
Friday 11 January 2013

Judge Dale on the UCC filings, and further info

I asked Judge Dale to please take a moment and review the UCC filings we  have been posting from The People's Trust and to give us his comments on them in simple language for my readers.  This is his response(s)- I added one small note, which is in this colour purple.


Dear Dee,

This is basically an:  ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS TO ESTABLISH A FOREIGN JUDGMENT visa vie the UCC [UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE] against all corporations and corporate agents claiming to have standing; authority and jurisdiction over a Sovereign American National of the Republic.  The process also establishes damages against those entities for actions taken without establishing proof of implementing regulations and their standing; authority and jurisdiction.

The Administrative Process is the root of the legal deposition process wherein questions are asked of the plaintiff; defendant and witnesses under oath and all proof expected to be presented at trial is challenged.  Concessions are made and acknowledged, so that the only matters actually tried, are the matters or issues that could not be resolved by the deposition process.

It is virtually impossible for any corporate government agent or agency to respond to this UCC process regarding implementing regulations and their lawful standing; authority and jurisdiction.

***  in order to fight against these "foreclosures" first the Governments would have to PROVE that they are NOT Corporations, which they can not do- they cannot go against these filings because to do so would actually PROVE that they ARE Corporations!***

The Delegates to the Federal Convention specifically voted against granting the Federal Government the power and authority to create corporations, upon the motion of James Madison [See: James Madison Journal of the Federal Convention, Vol.2, page 722]. Therefore, all government corporations, agents and agencies created by our representatives is a usurpation of power and subsequently is unconstitutional.  

Only [WE THE PEOPLE] can amend our Constitution.  Whenever our representatives act outside their authority, we need to notify them and then ignore their acts as lawful and continue forward with our Republic!


UCC = Uniform Commercial Code [notice to the world]

Wet Ink Signatures = prevents computer documentation

Implementing Regulations = a constitutional published law

Security Financing Statement = establishing you as a responsible

individual as opposed to a corporate entity

Nunc Pro Tunc = meaning now for then 

PS/ The term FOREIGN means that they are foreign to us and we are foreign to them.  A Foreign Judgment is a judgment created without benefit of a Trial.  The Courts have become extremely difficult about accepting these Judgments.  

First they require three [3] seals on the Judgment and in many States, the Clerks are directed to present these filings to the President Judge of the County for review before recording them, but his review never comes or the P.Judge denies the filing and instructs the plaintiff to bring a suit before the Court for trial, if they want to secure a judgment!

The UCC Clerks in most States will not record the FINANCING STATEMENT if you do not file it as a Corporate Entity!  But you are not bound to use the State Office where you live!  So far, the State of Washington is still doing everything above board and you can file your documents there.  Once filed, no State Office or Court can refuse to accept a certified copy of a Financing Statement that is already in the system.


People in foreclosure and living in a warranted State can rebuke the process by filing proof that the corporate Bank; agents; agencies involved have defaulted in proving their standing; authority and jurisdiction.

Some States are warrantless, which permits the Bank to by-pass the Court to foreclose. This complicates the process for many. I provided recourse for these individuals in PART 5 of my Expose' but I failed to include specifics.


Judge Dale's Expose can be read HERE


Along with Judge Dale's Comments I am posting  this article by kauilapele which contains links to several helpful documents and links to more filings.

“The One People’s Public Trust”…TOPPT1776 Presentation

Click to enlarge
This pdf presentation explains in a bit more “to normal people who don’t necessarily want to read all of the darn legalistic type language” way whatTOPPT has done, and why they have done it.
Two places to download this: 1) the Scribd page; 2) from my server here. The file is 7 MB size.
Here’s what is written on the Scribd page:
“This presentation about The One Peoples Public Trust can be used for educating yourself, sharing with other individuals, or make a professional presentation to large groups. I promise you, you’ll look like a professional! If anyone has questions, direct them to the references and tell them, DO THE RESEARCH!
“The One People’s Public Trust has created and filed legal documents based on The Law of One, Universal Law, and UCC law. It states, in effect, each Hue-man is a manifestation of the Creator Source, and as such is a Creator, and is NOT subordinate to any artificial principality or corporate fiction.
“The People’s Trust is truly the PEOPLE’s, as in Every Single People On This Planet’s Trust. There is no head, there is no spokesman, woman, person, alien, or fish. There is Everyone! We are One with the Creator. We are One with Each Other. Love One Another..”
Click to enlarge
Click to enlarge
Other documents which I have posted here are at the following posts:


  1. First comment! Thanks for posting this. Our wonderful friend Heather still has not been able to go mainstream with her press release! :(

  2. There ya go all you "I NEED PROOF" people. This is a thing of BEAUTY!!!!!!! I am dancin' an Irish Jig!

    1. This proof was promised by insiders "high up" to go mainstream as soon as 24 hours so we can wake up the sheeple and also prove that those of us already awake aren't crazy. I have been unable to say any of this to my parents, they saw that nothing happened in 2012 and are saying "told you so" so I am shutting up. Each day that passes, I get more and more worried that it's either all a hoax or that the light truly is unable to get this proof mainstream.

    2. You DO realize that "worry" is your own mind wobbling back and forth between two worlds as much as a cat worries a mouse in its jaws, yes? Think about that for a second and realize how much its helping neither SIDE of the shift to commence whatsoever. So, you *CAN* complain all you like about "HOW LONG" everything is taking ( from your own perspective ) but its exactly that WORRYING that is your own part of holding things back. So, i will ask you to kindly TAKE CONTROL of your destiny and MANIFEST it as you should rather than allow "everything else" to be WORRYING YOU instead, like some sort of invisible boogie man that is controlling your puppet strings. I ask you that as one human to another. It is PAINFUL to watch you be worrying yourself in that fashion because of every empathetic nerve in my etheric body. kk?

      Huggs, and i hope you heal.

    3. Beautifully stated! No fear allowed!

    4. Steady as she goes, in spite of the headwind!

      Wonderful, keep 'em comin' D. ;-)

    5. You guys read beauty in Sine Metu's words but for some reason I see condescendence. And a person who spends alot of energy telling other people how to spend their energy.

    6. brando9000,

      Sine Metu's words come from a place of love and are NOT condescending in any way, shape, or form if you read them with no EGO involved. <3

    7. Our energy is spent how we choose to spend it. I saw knowledge in that not condescending but that is also how i myself feel. Our feelings are so connected that we protect them into others in turn changing their emotional point. Like if we're angry and project it others to become angry or worried or uneasy. It is up to ourselves and our own responsibility to learn to embrace our emotions learn to appreciate them ask as they ask have a reason, yet know when it's time to go deal when then in our own as to not drag others into it. As humans we are all empipaths as feelings and emotions are filled with energy. When we can learn to be objective and live in our heartspace understand that ones emotions do not have to be ours we can then come together to co- mingle our positive energies with truthful love and understanding of the all that is, all that was and all that ever will be!!!!!!All things happen on their own timeline as they should divinely roll out as everything happens for a reason to set the next piece of the movie forward. When you see it as a movie from the outside looking in you can see more, when you live the movie as you watch from three outside through your heartspace you can then experience the all that is and feel it happening and KNOW it's happening!!!!!! All this is my own humble opinion for those that want to listen. We all have free will roll listen as we choose...... Judgment should be reserved for the cosmos!!!!! Love is all around, find it, embrace it, love it, see it, make it, be it!!!! Divine timing all in divine timing!!!!!!!!!!! using my kindle sorry for any mispelt things!!!!

