsavory as they might be.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Mass arrests in April, then a few weeks later.. then july green light, then olympics disclosure.. the list goes on. I don't think I have been this disturbed until now. There were parts of Obama's speech that very nice but there is such an emphasis on bearing arms and being the 'greatest' nation. Are we not in a place where we can consider all the people of our planet like ourselves and not our enemies?

      'It will be a long and challenging route to develop energy solutions'. Is this already manufactured free energy equipment known to this man? Most importantly, if Obama is not the real president and he put all of his passion into that speech, then the pretense is really sickening.

  23. In the planet earth control game. The scores are:

    Cabal= 1,999,393,343,444,134,599,495,307,301,304,134 points

    "Good guys"= 8 points

    and the winner is.........

  24. VERY disturbing inauguration. This disconnect is making me nauseous. Who is completely out of touch with our societal reality, those of us who comment on this blog or the thousands of folks that took part in the charade today? I can't help but have my doubts..

  25. I now understand the wait for 'the element of surprise' for the announcements.

    People need to have 'THE HELL SHOCKED OUT OF THEM'.

    Then we can have HEAVEN ON EARTH!!

  26. I am upset that I was tricked into watching that boring speech and all those puffed up rightous jerks talking about freedom!!! what the heck??? why was that important for us to see?? I think Heather really needs to let us know what exactly is going on and why are we still starving everywhere? If the money is in Heathers possesion then what is the wait for. While we are waiting around for some type of announcement people are starving and homeless?? What is the delay, we have been suffering long enough, and I am definately starting to believe this is all a joke??? What did I do to deserve this yanking around of my emotions, and starting to believe that there is hope, to have it laughed at in my face by those who are making up stories. Either way someone is lieing wether it be heather or the cabal. And it's starting to become frustrating, what to believe??

    1. The people trust is just paper. Without any backing that is just what it is. The UCC is their system and they will not allow outsiders play with it.

      It is up to us. Only we can change this. It would take a million years to wake people up because of their deep programing. It is a prison system without walls that we can't escape. Without some kind of outside intervention (outside of earth forces) we are dead meat.

      We have lost this long round. Maybe in our next incarnation we can do something about this. Until then keep doing anything that can make this hell a little more tolerable.

    2. I was tricked into watching that speech also. Not only that, but I took off work to do it! What a laughing stock I have become now to my boyfriend, family and friends. I have lost all credibility. The joke is on me.

    3. "I was tricked..."

      No you weren't.

      You read some stuff. Made up your mind about what you were reading. Then chose to take a day off work and tune-in to watch a certain broadcast of the TV.

      Nobody tricked you.

      You CHOSE to do all that stuff.

      Just like we all choose to do what we do.

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. Well, Ninja Bambi
      You can SPIN it any way you want to. It was still a disappointing day.
      Thanks for putting in your 2CENTS which was useless. Thanks,MOM! LMAO!

  27. From Matthew via Suzie Ward,

    With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Pondering and puzzlement are in some lightworkers' thoughts. Here you are almost three weeks into your year 2013; not only has nothing occurred in the way of substantial reforms, but there is talk of another war zone and a deadly hostage situation in Algeria, random violence continues and the plight of refugees grows. Don't those show that Earth still is in darkness?

    We thought that our last message covered why your world cannot change as swiftly as some lightworkers had hoped or anticipated. However, the questioning thoughts let us see that in connecting the dots of information in many previous messages, we omitted this dot—the difference between the dark forces, darkness and dark ones.

    The dark forces, by far the most powerful, is a gigantic force field of negative thought forms that meanders throughout the universe looking for lesser evolved civilizations to enshroud in darkness. Although this vast field has the ability to manifest into whatever individual forms it envisions, it rarely does because its goal is to capture an entire civilization by enshrouding it in darkness.

    Thus darkness is the dark forces' offspring, you could say, and it can be likened to a cloud cover that is so dense that the people feel lost in the miasma. And indeed they are lost insofar as conscious awareness of their beginnings, of their god and goddess selves and of their inseparable connection with the Supreme Ruler of this universe and all other life forms herein.

    The dark ones are the individuals in an enshrouded civilization who have a proclivity toward greed, cruelty and lust for power. The low vibrations of those tendencies form "cracks" in the psyche, and by the universal law of attraction, the cracks permit the entry of the matching negative thought forms that are the makeup of darkness.

