
Tuesday 30 October 2012

Frankenstorm: Is it Live, or is it Memorex?

Well.... where I am, up in Great Lakes area near Erie, we are getting hit with heavy winds with gusts that are rattling the windows. And rain, but not much of that. So I can attest that where I am the weather is definitely cold and nasty.

An anonymous commenter sent me a link to the live cam at Times Square:

I have been checking it since 6am est (sleep is my nemesis) and while it's obviously damp, a few puddles here and there, there is no water running in the streets, no flooding. The flags are not ripping in the wind, people are now walking around, calmly sauntering along- not struggling in the wind, no one's coat is flapping, no one's hat is blowing off, and it's obviously not raining at the moment. 

Then there is the live feed of the storm watch on The Weather Network. I've attempted to embed the feed here, if it doesn't work here is the link:

They are showing constant clips of raging snow storms, house fires, ambulances with sirens blaring, trees down, water flooding down streets.... with a litany of reporters talking about giant waves washing ashore, and how bad it all was. Reporting electrical outages in NY. Various mayors and government officials asking for a declaration of "disaster".

This adventurous person went for a wander around Brooklyn last night around 11pm:

Fukushima Diary went for a night patrol of Brooklyn NY.
Bedford Ave ~ Greenpoint
23:00 ~ 24:00  10/29/2012
Report :
There was no flood in this area except for east river from the interview with police officers.
Also, cardboards left on the street showed at least they were not flooded. Dead leaves were accumulated on the street, which also shows there was no flood in the area.
There was no black out along Bedford Ave and Manhattan Ave.
Only just one pole was found down on the street. Some bars and convenient stores were open with customers.
I saw 5~10 people walking on the street every 30 seconds.
I was more scared of police.
The wind was strong sometimes, I had spotty rain too. The rain was not salty like typhoon in Japan.
Subways were closed but the platform was not flooded, which you can see from the multiple dry paper trashes on the floor.
Pavement under the arcades were already drought.

I'm listening to the live feed of The Weather Network while writing this and a reporter just said that they turned off the power in Manhattan on purpose.

So here is what I'm asking:  Where are you and what are you seeing and hearing?  I will open the comments so that they post automatically without moderation.... don't get cocky trolls!- I will delete any comments that have no purpose and are deliberately derogative or demeaning.  

Let's create a feed of comments keeping everyone informed as to what's going on in YOUR area.


  1. 8:30am est- the wind is dying down and there is some brighter sky on the horizon. No rain

  2. Well RTS, you wanted to know whether or not this hurricane was live or just a memorex? Look no further then this CNN footage of Pierce Morgan with Erin Burnett corresponding during this live feed of her reporting that the NYSE is flooded with 3 feet of water and that it may be closed for a while because of it, but when they showed the NYSE building lets just say the conditions there at the building wasn't in sync to what Erin was reporting. Have a look, lol lol lol lol We have been taken for a ride.

    1. Ariel I just reported on exactly that in the update article I just published!

    "The lights were off at the Freedom Tower in Lower Manhattan, but Goldman Sachs still managed to keep their lights on as of an hour ago. [about 10:00 p.m. EST]

    Read more:"


  5. RTS let me ask you something, do you think since the NYSE is closed that once it opens again that the RV will show up with the new rates? I have that eerie feeling that once it does something is going to be different financially speaking. It goes back to that ''October Surprise'' scenario I kept hearing about. Do you think we can see the RV this week?

    1. I am unable to respond to that question at this time.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. To be honest RTS, I think you told me more in that statement indirectly then what you could have intentionally. It's synonymous with the ''no comment'' phrase indicating you wish not to answer due to the inconvenience that your response may incriminate you in a way that may impede your ability to hold back further indications that I may be on to something right? Isn't this why it is called the ''Perfect Storm'' as it is setting conditions to where things can be put into to place pivoting off the circumstances like the NYCE Stock Exchange being closed as the perfect excuse of the storm being the reason the stock market has to close? I'm starting to get that tingle you speak of RTS, this is a very covert but genius move by the powers that will be (white hats) temporarily in charge as the old systems get laid to rest. Now I know why they had to somewhat lie about the NYSE being flooded just to give them that contingency on a ''time factor'' that may be needed just in case the NYSE dried up a little too fast for comfort as they rearrange things.

