
Monday 19 November 2012

Update Nov 18: Roller Coasters and Slouch Boots

This week has been one hell of a crazy roller coaster!  Massive ups followed by quick downs as the intel geysered like an open fire hydrant one minute then dried up for endless hours at a time the next.  Smoke rolling out so thick you could walk on it all the way to the moon, followed by actual facts that left me stunned speechless.  

I was hoping to be able to tell a lot more today about what's going on, but these guys seem to think that their time schedule is far more important than mine.  The nerve, I tell ya!  Sheeeesh!!

- Orders were given last week:   

- More very important papers signed, freeing much waited upon money to go forth and spread across the world- more importantly, freeing people from the bondage of a couple of corporations that have been masquerading as something official.

- If you are one of the people that decided to "risk it" and sign up for that prosperity package that was posted on the internet last week:  Congratulations, you lucky dogs!!! For those of you who didn't trust it, don't worry, there will be more opportunities to jump on the band wagon very very soon. (I have a feeling that the post office and various other couriers are going to be awfully busy for the next little while).

-Since it's been leaked all over the various dinar "intel" sites, I guess it's not really a secret any more that certain financial institutions are showing some very interesting rates on their screens. I have received multiple confirmations on this.

- Around the world everything is being prepared. As I said last week: This is not an American thing.  When it all rolls out, you will be gob smacked by the magnitude of what has been accomplished.

- A side note to those who's greed got the better of them:  Seriously?  What? A couple of billion wasn't enough for you? You just had to have more? You had it all, and now, because of your degenerate gluttonous greed (and blatant stupidity) it's all gone gone gone.  Serves you right you pigs.

- You may notice new fashion trends amongst the elite.  I've heard that baggy pants are now all the rage- good thing that slouch boots are fashionable again for the ladies.  ... they wouldn't want the public to get jealous of those new anklets they're sporting, now would they?

And that's all I can say for now, but I'd like to leave you with a bit of musical inspiration (no more bad rap music, I promise!!)  This is sort of my theme song at the moment.

Have an awesome week my friends!!

Paranoia is in bloom, 
The PR transmissions will resume, 
They'll try to push drugs that keep us all dumbed down, 
And hope that we will never see the truth around
(So come on)
Another promise, another scene, 
Another packaged lie to keep us trapped in greed, 
And all the green belts wrapped around our minds, 
And endless red tape to keep the truth confined
(So come on)

They will not force us, 
They will stop degrading us, 
They will not control us, 
We will be victorious
(So come on)

Interchanging mind control, 
Come let the revolution take it's toll, 
If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, 
You'd see that
We should never be afraid to die
(So come on)

Rise up and take the power back, 
It's time the fat cats had a heart attack, 
You know that their time's coming to an end, 
We have to unify and watch our flag ascend

They will not force us, 
They will stop degrading us, 
They will not control us, 
We will be victorious
So come on

They will not force us, 
They will stop degrading us, 
They will not control us, 
We will be victorious


  1. I can't stop smiling!

    Thanks BTS!!!!

    Please God before Christmas.

    1. If there is anybody who sincerely needs the funds, Here's the thread for Pre-Nesara funds I filled out a few days ago Can I get a Halleluiah!

  2. I really enjoy this good News, thanks a bunch,
    let it happen before CHRISTmas! Amen!

  3. This must mean I can be expecting my Prosperity Package'' sometime this week since I was one of the 7 thousand people who signed up. BTS is right if you didn't sign up it really doesn't matter because I think these are the smaller funds as maybe a test run to see how it streamlines to those who signed up for it to see how well it goes. I just couldn't past up the opportunity because if you didn't trust it all they ask for was standard information you already share publicly anyway especially if you have a Facebook page. I just didn't see what the risk was s I took it and I guess it paid off so thanks BTS.

    I guess this is going to come from the 73 trillion dollars that is are already maybe injected into the economy as to give banks the financial backing they need to start these payouts as before they didn't have that type of reserve to do so. Everything seems to be lining up perfectly because even the Dinar sites are starting to post accurate information that is concurrent with what I read from outside of them. God I'm so glad this initial phase is just about over.

    1. COOL I signed to it's like you say the info is out there so not much to loose..

    2. Ariel, the question is not if you will receive this week, but how long would take to process 7K grants and ship them worldwide. I'm one of the lucky dogs that did, and I hope I get the help this week as my money is totally gone.

  4. wait!!! what internet sign up??? what did I miss???

    1. To Anonymous 21:48 Here is what BTS is talking about and what I signed up for. This went out on November the 10 I think and I accidentally ran into it read it and just said I have nothing to lose so I went for it. And It turns out it was legit. But I guess you have to wait just a little bit longer because eventually everyone will have their money.

      Prosperity Fund!!! FILL OUT NOW!! HURRY
      The Changes HAVE Begun !! I just sent my request, now I AM Paying it Forward, and hope you do too !!

      I cannot tell you how imperative it is that you TRUST ME right now and read this short message and follow the instructions below …

      NOW, Please. Your life depends on it.

