
Monday 28 January 2013

"And the Rest will Take Care of Itself"

Judge Dale sent this to me last night.  I love when the "data" presents itself.  I love when minds come together to focus on the topic at hand.

The topic of "money" is one that is on everyone's mind, to the point that people have become hyper-focused on it. Don't get me wrong, I too am struggling financially and have my moments where thoughts of paying rent becomes my driving focus.  And yet.... I know that the money isn't the real issue.  IT has become the issue because we've been told over and over by every controller we've ever had that IT is the issue.  We've been brainwashed by the government, religion, media, Hollywood, organized sports, music industry, educational institutions, medical associations, the fashionistas, car manufacturers, beer companies, the toy industry, and every other entity trying to get your constant attention that "MONEY MEANS EVERYTHING!!"

.... and what do they all have in common?  Oh right!  They want your money!

The best way to enslave a person is to convince them to put the shackles on all by themselves.

Hold up some pieces of paper and tell the people they NEED this piece of flattened wood pulp with ink on it, and convince them that it has a value that is vital to their existence and tell them that the only way they can GET this piece of paper is to enslave themselves to the system.  So in reality, "Money" is just a figment of your imagination.  It is only real because those who control it are telling you that it's real, that it's value is directly related to your happiness and well being.

So we return to the question and thoughts that I posted last week.  What would you create if you had what you need?

By: Judge Dale

The love of money is the root of all evil,” (1 Timothy 6:10). I am not a religious man; a fanatic or philosopher by any stretch of the imagination and yet I admire how prophetic and profound this phrase has proven to be, as evidenced by mans excessive love for money; possessions and the political and moral history of human civilization.

Ironically, the only thing that money cannot buy is poverty, but then who wants poverty? You can’t give it away and yet excessive wealth is responsible for all of it and much more. It’s almost paradoxical!

Essentials such as food; clothing; shelter and transportation all have an inherent worth and dollar value assigned to them and who will provide and supply any of these commodities for free? Sounds totally heartless but perfectly logical and yet my Galactic contact inquired: “Why do you need money?”

Another paradox because my friend certainly wouldn’t be asking that question of me if the Galactics used money, but if they don’t, what fuels their initiative and commerce?

I thought I would be clever and responded to his question with a question: So, why don’t you need money? Instead of a definitive response, the answer I received was: “You are immortal and know the answer to that question!” Don’t you just hate when that happens; isn’t it enough that I can hear voices?

I learned from our previous discussions with my Galactic friend, that all human beings possess the God spark, which was defined as intelligent energy; the energy of creation; the energy to create; the root of immortality and that only the physical organic body I incarnated into, is limited by time and fate.

Rather than appear imbecilic, I deduced that all I need to do is to concentrate on the question, “Why do you need money?” and perhaps the answer will convalesce.

Courtesy of the bourgeois class [royal and elite] money has always been apart of our indoctrination and three dimensional belief system, as an essential element to sustain life. And excessive wealth is historically rewarded with great privilege; status; leisure and opulence. Just how much status can one human tolerate?

As evidenced by the bourgeois families of the world, excessive wealth, status; leisure and opulence eventually leads to great boredom and excessive boredom leads to sociopathic behavior [i.e.] “Idle hands are the Devil’s workshop” and “Dog eats dog, analogies come to mind!”

Mans two most valuable assets is his mental acuity and his labor, which is taken for granted by the least acuitious of man, the bourgeois, who in turn establish their own personal value and worth for our assets, and the reason we permit this to happen is because, they control the money!

We regard the bourgeois class as inherently intelligent because of their excessive wealth but history as proven that, wealth and intelligence are not synonymous!

So let’s suppose that all the wealth of the world has finally been foreclosed on and confiscated in the name of humanity and half was divided proportionately, to the tune of one billion dollars per person and the other half placed in trust for future generations!

