
Wednesday 19 April 2017

Removing the Shackles has a New Home!!

We are MOVING!!!!

The new home of "Removing the Shackles" (and Transpicuous News & Views) has moved to a new permanent home:

At the moment we are still in the "building" phase so some features are not yet published, but all rts , Transpicuous News, and Transpicuous Views videos and articles will be published on the new site only from now on.

This blogger site has been the home of Removing the Shackles for over 6 years now, and will remain "online" as an archive of older articles etc... until I have the time to move them all over to the new site, which, needless to say, will take a while, lol.

Please come and join us at RTS Earth as we build our new community!!  This will also be the new home of The UnFuckers Unite Group as well- yep we're getting the hell off of facebook!! There are a LOT of news things that will be happening and will be launched very soon as we continue to build the new site into the home community that is in our vision.

We are in Beta testing at the moment of various plugins and sections of the website- such as the members social media, the forums, and the new Classifieds and Shopping Mall!!  So please be patient with us.... we're going as fast as we can and battling "time" that keeps speeding up and getting away from us, lol!

See you there!

love d

Friday 7 April 2017

D's Update, April 7th, 2017

Since I've been offline, so to speak, for over a week, I recorded just a short little update of what's going on, what's not going on, and to drops some hints of new things coming!!

love d

Transpicuous News: The US Acts of War: How History just keeps repeating itself.

Well folks.... the US just committed an "Act of War" against the sovereign nation of Syria.  In today's Transpicuous News episode, I'll be discussing what we know, the historical facts and that fact that history just keeps repeating itself.

Will you swallow the lies of the US government and western media whole? Again?

Just keep Observing.  But remember, there comes a time when being neutral no longer serves it purpose, and there comes a time to call the bullshit for what it is.  Have we reached that point?  Not necessarily.... but we're watching closely as things are now seemingly very transparent.


News links for this episode of Transpicuous News:

Tuesday 28 March 2017

The One People Mar 27, 2017: Objectively looking within, and making a choice

After failed upload and no electricity and sketchy internet... Here is this weeks One People Round Table Discussion.

Below the OPRT Vid is the Rainbow Lasagna Video that is mentioned at the end the show.


Monday 27 March 2017

Transpicuous Views: Collecting Data from the Data Collector, Part 3

Last night Lisa m Harrison joined me as we continued our conversation with Denice and "Stan" the Data Collector from the Sphere Alliance, and this time we brought along the UnFuckers and the LMH members as well to ask their questions.  We dug into several deeper questions to do with this "construct" "earthsphere" and the information from the Sphere Alliance  and their view of what's happening.  As always, use discernment.

We really did try to keep the questions and answers together in a written format, but between failing Zoom chat, and failing skype chat..... it would be hours of work to try and correlate it all.  So sorry my friends, you'll just have to listen in to the video and read along in the chat log (below).

love d

Parts 1 & 2

Transpicuous Views: Collecting Data from the Data Collector

Transpicuous Views: Collecting Data from the Data Collector, part 2

Friday 24 March 2017

Transpicuous Views: Collecting Data from the Data Collector, part 2

 Today I sat down and had another conversation with Denice and "Stan" the Data Collector for the Sphere Alliance.  I dug in a bit deeper for clarification on several points.  As usual, Observe and use your discernment.

love d

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Transpicuous Views: Collecting Data from the Data Collector

Data & Information can come in all shapes, sizes and forms, and from all kinds of unusual places.  As I explain in the introduction of the video, this information comes from a Channeled source.  It's very interesting to see the various pieces that echo the recent conversations on the One People show.  I'd ask everyone to try and maintain a neutral place and see what information you find in this that is interesting to you.

There will definitely be more videos soon to follow up on several other questions and theories.


Thursday 16 March 2017

Transpicuous News: Turkey's Tantrums & Trump's Transparencies?