      The Changes HAVE Begun !!

      The first change will be to distribute $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to YOU, IF you ask for it … NOW.




      From Anne

      Folks, I cannot give you any more information than what is below.

      I received this information this afternoon from a very reliable source which shall remain anonymous.

      Go into your Heart-Mind and ask for Guidance.

      Share with those for whom this was meant.

      November 09 2012
      1:38 PM Mountain Standard Time


      I know you will get the word out on this if this is something you intuit will be of assistance to others. I know you have a huge network.
      For many, we have been waiting for this opportunity - many did not believe in it and many lost hope that it would arrive - and now here it is - Hallelujah!!!! SO much to be grateful for - as you always are Anne.

      I personally spoke with Clayton for about 15 minutes yesterday.

      The deadline for grant application is this
      Sunday the 11th -
      very auspicious on Veterans day.

      From Clayton Hanna at

      Recently I was asked to contact people who are in need to apply for a one-time, tax-free non-repayable financial grant to improve the quality of life for them and their immediate families. The grants are not to be shared with others in need, as anyone of legal age can apply for a grant. These grants are offered by invitation only by the St. Germain Trust of Europe and are open to people who live in most countries around the world.

      All that is required is for the person who wants a grant is:

      1. The name and address of the applicant. No PO Box numbers, please, because couriers cannot deliver to a PO Box number.

      2. Their personal email address. They cannot use company or business email addresses.

      3. Their home phone numbers as they ask people not to give their work or business or company phone numbers.

      4. A brief statement why they want or need a financial grant.

      There are no strings attached other than everyone who receives a grant must comply with the rules established by the government regarding philanthropic or humanitarian grants, which are provided with the grants. All grants are provided to help to improve the quality of life for the applicants and their immediate families. Only one grant per household.

      Applicants can invite their adult relatives, adult children and adult grandchildren, friends, pensioners, veterans, co-workers and those who are in need to apply for a grant.

      The Trust cannot state the amounts the applicants will receive as that is considered an enticement to the applicant and that is illegal. All that can be said about this is that they said the amount of the grant is "substantial", whatever that means. Nobody has to put up a penny. Nobody is asked to reveal any of their financial affairs or account or credit card numbers under any circumstances, and never will be. No one will receive any sales calls as the names and information of the applicants is confidential and will never be sold or made available to any third party, ever.



    3. Prove it. There is no reason that anyone should believe you in preference to BTS, now is there? Without proof that you could take to a grand jury and get an indictment, you are just blowing smoke and spreading fear.

  5. hm...i did not sign...there are people who needed more than me, i still have those few bright copper pennies and a 1943 half dollar i my pocket...and i thank You BTS for the good no more homeless! Hurra! no more hungry! Hurra! will Mr.postman knock on the address that is "in c/o"...?(my name included)...since i have no home of my own...and an "older lady"....withLove~inLight...Kiss! God Bless...~chinka~

    1. I didn't sign up either chinka, for much the same reason.

    2. I mean what you guys say is philanthropic and all but if you are surviving on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches you are not in the financial position to pass up financial leverage because those people who you say needs it doesn't even know such a program exist for you to say hey you can skip me I'll wait. ''Broke is broke'' because you are supposed to be the vessel in which they look to for them to see a way out through what you accomplished, how are they to see that if you wait for them for you to see results in which you were the initial catalyst? You guys have to watch your ego because it is tricky, that's what made you feel guilty because your egos see themselves separate from everybody else as to make you think you are taking and undeserving of receiving something you are supposed to have also. That's why I signed up so I can be that person to come back with results and say see, I told you we were getting out of this mess so now you also have something to look forward to as I did sense I now have it. You guys should have done that just to show people that it is happening and have the evidence to back it up.

  6. Holy shit balls! I'm going to dance on the ceiling! I've hanging on for over 2 years without any work and to hear this news is fantastic! Muse, great song!

  7. Where did I miss the sign up? Where do we find it? I am like the person at 23:03 spot. I have been out of work, struggling to survive the last few years. This would help me out greatly, if I could be part of the Prosperity plan. I could help myself and many of my friends, family and people I know who are struggling to survive too! :D

    1. As I said Eric, don't worry, there will be more opportunities very soon! And the various "PPs" won't be the only 'prosperity" avenue to go down ;>)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. people posting here asking for a link to the announcement or any other real info are not being given a link,only anecdote...
    does anyone have a link to share......not wanting to apply for money,but curious as to the truth behind this...

    1. baab, the posts- about the PP that people could sign up for- have all been removed as soon as the program reached capacity, but Ariel above posted the contents of an email that was sent around and went viral on the internet.

    2. I just listened to a radio interview from April with Stew Webb and he said ou all just signed up for spam email and snail mail. Haven't you ever eard the phrase if it sounds too good to be true then it is? This is not the state lottery, people. Nesara is debunked also. The only thing that is true (and documented) is the Wanta Mitterand Protocol. But this does not mean every individual is going to get a check. Geez.