    8. Proof, what proof? The UCC does not apply at the national level.

  3. Way to go D! Thank you yet again for all you do here! Love ya! ;-) :D

    Sine Nomine

    1. We all thank D, she's probably doing way more lightwork than her insiders who don't even have blogs so we have no way of contacting them to offer them advice and encouragement.

  4. This is exactly what I meant when I said "It isn't that kind of court" They have no defensible ground at all. NOT ONE BIT. This is the simplistic beauty of what TOPPT team has accomplished. They cornered the powers that were and made it impossible for them to have ANY constitutional grounds to fight these actions. They entire current body of government is ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL and as such has NO POWER over the PEOPLE Whatsoever! I am giggling like a LOON!

    1. They don't care, they continue to spread propaganda in their controlled mainstream medias and are not allowing lightworkers such as Heather to disclose the truth.

    2. Awesome!!! Power to the people!

    3. Anon 12:04 look at it like it is "The Young and The Restless" except it should be more appropriately named "The Decrepit and Dickless"

    4. One more thing of importance, When we reach that 100th Monkey, EVERYONE will know en mass. It will be a wrap, done and OVER finally

  5. ...and if I may add a personal little note here:

    I have to admit that I had a rather 3D school girl moment when I received an email from Judge Dale a couple of days ago telling me that he was proud of me and the work I'm doing. Giddy as a school girl I was- had the whole family laughing at me! :>) I just thought you might get a giggle over that too.

    1. Everyone needs an "atta girl" pat on the back and hug every now and then. KUDOS D, you are one wicked smart, tenacious, gracious and wicked funny lady! I love you to pieces girl.

    2. You're allowed! lol! :D

      Sine Nomine

    3. Thank you D for this article. I'll have to go look at the other parts to this but I found something of interest to me. Judge Dale states that utility companies always send a statement and not a bill. He says that in order to pay we need a TRUE BILL. Now, I went back and looked at my gas and electric bills and lo, and behold! they are statements and not bills. It clearly states at the top in small letters "statement." I knew some people in the freeman movement have said that if a bill arrives in your name in capital letters then it should not be paid as this is your "straw man". Now I have been checking my 'bills' and had noticed that my name is in lower case letters as I would write my name so I was thinking I don't think I can get around this. Now this has come to light about statements maybe there is hope. I will have to look into this more.

      Here in the UK, if you don't pay your electric or gas they change your credit meter over to one that is a pay-as-you-go type. This requires topping up a card with credit and inserting it into a meter. This is really expensive as what they do is take so much off your card for the previous debt you owe. Of course, if you don't top up your card you don't get any electric or gas! So I have to be careful as these people do not play fair and could just change my meter if I prove to be difficult. It would be interesting to know if anyone else has gone this route. I've done a search, been to many sites and haven't come across this particular situation.

      Thanks again D for the info.

    4. I like that Judge Dale :) Happy for you D! :) :) :)Please keep us informed of any NEW Intel.

  6. Thank you D !!!! Many Blessings to you !!!!

  7. I, can't wait to break the chains of the corporate fiction, they usurp our rights daily with implied or coerced consent...This system is so corrupt! And everything you need to survive has an inflated price that changes with the wind.

    What a bunch up Mafia Parasites. Lets " Get Ready To Rumble" bring it on and take em down!


  8. Long live the Republic!

  9. Nothing will happen©.

    1. Nothing will happen©. When?

      Sine Nomine

    2. lol something always happens when I read your post...thanks again for the good laugh!!!

    3. Here he is!
      He's come back to see us!
      You've come back to see us, haven't you, Nothing will happen©.
      Yes, that's right.
      I thought so.
      You've come back to see us, haven't you? are good!


      Nan-ja Bambi.

    4. ok.... did you REALLY copyright your "nothing will happen"?!? you freakin' ROCK my friend!!!!! :>D

    5. How many 'deadlines' have to pass with nothing happening before you wake up to this ruse?

      PS - Say Hillary yesterday on the news, she looks good (for her). Handcuffs weren't visible. Maybe she's wearing a hidden ankle bracelet?

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. anon 12.08

      Mate you must be a real hoot to live with I canjust picture you with the stink of negativity followin you around like a swarm of blow flies. Go and pull your dude out somewhere else and piddle on someone else's parade

  10. "First they require three [3] seals on the Judgment..."

    Is this why there are 3 signatures on all filings?

    1. hmmmm... i'm not really sure- i'll ask

    2. Those are blood sealed signatures.
      Forensics would be able to verify
      the body of the human with the signature.

    3. @ Sine i hardly doubt in a civilized society court filings and procedural documents are signed in Blood. Red ink maybe, but not blood

      D, please censure this stoog, he's doing more harm than good. Credibility and realistic commentary are at the upmost importance right now.

    4. Anony @ 12:38 Do you know for sure that Sine Metu is wrong? Just asking for clarification. Thanks! And before you jump to the wrong conclusion I am not the same human being as Sine Metu. (No offense intended Sine Metu!)

      Sine Nomine

    5. I too believe the seals were done in blood, a oath sworn on their bodies

    6. Get real! This isn't dungeons and dragons or some other game of lets be blood brothers and sisters and swear an oath never to tell or break up. Do you really think that courts in US will accept and file documents with biological fluid on them?

      D, please stop surrounding yourself with people of limited understanding, and a lack of comprehension of reality. You are doing damage to yourself and diminishing your credibility. At the very least don't let them post, keep them in line with menial tasks and let them do what you say behind close doors.

      based on what they have said above I wouldn't take council with either...IMO

    7. Anon 13:11 you might have to eat a pie of humble pie on that one!

      Sine Nomine

    8. proves nothing

    9. I agree that Sine Metu is a stooge. He/she/it posts wayyyy to much.

    10. I have heard that UCC is based in ancient talmudic law (think King James Bible as derivative)...Winston Shrout talks about this. If this is true at all, all covenants (not sure about "judgments") required blood be shed.

      These days, some things sound far-fetched to our modern "sensibilities" but aren't we learning that truth is stranger than fiction?

    11. Would it were that UCC is based in ancient Talmudic law would not surprise me one iota. But Talmud has nothing to do with the Bible. As Christ said, the pharisees "make the law of none effect."

  11. 3 trustees of TOPPT, it was a joint effort of all 3 of them.


    This was posted just now.

    Candy Stripper Anon

    D- Nice going responding to your cheerleaders and not to the skeptics.

    My question: Judge Dale??? Last name please.



    1. Candy Stripper Anon continuation -
      You can by law get residency in 183 in you work and pay taxes for those 183 days. But for students, 2 years.

    2. Uhm... uh... pardon me, just asking... but.. what does any of this have to do with anything D posted here? Really, just curious, because beyond the fact that the procedures you follow being different than the procedures of others, you are calling "somebody" a liar but it appears at face value to be about some sort of hearsay that you picked up from somebody else that overheard another person talking about what somebody posted that might possibly be related to the article posted here but only in the case that there was some actual connection, you know?



    4. Sine Metu - we posted this at the same time - no reply??
      D - you were just posting here? Can I have a reply?


    5. Dear Dee,
      In response to the gentleman who accused me of lying. I retired from the bench 25 years ago and at that time, one could establish residency in PR within three days [and] the spouse was not required to be served. I admit that I did not recheck the law or my memory of the law against any possible modifications by the government of PR.

      If I am incorrect and the law has changed, my apology is extended to any and all I may have injured. It was never my intent to turn my Expose' into a legal document but rather to relate more to a grandfather telling his children a truthful story about the past and hopefully wake people up to the length and depth of corruption that has ruled their/our lives in America. My motives have always been honorable and the disclosure of my full name would certainly result in my demise, so you will just have to accept my pseudonym.

      When I asked my readers to prove me wrong, I was being rhetorical because none of you could ever have access to the exclusive information available to Judges and Lawyers. There are two sets of Books on everything and if the public has access, those are the Books that have been cooked! That is what they want you to believe!

      Regarding the [3] seals question. This only comes into play should you award a monetary judgment to yourself and against a bank; agent or agency. Before you can engage the Marshals to collect on your judgment, it must be filed in a court and the clerk then issues an execution order to collect the award. The three seals are two notary seals and then the Secretary of State seal which certified that the two notary's are of good standing and their commissions are valid.
      Warmest regards,
      Judge Dale

    6. Dear Candy Stripper Anon, don't waste your time. D is obviously playing games with the comments and not planning to respond, at least not in a matter you expect. Looks like everyone is pretty much done with this blog. I am done too, now.

    7. I pray for peace and calm because my chest feels like exploding after reading that letter. INEXCUSABLE!


    8. Judge Dale - in the documents provided to us by the TOPPT there is mention of a large monetary award payable to all the people. Correct me if i am wrong but i don't see the seals you are speaking of on that document. Should i look somewhere else for them?

    9. It would be necessary to prepare an accusatory document detailing what you did and they did and have refused or failed to do and the penalties or damages they have subsequently subjected themselves too.

      This is mailed to them by a notary presenter, giving them [10] days to correct the error. If they fail to respond within the ten days allotted, the notary presenter declares a default and then provides a last warning of 10 days to comply. After that time has elapsed, the notary presenter defaults the damages as an award or judgment in your favor and notifies all parties. The notary presenter is acting in the capacity of a deposition clerk for the court and maintains a file of this action. Another notary then certifies the notary presenter and then it is mailed to the Secretary of State for the third certification [large seal].

      Now you have a Foreign Judgment! Attached the certified copies of the Financing Statement and Demand as exhibits and this is now ready for filing with a Clerk of Courts. If the Clerk in your State gives you the run-around, file it in a State where they don't and then obtain a certified copy of that filing for the Clerk who gave you the run-around! All of the States and Corporate State Courts are Federal Branches but that is not told to you, so once entered into any Court prevents your local Clerk from refusing to document your Foreign Judgment, which is already in the system.
      Judge Dale

    10. thanks for the quick response. Im not a lawyer and have no legal background, please forgive me if im not fully understanding.

      From your message it seems to me that hypothetically and maybe practically based on the UCC filings by the TOPPT i can file an accusatory statement and claim damages against the corporation in said amounts and for reasons given, but where do i find the Financing Statements? Are those something an individual has to file or should it have already been done by the TOPPT? I cannot locate it on their website.

    11. Judge Dale, I am going to keep this simple - Thank you! It might seem like a task too much to educate an entire planet in the concepts of law but these are extremely interesting times and I think you are going to be pleasantly surprised.

    12. Many thanks to you Judge Dale for providing much needed info to us in a non-legalese understandable way. I am humbled by your generosity.

    13. I believe that you can obtain them on line and then follow the example offered by The Peoples Trust.

      If you intend to pursue damages, keep in mind that the agent; agencies you plan to butt heads with are extremely corrupt and powerful and they make no bones about prosecuting people for non-existent crimes. Tax evasion is a prime example of people going to prison for exercising their rights! Just keep this in mind if you intend to pursue damages.
      Judge Dale

    14. How is the judgment enforced?

    15. understood, and that brings me back to my original thought when i started getting my arms and head around everything. This is all well and good, but decrees and laws without enforcement are just words on paper and nothing more.

      Something would need to change to secure enforcement and If enforcement is taken and precedence is set the courts would be flooded and overwhelmed with similar cases expecting similar judgement and enforcement. It would be overwhelming to the system and not practical. Hence, A general announcement in the form of NESARA would have to be made addressing all complaints and damages all at once.

    16. How about No one recieves 'damages' and we stop thinking about money and think more about humanity? We need to fix a broken and disgusting system for the benifit of everyone, not line our fiat pathetic pockets.

    17. david - Care very much about damages, not selfishly but damages awarded to everybody. We are moving from a duality matrix to one of unity and abundance. Slowly, but surely. In a unity based society if something exists such as energy, food, shelter, money, etc....than it is shared among all people. Things such as money, food and energy will be abundant. If money exists which it does than all the people will have all the money. Paying back of damages is the mechanism that will ensure abundance for all. At some point in the future money will not be needed, but we are not there yet.

    18. I see you have good intentions but the whole concept of damages is a distraction. Let us forgive and move forward where we do not need to play a roll of victim. I know so many have been subjected to the most abysmal offerings this grotesque system has to offer but seeking compense is not a solution. We need to move beyond that whole method of thinking.
      Knowing that we are all one interconnected organism, harming one harms all, forgiving everything is very healing. Think about eachother not silly paper that means nothing.

    19. what does "line our fiat pathetic pockets" mean? That makes no sense -

      No offense David, but you sound like someone who lives in their mother's basement and doesn't have any actual responsibilities in the world. To a family who stands in a food line every week, Silly Paper can make a world of difference.

      I'm all for the idea of one humanity (yes, I like it spelled that way) - but I'm not sure I like the theory here that all of this money...actually, gold from the way Heather was talking? going to be pooled for use by "The People", or that my share of what was supposedly taken from me is being given away to someone else to decide what to do with it. What if I don't agree with the way They decide to use it? A good example is Ben Fulford, who is constantly talking about "greening the deserts". Why in the world would we want to do that? The desert is a habitat, and serves a good purpose as is - the only advantage of greening it would be to make it more useful to man. Isn't that part of the original problem...that man is abusing the earth for his (her) own benefit?

      Try not to be so condescending? No matter how you look at it, at Some point someone will have to be in charge at some level - it makes a lot more sense to me if communities are formed to meet the needs of individuals who choose to group together. Just because I want to live with people who want Clay roofing, and another group wants Thatched roofing, it doesn't make either of us right or's freedom.