Now we all have instantly attained this bourgeois status of excessive wealth; privilege; leisure and opulence however a new problem now exists! The problem is that we cannot enjoy our new found status because there no longer exists any initiative by others to provide the service and labor that embellishes our new found position and so we all end up back at square one, serving ourselves and or serving others out of love; kindness and the pride of accomplishment!

Is that why my Galactic friend asked: “Why do you need money?” Was he actually inquiring about why we required some physical commodity to motivate our most basic instincts and talents?

Apparently, this bourgeois status thing has all been just an illusion -or- a cruel practical joke played on us all along! And apparently the only solution to break us free from this indoctrination and belief system is to make everyone an instant billionaire and the rest will take care of itself! 


  1. Who is Judge Dale?


    1. He's a retired judge who gave the OPPT docs the once-over for D and answered questions for posters here. He also wrote a piece about RV and dinar on another site but I don't have the links for that, sorry.

      Sine Nomine

    2. Thanks, Sine Nomine

    3. If I remember correctly he may have been an assistant to a military gentleman some 40 to 50 years ago. I believe he was the assistant of someone that was involved in what is currently happening. He has watched the entire plan unfold. Early PTR calls.

    4. Judge Dale was a sitting US judge and a specialist in Constitutional Law and The Corporation of the United States of American

    5. Tony Serra is not available Will judge Dale please represent me in a criminal case i am being sought after for. Their are no victims in my case.

    6. My apologies Judge Dale and everyone, I was thinking of someone else..... Anon 7:43

  2. I'm sure I've said this before, somewhere on some post/comment recently, but it's on topic so I'll say it again...

    I am sick of money.

    I wish it was non-existent.

    However, I have to go shopping soon, for the usual food and wotnot, and the last time I checked they still expect me to hand over some of that paper illusion with the patterns and numbers on it, before I leave the supermarket.

    Now, I'd be glad to give them my own promissory notes, that I printed myself, but alas, they don't accept my promissory notes, just the official ones.

    Now, I'd also be glad to just press my thumbprint onto their receipt if it helped them, but alas, they don't operate that system...yet.

    So, I shall just dig out whatever of those acceptable debt notes I can find, and use them.

    Did somebody just make me an instant billionaire?

    That's nice.

    I'm patient.

    I'll wait until the effect of that trickles down into my awareness and changes my reality.

    I'm open to change...

    Ninja Bambi

    1. I'm open to change... NB, I've nothing smaller than a $1 billion note, so no change here! ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    2. Me likey, You very funny...


      Actually, now you say that, Sine, there is a movie, very old one, about a man that has a million pound note and how it affects his life...I can't remember the name of it, unless it was called the million pound note.

      Ninja Bambi

    3. I hear ya darlin- rent is due in 3 days. But you understand the underlying meaning of the article. I know YOU do. ;>)

    4. Ninja - It starred the late Wilfred Hyde-White and Gregory Peck and was called The Million Pound Note in UK. Made in 1954 - the film not the note and called Man with a Million in US. Interesting, because he had that note, he never actually spent it but managed to acquire lots of things from others based on a promise of payment. Sounds familiar!

      Sorry D, just musing and messing. All out of crayons and watching the paint dry.. No really, just painted a door ;-)

      Sine Nomine

    5. Thanks, Sine...that's the one. Not sure if I ever saw it, but I heard it mentioned recently on a talk-in call, and you reminded me of it today, so there we are...

      It's fascinating, the illusion of money, and how we all react to it - mainly due to long-term programming, no doubt.


      Ninja Bambi

  3. I agree 100% with Judge Dale.....Make everyone an instant billionaire...The Universe will work the rest of it out; it always does.

    xoxo Christine

  4. So excessive wealth creates poverty in the long run, yet everyone should be a billionaire...

    1. Excessive wealth only creates poverty if it is hoarded by a few and not evenly distributed.

      Actually, that's patently obvious, so I'm not sure that your question was sincere or just a snide shill remark.

    2. Exactly " D " real wealth is health and happiness , not paper money ( just my opinion )

    3. that's definitely thew biggest part of it jonny :>)

    4. I don't believe that's what the analogy was. I think it's more along the lines of creating a world were the pursuit of wealth would be removed as an obstacle to living. I mean, ask yourself, if you didn't have to work to survive, how would you spend your time?

  5. bourgeois (boor zwha') is the middle class, not the "royal and elite."


    1. That has always been my understanding as well.

    2. Yep, me too.

      Ninja Bambi

    3. No such thing as class , cabal controlled illusion , truth is we are all equal , we are all one

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. We all have a common component in us, a spark of the divine, but that doesnt make us equal.

    6. Well I was Inspired to look into this...and there is a fine difference

      Bourgeois is indeed middle class BUT with the focus on only money and possesions. Bourgeois undervalues and despises art, beauty, spirituality and intellect...this is also called materialisme or philistinism.

      Bourgeoisie encompasses all of this.

      Seeeeeee...Its all about Focus, Choise, Rebalancing, Balance and bringing back/in Harmony and Becoming Whole again :-)

      LOVE reading the Codes...

      So now I'm off..just recieved the message that the Queen wil be on tv at 19.00 h. ...and a neighbour invited me to come over and look together...she knows that I have no tv :-)

      I expect that the message wil be her stepping down...but...hey everything is possible in the NOW...we'll see.



    7. So the old witch might be stepping down, that's a step in the right direction. Now if they could only do away with the entire Windsor family, we'd all be better off.

    8. Oxford online dictionary:

      Pronunciation: /ˈbʊəʒwɑː/

      Translate bourgeois | into French | into German | into Italian | into Spanish
      Definition of bourgeois
      belonging to or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes:
      a rich, bored, bourgeois family
      these views will shock the bourgeois critics
      (in Marxist contexts) upholding the interests of capitalism; not communist:
      bourgeois society took for granted the sanctity of property
      noun (plural same )
      a bourgeois person:
      a self-confessed and proud bourgeois

      mid 16th century: from French, from late Latin burgus 'castle' (in medieval Latin 'fortified town'), ultimately of Germanic origin and related to borough. Compare with burgess

      Seems similar to nouveau riche.

      I'm always amazed at what comes up on this blog!

      Sine Nomine

      PS Marthe, I take it you don't mean Queen Elizabeth 2 when you refer to the 'Queen"?

    9. Seems you were right, Marthe.



      Ninja Bambi

    10. Queen of the Netherlands, as she liked to call herself, Sine.

      Just announced, she's toddling-off the throne.

      Ninja Bambi

    11. Ooooh! That's interesting. She was the big cheese of the Bilderbergers. Her papa, Prince Bernhard alleged German spy during WW2,was the one who started it up. Did she jump or was she pushed? ;-)

      Sine Nomine

      And who says nothing is happening?

      I wonder if her cousin-in-law [or whatever the relationship is]Lizzie will take the hint and follow suit?

    12. Yes, Sine...a big old cheese-bilder-berger!

      However, it appears she has only stepped-down in order to pass the shite-stick over to her son. That's the official line, anyway.

      My first instinct was that she was kacking her pants over something and decided to vacate the hot seat.

      My hubby said her mother vacated for her, so it's nothing new in that family.

      We'll see...

      Ninja Bambi

    13. QE2 , Just a sad old woman with a handbag and a hat ! maybe if she went to the bingo with all the other pensioners she would smile once in a while ...just my thoughts

    14. buhahahhahahah thank you anon 10:34- that was an awesome giggle!!!

    15. The hat bearing a close resemblance to a flowerpot. hehehe.

    16. Loving the dialog exchange on this post! Sine Nomine, Ninja Bambi, you guys have me peeing on myself I am laughing so hard! Humor = Food for the gut brains cells! LOVE LOVE LOVE you guys! Never could understand the atrocious taste in Hats, Handbags and frumpy clothing of QE2. She doesn't have a sense of style even WITH all that wealth, bless her heart. It's CRIMINAL I say, I could do better with a couple of used flour sacks! Flowerpot hat, EXACTLY!

    17. Hi KK, if we didn't have humor a few of us (me!) would have gone loop-de-loop loopy years ago lol! Love you too KK! ;-)

      QE2 does bingo - Haha! I thought you guys knew why she wears big hats - its where they put the batteries! :D

      Sine Nomine

    18. Sine Nomine! You did it again...Batteries! pmsl...

      But now you mention it, I do remember hearing that the crown it wore in 1952 at the coron-ation weighed very heavy, something like nine pounds or more! How many batteries would weigh that much?

      The recharger is in the handbag, one supposes...

      Hello Kathy, it is a pleasure to be of occasional service to your "gut brain cells"!


      Ninja Bambi

  6. The concept of making everyone a billionaire is a good one. By having financial abundance, it will cause people to question money. We will get bored very quickly and instead of oh no I need to pay the bills, it will be dang I want something to do, what is there? Examining the overall situation, i.e infrastructure can take place. We are held back by technologies and yet we have such wonderful things at our disposal knowledge wise. The information is there but the capacity to roll out massive changes is not just held back by PTW but by our very state of mind. Re-examine the self, re-educate and the rest will follow. Question is since we are all individual and learn via individual routes, what can be used as a catalyst to create curiosity towards change? Give everyone lots of money and allow them to realize how trivial and unnecessary money really is.

    1. Thank you Anon's amazing how simple this concept is, and yet so many still think about it in the old paradigm of lack and cut-throat competition......along with the money, the release of long-suppressed free-energy technologies plus those that the Galactics will introduce will be more than enough to keep us all busy doing things that are for the greatest good of the ALL.......indeed, "The rest will take care of itself."

    2. I agree. It's a very simple concept and I believe it makes the most sense. Most people seem to think the world will crash and burn if we were all to gain financial prosperity. To me, it will completely spin everyone's world around, forcing us all to change our focus. I think the idea of that kind of freedom makes people nervous- especially if you don't trust your "fellow man". I do, and I think that without the daily pressures, our true nature can rise up and our true callings will quickly come into play. "What can I do to help?" "Since I can now DO anything, without worrying about keeping my head above water, what is it I really WANT to do?" I'm glad he wrote this, because this is how I've felt... everything will even itself out. The majority are good people, ready for this kind of freedom. We know what we want and it's nothing that resembles what it's always been. All we want to do is get our hands dirty to build this back to where we want it to be.

    3. How long does it take for the bank to clear a 9.5 Billion dollar check? Is it the usual 2 to 3 business days? LMAO.

      I'm visualizing PTW putting a hold on my check...hmmm 2 to 3 business days???????

  7. The best way to realise the " Royal and Elite " is absolute b,s is to keep going back along the bloodlines of these self proclaimed Deceivers , you will soon realise their ancestors were no different to ours , so who gave them their titles and power ? ( a ) they took it through murder and theft , ( TOUGHEST GUY IN THE TRIBE HIT ALL FREE THINKERS WITH HIS CLUB , TILL EVERYONE CALLED HIM KING , THATS HOW ROYALTY BEGAN ) no such thing as " royal blood " absolute nonsense , wake up people ... we are all the same , this is what they dont want us to realise...OPPT in now ;-)

    1. Ya know, I've been thinking about this 'bloodline' stuff. Someone worked out a while back, sorry can't remember who, that we are all related to Charlemagne. If that's true then it knocks all the speshul family cr@p on the head. And another thing, these so called speshuls, if they only ever are allowed to intermarry, they should all be disease riddled imbeciles and psychopaths. Oh wait....! lol!

