
Monday 10 December 2012

David Wilcock on 2012

I finally had a moment (or 10 moments if you will) to watch this video by David Wilcock about 2012.  From the sounds of it, it's an older video, but I couldn't get an exact date on it.

Shall we discuss it?

.... I've also sent it to daniel to see what he thinks of it too, and if he's ok with it, I will share his response if I can.


  1. I listened to this twice, and it sounds like he is trying to combine several theories into one. Nothing he says resonates with me. thats justmy opinion.

  2. I listened to this twice, too and also felt like he was putting a few theories together..I thought we spend all of 2013 going through Ascension and those who choose
    to ascend will do so on 1/1 2014..At that time, we can stay on 4-D planet Earth, and enjoy the Golden Age or go elsewhere..Those who do not ascend will go to another 3-D planet and get more experience before moving up spiritually..These ideas do resonate with me, but, how can we know until it happens..? mv

    1. The hole January first 2014 is just the opinion of Tolec. And yes no one will truly know until it happens.

    2. Guys did you ever wanted to see what looking at another planet that looks like earth would be like from your bedroom window in the Southern hemisphere of New Zealand? Well here you go another media black out of course.

      ( Skip to: 0:54:40 and have fun.

    3. I've watched it twice as well,and it felt disjointed to me. the dots just didn't connect IMO. parts yes, parts no, but like anon 10:16 and 10:41 said, it felt like a mashing of theories. but I'd like to know when he said this.

  3. According to something I read today we are already in 2016 due to a miscalculation of our calendar. ( wtf?) So where does that leave us with all this 2012 stuff? Seems I must've missed it.
    I also listened to DW twice and it seems awash with theories and feels off to me. Its just no doing it for me. :-(
    Sine Nomine

    1. if you go by the Mayan calender and some other ancient prophecies ....what our Gregorian calender is irrelevant so to speak....the Gregorian calender has no influence our sun, earth or the galactic center of our it is a cross reference....

    2. Agree with the Anon 12:42. If the pope is right and we are in 2016 that is only based on our calendar. The Mayan calendar doesnt have shit to do with out calendar. It is based in astrology and the year of 2012 is just a number given to specific time that is based on planetary and galactic cycles. Nothing to do with what our calendar is based on which is linear time.

    3. I agree with Brando and anon 12:42. the Mayan calendar is based on the sun and planets etc. our is based on crap, lol.

    4. I'll take the Maya over pope whatsiname the umpteenth any day!

      A thought occurs to me though ~ if our calendar is out through some ancient jiggery-pokery by the cabal then there must be some doubts raised about the numerologists who say that 12.12.2012 and 12.21.2012 have significance. I've read that they add up to 9 and 9 is significant? I feel I'm tying myself in knots with this! Actually, both those dates add up to 11? Help? Anyone?

      Sine Nomine

    5. You'd actually need to break it down one digit further to one so your number for this date would be 11 or 1+1 and get 2 for your final numeral :)

    6. For some reason, when adding these dates they ignore the first 2 digits of 2012, and only consider the 12. Thus, adding 12/12/12 = 9 and 12/21/12 = 9. Seems kind of like forcing the numbers to get what you want...

  4. I would rather concentrate on what we are doing reagarding the corrupt gov'ts and businesses than the myriad of prophecies floating about :-)
    There isn't anything I can do about a pole shift or anything nature related but I can totally get behind us getting our planet back.

  5. This interview is definitely older... I don't know how to explain it, but David's recent posts/views have a different "feel" as if they are more "developed". Okay, I'm not a true follower of his work but I read his posts occasionally. By the number of people he mentions in this video, if I heard correctly, that would sum up to around 6 billions. According to world population data, that number of people were on Earth by the beginning of year 2000. David's first book "Shift of ages" was published in 2002. so this could be interview from that time or maybe few years later..
    Or I could be completely wrong :D

  6. another expert regurgitator.
    love and peace to all by the way.....before his fan club appear!

  7. I have followed Davids work closely for the last year, and I believe without a doubt he is a committed lightworker with a plethora of quality information regarding spirituality, connecting to your higher self, the economic crisis, the secret space program etc. His most recent book "Source Field Investigations" is full of awesome scientific findings, all backed up with with footnotes to the research that supports his assertions. But dont take my word for it, read it for yourself, check out his website (, and make your own mind up. I only say this because I believe Wilcock's articulate and simplified way of explaining complex material on a broad range of subects is beneficial for anyone out there looking to get a better grasp whats going on here in 2012. He also has a lot of info/analysis on the "Law of One" material which everyone should read and be familiar with. Love and light friends

  8. I dont know how old this is but it is not from this year I think we can all agree if you listen. He states over and over "As we get closer to 2012". So it is definately not from this year.

  9. I just feel bad for the 1.4 billion trolls that don't make it through the transition according to Wilcock. Just kiddinggggg...hahahahaha!

  10. Globalists designed the Gregorian calendar to keep humans ‘focused’ in physicality, rather than have us align with the natural rythym of nature and empowerment.

    Ponder: foretold as 2012, the original Human Masterpiece blueprint is re-awakening in form to replace ego. No one knows how this will happen, because Soul Light evolving WITH the body has 'never' occurred before.

    What we DO know is that our beliefs, words, thoughts, actions, and feelings create reality. The most power-full path is 'presence' which asks us to pay close attention to who and what show up moment to moment [CLUES], and to see through the eyes of our heart. Every human has a Soul to guide them. Whether human listens or not is up to them.

    The more each of us stays in our heart, and LISTENS to inner guidance of Soul Light, the more ease and grace find us.
    Please align with us or others 12.12.12, the final GATEWAY to prepare to receive and transmit Light on Dec 21.12. Love and Light to all.

  11. Updated link to Doreen Agostino


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