    20. So you have a judgment fine. Who is going to enforce the terms. Who and how are these people going to be dethroned from powerful positions in corporations, seats of government etc. if they dont recognize the judgment? Cops, swat teams, mobs of people?

    21. "line our fiat pathetic pockets" means that money has no value and seeking it is pointless and only devalues us as humans. Im sorry to sound condescending, not my intention at all.
      As for the somone in charge, we all need to be in charge, everyone! Not handing that charge libberally to whoever (like Obama, or Cameron) who then line their fiat pockets at all of our expense.

    22. okay, now I AM going to be condescending I guess, but I suggest you look up the meaning of fiat before you use that word much more ;)

      It is IMPOSSIBLE for Everyone to be in charge - again, the definition of the word precludes that function.

      I guess you're referring to FRN money or something, but "money" is a term for an item of value that is used as trade. It can be coin, beads, potatoes that I grow in the yard...but there will always be an equivalent of money. If we didn't need money, why did Heather bother to make sure that all this "money" was being given back to the people?

      Even nature defines alpha dogs - we can't just live on an ant farm and have no structure. And I think there are many, many people who have been paying into this system their entire lives (DECADES, not 28 years) who are entitled to damages. No one said they were going to be greedy, or opportunistic - some may wish to use those damages to feed others. Just because we currently operate under a fiat money system, that doesn't mean "money" is worthless, or will ever go away -

    23. You mistakenly, like Drake did, assume there would be big payouts in the billions to everyone. That is not realistic and it is utterly irresponsible to adhere to any thoughts of that nature.
      What we are doing here is progressing. As we are is not how we will be in one year. In five years we will hardly recognise ourselves - progress.
      Take charge of you that's all.

    24. Nope - never once said that, never thought it...actually thinking about all the 80 year olds who have had MILLIONS of dollars stolen from their retirement accounts, savings accounts, etc. Now they live in humble homes and go without, eating a can of corn for dinner because that's all they can afford. I think they deserve payment for damages -

      "Take charge of you that's all" does not align with "Everyone is in charge". Both are ways of passing the buck - what we'll need is people who are willing to step up to the plate and take responsibility for organizing..if everyone does this in some way, it can all come together. No man is an island...although I've seriously wished I could be at times!

    25. Judge Dale Kimball - retired

    26. I'm wondering if the advice Judge Dale gives about using the B.C. as an asset in a bankruptcy filing still applies, and if so, perhaps because of the TOPPT declaration it is actually worth billions now.

  13. Great Job D & company.

    Much love and light to you all.


  14. It sounds good...........I would still like to see the "for dummies" version.
    Kinda like reading Quantum Physics for the first takes awhile.

    When this goes mainstream...I hope that we will be armed with the 'dummy' version
    of what JD just said.

    I will meditate on it and see if it helps my overly addled brain :=)))

    In the meantime, I am dancing.

    Thank you D!


  15. Who is this Judge Dale? Is he the same one that Drake talked about last spring? What are his credentials?

    1. Sorry, you couldn't do your homework today... so here is your answer:

      in love and light<

    2. Also see the comment above by Judge Dale
      Anonymous11 January 2013 13:23

      in love and light,

  16. That pretty much explains it, clear and simple. This is only my opinion but it is an educated. The reason for most of the confusion that I see is that 90% of the population are not aware that we/they have been massively deceived from the get go. So to start with, the ones who think the TOPPT is not true and real need to first understand the true perspective in that the jurisdiction of the UCC only had fraudulent or no true authority over us and the illusion is in the belief alone that it ever did. The Declaration filed by the trustees took it back to prime, the beginning before we were hijacked into a corrupt system and leveled the playing field as it was in the beginning and should have stayed. This should at least lead folks to do the research, do the reading, wake up and discover for themselves the glorius revelation of TRUTH that has been placed in front of them to see for themselves, with "the eyes to see". It is truly a gift and a blessing for which I am eternally grateful. "The TRUTH will be revealed and the TRUTH will set you free". Written by an anonymous friend having trouble with the captcha

    1. I understand all of that kk. the procedures and a real explanation as to who is who and what is order for the layman to do this and understand the '' this works ~how come?"" what I think needs to be more clearly explained for the ALL of US.
      point 1 and that we can all move forward in a more confident understanding of what we are DOING without hiring an open minded lawyer.

  17. None of the goofy shit that you Kool-Aid drinking halfwits believe to be imminent for the last X years will happen.

    1. "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."

      Good advice from my childhood.

      Wandering Fire

    2. But we can't call a shill a shill or we aren't being "spiritual"?? No hypocrisy there. We still Love you Anon 13:08.

    3. Yeah, Creator forbid that you see the truth (someone being willfully stupid or disruptive) and SAY SO. THAT is why I haven't been around much the last few days. I tend to speak the truth as I see it and that seems to upset people and besides, reading the disruptive drivel the shills/trolls are posting here drags down my vibration.

      Wandering Fire

    4. teeheehee I dont know about anyone else but I stick with coffee and water

  18. Learned my lesson about feeding the trolls yesterday. They gather around and eat it and fart in our direction, (Michael G.) Those farts will cause your hair to fall out. Better to not feed em I say!

    1. They aren't trolls. They have just digested a steady diet of BS. The proof is right here. Look at the date.

    2. I WILL NOT BITE, I WILL NOT BITE (writing this 1000 times)

    3. Because you can't. The article and date say far more than you could ever try to defend. This was from almost a year ago and it is the same story and no results. Like Granny asked you yesterday, WHERE'S THE BEEF?

    4. *Sits on hands while KK writes....*

      Wandering Fire.

    5. BIG LOVE to you wandering fire!

    6. Anonymous11 January 2013 14:10 is SPOT ON.

      The lemmings here are so deep into the BS that they can't see what's right in front of them.

      Look up the classic characteristics of any CULT. One of the most common is the eagerness to attack people who dissent or question the validity of the cult's beliefs or its leaders.

      This crew is a textbook case.

      Go ahead cultists, start attacking.

    7. Same to you, KK.

      And who has time to attack anyone, let alone be in a cult which is damned too much work if you ask me! I got dishes to do, dinner to fix and cake to bake!

      Wandering Fire

    8. KK, instead of sitting on your hands, or taking the time to post NOT GONNA BITE NOT GONNA BITE, pretending you're about to uncontrollably burst into a fit of insults.

      How about taking responsibility for the things posted here and provide a sensible answer to Anon13:59 and MANY OTHERS sensible questions that go unanswered?

      I read Someone here referred to you as "A Bright Girl". I dont know you. How about using that bright mind then? Formulate a sensible answer to the question about a post from March2012 that reads: "Arrests are Imminent"?

      For reference, Imminent: Ready to take place; especially:hanging threateningly over one's head

      If using the wrong words, maybe be more responsible in choosing them. Using words like "Imminent" doesn't help the mission of this blog when easy research shows inaccuracy. The subject matter is already difficult to swallow for many sleepers.

      You can't possibly blow off all questions about so many inaccurate headlines as 'trolls and/or shills'. lol If you continue to, YOU will prove your disillusion and lack of integrity.

      How angry YOU get doesn't make you any more correct. It only means you can't explain yourself intelligently or are scared to try. Psych:101

      I couldn't care less about being called ANY name. Bring it on if it makes YOU feel better but it only displays a lack of brains, integrity and/or mental stability and immaturity and lack of light.

      Do you really believe name-calling has ANY effect on ANYONE beside the negative effect you put on yourself, this blog and its message by making the conscious choice to insult rather than provide a responsible answer?

      Would you care what ridiculous name a disrespectful person, who you don't know, and who is unable to express themselves without insults, calls you? No one secure in themselves would. I certainly do not. It causes me to have pity for the poor sap who can't do any better than sling a dumb name at someone. duh.

      The whole point to all the questions is: to establish whether or not this blog is for them, or not. Whether its total BS, or TRUE. Whether people's loyalty to this blog is being taken advantage of. Whether its worth following at all.

      You're asking people to make that choice based on you calling them a Troll, rather than being provided actual info.

      As angry as all 'the attackers' here get, it would help you, them, and this blog more to responsibly PROVIDE what's being ASKED. If you cannot, then just say that in HONESTY and maintain this blogs integrity. No one is asking anything outlandish here. Rather, to clarify the posts that come out of this blog. That's all. You made the claim. Own it.

      If you're unable to speak without insulting or making sarcastic remarks.. What is YOUR goal here? To help people? To free People? To help wake people? Or to turn people away from the collective Conscious by insulting them for being inquisitive?

      Like EVERYONE, I'd love to believe all of this. Some of it, I do. Some I have trouble with. The problem I have is the amount of inaccuracy and the negativity associated with asking questions about it. The lack of accountability and accompanying alienation of people to discourage questioning appears Nazi-esque.

      Does anyone trust this type of person? No. So why do that?

      When you asked questions of teachers or your parents, etc. Were you called anything? Or did they answer your question?

      Please display integrity, honesty and respectfulness and actually be Loving.

      Currently, you say "Love One Another" just before or after throwing an insult at someone else which again does ONLY disservice to you, D and this blog.

      And for the love of Pete, Please answer Anon13:59's question about the imminent arrests that were to be last March:

    9. Ill answer. They are claiming mass arrests did happen, we just haven't been told about this yet. Treat this as a rumor till we get our proof. We will find out eventually anyway if mass arrests happened depending on if things get better or worse for us.

    10. Anon 14:30
      "This was from almost a year ago and it is the same story and no results. Like Granny asked you yesterday, WHERE'S THE BEEF?"

      Here's a partial list.

      If this doesn't fit with your idea of "mass arrests", are you certain you have all the information?

    11. john in BC, You must be joking! Did you look at some of the dates of those arrests and resignations? You could take any decade and come up with the same numbers. Banksters have always moved from bank to bank and bank to insurance company and bank to military industrial complex. It is called keep the con moving because then it is easier to hide evidence.
      There were no Bigwigs in that list. NONE! Just a few that took a bigger "piece of the action" than they were authorized too.

  19. Thanx Dee where can I find the "I am" document and where can I find international equivalents that are registered in the international equivalent of the UCC?

    1. I"ll have to get back to you on that one my friend- email me and remind me tomorrow if you can please?


    2. Will do Dee right away.. peace love and understanding.. <3

  20. I started getting calls and emails from people I know are far too smart to buy into the latest crap flooding the Internet and that being this One Peoples Trust 1776. One look at the outlandish claims should have been enough for the seasoned patriots who were contacting me just from the initial information I had seen. It certainly was enough for me but the emails and calls continued until I finally decided that if I didn’t look into it and weigh in on the subject I was not going to be able to focus on the things I do which actually will and do make a difference.
    The biggest red flag was the name Charles C. Miller, might as well have been Tim Turner, or Sam Kennedy any of the three being synonymous with BIG FAT RAT, SNAKE OIL SALESMAN, PATRIDIOT or JUST PLAIN CROOK AND SCAMMER. What most people failed to see because enough time has elapsed is all three of them were deeply involved in the RAP/RuSA scam at one point.
    Charles C. (Charlie) Miller has a rich history of criminal behavior disguised as Patriot Remedy. In other words this is just a brand new version of RAP or RuSA with new front names like the female attorney who isn’t an attorney (relinquished her bar card hmmm so did Michelle Obama imagine that wonder why?) The One People’s Trust 1776 is just the latest in a string of them using similar names. Miller has NEVER been successful with any court filings and in fact has done prison time for his efforts.

    1. Hi Drake,
      After all this time it looks like you are finally right. Congratulations!

    2. Does someone want to address Drake's comments with a clear rebuttal because the lines have certainly been drawn in the sand.

      Someone, or some thing, stinks to high heaven here. Expose and dispose of the disinfo agents/garbage quickly and continue to move forward.

    3. *Yawn* You can say just about anything about anyone on the internet and get away with it. The proof is in the results. Given that none of the "big events" that Drake has announced has come to pass, it would be to his credit not to cast aspersions on anyone else. All these attempts to discredit TOPPT1776, Heather and D leads me to believe that "someone" or "someones" are running scared. Should be interesting to see who ends up getting caught with their pants around their ankles.

      Wandering Fire

    4. Yeah, none of Drakes did but you have to say the same about here. Once upon a time, many moons ago, what Drake said and this blog said were pretty much from the same script. As seen here..

    5. Anon 14:42, maybe Judge Dale can address your concerns.

      Someone here is trying to create massive confusion. Who?

    6. Drake, Your initial reaction and the reaction you maintain is the idea of everyone recieving huge billion $$ payouts. That was not the claim. You made up your mind based on that false claim and now nothing will shift you.
      Whatever you are doing and whatever is happening here can actually co exist. Charles C. Miller did jail time, so what! the whole penal system is corrupt. No one should do jail time once we get this all sorted out.

    7. Wandering Fire, and nothing on this blog has ever come to pass either. Name one thing that has...

  21. I just want the FUCKING TRUTH. !!!

    and yes I know the Truth is subjective, yes I know we create our own reality, and yes I know
    that change is just simply inevitable.

    walking the middle road and not believing anyone.........


    1. Swearing - How appropriate said No One Ever! Really helps with your pleas.... my 8 year old knows better than that!

    2. well your 8 year old isn't on the survival merry go round yet...and isn't reading this blog. So her frustration level is delegated to her classmates and her family and cannot possibly match what so many of us are processin.

      our beloved blog creator, bless her heart, just posted an article titled; "fuck this shit"...and you are still here. (???)

      have an ecstatically wonderful day.
      and please know that I love you, and wish the greatest happiness to you and your

      please accept my apology if I inadvertently offended you in any way.


    3. link?? must have missed that one -

    4. Happiness to you and yours as well! Just trying to state that swearing sadly doesn't help you plea. Did not see that blog?? Link?? and I'm here either way because i'm forever curious regardless of the results! But of course would be elated if this comes out to be true!

    5. Who decided "fucking" was a swear word, anyway? Next thing you know, the word police will tell us "truthing" is a swear word. lol.

    6. so right, Anon 19:38! It's only a swear word for the sheeple! Anyone who has issues with "swear" words truly are not enlightened. Everything, EVERYTHING is allowed by God, for if it weren't it wouldn't be. It's only our minds and ignorance that says something should not be.

    7. I think "Fuck this shit" is in the "done with crayons" post

  22. Wow!

    Everyone needs to watch this short video from Alan Watts. It puts all of this in perspective, I thought. Even though this stuff is all exciting and everything, NONE of it matters in the Diving Plan. Whether you believe in Ascension, the cabal, the peoples trust, everything is completely normal and all these people are nuts or whatever, I think most people here bascially agree that there is SOME sort of "after life". We may not agree on much, but most do believe in some sort of Higher power. This is just an experience that we all chose to act out together. It's an amazing ride, they say Earth is a "Master's school". So, whether someone is a "good guy" or a "bad guy", is irrelevant. I hope everyone can wake up soon. I hope all of this will create people that at least begin the "seeking" process. For too long, I had NO clue about my true Being...NONE. I see so many that are totally unaware of who they really are. Now I see it as like a child who still believes in Santa (if any kids are reading this, of course he does!!!) and I know the true meaning of "forgive them, for they know not what they've done". Anyway, just thought I'd share this with everyone.

    1. This is very true, Michael, but in case you haven't noticed, the thrust of this entire blog is very much grounded in duality. There's a cabal that must be overcome by lightworkers, there are "truthers" and "trolls", there is even now an interesting schism between the "good guys". From what I can see it has to with the spiritually ignorant militia type vs the dreamy 5Ders (although how one claims 5D consciousness while clinging so tightly to duality is beyond my understanding).

    2. Here is the beef seeking Granny and my question to you is-where is the beef about your parenthetical suggestion that there is no duality in 5d---as in how do you know that. If you have not experienced it then you only read or heard this notion somewhere and if you say this based on direct experience-how can you be sure your experience as you recall it is factual? I ask this because MY experience says duality (as in good/bad eg. and etc.) exists at least up thru the 7th dimension. Beyond the 7th dimension, i have not been able to bring back much-only colors, sounds, feelings, and felt sense. I don't generally go around assuming I am correct about my awareness so i don't go around proclaiming my experience as absolute fact-but i do wonder about where other' beliefs come from. And this really only has relevance i believe because this matrix reality we live in i am guessing may have been created in the 7th dimension, and i base this on the occult aspects, the symbolic language, the group magic etc.which, again, in my personal experience comes out of that realm. If I am correct about this, it seems real help to "redo" that Luciferian matrix would need to come from at least that dimension or even better from above it.

  23. If more than 200 comments are posted, when you load the page, go to the bottom and you will see 'load more' or 'loading' sometimes above the comments, sometimes below the comments.

    All comments are captured, you must load more to see more comments when the number reaches over 200.

    1. I've tried that and it doesn't work.

    2. hasn't worked for me - in fact, once it passes the 200 mark, I start getting a message asking if I want to stop running scripts on the page. I can click loading, but it does nothing...regardless of whether I stop the script or not. I'm curious to know how people are getting Past the 200 - y'all must be using Macs :)

    3. works for me google chrome windows 7
      might need to update something in your browser/system looks like.

    4. Windows user here, no problem with Chrome or Firefox. I can't load more on my phone. Maybe some of you have to do disc cleanup, delete cookies? Defrag?Or simply blogger bug.. It's happened once before but on Cobra's blog past 200 I couldn't load it, then clicked refreshed and loaded.

  24. Haven't seen if this was already posted- so my apologies if it has.
    I can only say- "Thank God Teri has chimed in on this- she knows her stuff- calls it as she see's it and unlike most- she backs it with fact"-

    1. Just a shame Teri missed the whole point! I don't see an ounce of inteligence, they are still hung up and even promoting the billion dollar issue, which is a non issue. Their plan? sit tight till the shooting starts.. great plan huh - yehaa

    2. I'm reading that she thinks we need to start the shooting! Quite frankly, that's all I'm getting from her, a bunch of fear and emotion-based violence (after tearing everyone in America a new asshole for being worthless, lazy and stupid except for Teri & friends). This has always been the overriding theme of Teri's raspy diatribes.
      The whole Global Voice crowd is really shocking me with their behavior about this TOPPT deal--completely irrational and extreme. We all have our particular garbage that we bring to the table with us, but there really seems to be an agenda here. Maybe they were never what we thought to begin with.

    3. My point exactly:

    4. Go back and listen to Drake from any of his shows from March 2012 on. This is really the same story as he had. He was claiming then that Nesara was going to be implemented any day, there would be mass arrests and the media would be completely taken over, all networks. Many times he said it would happen before the weekend was out. Heck, I had become convinced that D, Drake and Poof were all working off of the same script. Only back then the Trust and gold were supposed to be controlled by Neil Keenan. Now we have new names but the same predictions that never materialize. Has to be Cabal controlled.

    5. bewoprejudice-- Very nicely stated. Couple thoughts if you don't mind. From your blog: "Who owns the collateral accounts? Don’t we own all the collateral in the world?"
      Good point, but the people actually don't own anything, everything is held in trust, but we have a divine right of use. This is a fundamental principle of the universe; I mean even our old saying "you can't take it with you" speaks directly to this unrebutted principle. You don't want to "own" anything anyway; that just means you have to license it, pay tax on it, and it's always subject to seizure. You want to be the beneficiary! People should educate themselves about these concepts--just as you advocate.
      It's also worth stating that TOPPT is fully aware of and embraces these principles. The trustees, it appears, have not really foreclosed upon the old paradigm and all its holdings, they simply collapsed the old trust and established a new one for the benefit of the people.
      G. Edward Griffin--Right On! If there was ever one guy worth listening to about how we have been enslaved, he's the one. The Creature From Jekyll Island lays it all bare. I've been saying for some time now (no one cares) if you understand the whole story of the Fed, you'll understand everything else. Alas, the masses are uneducated and it seems largely unable to be educated. Great blog!

  25. well we only have a few days to wait, if Obumma takes the oath, then this and everything else connected with it, is total crap, or we all start a new life, personally I dont know whether any of this is true or not, but that doesnt really matter because whilst the people in charge control the masses with their doctrine on mass media they will simply ignore this and carry on as usual because they have the sheeple numbers behind them, and that is the truth about democracy, rule of the mob! (51 have the power to rule the other 49) which is why the founding fathers stated that a republic was the only "legitimate" form of government, we shall see, but I aint holding my breath, and incidentally Drake (W Shakespeare)"thou do protesteth too much"

    1. If the system is still in "illusion mode" because we haven't hit the 100th monkey, would a date within the illusion matter?

      Wouldn't the illusion remain in place till the moment of the said tipping point?

      Just curious.

  26. D...

    I sure hope one of your sources doesn't include Charles C. Miller. If so, you've been had.

    from Teri Hinkle...

    "I had intended to just stay out of this controversy as I figured it was harmless, just another patriot philosopher group thinking only they had all the answers and just like the “postmaster generals”, the 13 Colony fantasy and so many others, would just fizzle out and go away without causing too much damage. After all if people want to remain brain dead sheeple it certainly isn’t my job to save them from themselves.

    Unfortunately, as has happened so many times before, what I want and what I end up having to do has turned out to be two extremely different things. I started getting calls and emails from people I know are far too smart to buy into the latest crap flooding the Internet and that being this One Peoples Trust 1776."

    the rest here:

    1. Well there 'ya go, Teri said it so it has to be the absolute Gospel... seriously people, this isn't even worth addressing. This is the result of 100 years of public schooling--the critical thinking skills of a 3rd grader.

    2. I couldn't have said it better myself.

      Wandering Fire

  27. An administrative process needs a counter party to the claim. Legal definitions have to be included in the document for things such as

    Sovereign American National of the Republic

    Sovereign stands on it's own, once you are sovereign you are already in your I AM for their jurisdiction.
    I AM a friend to many.
    I AM woof to my dog.
    I AM 'excuse me' to the customer in the store trying to get by in a food isle.

    I am a King/Queen in my own right, and by Divine Right.

    Once you throw in American National of the Republic, you have to define what that means.

    All living things within the boundaries of "that" north, "that" south, "that" east, and "that" west.

    IF the UCC is to stake a claim and IF One is taking it from another, it would appear you have to identify who you took it from, like a merger would or a take over would. In order to represent someone you have to have their permission.

    Now that we be as Gods our selves, why do we need someone to represent us? We don't.

    People in redemption have always said the bible is clues to commerce. It's more than religious doctrine, it's telling us in parables what we need to know to navigate this world.

    Thou shalt have no other Gods before thee.
    So I ask, do we need someone to represent us?

    I would ask any of you this question.
    If I stop you on the street, and make you sign a sheet of paper because there was a sign posted that I said you should have read in order to know what you can and cannot do, would you sign my paper?

    If you be as a God, would a sign be able to tell you what you can and cannot do, just by being posted on the side of the road?

    If I tell you I have given you many copies of this paper you've signed and they are all different colors and you have 4 colors in your hand and I have one white copy in mine.

    I tell you to turn over the pink copy and sign it and send it somewhere and then tell you to have a nice day and leave you.
    (If I have on a costume would it make a difference in whether you do it or not?)
    Why do you do what I say do and then turn around and complain that I made you do something.

    Seems to me I may have made you sign the first copy by threatening you, but I'm not there anymore.

    Are you not operating of your own will to finish filling out papers and doing stuff because I told you?
    Is it not you? that is the problem from that point on? Did you write that I threatened you when you signed my paper? Would you tell anyone who spoke to you about the paper, anything about the threat?

    You unlock the matrix and you can see the part you play, but don't do anything until you learn more because as you unlock it, the matrix notices you and they can test your mental strength about your freedom.

    There is no need to raise a gun to settle a dispute. Never was a reason. Guns are a tool of the devil to cut someone out of your life. No one can tell you the implications of doing so.

    You've got the.. an eye for an eye people
    ..or.. if thy right hand offend thee cut it off people ...and then there is the... For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.

    It would be irresponsible to not provide an opinion if one thinks another is being led astray, but it is also irresponsible to get in someone's way who is intent on experiencing something even if they don't know what the outcome is going to be.

    So many will sign up for anything on the internet, we just don't want to get in the way of the splitting of the wheat and chaff at this great time.

    Another way, the pulling the tares and harvesting the wheat.

    If this is the Great Harvest, some of us would know that the tares go first. We would watch them go. We are witnesses to them setting their own experience and being separated from the rest.

    So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.

    Let them Be.

    Love to all.

  28. wow. what a clusterfuck. just a mass of confusion and generally a tangled mess. i need a vacation!

    if anything happens, ever, in regards to freeing the population of this planet, i'll be overjoyed. until that happens or doesn't, i don't think i can follow this stuff any longer. i have to save my home from forclosure and do you know how i'm going to do it? i'm going to beg my family for a loan so i can reinstate, clear the slate, and then see about a loan modification. because that's the only thing that works as of now...playing by the rules. because that's the world we live in, until it's not.

    having faith is wonderful if it helps get you through the day. people have been having faith for centuries regarding the imminent return of Jesus. people live and die by faith every day. still, Jesus has not returned, no matter how much faith has been had by millions/billions of people over centuries of time. reality wins.

    reality wins over faith. ever time. EVERY time.

    sad but true.

    enjoy the neverending drama folks.

    1. So, you believe that because something has NEVER happened, as far as YOU "know", that it will NEVER happen? Is that how you were raised? Limited potential based on your "life experience"? Don't EVER think there is MORE that's possible!! You'd be a damn fool to do that! When you stop caring what others think about you, you become free. I'm so happy for you of all people, because YOU are going to be dumbfounded when if it does happen, in your reality. I'm SO happy that you will get a chance to be so amazed and overwhelmed at your new found Freedom! Bless you, Brother/Sister.

    2. if you're still here - there are a few things you should do before you get that loan, particularly if your mortgage has been sold or is with one of the notorious banks (like BofA) that are being busted for fraud...if iirc, I just read something about them having to give homes to some people as part of their recent settlement?

      If they don't have the original mortgage, chances are you could be off the hook - but if you sign a modification you have Committed yourself to the new loan as valid.

      you might want to spend some time on a site like and see if there are simple steps you can take to demand the proper paperwork before getting sucked in.

      My brother went through a modification - after six months, they came back at him with an 8% interest rate, which was only .5 less than the orig. mortgage. He turned it down - this was 2 years ago, so things have changed a bit

  29. Hello,

    Desperately trying to understand this simply with my pea brain…. can someone please tell me if I’m on the right track…?

    The “so called” government isn’t a government of the people at all…. it’s actually a corporate organization that comprises connected fake government bodies, banks, pharma etc, …?

    Because legally its only a corporation…. in reality, it’s just a big business…?

    As a business, it has a massive debt, “masquerading” falsely as the people’s debt.

    The peoples debt has not been attained legally, but by deceit and they are not in debt for what they think they are…. i.e., they do not own their own houses, even though they think they do, its just a big scam.

    The corporations debt is bigger than the peoples illegitimate debt, and so the people, having a better financial standing, have legal right to foreclose on the business using its own legal systems…. hence making the business bankrupt.

    The corporation cannot defend this without revealing the true nature of their structure…. which would screw them anyway…?

    I’m guessing that as the Constitution is an official “Government of the people document”, the fake government corporation feels free to blatantly ignore it…. even though it tries to appear to comply and hide behind it…. verbally anyway to keep up appearances and sheeple support.

    I’m a little confused on exactly “legally why” the people have a right to foreclose on the corporation, is it simply the imbalance of financial standing…?


    1. Good question, and the answer is, the People can't foreclose on the corporation because the people are real and the corporations are fiction.

      They have a legal maxim.
      Unlike things cannot be joined together or something like that.

      The bible quote is something like
      unequal things cannot be yoked together.

      The UCC is for businesses/corporations, not people.
      So only a business can foreclose on a business, or only a business can do business with at business.

      The Trust Heather is trustee over is a fiction, so it's stating it represents the real and as such is foreclosing on a fiction.