  6. Was Hurricane Sandy the October Surprise this year or is the re-opening of the Stock Market on Halloween the October Surprise?
    Will the stock market suddenly become very active and close high in the positive range? Or will the bottom fall out of it and everyone invested in the market will have nothing?
    What could have happened while the stock market was closed? Could the Federal Reserve have gone out of business? Could a whole new economic system have been put into place?

    Things like this are done who our attention is focused elsewhere.

    1. yes, things like this are done to focus attention else where. very convenient.

    2. Okay BTS Weren't you the one to make the cryptic statement about some people not getting to find out how many licks it will take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I read~ Some people aren't going to make it to Halloween. I just read that a Rear Admiral was relived of his post in the Persian Gulf for disobeying direct orders to 'Stand Down' and abandon Americans in Libya. Haven't we been told that many retired and oathkeeping Active Duty Military would be used to fill empty Congressional Seats during our interim Government? Who better to call than a Man willing to disobey such ludicrous orders. I also just read that they are testing 'back-up' measures on Wall Street in the event it could not be resume normal business Weds. Well, I do believe 'IT' has happened/is Happening even as I write this. Yes, I do believe hurricane Sandy will go down in history not for the catastrophic damage to property but as cover for the catastrophic end of the Illuminati.........

    3. The back-up plans for Wall Street I believe is the implementing of our New and BOUNTIFUL financial system

  7. On the northeastern side of Philadelphia; the winds were very high-tree tops dancing and swirling. Rain until Tuesday morning. However, we see no evidence of any damage.

  8. I saw some very strange things on The Weather Channel. At one point, they reported "Three feet of water on the floor of the NYSE" After about an hour or so, they retracted that. I watched a reporter in full hurricane gear actually looking for a puddle of water to stand in for his report. Not finding one, that even covered tops of his shoes. All the while a man in shorts, with a backpack is milling around in the background, obviously looking for signs of the storm, and bewildered at the lack of it. This all happened Before 12:30 last night. It was a live feed. Are there recordings of that live show that can be accessed? I would suggest watching it closely.

  9. Here in NW PA it was not much to get excited about at all. Maybe 3 inches of rain total, winds were steady but nothing really out of the norm. When i left for work this morning it looked like any other morning outside after an annoying rain.

  10. I've been posting about the media hype and confusion. Here are some posts from well-regulated militia website, the first being from about 14 hours ago:

    --Still doing ok. Winds been more reasonable for the last hour - slightly lower sustained winds but gusts still around the 50+mph range.

    --I am doing relatively well today. Some minor damage, but nothing an afternoon or two and a trip to the hardware store won't fix.

    --Some small towns have been evacuated, but few and far between and only in places with feet of standing water in the streets.

    --Everything seems totally on the up and up, folks. As previously stated, I may disagree strongly with the guys politics, but I am impressed with the govornor's leadership during this storm.

  11. I'm on the west coast, but my daughter in Cleveland said there were lights in the clouds last night. She said the lights didn't look like lightning, and there was no thunder. She said some of the lights looked like bluish-white flickering street lights. Others looked like orange street lights.

    I am not a Galactic Federation believer, but can't help but wonder whether some ETs--or angels--were calming the storm.

    Seems to me that the storm was less threatening than projections were indicating, and blasted through a lot faster. We know the MSM hype potential events and weather to generate fear and boost ratings. But just what happened here? I don't think we will ever know for sure. Well, at least not on this side.

    Peace to all

  12. I am in CA but my best friend is just west of Atlantic City. I was a little worried about her BUT after calling her at 7pm PST. Her phone rang, she was not without power. She said there was video footage of a man on a jet ski in Hudson Bay just before the storm made landfall and another of a man in his boxers running around with a carousel horse head on in front of reporters lol lol lol. So, yeah, I will say that it was memorex. The biggest problem was tidal surges due to both the full Moon and the storm. The combination definitely caused shore damage and subterranean flooding near shorelines. Other than that, everything else seems to be hype.

  13. My friend grew up in New York and they had a CAT4 hurricane and few if any problems. This Sandy hurricane is CAT1.

    Hurricanes are routine in this part of the world. This is media propoganda, mass pyschological conditioning. They are seeking to reframe your sense of danger and need to be protected.

    Edward Bernays talks about control of the masses through imagery. Television is said to have been designed and manufactured specifically for mass mind control.

  14. Um, I'm from New Jersey,

    In one of the areas that got f--king slammed.

    You guys are doing no one any favors with this bull$hit.

    Tell ya what, since you think this is fake, get in a damn car and come out to NYC or Jersey, and tell me if it's freaking fake.

    1. You know what your problem is? Is that you are from New Jersey which is not the topic of discussion when dealing with a hurricane that was supposed to wipe the east coast of the map. We are not talking about the validity of the hurricane not happening we are taking about the fabricated scale in which it was supposed to be the ''crim dela criim'' of hurricanes and it wasn't. Calm your emotional ass down. We know the hurricane did very minute damage opposed to what it was supposed to do followed by the hype that never followed through on it's alleged catastrophic ability to have your city and surrounding cities in strife and endless peril as to make recovery impossible do to the billions of dollars in damage it was supposed to make. You not even comprehending the discussions being made hear, didn't I just post the CNN coverage of the storm that they said had the NYSE stock exchange in 3 feet of water, which it was not? Here I'll post it again since you seem to be in such distress ( Now you look at that footage and tell me whether or not boring ass New Jersey is supposed to be in even more severity then previously claimed? We are saying the hurricane is fake, we are saying the hype around it was over blown. Get it? I know New Jersey and known for it's Einsteins but at least pretend to know what you are talking about before you open your mouth and remove all doubt about suspicions that you may be a little slow in the brain.

    2. My friend, you misunderstand the nature of what I am trying to say. There is no doubt that the hurricane happened and that it caused damage to those areas directly in it's path- I have several good friends that got hammered, two of which are without power and doubt they will get power back before Friday. So yes, the hurricane is/was absolutely real, and some horrific damage has been left in it's wake. BUT the point of what I've been saying is that the media hyped this up to the the Armageddon Storm of all storms, and this storm was deliberately blown out of proportion and fake news reports were rampant during the whole thing. the NYSE flooded under 3 feet of water, when it obviously wasn't, subway stations that were reported as being flooded, yet were dry as a popcorn fart when Suzi Q Public went to check... The question I am trying to get people to ask is "WHY?"

    3. Get in a goddamn car, come to NYC and hoof around before talking out of your @sses. This was a massive storm and I personally, and many others got WHACKED by it. Flooding, trees, electricity, the works.

      This was not f--king minute.

      Damn keyboard jockeys.

      -a New Jerseyan.

    4. sending Light and Love your way...may the strength be with friend...Kiss!...and hugs...

  15. You people seriously, SERIOUSLY need to get off the computer, get in a car, and come out here to see for yourself how much of a $#itshow Hurricane Sandy's been to New York and Jersey.

    Go ahead. Tell me these f--king videos are fake!

    Damn keyboard jockeys.

    -a New Jerseyan

  16. Love your blog but in this case..I cry FOUL! The weather service called this storm exactly correct. It wasn't hype. It was very real and I, for one, don't believe the HAARP steering crap being circulated. It was Mother Nature doing what she does. We have all been warned.. be it by our Star Friends, the Bible, the Cosmos, etc. I'm sure there is more to come. TPTB are not to blame for EVERY FREAKIN THING. Nuff said.


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