One Today's Transpicuous News, Turkey is throwing tantrums and threatening a religious war in Europe, Trump releases his first Federal Budget,  Proof that Monsanto and the EPS worked together to cover up the fact that Roundup is toxic and cancer causing, more transparency on the Fake Democracy in the UK.... and sex toys that spy on you!!  What more could you possibly want?!


News Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:,_2017

Tuesday 14 March 2017

The One People, March 13 2017: No Time like the Present

A week of bizarre occurrences, and a seeming collision of multiple timelines made last nights show an interesting one, that's for certain!  Multiple timelines regarding Quantum Computing seem to be running simultaneously, not the standard Mandela Effect.

History is a lie, yet again....More evidence of manipulated religious and historical records.

More people stepping into the veil as the process of awakening marches forward at an ever increasing rate....


Collapse of the Azure Window in Gozo Malta this week

Charles Dickens: Childrens History of England,  (full ebook below)

Links from this episode of The One People Round Table Show:

Saturday 11 March 2017

Transpicuous News: Wikileaks, Purim, and Everyone wants to meet Putin

Transpicuous News for Saturday March 11th, 2017. US Congress Passes the NASA Bill, which has some very interesting stuff buried in it.  UK Taxes Solar Power by up to 800%, and the US Invades Syria, Wikileaks Vault 7, and Everyone is Visiting Putin!!  It's been an interesting Week!


We are just $300 from reaching the goal for the Go Fund Me Campaign to get me a new computer set up!!

(3) to enable a capability to extend human presence, including potential human habitation on another celestial body and a thriving space economy in the 21st Century.”.\\\\\

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Vault 7.... That's it? Yet another Distraction by WikiLeaks

Image result for CIA lies

Well, as I've said multiple times for years now:  WikiLeaks= Distraction!!  Nothing they've released is actually "NEW", it's all information that we ALREADY KNOW!!

I've been waiting for this big "OHHHHH, AHHHHHHH" moment of the release of WikiLeaks "VAULT 7" dump of information..... the thing that has kept the alternative media glued to their computers, rubbing their hands together in anticipation.....  and Nope- I wasn't disappointed- This big "LEAK" is nothing more than rehash of stuff we already knew, Yet Again!!

So.... Ask yourself:  What was really going on that they needed to keep the alternative media distracted?


MARCH 7, 2017

This morning, WikiLeaks released “the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency”. Since it can be quite difficult to search through the data yourself, we are assembling a list of the most notable information.

*The CIA can masquerade its malware as belonging to a foreign intelligence agency.

Already knew this- mostly they've been using Russian stuff to blame the Russians

*The CIA stole hacking malware from the Russian Federation for their own use.

Already surmised this, from the fact that the Russians are holding several people from Russian Malware companies on unknown charges.

*The CIA is hacking everyone, including US citizens.

Well, DUH!

*Every microphone and webcam is remote controllable.

Again, this is such old news as to be barely a yawn

*The CIA’s exploits have been leaked internally and can be used by unauthorized people to gain access to virtually anything.

Again: Well, Duh!

*CIA malware can infiltrate iPhones, Androids, Windows Phones, and even your smart TV.

We've known this for YEARS!

*The U.S. consulate in Frankfurt is a covert CIA hacker base.

Already knew that- or at lease surmised this by the fact that Germany has been scrambling for over a year to cover up and spin doctor their participation in the spying on other EU countries for unnamed agencies

*The CIA created air gap jumping viruses that infect CDs, DVDs, flash drives, etc.

Again, we already knew that!

*The CIA created malware that specifically evaded certain anti-virus programs.

Seriously?! John McAfee anyone?!?   

*The CIA can hack cars for “undetectable assassinations”

*yawn* Again, sooooo ollllldddddddd!!!!

*CIA malware can infiltrate your macOS and Windows computers.


*CIA malware infiltrates your smartphone to read messages on encrypted apps, before you send them.

Doubly boring!!!  This news was released in the main stream media in 2013  for fuck sakes!!!

*CIA malware can infiltrate Linux and routers.