    Henceforth darkness influences and ultimately controls those individuals' thoughts, intentions and actions. They become puppets of the darkness and carry out the dark forces' goal to enslave that civilization through tyranny, fear, deception, corruption and ignorance of truths about their beginnings in Creator, multiple lifetimes, the universal laws or the realty of other civilizations.

    So where are those three dark sources now in relation to Earth?

    (cannot post entire message, as it's too large, so google for rest)

    1. And then google what he was telling us in July last year. Then draw your conclusions.


      They have conveniently listed all the channeling messages that they are responsible for since around 2009.
      It makes for good reading ,you can easily access exactly who said what and when.
      Pay attention to the repeated messages at certain times,especially salusa and sheldon.
      They have been spouting the same shite for years.

      I need to shout ,so all of you out there who are of a timid nature,beware.

      As always I wish all the best of life and send love to you all.

      I have to admit to looking forward to BLOSSOM GOODCHILDS channelings because she argues with her channel.(she is really arguing with herself ,or the voices in her head!)

    3. I heard tell that the Positive ET's are not allowed, by agreement as a whole, they are not allowed to channel any messages to humans on Earth.

      So, if that's true, all those channeled messages may be coming from negative entities...

      But, I'm just repeating what I heard, so it's just what it is...or not.

      Ninja Bambi

    4. Channeling involves giving another entity permission to use your body, or it used to mean that. It seems to be the new buzz word for receiving messages from who-knows-where saying who-knows-what ie what used to be called clairvoyance. Whatever it is it is unreliable because the messages are influenced by the beliefs of the recipient. Eg, if you are a Christian, you are likely to get messages from Jesus, or a saint. If you believe in ets you will be most likely to believe you are getting from galactics. Whatever the message, it is hearsay. If you do the research as baab has pointed out you will discover that all the messages give the same message - false hope. The only message you can truly rely on is the message of your own heart. Learn to trust it. Just my two cents.

      Sine Nomine

    5. Clairvoyance or clairaudience, I meant to say.

      Sine Nomine

    6. Dear Ones, my ass21 January 2013 at 20:29

      with all of the hidden tech of the cabal how can anyone be sure it is not them who are beaming these ideas into people's heads? we know now all about the MK mind control and cointelpro tactics, so how far off is the ability to target individuals with messages from beyond?

    7. I would say its already here in operation and has been for a few decades.

      Could account for the Ra material.

      Sine Nomine

  28. Will the dupes finally learn after this latest debacle?

    1. Nah! They'll keep coming back for more. Don't make any bets or you'll lose your money.

    2. The Shackle Debacle - LOL ;)

    3. Maybe YOU dupes (all two of you, or is it one?) will finally move along and take your ill-will somewhere else, your snide and belittling crap is getting old.

    4. All negativity is merely this: the reflection of a closed self to itself. Nothing more, nothing less.

      When that negativity is cast outwards in the direction of others, in whatever form, it is one thing and one thing only: a projection of one's inner state.

      As soon as negativity is projected outward upon others, one has lost oneself to one's own negative image. At that point, one's self becomes the ongoing project of one's own projection.

      What is the name of that project? In a word: hate.

      This is the origin of every negative comment here. It is all the same thing: self-negation repurposed as hatred of the other, usually in the guise of intellectual debate.

      In truth, it couldn't be further from the intellect. Negation is the basest form of human action: the self's own admission of its failure to realize love.

  29. I truly feel like I need to be sick !! What is the holdup folks ? Why did no one go and arrest the " heartless " cabal while they were all up on that stage ??? Where are the good guys that are suppose to help us ???? :(

  30. D. I think you have a good heart. For now I am hanging with the thought you and others were handed some a bad press release. And if this is just another distraction from the small minded simpletons ask yourself why. This community is not that big so why bother with us? Because they are trying to cut off the blood supply to.raising the consciousness. Everyone connected and aware understand how vital our role is in helping this process along. Don't be fooled by them. You are playing into their hands. As for telling everyone you know and then wind up looking like a fool Don't tell them everything. We know the idiots are down for the count. People will have to find out along with the rest of mainstream when tshtf. But at least you wont feel like an idiot if we have more false info. Hang in there

  31. They had to make their choice on record. Now they made it.

    Love them for the contrast they bring.