      Sine Nomine

    2. Well said Johnny my man , royal blood , ha! absolute joke ....
      hold the light dude

    3. Hell, I'm a direct descendent of Mary Queen of Scotts on my mothers mothers side, and a few "blue bloods" on my fathers side..... my blood is red just like anyone and everyone elses. Luckily my family escaped the incest line, lol!!!

    4. I have connections back to circa 900 French nobility. I'm nuts and so are they! But I still love em!

      Sine Nomine

  8. Yes, indeed, Johnny.

    Thanks for the reminder.

    Ninja Bambi

  9. I don't know about a billion dollars each. I believe that amount was to be assigned to each of us but used to improve our surroundings for everyone's benefit. I'm still confused about how much cash-in-hand we would each get. Does anyone know?

    Anyway, with plenty of cash-on-hand, I would imagine we would look to participate in self-government, participate in community improvement programs, pursue our own special creative endeavors that we may or may not 'sell' to others, enlist in an intergalactic mission, etc.

    It would be fun to own an Aston Martin for a while.

    1. I'm waiting for this lol

  10. Aston Martin vs. Aston Martin , rehearse a Bond movie.

  11. Wheeeeee! This "instant post" thing is fun!

    1. yes.... there was just no way i could keep up with the moderation of the comments. I've opened it up again, but given a few friends authorization to delete posts that are made by trolls etc...

    2. I am going to offer an unsolicited suggestion. If you choose not to post it, that is OK. I hope you do not find it offensive, however; it is offered with love.

      Instead of attempting to judge who are the trolls, and who are just frustrated people caught up in fear, wouldn't it be more "kind" and "user friendly" to be less judgmental, and to just respond to comments that carry significant negative energy, and invite them to re-write the comment in more positive language without any disrespect, put downs, etc.

      Moderation of comments is not that difficult as long as a system is set up to share the load. Trying to do it alone, however, is a nightmare.

      Just my take.


      Tom M.

    3. Tom, on paper your plan sounds good. However, the shills are not here to accept kindness or friendliness, they are here to do a job.

      Their job is to make the rest of us feel so bad about our beliefs that we start questioning what we believe. Their job is to make us look like fools for believing what we do on this site.

      They are paid for doing this. So no amount of kindness is going to turn them around, it's just a job for them.

      Their nasty, snide, belittling remarks bring any flavor or intelligence to the conversation, so why bother having to read them.

      As D has said over and over, words have power (although I would take it a step further, words ARE power), and constant negative words are damaging to the soul.

    4. Louise, that is brilliantly stated! They are paid to turn us against our "inner selves" and our guidance system. They are paid to make us question the goodness of things all for their own personal gain.

      Words & thoughts are all energy. When you are bombarded with negative thoughts, negative situations arise; same is true with positive. Positive thoughts bring about positive results.

      Love is the answer. Peace is the result.

      xoxo Christine

    5. Yes, but without the 'dark' we would not understand that thing called 'light'.

      And without the challenge to our beliefs, thoughts, ideas and instincts, etc., we would not grow into who we really are.

      I've learned a lot since coming here...about ME. And if this was a OnE Way Street, that would not have happened. We can benefit from contrast, if we choose to use it to our advantage...

      Ninja Bambi

    6. Hmm... but do we need shills to do that? Can't we be objective ourselves?

      Everything happens when it happens in our lives for a reason, usually to teach us something. When the student is ready to learn the teacher shows up! So I suppose even running into shills is a learning experience. ;-) IMO

      Sine Nomine

    7. i agree with everyone above- the problem Tom is that 99.99% of them post as anonymous and I can't contact them to even ask them to rephrase their post. AND..... that would only increase my work load again.

      no matter. we'll see how this way works out, right?

    8. Contrast is needed, hateful retoric is not

    9. I don't say I want to read hateful rhetoric...but I don't really care all that much if I come across it from time to time (I learned that recently). I can choose how to react to it. Or not react to it. I can choose to let it show me my measure, of where I stand in the moment. I can choose to thank the person posting, for their assistance in my personal growth towards becoming a better me, or whatever...towards the light, that kind of thing.

      Think about this. The job of a so-called Shill is to divide and by so doing cause chaos, and conquer the positive energy.

      Well, if each time we encounter a Shill we thank them for letting us see how far we've come towards peace and unity, do you think they would be winning, or we would be winning.

      As I said above, contrast can be used to our advantage, if we choose to make it so.

      Imagine all the paid Shills reporting to their bosses that each time they posted, they got a loving, thankful, response that told them how much they were helping to enlighten and unify all of us!!! Do we have to delete them or could we better negate their reason for being, with love?


      Ninja Bambi

    10. I'll tell you how I weed through that stuff. I just never read the anonymous posters.

      If I live from my 4D heart, why would I need to not be known? I willingly give my name to everything I write. I only listen and associate with others who live accordingly. Everything else is just more white noise in a world drowning in it.

  12. Unless the base of our culture changes from money to another way, money is the tool we need to BEing and DOing. Currently right now I don't have much money so I am limited to my options. If I had the proper funds I would have a house with a garden and the proper tools to grow my own healthy food. And plenty of room and food for many animals, because I love animals, and can't afford to have any right now. Not to mention since I rent I am not even allowed to have the company of a animal. I am very patient and will wait for the proper TOOLS needed to BE and Do. Those are just a few examples on how currently money is our tool. Unless that changes, or maybe that will be something that will change naturally over time when we all realize we have plenty of money? Open to change with no expectations.

  13. Heather said last night that all we need to do is raise our vibration and all the gold in the St. Germain Trust will be released. That resonated with me to the core of my being. That felt like one of the hidden pieces to the puzzle we just found.

    Obviously the majority of us still have to operate in a 3D world and money is still very much needed, but as we grow and start manifesting things faster and faster through raising our vibration money will be quite useless.

    Thank you for sharing Judge Dale

    love and peace

    1. Something that stuck out in my mind when I read "the gold exercise" and then came again into my mind as Heather talked last night, was that the gold needs to be loved and healed. Those that had possession treated it as inanimate, didn't respect or feel it's awareness and vibration. The gold has been enslaved just as we were and hasbeen used against it's will for negative endeavors. Examples, war and enslaving us. We need to heal and love the gold. That's what I "heard" others may hear differently because we all have different rolls in creating this new world. I tend to be a healer.

    2. I can show Gold love, it can sleep beside me under the blanket, keep it warm. shower with me, I will wash it and condition it. I will take it for ice cream on a hot summer day. Have snowball fights with it, make it dinner, not sure what Gold would like to eat, maybe some lobster? Read it a bedtime story, take it on vacation to tahiti, jet skiing scuba, pina colada drinks! Take it to the doctor when it feels sick (Maybe there are days when the gold only feels like 14k?)So, I am ready to love the Gold as much as I can. I think there are many here that can do the same as me and love the Gold and treat it with kindness and respect.:)

    3. Anon 16:31. That was an excellent statement. You brought a huge smile to my face. Thank you so much for that. Have a totally awesome love filled day everyone.

  14. about the money thing... its only helping the old system to keep using dollars.
    the "fabled" gold bars and silver, etc... are simply too far away to be of any use for anything practical like feeding a face. so since its up to "us" to start everything new, we need to start replacing it at the simplest levels. Google's new central hub for their high speed experiment is right up the street from me so i am going to go there today and see if they can deal in something other than worthless paper. Judge Dale has correctly assessed that my mental capabilities control my labor. All things in nature agree or are spread to their atoms. So hopefully i will find good people there that can agree and be creative. It is worth my time to see because resting takes care of itself.

  15. Money will be in third dneisty until third dneisty man comes to evolve to the point of no longer needing it in society. As I am to understand the subject from higher sources as long as there is punishment- set order to a society- rules and regulations- laws- rulers of society - governments- competition- the rich and poor- slavery- and similar things having to do with connecting a person to the lower vibrations of third dneisty( not that third dneisty cannot eventually raise its vibrations) there will be the need for money in your world.Eventually third dneisty will move out of these lower vibrations and will be the better for it- while fifth dneisty will simply evolve in the meantime. Every density of life evolves together which is why when third dneisty moves up a level in vibration fifth dneisty has to do the same.When mankind is prepared to share all things in life ( no more ownership of anything - along with service to others) there will be no more need for money. As long as you hold the vibration of a society or world that does not see all of mankind as One you will wish for there to be a usury based system so as to allow those who wish to become rich a way to do so. And of course we know what practices in life allow for the rich to become rich and the poor to become poor. So how does a world lose the need for a monetary system of any kind? It moves up to fifth dneisty consciousness. And I do not mean you have to leave that world to move up to fifth dneisty consciousness- as fifth dneisty and third dneisty all live together as a single human- a single world- and a single universe. As is the Macrocosm so goes the microcosm- as is the microcosm so goes the Macrocosm. With much unconditional love and respect ---Daniel----

    1. As I cannot just leave off where I left off without some being confused as to my whole meaning on this subject of money I wish to make an addition to my previous statement.

  16. For every person on the planet that is not rich or successful is limited in life give them a bunch of money and those limits are basically removed and everyone can now choose what things they wish to do in life and every human being would now be able to choose either third dneisty life or fifth dneisty life based on what choices they can each make according to their happiness of life.By now many are already able to make this choice since the rulers of your world no longer will have their hold on you- every human can now seek their own ruling love in life.As long as they remain a part of the third dneisty slavery system however they are not free to choose their lifestyle and beliefs freely because they are bound by the system presently in place. They think they need to own houses- cars- boats- land - pay car insurance- pay for license plates- have a drivers license- health insurance- life insurance, and so on. If all these limits were removed everyone would seek his or her own ruling love in life and everyone would therefore choose either third dneisty or fifth dneisty as their new plane of life and existence that is to come ( already here for some). Again you choose third dneisty by the life you each wish to live and you choose fifth dneisty in the same manner. You do not earn fifth density and it is not owed to you- but both levels of consciousness are decided by the ruling loves of every human in existence.Therefore you cannot choose a world without money unless you first remember what things are required of a human that wishes to live in a world without money. And those Universal requirements I have mentioned briefly in my other statement.As far as the money goes once the people get their financial inheritances ( or everything will now be free in life)they will indeed each move to create the life they have already created in their minds and they will either unfold and manifest their new reality within third dneisty or they will unfold and manifest a new reality within fifth dneisty.And when all is said and done equilibrium will have been established- which is what was meant to happen all along. Then when the world around you has found its equilibrium in fifth dneisty money will already have been removed from your world because no one will ever wish to own anything ever again.But how many of you see this being the case in the world you presently live in today? If you say you do then you have actually moved over to fifth dneisty already. If you do not yet see this as being a possibility in your world today then you have not moved to fifth dneisty yet. But you soon will- so just be happy and patient in the days ahead as everyone will still prosper immensely together in the very near future( now for some). And so the sooner the population of the world comes around to sharing everything equally and equilibrium has been achieved money will be gone for good. It will not take half of the population to achieve this however but only the human souls who have come here through incarnation to create that equilibrium within our world today. In other words some humans are very awakened and are really raising the vibration of the planet up toward the levels of vibration it needs for equilibrium- and it is the vibrational level that makes all the difference and not the number of humans as some may think. With much unconditional love and respect ---Daniel ----

  17. Very intrigueging dialog Judge Dale, we will find as the parasites from our world are removed from power, the population will began to see their commonality and not their differences. Once disclosure is made because for a large percentage of our population they have to be told by experts to believe that they are not the only sentient creatures in the universe..the whole paradigm will began to change STS ( Service To Self) will rapidly began to manifest as STO ( Service To Others). I, served in the military and you find how very few materials things you need to survive and its remarkable! Once this New World of non - dependance on services for basic needs is removed, i.e., energy, food, clothing, shelter, people will gradually began to assume higher thinking and manifest their true spiritual nature. Classic example just look at Toddler's if left alone with out any outside influences and petty biases they will play until they fall asleep, they will work together to accomplish common goals.