Not "news" but we definitely had already figured this out by ourselves

*The CIA was supposed to reveal major vulnerabilities, but instead, hoarded them for their own use.
Notepad++, a popular text editor, has a DLL hijack.

REALLY?!?  I'm Just So Fuckin SHOCKED ...... again, even if we didnt' have proof, this was surmised ages ago!

*The CIA steals saved passwords from Internet Explorer

Buhahahahhaha!!!!  ok ... this is a joke, right?  Is there a hidden camera somewhere ..... 'cause calling this a "LEAK" is fuckin' hysterical!!!!  I knew about this even BEFORE I "woke up", lol

*CIA can bypass Windows User Account Control

No shit Sherlock!

*CIA has Android malware that makes Android phones bulk-spy on WiFi networks around them.

....And AGAIN- We Already Fuckin' New This!!!

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Transpicuous News: NASA, Zombies & Self Replicating Computers?

Tonights Transpicuous News deals with Technology and Science.  From NASA to Zombies, Quantum Computers to DNA self replicating computers.... and a WHOLE LOTTA questions!!!

..... Is it "new tech" or is it another indicator of a shift to a completely different tech on a completely different..... level?


A Go Fund Me Campaign has been created by a friend of mine, (as I do not have access to Paypal any more so I haven't had a "Donate button" in a long time), to help get the funds together to get me a new computer system.  My laptop is on it's last legs and about to completely fail.  John is trying to raise the funds to get a top of the line laptop that will be able to handle all the video editing and storage for the work I do, and to be capable of doing graphics work etc.....  which here in the south of Europe is NOT cheap!!  If you'd like to help out, please go to the Go Fund Me page HERE:

Or, Paypal donations can be sent to:   With a note that it's for Dani's computer .

And for reference, here is the One People Round Table show that I mentioned during this TN. Listen in for the first 54 minutes.... the subjects that we discussed for this first hour are very interesting, considering everything that's been playing out for the past 7 months or so!!

News Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:

One People Show March 6 2017: Twists, Turns, Tears & Tantrums

What a show!!!  Last night's conversation was, as usual, wide ranging and rambling.  I started off with a "WTF?!" over our apparently new skulls.... with holes everywhere!  Then we were off!  Major discussions about "Time", "Mirrors", "Dimensions", "Simulation/Constructs & Time Loops" & and the physical, emotional, and mental effects these are having on us.

Lots of Audience participation brought home the need of being "together", of having the ability to reach out and at least talk/chat with others who are going through the same feelings of Loss, Abandonment, Grief, and Anger.

We're getting through this my friends!!!  We are!!

love d

Link for the Go Fund Me Campaign to get Dani a new Laptop:

Tuesday 28 February 2017

One People Show Feb 27 2017: Cleansing & Acclimatizing

It was an interesting weekend.  For a lot of people, the last 72 hours has been a pretty interesting experience. From physical purging of crap, to emotional shedding of old history, to falling sideways, to feeling, seeing, hearing through to something new..... Yes a very shifting weekend!


Videos shown during the show:

Video thanks to Jayling!

Lyrics: Time Warp

(Riff Raff) It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll...

(Magenta) Ahh...

(Riff Raff) But listen closely...

(Magenta) Not for very much longer...

(Riff Raff) I've got to keep control.
I remember doing the Time Warp.
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me.

(Riff Raff & Magenta) And the void would be calling.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hand on your hips.

AmandaHmemory byAmandaH ,  Editor
Rock Horror Picture Show's classic "Time Warp" is a song people reference every year for Halloween. FOX's 2016 production of the cult classic was released… See All
(Guests) You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust.
They really drive you insane.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Magenta) It's so dreamy
Oh, fantasy free me
So you can't see me
No not at all.

In another dimension
With voyeuristic intention.
Well secluded I see all...

(Riff Raff) With a bit of a mind flip...

(Magenta) You're into a time slip...

(Riff Raff) And nothing can ever be the same.

(Magenta) You're spaced out on sensation.

