
Tuesday 11 December 2012

2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages FREE MOVIE

2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages FREE MOVIE



2012: Mayan Prophecy and the Shift of the Ages FREE MOVIE

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  1. Me and others like Brando have been worried that nothing much is happening. Here's some valid questions for BTS/RTS and everyone else:

    1. Why have we not seen any hard proof by now, yet we are so close to a "golden age?" Also could those prophecies be a hoax?

    2. What will be the fate of humanity if nothing happens? Furthermore, could this whole ascension and Mayan prophecy be an elaborate hoax if nothing happens?

    3. Have your insiders shown you any proof or are you simply resonating to whatever they tell you? Can you be sure you aren't being fed disinfo?

    4. Do your insiders and other lightworkers know that if nothing happens, alot of humanity will call the whole thing a hoax, ridicule you and stop reading your blogs?

    5. Why are the elites still powerful enough to control humanity just days away from the "golden age?"

    6. How can we help your insiders in the final few days before the deadline to improve the chances of bringing forth an event?

    7. Why do we call those who are remotely negative "trolls?" Don't they have the right to their opinions and beliefs too? Isn't their worries and fear legitimate?

    8. Are you worried that nothing will happen?

    Thanks for your time, everyone. I have been worrying for months now, but recently just started growing numb. I don't know what to think anymore. I keep reading more and more interesting rumors, but yet I see no hard proof of anything happening. Now I am hearing there will be some sort of "event" on(or just before) 12/21/12. I really hope this happens, but I don't feel optimistic anymore and am looking for answers what's really going on and if things have taken a turn for the worse with all those delays.

    1. Hang in there my friend. No one knows how or what will unfold shortly or in the coming years. The more you look into these subjects, the easier it is to get overwhelmed with conflicting information. The best thing you can do for yourself in these times is to try and learn to be more present and mindful in your day to day living and to try to tune into your higher self for guidance. I'm sure you already know this but I have observed that the more and more I let go of everything and make way for the coming changes, the more I have but my higher self (or my instincts if you like) to rely on and nothing else. May peace be unto you. The 12-12-12 is a major milestone and so will the 21st of December. Things could change dramatically tomorrow, and by the end of this month, we will have a better idea of what is fact and what is fiction.

    2. IDK where u get the idea I am worried that nothing is happening I am always the one stating how I can simply feel that things are happening. Only thing I ever stated close to this is that I have a slight fear that nothing will change. The only thing I really fear is absolutely nothing happening. I would rather see the entire human race perish then to see us stay where we are at under the control of the cabal.

    3. And please dont think that we are all that close to the golden age because we are probably not. We arent gonna wake on on Dec 22 and the whole world will be perfect and in the golden age. There is gonna be a transition period where we all have to step up and usher in the changes needed to bring the golden age, its not just gonna happen.

    4. When we take into account the centuries that this Matrix has been implemented, it would be understandable that it can't be disassembled in a short time.

    5. Nothing will happen.

    6. Anon 19:17: Thank you. Good to know. So glad to have that settled. We must not have been copied on the memo that was obviously addressed to you.

    7. Anon 19:17 you remind me of the quote which goes something like "If you think you can, if you think you can't, you are right". ;-) (Sorry can't remember who said it)

      Sine Nomine

    8. I share many of the same concerns as you and while there are those here who seem to be waiting for the cavalry , I think it would be prudent for all of us to realize that we are the cavalry . No one is coming to save us. We need to prepare, as best we can for the collapse, for it's a mathematical certainty.

      I'm afraid that too people have been sold on this new age ascension/ufo nonsense by our good friends over at the Tavistock Institute and others like Terence McKenna, Poof, etal, clearly as a misdirection ploy.

      This is a good summary of the situation we face as it currently exists:

    9. BTS/RTS, if you have the time to share your 2 cents today, I would love to learn from you. I am going on a cruise tomorrow for 4 days and this should get stuff off my mind. I won't have internet access during this time.

      Pete, I am also taking a wait and see approach. There are rumors that the "event" will be timed to occur on 12/21/12 and happen suddenly on this date where the mainstream news finally starts airing the truth on every channel. I did suggest that the lightworkers place some ADs speaking the truth and hinting of things to come.

      Bando, my intuition also tells me things are happening, but my intuition has been wrong before. There is sure alot of talk and disinfo and as the saying goes: when there's smoke, there's fire. It remains to be seen if things actually happen or if it's just one big hoax to divide up the lightworker community. On another note, the irony is if the world were to end on 12/21/12, we would simply find ourselves in the upper astral realms(heaven) anyway as I believe in life after death, it explains why I am here now, a blimp of time in an infinite, timeless universe.

      Actually, if nothing (good) happened, the cabal would be the ones to make things happen anyway. They are hell bent on starting ww3 and using WMD to wipe out at least 90% of humanity. This negative timeline is not something I would want for myself or anyone else. The lightworkers know that if they fail, the elites will terminate them then most of us.

      As for the golden age, I would just like to see some type of event that marks the official statement that the golden age has just begun, such as the mainstream news becoming free to speak the truth and reassure humanity that from 12/21/12 and onwards, things will only get much better from this point! How can we work towards a golden age without proof and encouragement?

      anon 19:17, thanks for sharing your beliefs. I can not yet say that nothing is happening, but we are certainly not on the right track with the numerous delays. If there is a stalemate between the dark vs. light, the stalemate isn't going to last forever and eventually things will have to happen. I pray that the light wins and good things happen, even if they take a little longer than what the Mayans prophesied. I understand that due to the universal law of freewill, nothing is set in stone and any prophecy does not determine any outcome. It's still interesting why and how the Mayans(and others) all arrived at those prophecies of a golden age all on 12/21/12!

    10. Anonymous 14:15 and everyone else posting here- I've just reposted the first questions and my replies here:

  2. I tried to post before, but my threads were deleted due to copyright infringement. I'm hoping this won't happen again, but if so, I'll get straight to the point. I know what the All-Seeing Eye is. The meaning is not hidden in an obscure book. "They" don't need one. The meaning has been hidden right in front of everyone. Many have speculated the All-Seeing Eye is the Eye of Lucifer, Satan, or whatever. It's not. The All-Seeing Eye does NOT represent anything evil, even if the groups who use it condone evil things. The All-Seeing Eye is galactic center of the Milky Way. The heart of it!

    I suppose for those who use this symbol it's a big joke to them, because it has been hidden in plain sight like they have been. Makes sense why they'd use it. I've been struggling hard with what to do with this information. It has made me sick to my stomach; I've stressed myself out with it so much. I can't keep it to myself, yet on the other hand, I understand why those who have known have kept it quiet. In their eyes, for the masses, this would be easily passed over in favor of some reality show, or totally ignored for a football game. Maybe it is true for those asleep. To "them", this knowledge, this 'secret' (and it isn't even really a secret) isn't like some high school gossip where you tell someone, "Guess what I know!" as in egotistically. I'm not looking for a pat on the back or a gold star. Even if I know this, I'm still looking for answers.

    I believe, and I believe "they" have believed this is something deserving of deep, individual appreciation in the form of deep thought. Anything else would be remiss, or an insult. I understand now why they say it is the Eye of the Great Architect of the Universe. I understand why they've whispered forever amongst themselves. They think we can't handle or appreciate it as it should be but that isn't true. They haven't given people a chance to try! I can appreciate it and I'm nobody important. "They" might not have faith in humanity, but I do.

    No other entity BUT a Great Architect could compose such a work of art out of stars! Stars, alone! I've told the people close to me about it, and some have told me to drop it - no one will care anyway, so drop it and forget about it - but I can't. Humanity MUST know, not just some secret society that believes "they're better than". This type of knowledge isn't theirs to keep and its not mine to keep! It belongs to everyone!

    I wasn't told about this; I was "shown" in a random epiphany while on the phone, looking at a picture of the Milky Way seen from Earth (the picture in the second link of this post, actually). Even once I realized there was an eye, I didn't immediately correlate it to the Eye of Providence. I just thought, well, thats interesting.

    Then I realized the greatest cosmic illusion I believe that has ever been. I believe I was given this epiphany to show others. I want people to know there IS something out there. Something incredible.

    This laser beam is pointing straight at it.

    And here the Eye is again, in the center.

    I really hope I'm not the only one who sees this. I wish I could circle it for easier viewing. I've tried to show others and I've had to point it out, because all they saw were stars. I saw stars too at first. I wish I could point it out to the world. For those of you who feel down, I truly hope this will brighten your spirit, if only for a moment. I apologize for seeming fanatical, but this is one of the greatest things I have been blessed to realize and I want to share my gratitude by passing this on to whomever will listen.

    1. Are you saying the entire milky way is a big eye? I never was good at finding the picture in the dots!

    2. No, no, not the entire Milky Way, just the center. Although sometimes in other pictures it can seem as though the eye is 'bigger'. However, your analogy is exactly right, thats exactly how it is, like a picture in the dots. I know this is how people have missed it for so long, including myself.

      I've circled it here. I just hope my threads aren't removed, for I believe this is extremely important.

    3. I not only see the eye I see an entire face.On the left of the eye you circled is another eye not as wide open.It's a sad face looking down as if in a room with a candle.On the left you will even see a shoulder,long hair but slightly faded.Now between 7-8 o'clock of the circle is the nose,below that is the mouth.
      The hair color looks auburn.The eye on the left has deep cuts around it.Stand back when trying to view, it will all come together.It's like an oil painting.

    4. I see it! So how do you think it ties in with all these secret societies and whatnot? Do you think they understand what it means?

      Sine Nomine

    5. Brilliant Prosperity, I do see what you're talking about. It IS like an oil painting, I agree. As I said, only a Great Architect could hide something so beautiful in plain sight. And Anonymous 1:09, I'm not really sure how it all ties in, honestly, seeing the Eye is like having half an answer. I will have to do more research, but what stands out also is the myth of the Eye of Horus. To me, those Egyptians were definitely trying to explain why when they looked up in the sky, the sky was "staring back".

      Also, I can't help but notice the golden color of the iris. I'm working on a theory as to why 'gold' is so important, so valuable. I think it has something to do with this; something to do with the galactic center. Is it possible that those who have all of this gold feel closer to the Great Architect? Either way, my hope is that once people are able to see it, they can point it out in other photographs of the Milky Way galaxy, as seen from Earth, themselves. I could go around and circle it in every single one, sooner or later, everyone else will be able to also.

      I'm not seeking recognition or acknowledgement. I must admit... I do have fears. This symbol is extremely important to them, and here I am pointing it out. Comes together for me as to why they have models and celebrities cover up one eye, though. Big joke, like I said before. I've looked up what other people believe it means and none have come this close, or come out and said, "It's the galactic center."

      Whether there's disinformation campaigns to keep people distracted with Satan and Lucifer and whatever, or people just simply don't know and they are taking stabs at it, I don't know. Those societies own a lot more info than I do, and without their other hidden knowledge, it's hard to say.

    6. Prosperity, which direction is the face looking? I find it ironic that I cannot see this, but just last night and now this morning I can see all the squiggly white lines of energy when I look at the sky, LMAO

    7. The Face is looking towards the trees on the right.Face is sightly tilted down and slightly a profile view from the left.The light is coming from the right onto the face.Similar position to this Jesus tattoo but the eyes in this image are closed.

  3. Back to the Maya. Today is their New Year's Day 8 B'atz'. B'atz" is the start of life, infinite time and unity. This sign (B'atz') is the deity that created Earth and Sky, the Creator of life and wisdom and symbolizes cosmic phenomena. Happy New Year! Hope its a good one for everyone!

    Sine Nomine

    1. almost forgot. RTS - the film Shift of the Ages is being released on 14 Dec. Go to website or American Kabuki has an article with the release details.

      Sine Nomine

  4. couldn't get past that horrible, negative music at the begining of the video and quickly closed it out.

  5. Nothing will happen.

    And so it is written, and so it is done.

    1. See the long reply above. Explain why you feel this way and I would be interested in your answers to the 8 questions.

    2. Simple, really. Because too many people are predicting it, and too many people are sitting around waiting for it. That's not how life works.

      Are you ready for all of the excuses post Dec. 21? They will be epic.

    3. I would love to help BTS/RTS and her insiders, one of my suggestions was they start putting out ADs to wake up thousands, if not millions of sheeple. Another suggestion was forcing the mainstream media to speak the truth. Easier said than done since the elites still tightly control the news. Perhaps BTS/RTS can post a new thread titled "please help me and my insiders" and all of us should post comments with insightful advice.

      Excuses won't be necessary, the blame all goes to the elites anyway. They have made things far more difficult than they have to be and they have put up such an intense fight that they delayed things way too many times. I still hope the light can win with all those delays and setbacks. If the light loses, we already know the elite's depopulation agenda includes genociding 90% of humanity. Oh well, I believe in an afterlife and we belong in heaven.

  6. The cabal is responsible for the death of hundreds of millions of people,enough........exterminate them.

  7. hate to be negative about the whole thing, but I agree that despite all these supposed happenings behind the scenes the same old control structure seems to be firmly in place, and this "event" is so damn close should we not be seeing signs of its failings by now?



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