    3. The WAnta Mitterand Reagan accords/protocol/funds are only a small part of the over all funding. THe World Global Settlements and St. Germaine Trust are a fact. The Prosperity Packages are a fact. NESARA is also a fact. Steve Webb knows what he knows and focuses on that. I know what I know and I focus on that. The truth will be apparent soon enough.

  10. Wording and sentiment seems almost inter-changeable with those recent messages put out by dear Poofness! Synchronicity/confirmation, I wonder...? :)

  11. Hi BTS all the imminent financial changes sound amazing, but I do have some questions I hope you could answer.

    Is there an organization ready to approve and disburse the funds? Are they fully trained up and prepared to deliver to billions of people?

    Will there be a cap (i hope so) on the quantity of funds a person can apply for. If not, what would happen to companies and productivity around the world if millions of people became millionaires overnight. Would they turn up for work the next day?

    What about applications from criminals and terrorist groups, how would they be vetted?

    Will the funds be used to also wipe out personal and mortgage debts?

    Will some of the money be given to governments so they no longer require taxation of the public?

    My personal view is that if income tax was wiped out along with personal debt and each person was capped to 200,000 pounds then this would be sufficient to raise the standard of living but yet not drown the economy with an uncontrolled inflation of money and loss of productivity.

    Hoping you can provide some info

    Anonymous Me

    1. "...Will some of the money be given to governments so they no longer require taxation of the public?..." - Taxation is nothing more than organised theft, and funds raised this way are mostly used against the people(s)of the world, such as with warmongering, etc. I don't see any need for governments to tax people, and therefore, no need to pay governments a single penny (in order that they stop taxation). Nonsense.

      In fact, let's just recognise the urgent need to radically reduce top-levels of control: govern-ment(s), i.e. control-of-minds! Just start to live in accordance with and within the bounds of Common & Universal Laws!

    2. I will answer your questions as much as I am able to at this moment.

      - yes, there are people/organizations who will disperse the funds- it's all arranged
      - applications are being tracked, so there is no worry about someone getting multiple packages or more than they are entitled to.
      - don't worry, the people organizing these programs are well aware of who the bad guys are
      - I cannot comment at this moment on the wiping out of debts. But I will be soon.
      and as for your last question- I have no idea.

      trust me when I say that ALL the angles have been fully examined and worked out. This is not happening in a fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants manner. They are not doing this just so that the bad guys can steal it all away again. As I said in the article: When it all rolls out, you will be gob smacked by the magnitude of what has been accomplished.


  12. Many thanks BTS for taking the time to respond, I really appreciate it

    Anonymous Me

  13. The Muse!!! Now only if a fraction of the people who love this band actually listened to the lyrics. From the Knights of Cydonia to mind control. The Muse is on the pulse of the shift.

    1. and Tool- have you ever read their lyrics? Those guys are very very AWAKE!!!

    2. Your anthem of the moment is so appropriate! Love Muse, Tool kicks ass and takes names! Music is how I stay in the Joy Zone.

    3. Tool is certainly awake. And I'm beginning to think AWOLnation has something going on there.

  14. I really hope this is real for all the people who signed up for this prosperity package. I didn't but I will be thrilled if those that did will post to say they received their package.

    BTS, or anyone who has inside knowledge, I understand people who have mortgages will more than likely have their mortgage debt wiped so in effect they get to keep their homes. What about people who rent do they get help? Also, what about utility bills when will we be able to stop paying them and breathe a sigh of relief? What about those who are homeless, will they get rehoused? There are so many who may fall through the cracks because they do not have an address to receive their packages and they are the most in need.

    1. I don't think any good soul will fall through the cracks in the long term, unfortunately it is sad to know that right now homeless people are suffering and people are starving while we wait for the last minute changes to take place.

    2. DEbt forgiveness is only one avenue of the prosperity that is planned. Have you ever paid income tax? The IRS can't legally take your money you know .... ;>)
      as the commenter just above me has said: no one will fall through the cracks. The people who have worked so unbelievably hard for this have thought and planned this out very carefully.

  15. Could you kindly elaborate on the intel found on dinar websites concerning financial institution rates and/or provide a link to this information if you cannot directly divulge it yourself?

  16. One day some of this might actually manifest, so tired of hearing that papers need signed, any day now its coming, no wait....some dark cabal somewhere stole it......
    Dec. will be 16 years I have been waiting. Every week hearing another story, another excuse as to why it was held up. Has anyone heard the term disinformation. Sorry to sound pessimistic, but I have had my dreams crushed too many times to put all my hope in this message, or any one like it. Just show me the money and I will believe you!!!!!

    1. Frankly, even once I have an abundance of money, then it will probably seem painfully slow for the masses to awaken and to transition to the higher dimensions. The financial changes will greatly ease my pain and the pain of many but Dec 21st, this year, is what I am highly anticipating to see how much ascension progress will be made by humanity.