    1. What the heck does that mean?

    2. Y'all make me laugh. As you've said much has happened. i.e. the same old shite has happened. I'll pop back next year and y'all will be talking about the same ol same... Excuses as to why the cabal is still in power...etc., "but this is the year, we're free, we're in 5D, a greater shift is about to occur, more people are waking up, Boener and Paul are going to take power any time now, and then we'll have our election for a real government." LOL. And you guys attacked the poster who mentions Jesus...well what have all your "light workers" done? NOT ONE THING!!!
      Status quo is still the order of the day. LOL!! This is good entertainment.

    3. Love the contrast? Love the dark because it serves a purpose?. This is double speak. It's like go to war to make peace.

    4. What that means, 10:30 is..."those are not the droids you're looking for."

    5. No offense AK, but if you already knew that they had to "make their choice on record", then why were we told to expect something on the broadcast? I just wasted 2 hours of my life on nothing but the same old.

    6. I didn't read anything from D or Heather that indicated anything would happen in the inauguration broadcast. I did see a couple of channeled messages saying there would be "a guest appearance" or something of that nature. But nothing D or Heather wrote indicated to me "watch the broadcast". I slept in!

    7. so the PTW made their decision, now what??? how many more years until they receive their punishment for their actions???

    8. Thanks, AK.

      My Heart is with yours, buddy.

      I AM.

    9. Please elaborate for us Obi-wan

    10. All negativity is merely this: the reflection of a self closed to itself. Nothing more, nothing less.

      When that negativity is cast outwards in the direction of others, in whatever form, it is one thing and one thing only: a projection of one's inner state.

      As soon as negativity is projected outward upon others, one has lost oneself to one's own negative image. At that point, one's self becomes the ongoing project of one's own negative projection.

      What is the name of that project? In a word: hate, rooted in shame.

      This is the origin of every negative comment here. It is all the same thing: self-negation repurposed as hatred of the other, usually in the guise of intellectual debate.

      In truth, it couldn't be further from the intellect. Negation is the basest form of human action: the self's own outward admission of its original failure to realize love.

      There is one option out of this spiral: to realize one's closed state for what it is, suffer its truth, and, with a little help, open from that place, and then act transparently from it.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Do not despair people! We still have the next deadline to look forward to!


    See y'all on Thursday, bright'n'early! Try and contain yerselves till then!

  34. Poof did warn us about this. Just because people want it this way... doesn't mean it will happen.

    1. You idiot! Always leave the door open that "it might not happen this time." That's his (and D's and Heather's) way of keeping you coming back for more. For Pete's sake, don't you see the scam? Where is your self respect? Your dignity?

      If you're still hanging onto this illusion even now, you are pathetic and beyond help.


    2. I noticed that too Anon 10:20, he did give us the heads up on that issue.

      Don't forget that he didn't offer any 'CONSULTATIONS' either. So


    3. It's not all that obvious that it's a "scam" because it's really unclear what the intention is here. Simply to take the people who want change and keep them holding on? They're not trying to get personal information and they're not trying to get money. They're not telling us to do what exactly is the horrible intention here?

      We all know it's plenty possible that the idea of coming changes is an "illusion," however, is the alternative reality any less of an illusion? That's the problem. I don't see how anyone could watch Obama's speech an not see a huge illusion there. So many pretty words and what will it result in...more threats of war, Obama-care, and stricter gun control? You want to talk about illusion, we all know just how "real" the information we're exposed to through socially acceptable "experts" and "authorities" is.

      If we're going to support one illusion over the other than we feel like it might as well be the one that we want to turn into a reality. However, supporting an illusion doesn't do that.

      No one here has bad intentions, and we're not "stupid" for being "duped." We just want these illusory games to stop. How can we DO something to make the changes that we support a reality???

    4. OMG! How is a person stupid for believing that nothing was going to happen today, and point out there was SOMEONE out there already explained it. Hello. The change is going to happen through the people, LIKE JFK pointed out in his speech so many years ago.
      An INFORMED PEOPLE make RATIONAL decisions.
      Please don't under estimate any individual based on a few words. How does that help ANYONE by name calling? Isn't that what we are against? We are to bring the individuals down and bring them UP because that is how the world is changed. EMPOWERING the people is what we are here to do.
      Please look at yourself before calling people unwarranted names.

    5. Thanks for this, well said, aninfinitebeing, I wholeheartedly agree.

      Here's the truth, folks, the system of slavery is so big and so deep and has so many tentacles that anyone with any sense of it knows that it's going to take a miracle to even just expose it, never mind overcome it.

      Hence why so many innocent ones are longing to be rescued. They are good, sincere, honest people who just long to be able to be free.

      Would we have said to the slaves on the plantations, the only way you're going to be free is free yourself?

      So, you nay-sayers, you negative ones who believe that we've all been had, why don't you spend your time more productively by teaching people exactly how to overcome and free themselves from the slavery?

      Or is it that you don't have any answers either?

    6. Poof is just another word for a fart in the wind. This guy has told as many lies as Drake and D. Wait a minute! Drake and D! You don't suppose D is Drake when he wears his women's clothes and panties. That would make sense as they both have been correct just as much which is ZERO!

  35. Nothing will happen©.

    1. Something will happen©. We will make it so.

    2. Does that mean 'something Did happen©' ?

      Sine Nomine

  36. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. We just have to look for them.

    I am sure there are other valid reasons that we haven't had announcements as of yet, but one just came to me.

    We have just witnessed the swearing in of President Obama for his SECOND term. He is the 21st President (Inaugurated on the 21st of January 2013) to 'BE ELECTED' for more than one term.

    Along with that, he is the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN President.

    This is in fact a day in History. Obviously it is meant to follow Obama into our History books.

    I am well aware of the 'Corporation' issue but until we 'cross the Red Sea', we are still on this side of it and this day was obviously meant to be a part of our History and Barack Obama's BEFORE we cross.

    We have waited this long and just remember, GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT, "Patience has a perfect work".



  37. Frustration everywhere... Do you really BELIEVE that those ankle-biters let their puppets make any CLEAR statements? Do you really BELIEVE that anybody else than you will make any REAL CHANGE in your lives? Frustration.. thats what they want and what they need! Don't be that foolish to give away your motivation and to play their game..
    Greetings from an 18 year old german who doesnt want to live life with brothers and sisters wallowing in self-pity...

    1. You got rocks in your head, kid. Wake up, shake up. All of this garbage here is just that, garbage.

      Focus on your life, not the scumbags like D and Heather that constantly feed you lies and lead you astray.

    2. So why do you come here if this is just garbage?

    3. How bout this. BINGO to all who try to drag this movement down. BlessingsINGarbageOut

  38. Basking Sea Otter21 January 2013 at 18:43

    I have read a lot of expressions of pain on this blog and I take it to heart. The most important change is the change happening in your minds and hearts. And THAT you KNOW to be true and no one can deceive you about that.

    So we now know that change IS happening, but what you're angry at is the reflection of "reality" back at you that nothing seems to be changing. This old world is always in your face, it seems. I would just encourage you to know that if you've been shouting in a cave, then stop, the echos resound for awhile. What you see is the echo. What's most important is to know that this is now the opportunity to show the world/universe that you have indeed changed, by your changed reaction to the echo. Assuredly, the echo will die down. Stop stirring the water and the ripples will go away, but not immediately.

    I do wish something can be done for those of you who are struggling financially. My heart goes out to you, because you are me.

    With Love,

    Basking Sea Otter

    1. Beautiful post, Sea Otter. And certainly MY reality about how we manifest.

  39. 6000 police on the parade route ???

  40. I have to say D the vibe on your blog is changing and its not a good change. The comments on this post are about 98% negative and 2% still positive and hopeful. If something doesnt come out to the masses soon you may not need a blog anymore as I dont think you will have anyone willing to come here. IDK if Heather was telling anyone to watch the ceremony today as I do not have the energy to listen to or read anything from the OPPT but if she did I think she has some explaining to do. If this is all just a bunch of bullshit and nothing is going to truly change then I can only pray to our Creator to have mercy on us and put an end to the existence of this prison planet. May she wobble off her axis colliding into the sun and return us all to that from which we came.

    1. The 2% positive just plummeted another half percent after reading the synopsis at the end of your post. Thank you for nothing.

    2. I think it has to do with people just not being able to hang in there any longer. What's the next date we wait for? I have already heard mention the Super Bowl. OK. Then I guess it will be the 4th of July. For those who are about to be homeless, the hopelessness kicks in. I think that people are venting their frustrations and that they are not necessarily frustrated with D. We all know that she is NOT what is holding any changes up. So I think the peeps here need to give a little leeway to some of the posts that may come off as negative as just venting frustrations. If, however, people are attacking D, DON'T RESPOND!! Not even with a comment about "well, we just heard from another shill." Don't give them any energy. Just move on.

    3. "...If this is all just a bunch of bullshit and nothing is going to truly change then I can only pray to our Creator to have mercy on us and put an end to the existence of this prison planet. May she wobble off her axis colliding into the sun and return us all to that from which we came..."

      This is YOUR wish. Let's be clear on that. YOURS.

      It does not apply to anybody that doesn't also wish the same.

      Ninja Bambi.

    4. I agree with Brando. I wish the world would have mercy on us and end for that would be better than continuing to live in this intolerable hellhole.

    5. I don't agree with Brando or anon 12:46 and it does not apply to me.

      Sine Nomine

    6. I never said it was anybodies wish other then mine and I would not wish it upon anyone that did not feel the same way. I am just a person who would much rather be free from the restraints of a physical body trapped in a prison.

    7. Problem is suicide is not an option, you have to free yourself somehow(ascend?), otherwise you get down here again within the boundaries of this incarnation cycle.

    8. Suicide is always an option.

    9. Suicide is an option to the self that finds it to be so.

      In reality, even suicide is the reflection of a self's despair, projected outwardly.

      Another option is to recognize the truth of one's inner state, and ask for help.

      If done with sincerity, one may find oneself gaining insight into one's condition. One may even find one's heart opening in that very same place.

      At that point, suicide as an option may be replaced by the will to live, and breathe anew.

    10. If we all have a soul-agreement to leave our bodies and return 'home' at a pre-agreed moment of time, we all commit suicide.

  41. I can not beleive what I am reading here. He is one of them, and hence did not have any choice but to hang on to illusion - because OPPT did not leave any room for escape. I bet that he would not see next sunrise if he did any other thing. OPPT documents are CONTRACTS. TACIT AGREEMENTS. Everything today is a contract, and to make this simple for readers I will say only this - learn what is a CONTRACT (you might want to check for that) and learn to avoid CONTRACT that you do not even know exists between you and your ''government''. All it takes is to challenge their claims - just ask for some evidence from them to validate their claims, and if you do it right - you WILL HAVE LAWFULL tacit agreement with them and they can kiss your ass. So it's up to YOU to challenge the illusion or it will stand forever.

  42. Another point that has to be made in regard to the cabal playing mind games with events like this. Pysops like this are also about destroying the integrity of internet information.

    For many of us, we stopped watching the MSM propaganda many years ago. The internet was the go to place to get the truth. Many others have been slowly following us here. Just look at the dismal numbers of CNN and MSNBC, absolutely pathetic!

    Now the cabal have put a focus on turning the internet into the new MSM. Destroying any faith people have in the information being heard or found. Cass Sunstein mentioned years ago that was the goal. Even Hillary Clinton mentioned years ago how "they" were losing the "information war"...which was through the internet.

  43. Did anyone notice that Obama's speech was not packed with the power that we have come so accustomed to?

    His facial expressions during yesterday's ceremonies and lack of excitement were dead give-a-ways to me too.

    1. I have seen alot of nervousness today . Especially out of Michelle and the oldest daughter seems to be a bit upset. Boehner does not look happy at all !!!

    2. I agree about Michelle and the girls, it was all over their faces yesterday and today.

      Boehner however, when entering the platform was grinning EAR TO EAR!!

      I guess he was saying to himself, ALMOST THERE!

    3. At the beginning of Os speech, he said "creator" and I saw Michelle wince. When he first started his speech I was wondering if he took some of his material from OPPT. Or maybe his speech writer did. lol

  44. Quote:
    “The Illusion of Hierarchy is just that an Illusion”

    -Knowing the above statement
    -Letting the “Powers that were” know we know they are impersonating their authority of us.
    -Knowing who we are, a Living Breathing Divine spirit,
    -Letting the “powers that were” know we know who we are;

    Has not changed their actions, they still play the part and have the guns at our door to enforce their ILLUSIONS ON US, we know and clearly see their SICK game.


