
Sunday 30 November 2014

Hope Girl: TON speaks out on OPPT

The One Network Speaks Out on the OPPT

On Thanksgiving day, in one of the bravest interviews I’ve seen in a long time, Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, Dani, Mel Batty, and Mel V gave a no-holds-barred personal testimony regarding OPPT filings and their creator Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf.
The “OPPT Filings” are a set of documents that were filed with the UCC (Universal Commercial Code) that allegedly foreclosed on all world governments and restored the value of monetary and banking systems back to the people. In December of 2012 several alternative media groups were used to spread awareness of the filings via the internet. This resulted in as many as 20 million people having an awareness of the OPPT filings around the globe.
Two years later, millions of people have attempted to use the filings to stop the oppression of the governments over the people, yet the “foreclosed governments” certainly appear to still be open for business. Never the less, the effect that these filings have had on millions of people has proven to be quite profound in both positive and negative ways. While many alternative media groups reported on the OPPT filings, one group in particular, the One Network, took on the full responsibility of investigating and reporting on the filings and any follow up work from their lead creator Heather Ann Tucci Jarraf.
The One Network (formerly known as 5D media) is comprised of a group of bloggers, radio show hosts and investigative reporters that have joined efforts in reporting news and perspectives that the main stream media will not disclose to the general public. For two years, several members of the One Network tirelessly reported on the OPPT filings, hosted weekly call in radio shows, established websites and facilitated the many people that followed what became the “OPPT movement”. Then they took it one step further, and shared a home in Morocco with Heather for the better part of a year.  During much of this time, they were isolated and cut off from most communications with the outside world.
This interview discloses the personal testimony of what they witnessed while in close living quarters with the woman who initiated the filings, that while seemingly had no effect on the governments, affected the lives of millions of people.
Some Highlights From the Interview
“The only reason why I agreed to do this interview is because I feel an obligation to share with everyone that was affected on the blog. I feel that responsibility to be that transparency we talk about. We want to give others who may have been misled an opportunity to heal.”-Brian Kelly
“There were times when the hurt was so bad, you almost thought you wouldn’t come through it.”
“We all stopped writing and Heather came up with a plan that we would all go dark.” –Dani
“We were lured here to Morocco as a job to take down the 5D media platform…”
“Through my daughter I was able to see the things that I wasn’t able to see before…”
“The filings had an effect that triggered a lot of people. They spoke to many of us and people felt it. Don’t regret what you’ve done if you’ve done it while walking in empowerment.” –Lisa
“The love, the connection, the togetherness that we NOW have as a group brings tears to my eyes. It’s like a Phoenix rising.”- Mel B
“I knew in my heart that when the exposure, when the evidence was there that Lisa wouldn’t just stand there and go with the flow. I knew she would do something about it.  I have been waiting for you guys to talk about it. It takes a lot of courage to go in and get into a story the way you guys have. People will look into this and may blame you that the OPPT didn’t deliver what it was supposed to deliver. You got in and got your hands dirty, and people will judge you for having that dirt on your hands, instead of thanking you for doing the work that they didn’t have to do” –Mel V
There is SO MUCH MORE in this interview it is really worth a dedicated listen. You can watch the interview here at  (Fix The World,  The One Network, and Removing the Shackles.)

Fix the World Involvement with the OPPT
Fix the World (FTW) has always been a service-to-others organization focused on humanitarian projects to help bring about change on our planet that would work to end human suffering. We always strive to take a neutral yet active position wherever we can. Because of this, we work with many different groups to see if we can foster collaboration towards achieving tangible results for positive change.
In December of 2012, FTW received the same announcement letter that other alternative media groups received asking for us to promote the OPPT. At the time, FTW was heavily involved in the creation of our new paradigm business model which eventually became the core set of principles for our organization.  We simply did not have the resources or the ability to devote the amount of energy needed to investigate the filings in too much depth. However, we did what we could at the time, which included a full “OPPT for Dummies” report, and a blog post attempting to voice the questions and concerns of the people regarding the filings.  We also developed a short term relationship with Charlie Miller, one of the original signers on the filings, and the other members of his team that resulted in this post.
Hopegirl was also involved in the initial conversations and reviews of the Courtesy Notices put together by Scott and Ken Bartle and Chris Hales. These courtesy notices were used by millions of people who sent them to their credit card companies and other debt collectors. This en masse action appears to be another incarnation of the millions of people who have been using laws such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to develop a system of freeing themselves from the financial slavery our credit system has created.

Many average people have been working on this for years through resources such as and many have had much success. Take for example the empowering story of Craig Cunningham, a hard working American who was pushed to financial ruin by the banking systems. He decided to get back, sued them for breaking their own laws, and was awarded tens of thousands of dollars in damages. Read his full inspiring story here:
Better Off Deadbeat: Craig Cunningham Has a Simple Solution for Getting Bill Collectors Off His Back. He Sues Them.

Over the course of the last two years, FTW has remained focused on establishing our organization and implementing our projects. We maintained our relationship with the OPPT movement (and many of our other partners) all this time in a neutral but supportive position.
In our QEG (Quantum Energy Generator) project FTW traveled to 3 different countries to build QEG’s.  The first was Taiwan where we were hosted by members of the PFC (Prepare For Change) group and followers of the popular blogger “Cobra”.  The second was Morocco where we were hosted by members of the One Network, and the third was the UK where we were hosted on a private farm by individuals with an enthusiasm for free energy.
In regards to the work of the OPPT filings, there has always been a burning desire in all of us to see how this would eventually pan out. This interview feels like a “full circle moment” where we can finally analyze the results.

HopeGirls Account of the Final Days:

Watching my friends and neighbors give their honest and raw testimony has inspired me to do the same. My family had been traveling for months with our QEG project facing battles of our own in the lower depths of the “free energy cult”. This past year, while we pushed forward to continue working on the completion and release of free energy technology for the people, the system began taking everything we had. They poisoned our water (fracking on our property), took our car (repossessed unjustly), took our home (foreclosed unjustly) and made it impossible for us to survive in America. Yet we chose to keep our attitudes positive and do the best that we could with what we had left.  I arrived in Morocco in the beginning of October to find a new home for my family and the Fix the World Organization, primarily because the cost of living here is ONE FIFTH what it is in America and the quality of life is better.
In the early days of my getting here Mel Batty joined me in my Air B&B accommodations and the two of us set out to find a new place to live. Six weeks prior to this, Mel had seen the “writing on the wall” for what was occurring in Aouchtam (the community that the One Network was living in with Heather) and went to great lengths to mobilize herself and create an exit strategy for the entire community. She taught herself the language in three weeks, went alone in cabs to a location an hour away and started introducing herself to the locals and asked them if they had any homes or apartments to rent. Her vision was a community by the beach in a nice clean area with good internet, nice houses that were all close to each other with space for all of the children to play and be safe. Most importantly, her vision was to keep everyone together, no matter what.
Together Mel and I secured the first home in Restinga, a beautiful paradise community close to the Spanish border in Morocco.  This community in the off season is almost completely empty and the prices are UNBELIEVABLY CHEAP.  It is approximately ONE FIFTH the cost of living here when compared to America. Both of our families have so little money to live on we were amazed at what we were able to find.
Restinga threeThe Fix the World House in Restinga Morocco.
restinga seven
Another Villa a few doors down from us where part of our community now lives.
Restinga OneOne view of the Restinga Neighborhood

restinga six
Another View of Restinga from one of the Apartment complexes nearby.

We then went to Aouchtam to get the rest of them out. It was difficult for me to return to Aouchtam to see how dramatically the energy had changed since my time there during the QEG build 6 months prior.   What once was a community of promise and hope, felt like it had come to the end of an era.  They had no running water for weeks, with many adults and 12 children living under one roof. They had very little if any money between them all. Water was being pulled up in buckets from the well and all washing was done by hand.
I remember sitting down next to Dani while she was sitting on the floor washing her children’s clothing in a plastic basin.  I told her I was praying for her and her family, for all of them… to get out of there and to a place where they could heal.
Heather took her kids and all her belongings and got on a bus to leave Aouchtam for good. Where she went or where she’ll end up, we are not sure.  But then, over the next few days, one-by-one, the rest of the community all left Aouchtam and came to the “Fix the World House” that my family shares with Mel Batty’s family.  They took hot showers, we cooked big meals, everyone had seconds, they slept in beds and on couches.  They sat and talked in groups and in circles. Everyone was on the internet non stop for the first time in months. The kids played on the clean beautiful beach and swam in the sea. I cried.  My prayers had been answered. The healing had finally begun.
Group Meals and long talks, during the first days in our new location.
restinga 4 Restinga is a full Wi-Fi zone with its own internet tower.

 restinga 5Some of the kids on their new playground.

The Butterfly Effect


In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state. The concept is, if a butterfly flaps its wings, then weeks later a hurricane may result.
If you throw a rock into a pond, you’re prone to focus on the rock, but what happens when you focus on the ripples instead?  Sometimes the ripples tell you an incredibly different story.
What are the effects of the OPPT filings and their creator? Before the OPPT filings were released to the public, many individuals were on a course heading in a certain direction. Each of these members of the One Network had their own individual bodies of work that they had spent years developing. Others in our world have devoted decades to common law and constitutional restoration in an effort to take back some of our rights as human beings. Some have devoted their lives to uncovering secret societies and conspiracy theory. After the filings were released no evident change was seen in the governing systems they were supposed to take down. But great change has been seen in the reactions of the people who read them.
Some Examples of Effects on the People Both Positive and Negative:
Millions of people used the filings as a tool to feel empowered to do something and stand up against the system.  While millions more criticized and did nothing.
Many people stood up against the system in their own personal situations (house foreclosures, erroneous charges, etc.) and failed. They blamed OPPT. Others were successful in an indirect way and credited the filings for helping them feel empowered.
Thousands of hours of time and energy were spent by individuals investigating the filings, what they mean and how they could be used to help the people.  For some, this made them feel like they have a valuable purpose. For others it made them feel like they were distracted and taken away from something more important that they should have been doing.
People started meeting other people that they never would have before through dozens of OPPT Facebook groups and in person meet ups all over the world. Huge relationship changes happened as a result of this. Marriages ended, new ones began. Alliances broke, while new ones were formed.
In the end, one definite result of the filings was a sort of new age culture reset; a separation and reconfiguration of human beings, our relationships, and our behaviors.

Why did this happen?
It seems that every where you turn, humanity suffers more and more. Poverty levels continue to skyrocket, the “middle class” is practically non-existent. And just about everyone either IS someone, or knows someone, that has had a vital part of their livelihoods (home, car, job, food, health) TAKEN from them by the banks and the governments. It used to be that in certain cultures, if you just worked hard, you could make ends meet and support your family.  Not anymore.  In many places, the system with its ever increasing fees, laws regulations and lack, has made it nearly impossible to live.
This leaves us with an ever increasing population of people that don’t have what they need. People who become more desperate, and increasingly creative on how to get by. People who end up in circumstances that are far beyond their control. Yes, some circumstances are the results of poor decisions, but increasingly most of these circumstances are a result of the state of our world.
This is the state of our world, and the state of our people, created by design by the system. The result is a populace of people, desperate for change, and ripe for a glimmer of hope that something like a set of UCC filings could help them.
The truth is, because they had such a wide effect on so many, SOMEBODY had to do the dirty work of investigating these filings to the fullest extent possible. Those somebody’s were the members of the One Network.
Moving Forward and Next Steps
Now that we have finally reached the end of an intense two year investigation, what next?  We are doing well, we are healing, we are blessed to be together and we want to invite The People to join us in our newly repurposed wave of planet changing work.
Currently, every one of us is in high gear to create viable new paradigm businesses that can support others in need while also supporting ourselves so that we can continue to do the work that we do. This is part of a new paradigm profit flow structure which involves the alchemy of giving. (please watch this interview for a full breakdown of this profit flow concept)
In other words, if you help us, we will help others and this is how together, we can fix the world.

Please continue reading here:

Friday 28 November 2014

List of banker deaths: might be a good time to get out of the finance industry!

This list was published on Jim Stone's website on November 26th, 2014.  As you know, Jim doesn't list articles separately, so they must be saved in their entirety if you wish to refer to them in the future.  I am publishing this list for the purpose of exposing the repetitions of how many, if not most, of these financial people have died.


ps: might be a bad time to be a banker!

Anonymous posted an astonishing list of dead bankers

If you had any doubts about the dead banker meme, take a look at this list and how these people died. Simply stunning . . . . .

Though this list is not sourced to anything other than Anonymous, (and therefore could be a spoof) it looks convincing and could be easily cross checked. I have not done that because in this case "easy" would take several hours to cross confirm out with a list this big and there is something big going on today that is eating my time. There is a thread about this on the Forum and perhaps someone there has the time to dig this list. 1. Nov - Shawn Miller, 42, banker found dead in bathtub with throat slashed.
2. Oct - Edmund Reilly, 47, a trader at Midtown's Vertical Group, threw himself in front of a speeding Long Island Rail Road commuter train.
3. July - Julian Knott, 45, JPMorgan Executive Director,Global Tier 3 Network Operations, SELF-INFLICTED GUNSHOT WOUND
4. June - Richard Gravino, 49, Application Team Lead, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown/pending
5. June - James McDonald - President & CEO of Rockefeller & Co - apparently self-inflicted, GUNSHOT WOUND
6. May - Thomas Schenkman, 42, Managing Director of Global Infrastructure, JP Morgan, SUDDEN DEATH, cause unknown/pending
7. May - Naseem Mubeen - Assistant Vice President ZBTL Bank, Islamabad, SUICIDE jumped
8. May - Daniel Leaf - senior manager at the Bank of Scotland/Saracen Fund Managers, FELL OFF A CLIFF
9. May - Nigel Sharvin - Senior Relationship Manager Ulster Bank manage portfolio of distressed businesses, ACCIDENTAL DROWNING
10. April - Lydia (no surname given) 52, France's Bred-Banque-Populaire, SUICIDE jumped
11. April - Li Jianhua, 49, Non-bank Financial Institutions Supervision Department of the regulator, HEART ATTACK
12. April - Benedict Philippens, Director/Manager Bank Ans-Saint-Nicolas, SHOT
13. April - Tanji Dewberry - Assistant Vice President, Credit Suisse, HOUSE FIRE
14. April - Amir Kess, co-founder and managing director Markstone Capital Group private equity fund, CYCLIST HIT BY CAR
15. April - Juergen Frick, Bank Frick & Co. AG, SHOT
16. April - Jan Peter Schmittmann - former CEO of Dutch Bank ABN Amro, (Possibly suicide, SHOT)
17. April - Andrew Jarzyk - Assistant Vice President, Commercial Banking at PNC Financial Services Group, MISSING/DEAD
18. March - Mohamed Hamwi - System Analyst at Trepp, a financial data and analytics firm, SHOT
19. March - Joseph Giampapa - JP Morgan lawyer, CYCLIST HIT BY MINIVAN
20. March - Kenneth Bellandro, former JP Morgan, SUICIDE jumped
21. Feb = John Ruiz – Morgan Stanley Municipal Debt Analyst, died suddenly, NO CAUSE GIVEN
22. Feb - Jason Alan Salais, 34, Information Technology specialist at JPMorgan, FOUND DEAD outside a Walgreens pharmacy
23. Feb - Autumn Radtke, CEO of First Meta, a cyber-currency exchange firm, SUICIDE
24. Feb - James Stuart Jr, Former National Bank of Commerce CEO, FOUND DEAD
25. Feb - Edmund (Eddie) Reilly, trader at Midtown’s Vertical Group, SUICIDE
26. Feb - Li Junjie, JP Morgan, SUICIDE
27. Feb - Ryan Henry Crane, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown
28. Feb - Richard Talley, UNKNOWN CAUSE
29. Jan - Gabriel Magee, SUICIDE
30. Jan - William 'Bill' Broeksmit, HUNG/POSSIBLE SUICIDE
31. Jan - Mike Dueker, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown
32. Jan - Carl Slym, SUICIDE
33. Jan - Tim Dickenson, SUDDEN DEATH cause unknown
34. Dec 2013 - Robert Wilson, a retired hedge fund founder, apparent SUICIDE leaped to his death from his 16th floor residence
35. Dec 2013 - Joseph . Ambrosio, age 34, Financial Analyst for J.P. Morgan, died suddenly from Acute Respiratory Syndrome
36. Dec 2013 - Benjamin Idim, CAR ACCIDENT
37. Dec 2013 - Susan Hewitt - Deutsche Bank, DROWNING
38. Nov 2013 - Patrick Sheehan, CAR ACCIDENT
39. Nov 2013 - Michael Anthony Turner, Career Banker, CAUSE UNKOWN
40. Nov 2013 - Venera Minakhmetova Former Financial Analyst at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, CYCLIST HIT
41. Oct 2013 - Michael Burdin, SUICIDE
42. Oct 2013 - Ezdehar Husainat - former JP Morgan banker, killed in FREAK ACCIDENT when her SUV crushed her to death
43. Sept 2013 - Guy Ratovondrahona -Madagascar central bank, Sudden death – cause not confirmed
44. Aug 2013 - Pierre Wauthier, SUICIDE
45. Aug 2013 - Moritz Erhardt, SUICIDE
46. July 2013 Hussain Najadi CEO of merchant bank AIAK Group, SHOT
47. July 2013 Carsten Schloter, SUICIDE
48. July 2013 Sascha Schornstein - RBS in its commodity finance, MISSING
49. April 2013 David William Waygood, SUICIDE
50. Mar 2013 - David Rossi - communications director of troubled Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena (MPS), SUICIDE
51. Fang Fang - JP Morgan, China, DISGRACED
52. Nick Bagnall - Director at Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi, son accidentally killed himself while trying to re-enact a Tudor hanging
53. Robin Clark - RP Martin -Wolf of Shenfield City banker shot, SURVIVED
54. Kevin Bespolka - Citi Capital Advisors, Dresdner Bank, Merrill Lynch and Morgan Stanley, Seriously injured and son dead
55. Robert Wheeler, 49, a Deutsche Bank financial advisor, DISGRACED
56. Chris Latham - Bank of America, ON TRIAL, Murder for Hire
57. Igor Artamonov - West Siberian Bank of Sberbank, Daughter found dead (POSSIBLE SUICIDE)
58. Hector Sants, Barclays - resigned due to stress and exhaustion, after being told he risked more serious consequences to his health if he continued to work - a remarkable turnaround as the Church reportedly approached him two months later and was told he had made a full recovery,
59. April 21st Bruce A. Schaal, 63, died suddenly Banker in Twin Lakes for 35 years
60. April 20th Keith Barnish 58, Died Suddenly (Still working as Senior Managing Director at Doral Financial Corporation. Previously Bear Stearns, Bank of America Senior Vice President
61. March 12th Jeffrey Corzine, 31, son of MF Global CEO and Chairman Jon Corzine involved in major banking crime was found dead in an apparent suicide.
62. Keiran Toman, 39, former banker who believed he was being stalked by a reality TV crew starved to death in a hotel room, an inquest heard today.
63. An inquest was opened after his death in July 2010 but his family asked for a second hearing as they were not informed. Police found all of Mr Toman’s possessions in the room, but despite documents mentioning his family, failed to tell them he had died.
64. Nicholas Austin, 49, A former bank manager from Hersden died after drinking antifreeze in an effort to "get high". was found in a coma by his wife Lynn at their home in Blackthorne Road on October 5. He died the same day.
I took special note of the last one - he died drinking antifreeze in an attempt to "get high"! Funny one that is, as if a banker would be stupid enough to try that. The list is shocking, I never saw so many suicides and car accidents. No gall bladder stones, cancer deaths, strokes, or simply falling ill, it is just a littany of action. That pretty much says it all.
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Mel V Interview with The One Network: Closure and Moving Forward

THE ONE NETWORK talks Freedom Central - CLOSURE

Yesterday morning Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, Mel Batty and I sat down to talk with Mel V from Freedom Central to discuss our adventures of the past 2 years, our time in Morocco, the OPPT UCC filings, and our current direction.  In this interview, we talk candidly regarding our personal experiences here in Morocco, and our current push to move forward and create our new reality, using the lessons of the past to guide and illuminate this journey into the future.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

We are still Standing: Breakthoughs in the QEG

Hope has been keeping us updated on Jamie's progress with the QEG, and this week things got really exciting!  I haven't had a chance to listen to the show yet, but  I am really quite excited with what's been going on this past few days.



still standing
My question to you humanity is: How much do YOU want free energy?
We wanted it bad enough to do something about. Enough to put ourselves on the front line to do the kind of work that no one else will do. And we certainly have paid the price.  We have experienced the same kind of challenges all of you have. The loss. The betrayal. The greed. But we are still standing. And we will keep doing the work. Why?  Because it is time for us to breakthrough. Because those of us with good in our hearts are banding together to do the work. And because of the support of the loving people out there who give us the strength to keep pressing on. Nothing will stop us. This is OUR time.
In this interview, James Robitaille, the Senior Engineer of the QEG project, comes out into the public for the first time in many months with some exciting news on his very recent progress. We are finally getting some of the results we’ve been looking for!
There are at least 60 QEG’s being built around the world. All of the engineers working on them will want to see this video for James technical explanations of his most recent findings.  For the rest of the non-engineers, HopeGirl breaks it down to help everyone understand the fullness of the breakthrough that has been discovered.
Show Airs Live Tonight at 8PM EST on The One Network:
click here to listen live:
Click here for the archive:
Click here to watch on Youtube:

Sunday 23 November 2014

3D printing: giving a hand to the world

This is what happens when two men decide to NOT patent their invention, to NOT monopolize and hide their invention away in secrecy, to NOT to fear the "establishment" who might not like their choices. Instead to choose to insure that what they are doing is accessible to anyone anywhere....

For too long we have lived in a world of greed and control. For too long we have been blinded by the rhetoric that any new invention must be protected by patents and lawyers, must be hoarded by those who have a blinding need to absolutely control every piece of it.  It has been programmed into our society for generation after generation.  It is yet another template that has been perpetuated into our society for eons.  If you have an invention, you must register it and "protect" it. Yet in doing so, you immediately loose control and enter into the realms of  the corporate template: where money talks, and nothing else matter except profit margins and market shares.  "Helping" anyone comes in last place behind making every buck possible.

This isn't to say that making money from an invention is bad.  Far from it- even inventors need to support themselves and their families.

Now is the time to create a new paradigm in which inventors and innovators can receive  recognition for their passion, and value for their efforts to bring their dreams forward to the global stage.  When they can come out of hiding and can work together with the world to enhance all aspect of life on this planet. 

Isn't it time that we stopped glorifying the mindless focus on TV stars, superbowl/world cup/world series over paid athletes, poptart starlets, and "reality" media shows, and fake News?   Isn't it time that we focused our attention on the people who are actually DOING something to improve our lives and happiness?

We are living in an incredible moment in "time"- when technology is finally catching up to our imaginations, and allowing the "average" person to explore what can be done to make life better & easier, and focus on creating  truly amazing things- out of love, NOT fear.

This is a story that will warm your heart and hopefully inspire everyone reading it to see the world a little bit differently, and restore a bit of faith in all that humanity can do.

Man Makes 3D Printed Prosthetic Hand For Son For Only $10

November 5, 2013 | by Lisa Winter
Photo credit: CBS Evening News
Thanks to 3D printing, high quality prosthetic limbs are cheaper and easier to obtain than ever before. 

Twelve-year-old Leon McCarthy has been missing fingers on his left hand since birth due to lack of blood flow during his development. within the womb. Traditional prosthetic units to help people like Leon can run tens of thousands of dollars. In search of a cost-effective alternative, Leon’s father discovered a YouTube video by inventor Ivan Owen. Owen and Richard Von As from Johannesberg, South Africa began to collaborate on a high quality, low cost 3D printed prosthetic (which has already been covered by IFLScience). Because Owen and Van As do not hold a patent or charge to download the plans for the hand, the cost of materials is all that is required. 

Despite the materials being inexpensive, 3D printers still carry a hefty price tag. Fortunately, Leon’s school owns a 3D printer and made it available. With only $10 in material and about 20 minutes with the printer, Leon now has a new “cyborg” hand with fingers able to close, which he sees as “special, not different.” The fingers are controlled by flexing the wrist, which pulls on cable “tendons” to close around the desired object.

Leon is now able to grasp his backpack handle, hand a snack to a friend, and even grip the handlebars on his bike just like any other kid with two hands. As Leon grows up, Paul will merely have to print another device to accommodate the larger wrist. Because the hands are so inexpensive to build, the two have been able to tweak different designs in order to find something to better suit Leon’s needs.

3-D Printing Gives Helping Hand for Children

September 4, 2013 | by Lisa Winter
Photo credit: MakerBot
Necessity is often the mother of invention. After losing some of his fingers after a carpentry accident in the spring of 2011, Richard Van As in Johannesburg, South Africa began to research prosthetics. All of the available units that fit his needs cost several thousand dollars, which was unfortunately outside of his price range. Determined, he decided to develop an alternative prosthetic and soon realized he would need help in the endeavor.

After searching on the internet, Van As came across American puppeteer Ivan Owen. Owen had crafted intricate puppet hands with fingers that could bend through small steel cables which acted like tendons. Van As approached Owen with his project, and the two began to collaborate from opposite sides of the Earth. They spent countless hours emailing one another and talking on Skype, and Owen ultimately decided to go to South Africa so they could finish the prototype together.

Before the unit was even finished, a mother approached them about helping her five-year-old child who did not have fingers due to a birth defect known as amniotic band syndrome. This condition causes fibrous bands to wrap around digits or limbs, cutting off circulation to the distal part. It is estimated that up to eighty percent of newborns who have been affected by this disorder have deformed fingers or hands, and fifty percent also have other deformities such as a club foot or cleft palate. The two men did not hesitate and told the mother they would do everything they could to help.

The first working prototype was crafted out of aluminum and included thin cables which attached to the wrist, which was not completely unlike Owen’s puppets. The young boy could easily flick his wrist and see his new fingers bend; a sensation he had never known before.

Though Van As and Owen were very happy about their success, they decided to take things one step further to see if the devices could be manufactured more efficiently. Owen contacted the 3-D printing company MakerBot looking for assistance, and the company was happy to oblige in the form of a free 3-D printer. While their first aluminum hand took over a week to get just right, the printer can do it in 20 minutes.

They have helped fit over 100 children with these devices and have never accepted payment, not even for the parts. Additionally, the plans for the devices have been made available online for free. Anyone who needs a hand can have one for about $150 in parts. Stringing the wires in the hands can be a bit tricky, so a new design is in the works. Materials for this design cost only $5 and the pieces will snap together like LEGO bricks.

Jaden and Willow Smith prove that they are WAY smarter than a "journalist"

Well my friends, this first article is a raging spotlight on the main stream media and what they categorize as "professional journalism".  Not only is this so called "journalist" obviously a paid shill, her very ignorance is an indictment of the entire profession of Journalism.  I tried to control myself when I left my comment on the article.... no, really!  I did!   .... and I didn't even swear once!

... I mean, I might be slightly biased in this case, but really?  Is THIS the level that professional journalism has stooped too?  "Let's belittle some teenagers who are talking about shit that is WAY over our heads and beyond the comprehension of our tiny closed off minds..."

...... sorry.   Apparently I need to take a small time out.


Jaden And Willow Smith Said Some Weird Stuff In Their T Magazine Interview

Posted: Updated:
Jaden and Willow Smith are the children of movie stars Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. They were named after their parents -- a fact that still manages to go unnoticed by some, we're told. They live in Calabasas, California, and recently spoke to T Magazine about ... Well, we can't tell you what they talked about. It didn't make any sense, but we'd like to think the things they spoke about to T Magazine interviewer Su Wu, are similar to their conversations with Kylie and Kendall Jenner (because we'd really like to imagine the Jenner girls talking about quantum physics or "duality consciousness").
The interview was less about cohesive thought and more about random words strung together. Like when they were asked about their experiences with time:
WILLOW: I mean, time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that’s how I know it doesn’t exist.
JADEN: It’s proven that how time moves for you depends on where you are in the universe. It’s relative to beings and other places. But on the level of being here on earth, if you are aware in a moment, one second can last a year. And if you are unaware, your whole childhood, your whole life can pass by in six seconds. But it’s also such a thing that you can get lost in.
WILLOW: Because living.
Yeah, that happened. As did the following answer to the question of if they've become better at being more honest:
JADEN: Exactly. Because your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce off both hemispheres of the brain. When you’re thinking about something happy, you’re thinking about something sad. When you think about an apple, you also think about the opposite of an apple. It’s a tool for understanding mathematics and things with two separate realities.
You can head over to T Magazine and read everything 16-year-old Jaden and 14-year-old Willow had to say.....

(I won't publish the rest of the article, as it is nothing more than insulting stupidity and asinine GIFs.... pure douchbaggery as KK would say!)

Jaden and Willow Smith on Prana Energy, Time and Why School is Overrated

This month, Jaden (left) and Willow Smith both released new abums.Credit Nathaniel Wood
One of the gifts of being young is that particular blend of self-confidence and self-consciousness. Jaden and Willow Smith have managed to turn this form of heady teenage introspection into expression instead of ennui. Willow, the 14-year-old musician whose debut single, “Whip My Hair,” went platinum when she was not yet a teenager, explains that the gift of life is “looking at nature and being, like, ‘Wow, I am so lucky to have a body and to breathe and to be able to look at this.’ ” To which her older brother Jaden, a 16-year-old actor and musician, adds: “And the huge, terrible thing the world would be missing by not expressing yourself.” To that end, both Jaden and Willow, the children of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith, released new albums this month, including two tracks by Jaden that make their public debut here.
Jaden’s “Cool Tapes Vol. 2″ is an extension of its prequel mostly in name: “At 12, I was just talking about hanging out with girls because that’s pretty much the only thing I was into,” he says. A few years later, the new pieces are suffused with a different sort of bareness, and a self-guided education in topics such as Archimedean solids and mysticism. On a warm November morning, T sat down with Willow and Jaden on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean for their first-ever joint interview to discuss prana energy, the experience of time and the meaning of art.
What have you been reading?
WILLOW: Quantum physics. Osho.
JADEN: “The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life” and ancient texts; things that can’t be pre-dated.
I’m curious about your experience of time. Do you feel like life is moving really quickly? Is your music one way to sort of turn it over and reflect on it?
WILLOW: I mean, time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that’s how I know it doesn’t exist.
JADEN: It’s proven that how time moves for you depends on where you are in the universe. It’s relative to beings and other places. But on the level of being here on earth, if you are aware in a moment, one second can last a year. And if you are unaware, your whole childhood, your whole life can pass by in six seconds. But it’s also such a thing that you can get lost in.
WILLOW: Because living.
JADEN: Right, because you have to live. There’s a theoretical physicist inside all of our minds, and you can talk and talk, but it’s living.
WILLOW: It’s the action of it.
What are some of the themes that recur in your work?
JADEN: The P.C.H. being one of them; the melancholiness of the ocean; the melancholiness of everything else.
WILLOW: And the feeling of being like, this is a fragment of a holographic reality that a higher consciousness made.
JADEN: [bursts into laughter] As soon as me and Willow started releasing music, that’s one thing that the whole world took away is, okay, they unlocked another step of honesty. If these guys can be honest about everything, then we can be more honest.
How have you gotten better?
WILLOW: Caring less what everybody else thinks, but also caring less and less about what your own mind thinks, because what your own mind thinks, sometimes, is the thing that makes you sad.
JADEN: Exactly. Because your mind has a duality to it. So when one thought goes into your mind, it’s not just one thought, it has to bounce off both hemispheres of the brain. When you’re thinking about something happy, you’re thinking about something sad. When you think about an apple, you also think about the opposite of an apple. It’s a tool for understanding mathematics and things with two separate realities. But for creativity: That comes from a place of oneness. That’s not a duality consciousness. And you can’t listen to your mind in those times — it’ll tell you what you think and also what other people think.
WILLOW: And then you think about what you think, which is very dangerous.
Do you think of your new music as a continuation of your past work?
JADEN: I think Willow’s had a huge evolution.
WILLOW: I mean, “Whip My Hair” was a great thing. When I look back I think, “Wow, I did so much for young black girls and girls around the world. Telling them that they can be themselves and to not be afraid to be themselves.” And I’m doing that now but in a whole different way, coming from source energy and universal truths. People will be, like, “Oh, I’m not going to make a song about exactly how I feel, all the bad ways that I feel, and put it out in the world so everyone can judge me.” But for me, it’s a part of me, it’s my artistic journey.
JADEN: That’s another thing: What’s your job, what’s your career? Nah, I am. I’m going to imprint myself on everything in this world.
From left: Willow and Jaden Smith.Credit Nathaniel Wood
How do you write? What’s your process?
JADEN: She gets in the booth and just starts singing.
WILLOW: I mean, the beat is usually what moves me. Or I think of concepts. Then when I hear a beat that is, like, elaborating on that concept, I just go off.
JADEN: She freestyles and finds out what she likes. Same thing with me.
WILLOW: You piece it together. You piece together those little moments of inspiration.
What are you searching for in those pieced-together moments?
JADEN: Honestly, we’re just trying to make music that we think is cool. We don’t think a lot of the music out there is that cool. So we make our own music. We don’t have any song that we like to listen to on the P.C.H. by any other artist, you know?
WILLOW: That’s what I do with novels. There’re no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it’s the best thing.
JADEN: Willow’s been writing her own novels since she was 6.
But do your collaborative relationships inspire you in different directions?
JADEN: Totally.
WILLOW: Me and Jaden just figured out that our voices sound like chocolate together. As good as chocolate tastes, it sounds that good.
How does fashion relate to what you do?
JADEN: Willow just dropped a song (“Cares”), let me quote the lyrics: “I do not care what people say.” We both don’t really care. I like to wear things that I make, but I throw it on as though I was throwing on anything. It looks cool, sometimes.
WILLOW: I like to go to places with my high-fashion things where there are a lot of cameras. So I can just go there and be like, “Yep, yep, I’m looking so sick.” But in my regular life, I put on clothes that I can climb trees in.
What are the things worth having?
JADEN: Something that’s worth buying to me is like Final Cut Pro or Logic.
WILLOW: A canvas. Paint. A microphone.
JADEN: Anything that you can shock somebody with. The only way to change something is to shock it. If you want your muscles to grow, you have to shock them. If you want society to change, you have to shock them.
WILLOW: That’s what art is, shocking people. Sometimes shocking yourself.
You mentioned breathing earlier, and it’s also an idea that recurs in your songs.
WILLOW: Breathing is meditation; life is a meditation. You have to breathe in order to live, so breathing is how you get in touch with the sacred space of your heart.
JADEN: When babies are born, their soft spots bump: It has, like, a heartbeat in it. That’s because energy is coming through their body, up and down.
WILLOW: Prana energy.
JADEN: It’s prana energy because they still breathe through their stomach. They remember. Babies remember.
WILLOW: When they’re in the stomach, they’re so aware, putting all their bones together, putting all their ligaments together. But they’re shocked by this harsh world.
JADEN: By the chemicals and things, and then slowly…
WILLOW: As they grow up, they start losing.
JADEN: You know, they become just like us.
So is the hardest education the unlearning of things?
WILLOW: Yes, basically, but the crazy thing is it doesn’t have to be like that.
JADEN: Here’s the deal: School is not authentic because it ends. It’s not true, it’s not real. Our learning will never end. The school that we go to every single morning, we will continue to go to.
WILLOW: Forever, ‘til the day that we’re in our bed.
JADEN: Kids who go to normal school are so teenagery, so angsty.
WILLOW: They never want to do anything, they’re so tired.
JADEN: You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver’s ed? What’s up? I still haven’t been to driver’s ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can’t see how driver’s ed is really helping them out.
WILLOW: I went to school for one year. It was the best experience but the worst experience. The best experience because I was, like, “Oh, now I know why kids are so depressed.” But it was the worst experience because I was depressed.
So what’s next?
JADEN: I have a goal to be just the most craziest person of all time. And when I say craziest, I mean, like, I want to do like Olympic-level things. I want to be the most durable person on the planet.
WILLOW: I think by the time we’re 30 or 20, we’re going to be climbing as many mountains as we can possibly climb.