    2. My friend at 10:11- I soooooo hear you. Even I have had my pessimistic days. But today I'm all smiles and grins.

    3. I live in California, people look right through you here. I stepped into the elevator at my Landlords office and had 2 total strangers initiate a conversation with me that was POSITIVE. That NEVER happens here, trust me. Things are a changing so keep your head up.

  17. Thanks BTS. Wish I would have given my info for the little pp programs but I didn't know about it. Can you please share if these programs open up again? Thanks for the encouraging info.

    1. I will absolutely be announcing them as they become available. (I'm already involved in the St. Germaine trust and will know as soon as the next level begins to roll out)




    1. I'm sorry Anonymous 10:43, but you are wrong. First off, I know nothing bout heavenly sources, I work with humans here on earth who have been busting their asses to bring these changes to our planet. Two, the only information they are asking for is less than what you supplied for a facebook account- information that is most likely already available on the internet in any number of locations, including the Yellow Pages phone directory. The prosperity programs are very real and are rolling out right now. If you do not wish to take part in them, that is your choice to make- you, like the rest of us, have free will to make what ever choice you deem necessary according to what resonates with you. But please do not come here to spread negative propaganda and fear mongering about something you clearly have little understanding of.

  19. I signed up just before the deadline.

    Still nothing arrived 12:40pm Central Time Chicago-area....

    I hope & pray this is not just another lie....50% unemployment rate in my family for over 15 months now, denied unemployment by a fraufulent employer(26 years). Refuse federal aide from a corrupt gubermint. I want my REPUBLIC BACK NOW! I may die at my own hand soon if something don't give soon, so I will only see this change from afar...IF it ever happens...

    Thanks for the HOPIUM, though. It allowed me just a few more days on GOD's beautiful green Earth if nothing else...

    1. Darylluke. Many have suffered. I won't begin to describe mine.
      I'm beyond pride now. Just living each day in the Now and knowing if I left here, I will miss so much Earth had to offer without the distractions of work and money.

      You may suicide your corporeal body, and it will emotionally and psychologically affect the people around you; to lose you by your own hand, but it is your choice for your light.

      I guess since I feel like this was a tough class and we in our light essence know all the knowledge of the universe, and we chose to come here to forget all that we know.
      There's infinite possibilities for how and when that grant will be delivered.
      I have a question though, if you suicide yourself and the grant shows up, but it was for you for the benefit of your family and they can't receive it because they didn't sign up for it, and you hadn't received it yet so it can't be passed to them as an inheritance, and you are watching from afar.....spiritually how would you feel?
      I feel what you are saying. I Love you for the strength you have shown in this adversity. It's always darkest before dawn, and the temperature is always the coldest before sunrise. Much love to you and the family.

    2. darylluke, You have a terrific sense of humor. I am disabled and refuse to get aid from the corrupt gubermint too. Hang in there. It's a done deal, I KNOW it, can't explain how, I just do. I know it sounds a bit hooey just have a little faith.

    3. please hang in there my friend. Trust me, I feel the pain all around me and my own family suffers from financial distress. We are at the end- do not give up just 10 feet from the finish line. We are all here to support you and keep each other going.

  20. Wow, I applied for pre-nesara funds just a couple days ago, I am on the verge of being evicted. I have been blessed with a Landlord who has allowed me to clean his units coming available to keep the roof over my head. Hmmm BTS, you got a little cryptic there but, I do believe the IRS has been flushed down the crapper. Thank God, I have been getting threat letters from the CA franchise tax board over my not registering my car. I am in BIG financial doo-doo. It matters not, I know the action I have been taking is INTENDING the change and living my life as if it has already happened. Have faith, doubt gums up the gears. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours! Do not let circumstances (it is all an illusion anyway!) steal your joy! We are all ambassadors of the light. Walk with your head high and confidence in your step, fill yourself with joy and spread it. This is the task at hand. Hold on because this is gonna be one WILD ride!

    1. One more thing I forgot to add, To those at the Global level, who so generously have given their wealth to the world, I thank you from my soul. I will, most likely, never know who you are but you will never be forgotten in my prayers. Namaste

  21. I would like to know, if we are to believe what you say is TRUTH, where does your info come from? And I ask from a place if positivity. Not trying to discredit, just would like more FACTS to go on? I mean... Has anyone ever questioned your resources? Lol.


    1. This is like somebody asking you to first supply your full name, address, date of birth, bank account number, religion, political affiliations, etc., over the internet with a promise that if you do so a variety of sensitive information/source(s) detail(s) will be shared with you, most likely when unknown guests come to visit you - unannounced - for a cup of tea and a slice of cake. :)

      Sorry to take the piss, but that's sort of how it is, I would imagine. I think, like the rest of us, you will just have to be like a mushroom: kept in the dark for the time being. We don't need to know any more than we know, and that's that. If good things come, then we'll find out soon enough, and if not, we've lost nothing, have we? Don't wait for anything whilst holding your breath, but remain positive and focused on a brighter future for all of humanity. It must come, mustn't it! :)

    2. my friend MH- I question my sources continuously!! :>) I deal with people from many levels of official positions and people with private contacts with those who are working to bring these changes to the world. ....and I still question them. I vet out every single piece of information I get with many sources before I will even think about believing it. I've been burned before in this convoluted mess that is the world of gathering information, so I do everything possible to insure that anything I say has been vetted and revetted out before I utter a single word. There is tons more that I could update everyone on right now, but I can't and won't because some of it has not been confirmed enough for me to have absolute confidence that it's true. I could tell you that papa Bush is walking around with a lovely new ankle bracelette on right now, but I won't because I only have two confirmations of this piece of information, and while both of the sources are highly placed, it's not enough for me to consider it "FACT".

      Trust me when I say that what I spend sometimes 18 hours a day doing, is not easy, and the word "frustrating" only barely scratches the surface of it. I question my self everyday.

    3. BTS~Mr.*D* i thank You this moment i send ~Love~Light~Your way! may the Heavenly Strength be with You...Kiss! ~chinka~

    4. BTS... I understand your position my friend. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my questions. My first instinct is to trust your intentions and efforts, and that's how I will proceed from this point. Whoever you are, wherever you are, your all good with me! ;-D. I feel the core and essence of your energy from the words. All will be proven in a very short period of time. LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU D!! ;-D


  22. BTS,

    Can you tell us any more now than you could when you made this new post?

    Like, there were rumors that this first release was a "test run" to see if TPTB would try to stop them. Have any been hindered?

    Can you tell us if ALL the people that got their request submitted by the deadline for the grant from the trust will ALL receive them?

    It has been 8 days since submission deadline. What percentage of accepted requests have gone out thus far?

    There are rumors , too that anybody who tries cashing the grant will be jailed. Claim was that funds are illegal proceeds, etc.... Details?


    1. Hi Darylluke- the test run have already happened- several weeks ago. I don't know exactly how many submissions they received, nor how many have been processed yet- but I'm hoping that I'll have more info on that either tonight or tomorrow. As for the Jail issue, that is outright lies by the cabal to frighten people from being involved.

    2. Darylluke, I did not apply for the Prosperity Package the people on this blog are referring to. Here is a thread to the one I did sign up for. It is still active so if you need it, fill out the request. Here is the thread Hang in there buddy, everything is gonna be okay =)

    3. Hi Kathy Kelley, I am also in so. cal, like you, and I also filled out the form at the site you mention above (2012 scenario), however I have never received a reply. I am in dire straits along with all you good souls here, really need that abundance now! I also applied at that site mentioned way above that closed on the 11th. Haven't heard from them either. My hope is that blessings are on the way!

    4. I applied for pre NESARA funds, I am homeless and need some basic things, toothpaste, tampons. It took 2 months but I got a response email the same weekend as the St. Germain Trust sign up. (interesting timing *giggles* I feel we are so close) Neither fund can be released until the "bad guys" aren't able to take it away, makes sense doesn't it? Keep the faith brothers and sisters! Everyday is truly Thanksgiving, we are so blessed! Somedays we have to just look a little closer to see it! ~Love and Light and kisses for everyone~ LX

    5. People - you will not hear from them because the NESARA funds are a hoax. Honest to God, I can't believe you all think some one is going to send you all money. BTS, if you want to make your site in any way credible do not allow anyone else to post about this crap, and remove the references to the damn sites.

    6. Sorry my friend, but you are disinformed.

  23. I want you to understand that I'm not trying to cast doubt with what seems to be a positive movement (BTS). I just want some solid answers regarding your reliable resources. WHY SHOULD WE BELIEVE WHAT YOU SAY IS TRUE? Love & Light to you... Please respond. Thanks. ��

    1. Hi again- I responded to your comment above :>)

    2. ...and the reality is that I'm not asking anyone to believe me any more than they feel comfortable believing. We are humans with free will to make our own decisions on what we will or will not believe.

  24. There was an OMEGA trust application ($10,000) a month ago on the NESARA site that turned out to be a scam. I filled out that one for myself, my GF and some friends. It turned out to be a fraud.

    When I read this one (on the NESARA site) that BTS is talking about on the night of November 10, 2012, I thought it had to be a scam as well, so I did not apply when I first read it

    When I woke up the next morning (November 11th) I decided that I had nothing to lose and was ready to send the application. I went to the NESARA site and the info was gone. I went to the hollow earth blog and the info was gone as well. The hollow blog said that they closed on November 10, 2012 because they had too many people even though the application said the deadline was November 11, 2012.

    Maybe it was fate because I immediately went to a dinar board and there it was the same instructions for the PP (St. Germain Trust application)that I had seen the day before.

    The instructions said November 11, 2012 so I took a chance and applied.

    I wonder if they would honor people like myself that sent the application on November 11th even though the program reached capacity November 10th.

    I hope they do because it would help me a lot right now. Time will tell.

    On other news the dong apparently is flashing at .48 cents in the MSN money site.

    Take a look. I hope this is real because it would be awesome.

    1. I would love to see some action on the dong just ordered 3 million more. Everyone keep the faith I feel positive things will happen for all of us soon.

    2. Me too, I made a 1 million last minute( hopefully) Dong purchase on Ebay today. We will find out soon if it was really a last minute purchase:)

    3. Hi Anonymous19 November 2012 11:37- sorry I missed your comments earlier!
      - the OMEGA fund that was talked about on NESARA and other site was and is not a scam. It is part of the St. Germaine Funding. The St. Germain funds have not been released...yet. but we are hearing that the release is imminent.

  25. I also missed this recent opportunity, but had signed up for something very similar (perhaps an Omega program fund) a few weeks ago--off a post on the nesaranews blogsite, if I remember correctly.

    BTS or anyone who might know, any info on whether or not that earlier sign-up was a legitimate opportunity and/or is also being delivered this week?

    Thanks for providing us with info on any future opportunities--will be a big help.

    1. Hi Merry- yes the Omega fund is very real and part of the St Germaine funds- which haven't been released yet- but we are expecting them imminently.

  26. Thanks so much for helping to keep our spirits up. Not after anything firm but do you have a vague indication of timeframe? LIke within a fortnight, or a month , or 2 months...for this first wave of amazing PP gifts.
    This is NOT so I or ANYONE ELSE can come back later and complain "but you said..." We know you do your best and appreciate it. Thanks, Bob

    1. I am very leery of giving out time frames, because we've seen these deadlines come and go.

      .....but hopefully it will an extra special thanksgiving

    2. Thanks BTS-I hear you on those time frames :) - seen 15 years of them.Here In New Zealand is a great place to sit back and watch the rest of the world fight and carry on but I guess we may have to wait a little longer than the states for our gifts.

    3. Please would everyone stop being so apologetic for asking for a timeline or proof? It's embarrasing to see how you people are treating the right to know what is gong on. If you want to see something concrete then go to Stew Webbs website. He at least backs up his information with facts. Though his site is not very pretty it is at least informative.

  27. I wish all who signed-up for a Properity Package the best of luck in receiving some funds, quickly and with no back-lash of any kind. However, bear in mind, that whilst some of us here in the west are sitting hoping for cash through the mail, there are children and other innocents being slaughtered around the world, and no doubt, no doubt, all they want is for the killing to stop - even if they live the rest of their lives in peaceful poverty - they would be happy to be alive. So please, don't focus too much on getting funding, even though you are broke, because it's not the only issue, and we must remember to send our focused thoughts into the creation of PEACE for the world, the whole world. :)

    1. The prosperity Packages are for the entire planet- not just single recipients in the US- do not worry, no one will slip through the cracks and be forgotten!

  28. BTS, THANK YOU for all the hours and hours you put in to help keep the hope alive. This is about the happiest thread I've read in the past 10 years as far as assuring us of actual progress being made. All signs point to the New Earth being born NOW and I AM so grateful! About 7 years ago, I had a very powerful dream experience that confirmed there are at least 50 million of us on the planet who know we came here for this shift. Got MUSE on repeat......let's rock and roll!

  29. Hello,

    Just wanted to inquire as to whether the St. Germain Trust was one of those PP lists potentially being distributed here 'soon'?

    Thank you for your hard work. It really shows!

  30. I think it' safe to say that we have entered into a sea change in the quality of "updates" provided by BTS here at RTS.

    My "intuit-o-meter" suggests to me that we've turned the corner and are safely inside the exit chute of one mother of a long, terribly dark night of our collective soul.

    While it's not quite time to pop the champagne, it does seem high time to have a bottle in hand.

    Thank you BTS for hanging in and keeping things real. This has certainly not been a joy ride. :)

    1. nope, It certainly hasn't been a joyride.... but then, I believe that none of us signed up for a joy ride this time around ;>)

    2. No it hasn't been a joyride however, successfully completing this mission under the circumstances will, no doubt, be impressive on a soul resume. And the quantum leap we're taking in consciousness is beyond awesome. We were the "lucky" ones who were allowed to experience this first hand. It is my understanding that earth's atmosphere looks like a fucking parking lot and they are selling popcorn to those who only get a second hand experience. My intuit-o-meter says it will have been more than worth any hardship we have endured.

  31. thank you for taking the time to answer questions.

    1. BTS... Thank you for the wonderful news!

      May I ask, though, why you are offering congratulations, when distributions have not yet begun, but are still "imminent"?

      Are the congratulations in order because you feel confident you've verified this as a genuine opportunity?

  32. Great article! Here's some very valid questions and concerns for Enerchi(he responded in his forum, thanks!), RTS and all readers. I also read all comments. I wish all of you luck in you getting your prosperity funds!

    1. Since the elites somehow prevented their mass arrests(was much talk months ago), won't they simply re-steal all that money floating around? Taxes alone would siphorn at least a third of that! Paying off debts would simply be throwing away good money with the bad.

    2. If the ascension 2012 theory pans out, what will be the point when our spiritual awareness understands that money is the root of all evil and we don't need it and can move to a resource based economy, such as the "Venus Project" Google this.

    3. Can those prosperity funds be used to stop this war in Gaza that the elites(which should have been arrested months ago) started? Some of us are concerned if the war isn't stopped, it will escalate till it eventually involves the whole world, known as ww3.

    4. There is the problem that if each person gets a large amount(rumors as high as $10m!) this will cause hyperinflation. $10k may be a more reasonable amount, but this will mostly help those in developing countries. Here, you can't even get a car, let alone a house for $10k.

    5. The next problem is 90% of people, including my family are still deep asleep. They do not believe in any of this stuff and consider any "get rich quick" schemes to be a scam. How will people know that someone handing you a $10k check isn't trying to scam you or steal your identity?

    6. How will news of this go mainstream when the elites somehow prevented their arrests which should have happened months ago? There was talk of mass arrests all over the net, yet the elites remain in power. People simply no longer believe anything will happen and that the elites are just too powerful to be stopped or removed.

    7. If things are "moving and shaking", what will happen if no proof surfaces this year? People simply losing all hope? There are very high expectations that something "big" will happen by 12/21/12. Even the Mayans and other ancient societies set forth prophencies of a golden age to come in about a month from now!

    1. hello my friend. there are a few points I would like to make. Arrests have been on going for a while- hence my reference to the new jewellery fad that has taken over washington and wall street. One of the main reasons that it has taken this long to get the new system up and running is because they are making absolutely sure that the cabal will not be able to steal the money or interfere with the new system. Sure, they could of pushed the RV through 4 months ago, but it wouldn't of helped anyone if the money disappeared the moment it landed into accounts! As I continually remind people- this is a GLOBAL event and requires everything to be absolutely perfectly timed. as for the PPs, people might be received extremely large packages, but they will be given the responsibility to divide up that money and share it with 20 or even 2000 other people. Trust me, the people who've been chosen to roll out the massive PPs have been picked because of their background and the fact that they are trustworthy to handle the division of these ginormous funds.
      here's the thing: As I've said, once the new system goes live- EVERYTHING will roll out immediately. With those huge changes will be disclosure of the truth of why the changes were made and the history of what the cabal has done. at that point people will have the ability to decide for themselves- if someone steadfastly refuses to believe the truth, then that is their choice.
      - one final note. The people I deal with, the people way high up in power that are pushing these changes, are working from a financial/economic/political perspective, not an ascension perspective. i mean, I'm sure that some of them are enlightened about the coming changes, but on the surface anyway, they are not working from that perspective. Money may not be important next year, but for this moment in time, it is, and that is the perspective they are working with.
      I hope this answers at least a few of your questions.

    2. BTS,

      Thank you so much for all you are doing here. I appreciate it & thank you for the all the words of personal encouragement.

      Is there anything new you heard today regarding any aspect of all of this. The PP, Global Settlements, ReValuation, etc....? It is like, what the heck is the hold-up this time? Seems that Obummer is behind it now, since per Benjamin Fulford the White Dragon Society assisted him in get re-elected if he supports the WDS beliefs for a better future & how to achieve that. I always felt that he was behind the blocking of the releases all along. GOOD to have him on our side, I think. ANY details you could share here I am sure would be GREATLY APPRECIATED by all who come her, that's for sure!


  33. Folks, this coming Thursday is the eleventh gate activation which may help trigger the activation of the event:

    As BTS said, we can hope that this year will be an 'extra special' thanksgiving.

  34. Obama is leaving southeast Asia in less than 12 hours according to the whitehouse schedule. Hopefully he had a chance to finalize his part in any financial matters with other important players in this reset.

    1. i actually came back here to ask BTS about that...

      and found this on the way:

      what stood out to me was:
      "I'm committed to working with China and I'm committed to working with Asia," Obama told Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The world's two biggest economies, had a "special responsibility" to lead the way on sustained global growth, he added before the [[[meeting was shut to media.]]]

      If you can tell us BTS, is this trip related to all of the above stated in your update? and also, THANK YOU for your hard work! working joes like myself & others need to know that things are indeed changing in these changing times, when most of us NEED it the most!

    2. Fulfords article of today points into that direction. He didnt post anything yesterday... and now this "gap filler" rather than one of his regular reports... he waits for something?

    3. acknowledged...don't have an opinion good or bad about him, don't know whether it's deliberate or not, but the article is an assertion or some sort...

    4. Au Matu- I can't say- at this point there are too many conflicting pieces of infomation as to the reason for the Asia trip. Until I can get some sort of fully vetted info, I would rather not give my opinion.

    5. Understood...thanks for the response...will keep my eyes & ears open until...

  35. It happens over the weekend I guess. If this is a world-wide RV trade and banks need to be closed to flip the switch. People are not at work mostly and have time to attend to a major announcement. I mean this is so important you cant do that just between lunch and coffee break on a Wednesday afternoon. And each country may handle things a bit differently. I guess The Western Pacific would be first to start with pulling the rabbit out of the hat...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. or, & maybe i'm being too optimistic, announcements during the games on Thanksgiving when banks will be closed AND people WILL definitely be in front of the TVeven my 24/7 online banking dept. will be closed...makes sense to me @ least...

      i'll also mention from an internal perspective, that a LOT of things have been suddenly "not working" correctly for a bunch of large and small financial institutions over the last couple of weeks, more so than usual (& they haven't been getting "fixed" as quickly as usual)...i've chalked it up as preparations for changes of SOME type to take place...either way, we shall see...

  36. Its quite incredible seeing some Americans think that the whole worlds monetary system will change during an American holiday even though this mess was largely caused by the greed of Americans.

    Oh with everyone watching the games on tv it must be the best time for an rv.

    Put your hubris and egos aside and stop drinking the flouride... its embarrasing for the remainder of the species.... yes there are 6 billion of them.

    1. Haha! I hear you!'s irritating to read such things, but only in a small, and somewhat amusing way. We've ALL already been advised, in this very posting, that this is a GLOBAL event. So whatever that means, it means more than just the Thanksgiving Holiday window of opportunity....

      Relax, everyone. It doesn't matter when things 'flip', so long as they do. :)

    2. this may be ego wanting to answer, but oh cares not for greedy americans, they're fine...just the hungry ones, some of whom manage somehow to be optimistic & have hope when they don't even have food...mentioned nothing about when an rv would take place, admittedly have little knowledge of said subject...common sense & patterns, however, tend not to lie...did say that it would be a good time for announcements (about anything for that matter) to occur...advertisers consider it a good time sooooo...

      ...working on the flouride thing too, never planned on being an embarrassment to the remaining 6-7 billion or so harm no foul...hopium & humility are kickin' in again, so, have a good night...

    3. Some hopium: I have come across a comment by a lady named whispersong on this weeks Poofness report (nesaranews). She said Poof is the most accurate usually. The poker game was real, she wrote, since she was part of it. IT happened and that we all would meet by the big Red Tree. 'And so it is... "What goes around, comes around" No doubt about it', she wrote.

      Now you can combine this with Poofs "the last tumbler in the vault dropped into place"... Sounds close? I feel Ive lost my old mind a while ago and really have nothing much to lose anymore to walk the last few steps with everyone. The moneys gone, the troubles cook up and the day this becomes reality I am having such a wonderful sleep again, oh my. You might feel the same...

      Be strong, everyone & Thank You

    4. Greed of Americans?? How about greed fo entire global elite! We have no corner on the market.

      What gets me is the arrogance of some to blame everything on Americans! Check your own door step!

    5. Anon 23:22 -- it is indeed a sad irony that the world appears to be hanging on America in order for global prosperity to take hold.

      But to snipe at an innocent question in the manner you have is both mean and unnecessary.

      We are one people and one planet, and now is the time to overcome all unnecessary divisions and give thanks for what we are about to receive.

    6. 1:21 yeap its all the global elites fault. Of course there is no minions to prop up the pyramid.

      13:44 'We are one people and one planet, and now is the time to overcome all unnecessary divisions and give thanks for what we are about to receive'

      I totally agree and its your responsibility as well as mine to point out that this is indeed one big beautiful planet.

  37. BTS,

    Thank you so much for all you are doing here. I appreciate it & thank you for the all the words of personal encouragement.

    Is there anything new you heard today regarding any aspect of all of this. The PP, Global Settlements, ReValuation, etc....? It is like, what the heck is the hold-up this time? Seems that Obummer is behind it now, since per Benjamin Fulford the White Dragon Society assisted him in get re-elected if he supports the WDS beliefs for a better future & how to achieve that. I always felt that he was behind the blocking of the releases all along. GOOD to have him on our side, I think. ANY details you could share here I am sure would be GREATLY APPRECIATED by all who come her, that's for sure!


    Do you have an email I can contact you with privately?

  38. darylluke, his/her email is printed on top right of this page. Peace

  39. Breaking The Silence19 November 2012 12:18

    Hi Darylluke- the test run have already happened- several weeks ago. I don't know exactly how many submissions they received, nor how many have been processed yet- but I'm hoping that I'll have more info on that either tonight or tomorrow. As for the Jail issue, that is outright lies by the cabal to frighten people from being involved.



    Well, have you found out yet????


  40. Although fascinating...never believed in a free lunch. Being back to work full time is good enough for me.Let the people in need get the help, am rich in can't ask for more.

  41. Anonymous,
    Thanks for the link... missed the announcement of re numeration but...that's okay, brown bag my own lunch anyway.
    Kind Regards,
    David (one eye)

  42. I enjoy your site. But can you share what happen to the packages Wednesday before Thanksgiving? Or are they still coming and will it be before the end of the month? I know that's a lot to ask but, can you share anything? Than You

  43. ANON,

    I agree. What happened?

    It is starting to seem like the same old hopium, but we never see any tangible results! Lotsa talk & even some new details, but where is the funds? Who is holding this up, again & why/how?

    C/mon BTS, we need clarification!!


    1. HI Darylluke my friend- I am sorry, but I am silent tonight:


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