    WE are still Waiting FOR:

    (Don’t tell me I am who I have been waiting for)


    I need someone to explain to me how and why this OPPT Ucc documentation is going to change these minions, I have already pointed out all their crimes to them,(including impersonating authority)


    We can handle the truth
    We deserve the truth
    We are the beneficiaries
    We demand the truth from the trustees.

  45. Obi Wan Kabuki, thank you for what you said up there about "they had to have their choice on record". So, I am interpreting this as, "Obama had the choice to resign and give the announcements and the decision was he chose not to", so now this is on record. And that is the delay. Now that makes sense. It is now legal for the Resistance to take the corporation out.

    1. That is how I took it also. They signed their own death warrant. The time for love and light needs to be saved for another day. It is time to take the fight to the beast. Just remember and remember well, "Those who turn their weapons into plow shears are ruled by those who did not". We have been waiting for a sign, for a savior, for someone or thing to step up and lead the fight. Guess what? That someone is you. Do you want to live forever? Like this? Hell No! Join the Resistance. And remember. You are not alone. There are Millions if not Billions of us who feel the same way. We have had ENOUGH!

  46. I don't know why but it bothers me that they insist on televising extravagant lunches and the "gifting" of damn crystal vases. Tax payer dollars hard at work!!

  47. We should ALL takes notes from this little girl:

    We can learn so much about life from children.

    Bless Us ALL! Brighter days are here, if you open your eye.

    1. Wow! That's the attitude all us jaded adults need to have. Thank for that!


  48. What is wrong with Michelle ?? The women is acting like she does not want to be there.

  49. Okay, am catching my breath
    and upon some supportive emails,
    need to now leave this . . .

    Obi-Wan Kabuki 21 January 2013 10:11
    "They had to make their choice on record. Now they made it.
    Love them for the contrast they bring."

    also on RTS,
    something possibly brewing around this Thursday . . .
    . . . so now wondering if the higher plan includes,
    that in the face of OPPT doc,
    the DH (Divine Hierarchy) the Earth Allies had to wait
    to see what the corp would choose before the world,
    . . . as clearing this morning,
    they have further incriminated themselves,
    before the entire world!

    So back to more Heather-da-kine Ho'oponopono . . .
    "Thank you for holding the contrast"
    "I love You",
    Please Forgive Me,

  50. I had no idea how gullible and stupid I was until today. Oh, I've long suspected. I hear my friends and family whisper when they think I'm not paying attention. Thank you D and thank you bad cabal people for feeding her disinfo. Your evil plan worked. You've successfully broken another hopeful soul and opened my eyes to the fact that there are no happy endings in real life. Nothing's ever going to change and silly me for trying. Boy. I feel really foolish now! Lol. Sigh.

  51. anon of my favorite sayings, "Just when there's no more rope...there's more rope". The best is yet to come. We were always supposed to win.

  52. I forget the source, but it has been said that Obama's role on this planet is to help encourage people to be the change, not to make all of the changes himself. You have heard him say "We are the ones we have been waiting for.", and today he kept saying "We, the people" and that we need to "seize the moment". So while everything he said seems to be in the right direction (even if it sounds like more of the same)--with talk of the Constitution, opportunities for everyone, alternative energy, and so on--one thing I believe people can continue to take from this is that if they are disheartened that something has not been announced (yet), then take further initiative in being the change themselves.

    For example, seeing how over 34,000 people petitioned the U.S. government to build a Death Star, which required their response at, there is no reason why a particularly eloquent and knowledgeable writer can't make a petition on the same website asking for the government's response to The One People's Public Trust, the real NESARA, or ET disclosure. Try to force their hand, and Occupy The Media. The one such petition I saw, for disclosure, I believe only received about 300 signatures (requiring at least 25,000 for a response), and surely disclosure should be much more important to the people than a Death Star, correct?

    The point here is that people need to consider getting serious and doing more than they are right now if they want to see change in this world. I also speak for myself, which is why for the past few months I've been working on something that I feel will make a difference, but I know I could have been moving much more quickly, despite my ailments. I believe, and it has been said in channeled messages (if you believe in any of those at all), that everyone on this planet has talents, and likely everyone here who resonates with messages like these was chosen above other souls to be incarnated on this planet at this historic time in order to help better the world with their talents. So what are we waiting for?

    "We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do." -- Mahatma Gandhi

  53. I am still confused about Obama. He selected Lew for US Treasury Secretary and in The White Hats report/poem Dec 25th, he named some of the WH's and Lew was one of them. Why would O appoint him if O is a bad guy.

    1. No one knows for sure if O is with us or against us. Hell, for that matter, no one knows if the White Hats are or not. I just read today that they are cabal. The White Knights and White Dragons are not. No sense in looking into those details, because you're just gonna be left shaking your head time and again lol

  54. Jeeze, Louise. Just look at the zillions of trolls on this blog! I do not like how trolls attack with name calling and belittling posters, but it seems that the best way to handle them is to simply not publish responses to the attacks. If you do, that just creates arguments about who's right which creates doubt and dissension within since there is no "right" or "wrong". You can also just look at them as providing nice contrast as has already been mentioned in these comments, or see that trolls always gather en masse to debunk truth.

    1. Obama does deserve to make History today for all he has done and tried to do for mankind.

      Thanks Obama!

    2. Its funny cuz all the huge amount of trolls here only started after D spilled the beans about all of the changes. HHMmmm

    3. Keep your nose in your own business, Brando nutjob.

    4. Anon 15:26, It seems that Brando hit the nail directly on the head! Nice conformation. Thank you for your help.

  55. many people, of their own volition, read garbage like this OPPT and get it in their heads they are going to opt out of the system. this, of course, means going through all your money, your family's money, your friends money, until finally you are homeless and on a blog like this crying about your homelessness. working these jobs might really suck, but it sure beats looking everywhere for a handout.

  56. Obama MUST go through the ceremony to satisfy the crowd , otherwise we would have a mess on our hands . Let everyone who jumped through hoops to attend the inauguration enjoy the moment . So they can all go home peacefully and safely . Could you imagine the anger that people would have expecting to see the big O and instead got an announcement saying something else ? " Ladies and Gentlemen , we are sorry to inform you , but , Obama has stepped down from office and he will NOT be rolling down the strip in a limo today . We are One , one peoples trust now . You just need to BE . Can you see the light ? To BE or not to BE . That is up to you decide . Thank you very much for coming and have a nice day". They would be like WTF ? Oh hell no , before you know it, the nearest Footlocker store would be getting looted . That's exactly what we do not want to happen . HELLO people ! Duh

  57. How about this equation? Positive military + state militias + armed patriots = our freedom.

    Perhaps this is what was meant by 'Seize the moment' , and " they had to make their choice on record'

    I realize not many on this blog are 'up' for this type of action, well there are other things can be done to assist in taking action that wouldn't, perhaps be out of the question, eh? Yes we may have to actually 'make' this happen. I'm 60 years old, but don't even try to leave me out of this type of 'action'. Just saying, could be done without 'firing a shot'.

    1. The spineless jellyfish can move to the side and let the Big Boys do the heavy lifting. That may be what it takes, whether the woo woo crowd likes it or not.

    2. I would be more then willing to take up arms against the cabal if we had the supplies and the numbers. Problem being I am from Canada and our militias are about as fierce as the muppets lol. And I would not join the countries army if it was to save my life.

  58. D and Heather you have a lot of explaining to do, don't hide behind an uplifting poem that sheds no clarity on why what was supposed to happen didn't happen..I specially do not trust any of Heather's input, that woman came forward with a remedy that is nothing but an illusion. Unfortunately the illusion in which we live in is all too real, pay rent, pay groceries, pay taxes, pay utilities, pay car, pay gas, pay more taxes, so don't play us like idiots and explain what the hell happen!


  59. Each of us creates his own reality, and whatever we find on our plate is what we ordered. These are incredible times in which we are living, and all of this is just part of the adventure and the mystery. Each of us has to follow his own guidance each step of the way. A little over a year ago, mine led me to the information we are all familiar with, first through the Law of One to David Wilcock's material, Steve Beckow's site, all the channeled messages and other info/intel sites. I probably read as much as anyone does, and can't say I understand it all, and I've been disappointed and frustrated at times like everyone else. And while I'm struggling like many others are, each day is a beautiful new day, and signs, symbols, and miracles abound. We are creating this incredible new world with our thoughts, intents, and actions. We each have our own role to play, and none of us have seen the entire script. I appreciate all those out there like D, Heather, AK, and all the others, who are playing their roles to move humanity forward, with no real way of knowing how the scene is going to play out. Like my old friend Roscoe used to say about a job we were on, "I've been to a goat roping, a camel race, and a world's fair, and I've never seen anything like this....and I wouldn't have missed it for the world!"