(Riff Raff) Like you're under sedation.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Columbia) Well, I was walking down the street
Just having a think
When a snake of a guy
Gave me an evil wink.
Well it shook me up
It took me by surprise
He had a pick-up truck
And the devil's eyes
He stared at me
And I felt a change
Time meant nothing
Never would again.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hands on your hips.

(Guests) You bring you knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust...
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again

(Columbia) Ah! Oh! Oh! Yeoooww...

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hands on your hips.

(Guests) You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust
They really drive you insane.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

TV shows discussed during the show:

Dark Matter:  Season 1, episode 8: cloning machines that move consciousness from one place to another

Agents of Shield: Season 4, episodes 13-15- virtual reality that consciousness can be uploaded to, "androids" that have had a persons memories and consciousness uploaded into, that do not know that they are not the original person.

Arrow & Flash cross over: Invasion- Arrow season 5 episode 8, Flash season 3 episode 8- aliens kidnap Arrow and team and put them into pods, and into a virtual reality life in a computer.

Friday 24 February 2017

Transpicuous News Feb 24 2017: NASA's News & Newt Builds a Snowman

In this episode of the weird wacky and just plain stupid, I'll be discussing Trumps "Climate Change" agenda, The Saudis working directly with AlQaeda in Yemen, Newt Gingrich's holiday, ....and of course, I'll take the piss out of NASA.


News Links for this Episode of Transpicuous News:

Thursday 23 February 2017

Transpicuous News, Feb 23,2017: The Mandela Effect Elephant in the Room

 I love when the Media make their agendas so transparent.  Tonight we're going to look at the main stream media's definitive attempt to jump on the "Mandela Effect" bandwagon to co-opt the term into the category of  "Crazy Conspiracy Theory"... and don't you know?  You all just don't remember jack shit!!

Challenge to all purported investigative journalists and so called reporters:  How about sitting down and discussing the REAL Mandela Effect Elephant in the room?

.... Just sayin'.


Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:

Tuesday 21 February 2017

The One People: the "In Between" Spaces

Quite a few people in the UU fb group and LMH Members, Lisa included, felt a sudden onset of ‘excited anticipation’ hit over the last few days. A sense of ‘something positive this way comes’ and that it’s time to prepare our minds for what’s next…..

Physicist Brian Greene and Stephen Colbert Dive into Gravitational Waves:

Monday 20 February 2017

Transpicuous Views: Humanity's Immunity Beats the Bullshit

Sorry for the delay, this video was suppose to be recorded right after yesterday Transpicuous News Report:

Transpicuous News, Feb 19 2017: DARPA's Bioweapons in Space?

Today's Transpicuous Views is about the amazing Human Immune System, and about the multiple failed attempts by the Idiots in charge to compromise it and to infect the world with a super virus.

It's not about "Fear Porn".  It's about shining a light in the dark corners and watching them scurry like the cockroaches they are.


Sunday 19 February 2017

Transpicuous News, Feb 19 2017: DARPA's Bioweapons in Space?

In Previous Transpicuous News Reports this past week, I've talked about SpaceX sending a deadly bacteria, MRSA, to the ISS Space Station.... 'cause you know, what could possibly go wrong with that?!?

.... Then today I read yet another article on the subject that a friend posted on my Facebook wall, and all of a sudden the entire story morphed from outright stupidity to blatant Bioweapon Bullshittery!!  Todays Transpicuous News focuses on my journey down the Rabbit Hole (again) of bioweapon development and takes a look at the back ground of just who's running this game.

Time for some Collective Consciousness Creations!


Links for this episode of Transpicuous News:

Saturday 18 February 2017

Transpicuous News, Feb 18 2017:Fake Sperm, Fake Bees & Trump's Fake News

Transpicuous News, February 18th, 2017.  The Wild the Weird and the Wacky just seems to be a continuing meme these days.   In Today's report I discuss genetic manipulation, gene splicing, artificial wombs, SpaceX, Russia's Antarctica vacation, Trump's "Fake News", ....and of course, I make fun of NASA.  Go figure.


News Links for This TN Episode: