
Saturday 10 November 2012

UN agenda 21 Commercials.... *thud*

Again, you know I'm not into the "Fear Porn"  but this is horrific!! 

Sheeple.... are you awake yet?

“For millions of years this lake thrived but now it is dying, poisoned by humans who put themselves above nature.  It’s time to stop the killing. It’s time to heal our planet.  It’s time to remove your footprints.  Agenda 21 is coming soon”


  1. Scared me too .. then someone posted they are most likely ads for Glenn Beck's new book .. Ad was on Blaze, he is on Blaze .. Makes sense to me ..

    1. I thought that might be the case too, but...... I think it's unbelievable that they would promote it this way. It might be a publicity stunt, but it's in extremely poor taste.

  2. Not related to this topic here but how do you like this post BTS?

  3. Real or not it's the truth and people need to wake up it's coming if good people do nothing. The cabal controlled U.N. wants to control every aspect of your life imagine Bloomberg as U.N. Secretary General. Scary thought, lol.

    1. Huh? "Real or not its the truth"? How can it be both?

    2. Real meaning if the U.N. put it out which I doubt or whether Glen Beck produced it. Why don't you research agenda 21 for yourself?. Or better yet go to New York and purchase the the agenda 21 manual. I know people who are being directly affected and are having the gov trying to remove them from their property in fact an entire county of individuals. You will probably remain ignorant but that's okay the world needs zombies too.

  4. I don't think you're going to find many "sheeple" on your blog. And as for the "fear porn", yah, let's not go there. We need to elevate our thoughts and expectations right now, not entertain the idea there's anything the cabal can do to control us. It's over. They lost.The 99 per cent are in control and we're about to usher in our Golden Age.

  5. The truth will set us free, well hopefully it will inspire the good guys among us to act. Until the cabal is removed we are not living in the Golden Age. I hope and pray Obama and the powers that be find the light inside and do the right thing. So we can live in a Golden Age and not just pretend that everything is wonderful.

    1. You won't be living in the Golden Age, until you shift YOURSELF to a higher frequency state. The lower frequency Fear-Based cabal, can only inhabit the physical plane up to the 3rd dimension -- they can go no higher. They can't even make it to the 5th dimension, let alone the upper 4th, which is what we are moving into right now.
      All of those higher octaves are completely invisible to them as long as they shy away from the positive end of the frequency spectrum.

      Remember, there is no just ONE world. You are swimming in AND constantly shifting through a sea of infinite parallel realities, every single second.

      Shift your own bubble universe out of the low dense frequencies of 3D, and aim at least for the lower Sub-Octaves of the 5th dimension.
      Once you hit 5D, the cabal and this entire collective agreement reality disappears permanently for you.

  6. The cabal owns the media. They can, have and do tell us anything they like, and you just made their wish come true if you believed it.

    What happened to discernment? Talk is cheap. They can say anything they like, but it doesn't make it true. It's their M.O. Most of us on onto them.

    They couldn't do what they threatened at the Olympics and they can't do anythng now.

  7. So when is the next update coming BTS? Has it been a busy day for the good guys or what?

    1. I keep checking here in case there have been any new developments. BTS sounded so positive with the news he has that has to be kept under wraps for now. Now if I had wonderful news I wouldn't be posting negative stuff as in the Agenda 21 article. Surely there comes a point that if you want and know we are heading for a positive time line then you don't give energy to stories like the above?

      Please no more fear porn, people.

  8. So what has happened to the very special news this blog was going to tell us, but you had to keep quiet, and funnily enough , you are still very quiet????

  9. I can't believe BTS even bothers with this blog. These demanding children have entitlement issues.

  10. sweet it is...iLove You Poof!...Poofey...hehe! KissKiss! ~chinka~

  11. Because people feel entitled to freedom from tyranny, prosperity, sovereignty? You must be an elitist who thinks we are all useless eaters or a Romney republican.

  12. I guess we won't have to worry about the fiscal cliff then.


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