    We need to remove the cancer that has infected our society and things will rapidly change. How many people of the BILLIONS of people on this planet have used atomic weapons (Very Small Percentage), how many people of have killed each other in conflict with guns ( VSP) and this WAR is manipulated, How many people sodomize, eat children and drink their blood ( VSP). We have a cancer of sociopaths that need to be excised from our society. Who would dump billions of tons of radioactive waste in our soil, poison our drinking water, poison the air with Chemtrail spraying, the normal every day person is just trying to survive, raise their children and put GMO food on the table..

    Banks, Bankers, Corporations Need To GO! They are parasites that feed on humanity. Humanity needs to shape its own destiny, lets lift the veil together as one!

  18. Jessica Jones wrote in Ask for the Ancient Paths that lucifer invented commerce--before his legendary fall--so he could control the other angels. Makes sense to me. Beyond question there is abundance in heaven!!!

  19. Judge Dale,i know it's off-topic but can speak a little bit about your Galactic friend (where he comes from,human or non-human,about his home planet etc,etc).Thanks


  20. Am I to truly understand that we are now at this point being encouraged to go to our local ploice dept and tell this story to the Commanders and/or Police Chiefs?

  21. Don't worry about any negative posts , stay positive always , just remember You are an electromagnetic being emitting a frequency. Only those things that are on the same frequency as the one you are emitting can come into your experience. Every single person, event, and circumstance in your day is telling you what frequency you are on.
    If your day is not going well, stop and deliberately change your frequency. If your day is going great, keep doing what you are doing.

  22. I read this awesomely bizarre article once about a guy who claimed that he was from an "inner earth holographic secret society" ... It was in a conspiracy forum that holds no credibility at all but this story was amazing and rang so true for me.

    Anyway he was very serious about what he knew & stressed the importance of breaking free from this slave monetary system by manifesting our way into a better reality. He said that every time we exchange "money" (debit, credit, check, etc.) that we should feel and say out loud, "Money is an illusion, this isn't real." I love love love that but haven't been able to bring myself to say it out loud once! In months! That alone should show how powerful it all is. Both the programming and the statement...

    1. Contacts in Agartha include Mikos and Adama. I've spoken to both of them and have met Adama face to face. He looks kind of like Legolas in the lord of the rings films. Dianne Robbins has more info if you're interested.

  23. You see my friends the darkness is being pulled to the light and we are now actively transmuting the darkness. So the anon portion is indeed needed at this time. Sorry you see it as a bad thing but really it's the opposite of that. I realized a good friend of mine has a talent for drawing the darkness out of people. Maybe some here have the same gift. Know that no response or reaction is needed if none is warranted. Namaste.

  24. Very well said Dreamwalker :-)


  25. "You dont need money"

    1) Because there are beings out there who can create, and they freely provide whenever asked, as they have far more than they will ever need. And there is no shame in living off of them.

    2) Because you have the power to be one of the providers in #1 if you choose to be.

    3) Because your contributions, however small, are valued by the universe. Even your existence is valued.

  26. I noticed this article in relation to the connection between judges and the banks.

    Diane Hathaway, Ex-Michigan Supreme Court Justice, Pleads Guilty To Bank Fraud

    It's worth pointing out the yin/yang of this - I feel folks might wish to try to see that we all contain (equal?) portions of light / darkness, so it's somewhat hypocritical for any of us to condemn someone solely on a single episode in their lives.


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