  60. This has been the goat roping. And Allen, do you assert that the innocent children who suffer violence at the hand of blood thirsty ordered that for themselves? This "law of attraction" business is useful, to a point, but is not appropriately applied as a general statement of why some things happen to some people.

  61. Folks the problem is that you are Walking between Two Dimensions (3-D and 5-D)and you don`t have FREE WILL AS YOU THOUGHT. YOU ARE UNDER CONTROL OF YOUR HIGHER-SELF! You are guided from above. If you don`t allow yourself to go with the are stuck in 3-D!

    1. So tell me, this is for the people on you guys pay taxes? do you pay for housing? do you need to have a job in order to make "money'?
      do you have to pay for food? do you feel hungry? cold? sick? I am so sick of people using the 3-D 5-D crap, no matter what dimension you think you are in, you are still here, on earth!! controlled by the cabal, nothing has changed, no, let me changed that a little, the only thing that has changed is that now, all the lies that people like D and Heather have been telling us are coming to the light, so I think this is a good thing, this people can't lie to us anymore, is obvious D is hiding behind all this esoteric crap instead of coming forward and apologized for her lies.
      I watched both swearing ceremonies, yesterday and today, so I can tell you there was no "hiding" message no hope of surrender. I thought Obama looked a little defiant, he had that look that people have when they believe nobody can touch them. D mentions some kind of notices were delivered last week, well I have bad news D, all the people at the swearing ceremony throw your notices in the garbage!!!

    2. Anon 18:12, Please listen carefully and watch closely to them again, and pay close attention and you should have some red flags in your bucket when you are done.

    3. It`s easy to pay when you have a cash cow(enough money coming in month after month without working for it) based on your own efforts not looking for a hand out. That is the difference between people who are waiting for someone to save them and those who trust in their own ability. The NESARA and NEW BANKING SYSTEM will happen..don`t worry about when. It could take all to the year 2016 for this to happen but it could happen before if there will be no CIVIL WAR and the right circumstances such as KARMA taking place to make the changes with big corporations(sharing their wealth).
      And even when this happen..the release of new technologies will make a whole difference how the FINANCIAL MARKET operates on this planet. Keep in mind everything is changing constantly so nobody can predict the exact dates for the future, that`s why you have to listen to your own guts and intuition and not follow blindly everything someone write or say on internet - that is what sheeple do..but you are not a sheeple right??? think about that.

  62. thanks D and Heather for all the disinfo. guess i'll start watching Fox or CNN. i know for sure they are whores spouting propaganda/disinfo and misleading the masses just like you here.

  63. anon 11:45 you sound like such a victim and whiner. Grow up and take responsibility for your own decisions. This thing is not over and we were always supposed to win in the end. Change your attitude and change your life. Don't try to convince your family that you are right and you won't have to defend your position..

  64. Thank you AK...for showing US your Heart

    Bless you :-)

    Namasté Marthe

  65. This is a bit off topic...It seems to be so that I can't respond on the "right spot". Its about the interview with Santos Lisa D and others from yesterday evening:

    Very clear interview...I stil keep an open Mind and Heart about this ALL...The overall FEEL is "good" :-)And Great Truth was Spoken The only, but very important question I have...




  66. I put this post on the Keshe thread but feel it might get lost through the loading, loading, loading! I feel it is important to warrant a second posting. Here goes:

    I'm even more confused now after reading this article about Nesara:

    "When will NESARA occur?

    Lady Master Nada foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 9/30/08 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The KOS then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. We’ve been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason…prior to being arrested and removed.

    What we are looking at is a surface projection/shadow play. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. The US is economically bankrupt, and the surface system is failing and will soon be removed."

    ICJ? Now UCC? My head is spinning. Somebody help me out.

  67. There is malware on the keshe page. Just sayin..


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