
Tuesday 25 December 2012

Merry ho Ho HO my friends!

I know I have been MIA for the last couple  of days- besides the insanity of getting ready for christmas in a house full of kids, I've been dealing with a lot of stuff this past few days and getting pounded by the new energy that's been flooding into us all.   While I haven't had barely a moment on the computer in the past 3 days with which to write, I have been trying to keep up with all the comments and trying to respond on RTS and answer as many emails as possible. ..... I promise I'll be around more once the christmas hysteria is over, lol. (or I can hide in a closet... which is also an option occasionally)

I want to thank you, every single one of you (even "nothings going to happen" guy), for being the wonderful people that you are, and for bringing your presence here to RTS and for sharing your knowledge, ideas, theories, love and compassion with everyone else.  I am hugely honoured that you are all here, and that you have chosen to come to RTS and hang out with me.  I look forward to getting up every morning and reading (ok, coffee first, then reading) what everyone has had to say during the night.  You guys have created a great community here, and I love it and I'm glad to be along for the ride.

I'm about to go throw my head at my pillow (praying I don't miss), before I fall asleep here at the keyboard, surrounded by bits of colourful ribbon and crumpled up wrappers from the chocolates I wasn't suppose to open till tomorrow (whoops) ( the box fell open and the chocolates just fell out of their wrappers right in front of me!) (no really..... it could happen!), but I wanted to just quickly post a brief hello, a cheery greeting of HO HO HO, and wish you all a joyous holiday season- whatever and how ever you celebrate- and to send you all a huge hug from me and say ...... it's gearing up to be an amazing week, and I hope you're all ready for it!!!!

(yes, that was one sentence and a very creative use of punctuation) (yes, I'm allowed to- it's my blog and I'll excessively use parenthesis all I want, so there) (...and canadian spelling to boot)  :>P

Have a wonderful evening my friend!!!!


ps: I just wanted to mention that there are several comments from today on the "crayon" article that I haven't been able to respond to- I'm not ignoring you, but )(*&&^%(*$!!!! blogger won't let me respond.  (grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)  so if you have a question that I didn't answer in the "crayon" article, please repeat it here and I'll get back to you asap!! :>)


  1. Merry Christmas, D! I'm grateful for all you do as well. I'm also grateful for all the fun, thoughtful, insightful, dumb, fearful, offensive, uplifting, enlightening and inspiring comments from every one of the beautiful amazing Beings we all are! Every ONE of the people that are on this planet are Divine, weather they KNOW it or not. Merry Christmas to ALL and to ALL, a good night. Peace and Love Y'all.

  2. I truly hope that the St. Germain application I filled out in November comes through. I have taco bell sauce packets and crackers for Christmas.

    1. I'm sending you *hugs and loves and kisses* and best energies! I know it may not help your hunger, but it is all I have to give at this moment and I'm thinking of you! Mwah!

    2. Dear anonymous 20:51.Please listen to me and keep coming back to this blog. If you feel safe ,post your name,because this place is miraculous,with many Angels of Light and Love , that will care for you and guide you ,as well as help you with your situation. It is happening to me , because of the enlightened beings who choose to be here , have reached out a helping hand. Do not be embarassed, because so many of us are in the same place as you. WE ALL LOVE YOU AND WOULD LOVE TO KNOW YOU SO PLEASE STAY WITH US , AND LET US KNOW HOW WE CAN HELP.(I SAY WE BECAUSE I KNOW IT IS A FAMILY HERE NOW ).My thoughts and prayers are with you,and please know that if you stay here , help will come. Love and Blessings to You my Friend... Barbara

    3. My friend- I'm sending you the biggest hug I have right now!


  3. Love the energy! Thank you for your wonderful blog. I find myself here more and more.
    It's funny, I never knew about this blog until Poof...
    Thank you and keep up the excellent work.

    1. i like this blog very much.i also found it out through Poof,though i don't always understand what he says maybe because of his american-english or because he is so cryptic.Hugs to everyone on this blog.Djon

  4. Have a wonderful XMas with your band of kiddies. I honestly don't know how you do it but please know that we appreciate it! I wish that i could feed the person eating taco bell sauce & crackers and damn I hope he or she gets a PP. That is my wish for Xmas.

  5. Merry Christmas (or whatever/whenever you celebrate) to all! Now I gotta go wrap some gifts -- pacific time, it's only 9:30 here, LOL! Love to all! MOM's ROCK! (Now I know why my mom was so tired all the time, ha! And I've only got two kids!)

  6. I wonder what will happen in the financial flip to all the elderly and disabled folks who rely on government checks each month but have no computer.... And the huge number of folks who now rely on food stamps?

    1. Everyone will be taken care of. And I think you can expect to see government checks get alot bigger!

    2. What about those on food stamps, will they get enough so they can buy food everyday of the month instead of their food stamps running out after a week?

    3. I have been told that all of these things will be taken care of my friend.

  7. Merry Christmas! Hope I recieve as was on verge of being homeless as an very wonderful elderly lady took me in. have NO income and due to a blizzard that ravaged this entire region we have been with out power for a week and most likely wont get it back until early spring at the earliest! :( Trying my best to help her and stay positive! God Bless! Love & Light Michael

    1. hang on MIchael- help is just around the corner my friend


    2. Bless her heart! I wish there were more women like her and BTS. Too many women are mean, spiteful, vindictive, misandric, golddigging, etc :(

      When you say around the corner, are we talking weeks, months, years? We were all hoping things would have happened by 12/21/12/ :(

  8. Thanks D for everything.....and how you handle with great humour being the meat in the sandwich. Our NZ Christmas is now all but finished. No couriers running around as I hoped but have the unshakeable feeling I'll see them this week.

    1. I think you're unshakeable feeling might be right my friend!!

    2. Are you as hopeful as I am that the elites can't further delay things? There has been delay after delay for years now.

    3. Well anonymous I think it has gone beyond hopeful to just plain logical that the 1%(probably more like 0.01%)have been drained of most of their ability to hold the rest of us under. Only a very small amount of the amazing positive news needs to be true to confirm that. They have lost!

  9. Awww D, I know your life is crazy and I just want to tell everyone here in RTSland how much I appreciate the points of view, love, support and camaraderie here. This is such an amazing blog. In my 52 years I have never 'fit' anywhere, until I found RTS. I can not express how uplifting it is to read posts from so many like minded individuals. I sent D an email telling her that this blog has become a lighthouse of energy attracting the most amazing group of lightworkers and wayshowers. I feel honored to be counted among this group of truly stellar people. All of the little miracles I see every day show me that our future is very bright indeed. It looks as if I will have a room mate in the very near future and a few new 4 legged children too. I figure it is easier to combine resources and work as a team, than to struggle alone. Many thanks to Merry and those who contacted me in support and love to help a fellow lightworker. Wishing Everyone a Safe, Joyous and Wonderful Christmas and an Incredible New Year!

    1. Kathy,in the last few days I was thinking of what you could tell your landlord from everything you had previously the same time hoping you get a room mate..and then reading your post...Wow! Amazing news!It put a big smile on my face.Yes,this blog is full of light and great people.Thanks to D for starting this blog.Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!xxx

    2. sending you huge hugs and spirals of light Kathy- You're awesome!

  10. Also wish to know if I applied today the 24th will I be eligible for any funds released on tje 25 ish? Or did I miss the dead line? Been dealing with power outages due to blizzard conditions so with attempting to find electricity and wifi this was the soonest I could apply once I became aware! Michael

    1. you haven't mised the deadline my friend - go to this link and fill in the info needed:

  11. Hello D and my family here at RTS. It has been a divine two days here on this site,with the outpouring of love and help that has been offered to me and received. Those of you,know who you are,and I am overwhelmed with gratitude . It feels like I am home here.I have hope now ,that I have not had in over four years of being without a home.I know we all have great hopes for the new financial system,and although it seems that could never happen, it is because we are so used to being enslaved,that it is so hard to imagine something as life changing (world changing) as the Saint Germaine grant.I for one, was very skeptical,but I have seen the Light and Love attached to this event,and I am sure it is going to happen for all who apply.Don't worry about getting any e-mail , you will still be fine as long as you provide all the info they ask for in the application. The current system is falling fast,and the new one will be there. It's time has arrived,and although waiting is difficult,the time will flow by before you know it.Just felt like giving some encouragement to you all out there. Have a Blessed Christmas, and remember why we celebrate this day.Be kind to one another , and spread the love, and last ,but not at all least,I want to thank D, for without her diligent efforts here, we would all be up the creek without a know what I mean.Thank you from the depths of my heart D , and I must thank Pam,because without you Pam,I would not be here . See you all again soon.My e-mail is BRAWDZILLA@HOTMAIL.COM , for anyone who wishes to e-mail me. Love and Light to All Tonight...Barbara

    1. Barbara, yours and Kathy's news put a big smile on my face tonight! Have a Merry Christmas full of love and joy.

      The light is shining!

    2. Prosperity, Just to let you know, my new room mate I speak of, is Barbara! Merry Christmas to you sweetheart {{{HUGS}}}

    3. Kathy & Barbara - your story and happy ending has made my Xmas!!! Last night I was visualizing each of you and your furry friends surrounded by an impenetrable shield of love, wherever you where, and sent the intention that things would work out for you! I'm so happy for you guys! Who needs presents when we have the gift of hope for the human race?

      To everyone in our little community, thanks for all the inspiration and thought-provocations. I appreciate it greatly! !And also to the trollocks who try to wind us up! lol!)

      Mostly thanks to BTS for deciding to set up this blog way back when.

      MERRY XMAS TO ALL !!!!!

      Love from Sine Nomine

    4. ...good stuff to the max...
      oh yeah!

    5. I am so happy that you are here Barbara and that you've found Kathy!!!

      so much love to you!!

  12. Angels also,Kathy Kelly and Merry , you two are too wonderful for words. I will never forget what you both have done ... Love,Barbara

  13. Abundant Blessings and Much Love to each and everyone here, and for our most lovely D for holding this space for us!

    ((((((((((((((Big Hugs to anyone here who just needs one))))))))))))))))))))



  14. BTW D, Crayons do not have much nutrition. Why are you eating the creativity tools? I think it's because the colors look like they would taste terrific.

    1. well one was called lemon, and another one was chocolate brown, and another one was blueberry...... how could i resist? :>P

    2. Did you really eat those crayons? Hahaha that is funny! If you did, I bet they didn't taste as good as real chocolate. :p

  15. I Am Just Overwhelmed To Be A Part Of This Blog. It Has Been Such An Adventure So Far, And The Riddles Are Keeping My brain Engaged That's For Sure :-)

  16. D,thank you for everything you do and this blog you started that has brought all these wonderful people together.Amazing things are happening right here right now..

    PS you have a great sense of humour :)

    Have a Merry Christmas!

    1. my friend, I'm just doing what I'm suppose to do... apparently, lol.

      it's not a sense of humour so much as being clinically insane, lol

      Much light to you Prosperity my darlin

  17. thank you D...and everybody

    merry christmas and happy holidays to all


  18. Seasons Greetings To One & All.

    Look up at the sky, at the pretty twinklers, at the shining orbs, at the Moon and the Sun and give thanks and send love to them all, for they are your family too.

    For those who may find themselves sleeping 'under the stars' be grateful, their light is pure love and healing. For those who find themselves sleeping under the roof of a cosy home, be grateful, but go look outside and upwards, and let the lights hit your eye...wink...wink!

    For those who have lots of gifts, be grateful, but not greedy. For those who have no gifts, be grateful for the gift of life, and not envious of the trinkets and gadgets given to others.

    For those who have lots of family around, be grateful, but not complacent. For those who have little or no family, be grateful for the memory of those family who are gone, or if you didn't have any family, be grateful too, because you didn't have any family to fight with!

    For those with pets, be grateful and for those without pets be grateful (walking a dog in the wind and rain is not much fun...wink....and cat scratches on your new leather sofa is not much fun...wink).

    In short, whatever you have or don't have, BE GRATEFUL.

    Love and Peace to all.

    From S in Europe.

    1. Wow, what a beautiful thoughtful and inspiring post. Many Blessings to you S, glad to know that there are people from all over the world reaching out and connecting with each other at this awesome little cyberspot. Namaste

    2. Thank you, Kathy! I'm very happy for you, as I read your news, if I'm not mistaken, you and B have made a mutually beneficial arrangement. Nicely done. That's what it's all about. Peace. From, S. :)

    3. @Anon 1:43: About: For those with pets, be grateful and for those without pets be grateful (walking a dog in the wind and rain is not much fun...wink....and cat scratches on your new leather sofa is not much fun...wink).

      One of my biggest hopes is to soon hear even more conversation from my pets. It is happening more and more. Houseplants, too. Two Christmas cacti in full bloom. Happiness to all!

    4. Great post S in Europe! The world gets smaller every day so we can all reach out to each other! Glad to 'know' you!

      Sine Nomine

    5. That was a wonderful post S
      light to you my friend

    6. Hello everyone, Merry Christmas to all creatures ,big and small,two legs or four,and maybe six or more (hey I made a rhyme)haha. You are all so wonderful here,and we should all give thanks for the good ,the bad, and the ugly things that happen,because,they all in fact happen for a reason.The last few days have been a whirlwind of wonderment for me as I have made the most wonderful family here ,than I could have ever hoped for.D, it is a honor and a pleasure to be here,thank you.For everything. Pam who brought me to this site.Merry,Kathy,Hye Angel,Prosperity ,Steven, and sooooo many of you that have shown me what unmeasureable,unconditional LOVE really is. Things are happening more rapidly than I could have ever imagined,and I want everyone ,NOT TO WORRY. This is coming from me ,one of the biggest stressers on the planet.Anxiety has been my middle name.But I have RECEIVED an inner Peace,that for me defies all I have been experiencing in my recent past.I want you all to know ,things have changed, for us all. We are all viewing things from a different angle than ever before. It may feel subtle right now, but you will some be setting off fireworks SOON.ALL OF YOU.PLEASE HOLD ONTO WHOMEVER OR WHATEVER YOU LOVE FOR THE RIDE IS ABOUT TO GET GOOD. I love you all beyond description.You are my family,and soon the world will be as one.We Already are...Love and Light Barbara


  20. Merry Christmas D and thank you for being the person you are :)
    And happy holidays to all, whatever and whenever you celebrate :)
    Much love :)

    1. Thank you Irene- merry HOHOHO to you and your family

  21. darylluke23 December 2012 05:23


    Would you contact Clayton Hanna, and get this fact out to the people that are placing so much hope on this being true?

    The FACT that needs clarification is this:

    (It just may end up in spam folder if we are informed ahead of time!!)

    [My cats broke my ONLY HOUSE TELEPHONE three nights ago, so I cannot receive the "CALL"!
    I have no money to purchase a new phone at this time.]

    Others may also have some sort of glitch with their phones, too, and may not be in a position for whatever reason to receive the call whenever it may be made.

    BUT, EMAIL CAN BE ACCESSED ANYWHERE EVEN IF A HOME COMPUTER CRASHES!! See my point? The incoming email adress(SGT Administrator) should be spread far and wide, not just here. IT IS VITAL.

    1. darylluke23 December 2012 06:31


      "(It just may end up in spam folder if we are *NOT* informed ahead of time!!)"


      Clayton must also be informed NOT to send attachments!!(which should be DO-able)

    2. hy darylluke,from my understanding they only ask your phone number for further clarifications. read this:
      Breaking The SilenceDecember 22, 2012 6:45 AM

      Hey AK - To clarify: the St Germain funds have not yet been released yet. Everything is in place, and yes they are still taking applications (or were yesterday as I had several verifications of this)- As soon as the new system goes online the St Germaine funds will be released- and yes they are only one part of the prosperity programs and only one part of the money being released.

      ... and it's not a cheque or cash. people will receive a notice by courier or federal marshal, they are to go to a participating (major) bank, they will get an appointment, they will see the money deposited into their accounts. and they follow the instructions they are given. end of story.


    3. You will not get an email or a phone call unless they need to verify information in you application.

    4. Darylluke, I can ASSURE you, you do not need a confirmation email or anything else. You are on the list and it will be rolling very soon. Those that are homeless will be the first to be dispatched (I learned this from someone who did get a call, because, at the time, that person was very near suicidal) If you don't get a call or confirmation it is because you have the strength and the means to stick it out. Trust me help is on the way!

    5. Most of the homeless don't have access to a computer nor the money to pay to use one in an Internet cafe. The lightworkers should search the streets, parks, woods, caves for homeless people and hand them food stamp cards and offer them to live for free in a shelter till they can afford their own house.


      When we are contacted when this goes LIVE is what my post was about.
      (Maybe I was not clear)

      This ISSUE needs to be adressed BEFORE release.

      A MEMORANDUM By Clayton Hanna should be released & circulated.

      ---->Does not the blog owner see the validity of this issue???<----

    7. Hi Darylluke- sorry I didn't reply earlier- I've been stupid busy for the last few days.
      It is my understanding that no one will be contacted by email or phone once the grants are released. They will be sent a letter by courier with instructions.

      But I will try to get a hold of Clayton to verify this for sure.

  22. Happy Christmas D and thank you for the work you do to help lift the veil ....Blessings to all today and all the days to come...peace to your hearts,peace to your minds

    1. light to you my friend- just before dawn is a great name!!


  23. Merry X-mas everyone and bless you.

    Check out the latest news from different sources:
    The White Hats Report

    Benjamin Fulford


    Tom Heneghan

    They all make perfect sense and coincide about the RESET to come hopefully sooner than later (before New Year?)

    1. Have you read those sources, my friend BTS and what's your opinion on them? :)

    2. Your most welcome D keep up your amazing work. I think the ascension is about us connecting with our higher selves. :0)

  24. "The chocolates just fell out of their wrappers right in front of me" ... I would consider that scenario a conspiracy theory on a par with the 911 commission report or the magic bullit if the very same thing hadn't happened to me at the exact moment that I was reading your words. One of them bounced off my lap top, into my mouth and lodged in my throat. I had to think quickly and it was touch and go for a moment but dramaticaly I was able to use the rest of the chockies to form a precision chain gang to remove the blockage and send them all towards my stomach chakra where they were then transmuted into pure love (mmmmmm - floor pie). True story.
    Nollaig shona duit BTS. Nollaig shona gach duine (everyone)

    1. Love the humour and the flow of imagination! I love chocolate too. Thanks for the laughs, BTS and Peacefrog! From S in Europe. :)

    2. don'tcha just hate when that happens? I think someone did something to my chocolates... the same thing happened this morning at 7am!!!

      love D

    3. I see I am not the only one who KNOWS chocolate is one of the major food groups!

    4. Funny you mention this, I was just thinking that once suppressed technology gets released, food can be made to look and taste like chocolate but with all the vitamins(and none of the calories) of vegetables! ;)

    5. I thought the shift had caused some type of gravity disturbance as all choc on Christmas day seemed to miraculously jump up and land in my mouth. Didn't want to be wasteful so had to chew it once it had gotten that far

  25. Another link:
    All quotes from this post:

    "...Late yesterday [Dec 23, 2012] this caution heightened.
    News from a VERY high level points to a strong possibility that banks will close for a time prior to the end of 2012 - probably after Christmas day. This action is motivated for the greatest benefits to people...

    "I strongly recommend you heed this advice as from now and pass this information on to your friends and loved ones."

    "There is nothing to fear, provided you take the steps outlined above. In the event that provisions are not needed (i.e. governments capitulate) food and gas can be used anytime..."

    "It is proposed that this news will be shown on alternate media first, (community radio and TV + computer) and that mainstream media will follow quickly; obliged to deal with the truth and not heed its puppet masters any longer. Response will be quick most likely, as in without prior notice your card may not work at a shop, bank or servo..."

  26. If the banks are gonna close the day after Xmas is fine by me cos there ain't no money in there of mine! I'm going nowhere, expecting nobody and I've got food to eat and the same goes for my four-legged friends. I'm very grateful for what I have.
    Thanks for the heads-up BR. As Suspicious Observer dude says, Be safe everyone. No Fear.

    Sine Nomine

    1. You are most welcome. When you piece all the far flung clues together it seems something is going to happen. Like you, I have little, no where to go or see, but I'm prepared for me and my pets. Looking to a future of Peace, Light and Love for the planet.

      Stay warm and hopeful, Sine Nomine.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I am warm, my belly is full of chocolates, and my arms full of kids... I'm ready when every they are!!!

    4. Bet all that chocolate is giving you those lovely womanly curves? Us men prefer our women with curves, not bones! :D

  27. Where else can I go to post my heart-cry this morning?/ I found this blog just a couple weeks ago, and I scroll through to cry and laugh, and pray that I could help some people who desperately need it. It's a sad day for me - my daughter has decided to disown me, not allowed to see my precious grandsugars, either. While she is nice and safe in her brand new home and I have barely enough to eat - she refuses to even speak....I think of the mommas and grandmas in Connecticut, knowing their loss is permanent, their hearts are shredded as well. Thanks for listening...I love you all dearly and praying that all will find Hope and Peace today.

    1. My friend, not all is lost...... Change can happen at any moment. I'm sending you the biggest hugs I have- we are with you my friend.

      Love and peace

    2. Don't ya know we always somehow manage to lash out at the ones we love? We do that because we know we have unconditional love from our family and they will continue to love us no matter what we do. Your daughter knows you that. I know how much you must hurt today and I am sending you {{{HUGS}}} and prayers, light and love, it's gonna be okay.

    3. Once the misandry bubble(Google this) bursts, things should improve for men and fathers. My heart goes out to you. It saddens me how so many women can be so cruel, vindictive and heartless. I have given up on women myself as have many of my male friends. We are waiting for suppressed technology to get released so robots that look/act like human women become a reality and they can offer us unconditional simulated love.

    4. I hate to be the bearer of tidings to burst your 'after misandry bubble bursts' attitude. But I, Prime Creator and Earth herself beg to differ with you. IMO the reason humanity is in such dire straights is because it has been governed by extremely intelligent men who has disconnected their emotions. In doing that they have disconnected themselves from the family of man and their moral compass. This is why there are endless wars for the benefit of only those few men I mention above. Women, since the onset of Christianity, have played the subservient role to the detriment of the human race. Neither sex is more important than the other. They are equal and necessary halves and opposites that when joined together EQUALLY, you have balance. It sickens me how I and so many other women have suffered violence and cruelty from a MALE significant other. Men have the physical strength to kill a woman with nothing but their hands. The same can NOT be said for women (for the most part). I am sorry to hear you have suffered emotional pain from inflicted by a woman. I am certain there are many women who would be willing to love your pain away. What I have learned through experience is that men are not resilient in the heart area. Once wronged, you never really trust again. Women on the other hand, can be emotionally destroyed over and over and still have the same capacity to love. I hope you are capable of opening your heart again and the right woman walks in your life and teaches you (and your friends) the gift of love and trust. This is my Christmas wish for you. Sending love and light your way


    I Ran Across This Link In One Of The Comments To The Above Mentioned White Hats Report. It Has My Stomached Churning Right Now. Please Someone Address This. I Am Devastated. This is More plausible Than Getting Free Money From A dead saint. D, I Need Some Input Here. I Am Scared shitless Right now.

    1. my friend, I hear your terror, but according to my sources, it will not happen and cannot happen- those who WERE in power to do these things are restrained.

      I will also say that a lot of these whistleblower leaks are deliberate: have someone "leak" scary info to the public, to further the fear and the anger. People who are outraged at the DHS (or pick any other 3 letter agency) are distracted from the real changes and the real issues.

      hang on my friend

    2. I saw that, too. Try not worry as it will only weaken your overall health and we are all going to need every bit to get through this. There isn't much that anyone hears that isn't unsettling or downright frightening. That must be why we have been urged to make plans to get by with water, food and other necessities. I have all my "stuff", but life sure seems to be in limbo. Can't concentrate or get much done. Just watching, listening and waiting. You know what, though? We are fortunate to be about to actively experience the making of history. I am so very happy to be alive at this time.

    3. It is important that you understand that we have an ascension process unfolding. When you allow yourself to be caught up in fear, you are working against your divine purpose. There is nothing to fear. The Sandy Hook incident did the exact opposite of what it was designed to do. The response they wanted was the public to cry "KEEP US SAFE". Instead because we are on to them MILLIONS and MILLIONS of guns were sold. It is only the politicians and media crying for gun control. They made a fatal error. I truly believe that this is disinfo with a 2 part purpose. 1 keep you from ascending by keeping your mind full of fear, 2 trying to instill fear of our President because he is no longer serving the Cabal agenda. It is going to be okay! It was the comment about political dissidents that put the fear in your heart, Honey, we have the entire host of heaven, and a galactic federation at our backs, we have already WON the war. Be at peace, All is well

    4. Also when there is panic within the public, it is our mission to step up and reassure those who are clueless and terrified. So many people are still fast asleep. That is why we are awake. We have a purpose to fulfill. As soon as the crazytrain pulls up, it is time to go to work. So we gotta get 'er done!

    5. There is alot of fear mongering out there. People have gotten more fearful when nothing happened on 12/21/12. I put my energy on something big happening on that date and have now shifted my focus on the light having a speedy victory. Their most important mission is to force the media to report the truth and shut down those who won't.


    7. Funkyjo, fwiw that dialogue from the insider named'Rosebud' (wtf? 'Rosebud'????? what kind of handle is that for a GUY?) reads like a bad script for a z-list movie. I've seen similar disinfo like that loads of times on other sites which I won't name because I don't want anyone reading them and upsetting themselves over it. From all the reports from Poof, WH's and even Ben Fulford, it looks like the end is nigh for them not us, so hang in there and keep focusing on a wonderful ending playing out for all of us.

      Sine Nomine

  29. Looks like we are getting close to the end of the road on this long journey. We are taking back our planet from the evil which has destroyed things.We have the light on our side ,The bad ones are almost defeeted .Things are starting to look a lot better for our future .We all have a big project ahead of us to correct everything that needs fixing. (food,medicine,water etc.) and we all need to let our voices be heard .Sitting on the sofa complaining does not get any results,its what caused the problems we face.We can no longer not be involved if we want things to be good for our children's futures . Have a Merry Christmas everyone Wanderer

    1. Hey Wanderer- so good to see you again my friend

      Merry hoho to you too! and yes, a lot LOT of work ahead of us!!


  30. Hello Funkyjomedina, this source is the same one which profered the Wall Street Insider and the White House Insider( the one that insisted that Romney would win), and it's garbage spawned by lettered agencies on behalf of the Bush Neocon faction.

    It's not clear yet who Obama is working for but it's not the Bush's or Israel and he and Jarrett go way back and are on the same page. Whatever happens, the Federal Reserve Note will fall and lets be honest there will be widespread social upheaval. This upheaval will mostly be felt on a psycological/emotional level by those who have no inkling of what's going on which doesn't include you, otherwise you wouldn't be posting here.

    It's true that the department of homeland security was set up to manage the fallout from the breakdown of U.S fiscal and social systems but there are opposing factions at work and a large military apparatus on the street will probably be neccesary in any case ( even a benevolent one)for an unspecified length of time.

    Furthermore Saint Germaine was not a Saint but rather a Count - Compte de Saint Germain - a mythical, moneyed , independant figure in mid 18th century France. Hold your nerve, do the practical things you can to get through a period of disturbance and pay no mind to the above source. Things will become more clear as we go it's just that certain special interests will not go quietly into the night.

    I have my own reservations about what the SGWT, the various Global Settlements and check mate of the Fed. Res. System represent but I'm certain that the above "insider" source is absolute special interest disinformation. Hope this helps, have as wonderful a Christmas day as you can imagine, Peadar.


  31. I need your help everyone! I tried to post this yesterday but it wouldn't work...
    I saw a link that had wishes or needs by geographic area. I'm a single mom with two little ones and I really want to show them how good it is to help those that are in need. If you have that link....I live in MT which is remote and this site had a few posts from our region. There were simple requests like clothes, food. We don't have a bunch either but enough to help. Any ideas?

    1. The people I believe need the help most are the coastal communities in New York and New Jersey. Try The Government has left these people for dead and it is the citizens of the area (Occupy Wall Street) that have stepped up and been their brothers keeper. BTW kudos to you, for instilling the value of being of service, to those less fortunate in your children. They are tomorrows leaders! Merry Christmas!

    2. Jasmine- I don't know which site it was... hopefully someone else will be able to re-post the link here.

      light to you and your little ones!

    3. Thank you! I will look now!


    4. Jasmine I think this was the site you were after:


  32. THAT WAS IT! Thank you so much!!


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