      But you get back to the problem. A fiction cannot own something real, that's unnatural.

      Real can own fiction.
      Don't you see the conflict?
      Some people can feel it in their soul that it doesn't resonate but they don't know why, so they ask questions. The rest try to give some indication of the reason they don't feel this is as clear as it can be, but they can't even tell you why.
      So it's all opinions but no one is going to tug you into any direction and both sides of the issue must present their side because eventually you can tune your soul to the message that is 'for' you.

      If you are a musician and tone deaf, you will tune your musical instrument to a vibration, but when others hear your music who are not tone deaf, they may not like it. Not that they dislike you, the music doesn't resonate with them. The vibrations are off, it's not anything they would celebrate to.

      What's happening now is some are tuning their instruments and this is their first time hearing all the noise and trying to figure out what to listen to, to find what resonates with them.

      You asked great questions, but no one will have the 'right' answer, there is just a bunch of answers that will resonate with some and not others based on how we vibrate and what we are tuned to.

      Love to you.

    2. Thank you Anon @ 16:47 and Love to you too.

      You are correct, there feels like a blur in there somewhere, but not sure what it is...?

      Just trying to understand your statement.... the people cannot foreclose, but another business (Heathers Trust) possibly can...?

      OK.... are you also saying that the very nature of the trust (fiction), as representing the people (real) is a conflict of terms and hence cannot work legally...?

      Respectfully, I truly hope you are incorrect.

    3. I AM real. I can have an agreement with you and if there is a problem between us, I settle it with you.
      Two reals handling a dispute.

      But the People trying to foreclose on a has an owner.
      In court, if it were to go to court the corporation can't show up. It's a corporate body (but no hands, feet, nor soul). So it has to be represented.
      Would the representative be the owner or someone hired by the owner.
      There is a layer in between you and the business because it's the strawman. It can't eat, it doesn't speak, it doesn't think, it doesn't eat. Someone else does that and say they represent it.

      The two, the real body with the soul that has hands, feet (do not suffer my feet to be moved), and can eat, think, drink, sleep, pray, talk, and the corporate body, (heard of the body of a corporation?) that has no hands, no feet, it has a head (head of the corporation) but it doesn't think, drink, sleep, pray, talk, or anything else. Someone else does all the thinking and talking for it.

      So the corporation to own the living is unnatural. A corporation was created by man but it is not a man.
      The creation cannot be greater than the Creator.

      Heather as trustee, is over a trust (a corporate body with no soul) and says as the representative that the trust is going to give the people their freedom.

      But if you dig just one layer deep, can you make a conference call with the People's Trust and 'it' answer the phone and talk to you? No. Heather can speak for it and think for it and talk to you on it's behalf. She represents it already.

      So if she's representing it, how can it represent you unless she is representing you without telling you that detail.

      It's trading one system for another "in my opinion" which is not a statement of fact, so it's an opinion.

      If you look at the documents, it's got a lot of great terms, but 'who' is it describing. Itself? the trust?
      Is the trust, which is a fiction, a body with the soul of the Creator in it? Does it speak, think, sleep, have 'corporeal' notice the word 'real' in there...corporeal hands and corporeal feet?

      It does not. It's a strawman with the trustee (self appointed representative for the trust) stating the trust is going to represent all the people of the world and free them from the other corporations.

    4. I was with you up to the last sentence-i thought the constitution was just more corporate baloney and not connected to the real people at all. Maybe i am wrong about this?

  30. What is awesome about this is... it will be tangible and indisputable proof once someone puts them to use for themselves. Yaaaay.

    What makes the most sense is, D and Kathy Kelly have access to Judge Dale, and Heather which we do not. We all can't afford an attorney.

    Obviously, they would be the best qualified lay persons to first put these UCC filings to use for themselves and their families as a template to follow for their blog followers who can't afford an Attorney.

    Once complete, post to this blog copies of your filings and any correspondence received.

    This will serve your public in two ways:

    1.) We'll be able to see the forms, how and what info is needed to fill them out, language etc. providing a layman's template to assist others who do not have access to an attorney and a retired Judge...

    2.) This will also be very helpful in that it will provide KK and D, more personal insight as to having gone through the process themselves under advisement from Heather and a Judge first hand in order to better help others here and answer questions.

    For that matter if someone else gets it done first before them, post your copies and findings for others.

    But KK and D would have the easiest time given their insider access to Heather and A Judge. I'm too dumb to understand this stuff and can't afford an attorney.

    Cant wait to see someone put this to use!

  31. I like Drake's latest take on all of this People's Trust stuff. I think he's right that it's just a ploy to keep people thinking there is a savior so when the shit hits the fan and the govt wants to disarm the people, the people will gladly step aside 'cause the savior is coming. Wake up sheeple! He said there will be a few more huge false flag events before the disarming of the people along with the total crash of the economy. I wonder how long they will keep up with the People's Trust story before people realize it for what it is. When people start questioning and wondering why nothing is happening, they'll come up with some other miracle story of a savior but it's not time yet for the savior but it's coming, just be patient. Geesh!

    1. Actually, I've listened to every Drake show since the beginning (sheesh, never get that time back) until he crucified TOPPT, immediately, and with no justification. He has said several times that the military would take their weapons and go home if ordered to enforce martial law on the people. Now, not that I believe everything that he has spewed, but that one fits. And they know they would die en-mass if they fired on/tried to disarm Americans, same for the cops.

      Drake and co. are off their rockers here lately, though. Same for that c*** Teri Hinkle; yes I wrote c*** and I mean it. We can only hope she'll choke on a cigarette before scaring the bejesus out of every last herd of sheeple in the country. Don't listen to these instigators--everything is going to be ok!

    2. 1) Say I, not WE

      2) Do you know Teri? Of course not

      3) Do you know that Teri's voice has anything to do with smoking? Of course not

      4) Did anyone tell you to keep listening to Drake? Of course not

      4) Who do you think people will listen to - Teri, who makes sound arguments based on fact...or you, who are obviously ignorant, vulgar and stupid?

      And why would the military/cops "die en-mass" (sic)if there were no one to stand up to them? Who will stand up...people like Teri, or people like you? They don't have much to fear from you, do they? All you know how to do is type.

      You're a tw*t - choose the vowel that fits

    3. anon 19:35 you sound like KK?? get out of the garbage dump and respond like an enlightened human god/being. swear words are long as you are not defaming another.
      Choose the Vowel that fits.

  32. Drake is pissed that he might be incorrect about his buddy Keenan and the fact that he might not have access to the "collateral accounts" that he was promised back in March 2012. Drake thinks he and his buddies will be the only people with access and therefore can control who gets what, when, and why. Apparently Drake thinks he has a better idea of what the Little People need because we're just not as smart as he is. This is pure ego people. The others on that UV "team" are blindly following someone who has produced ZERO PROOF of anything he has said. He promotes fear and says he's spoken to Lucifer, who told him the Creator was "busy" on a radio show. He's in a glass house throwing stones and I for one am tired of the BS.

    1. anon 16:56 you're not the only one tired of Drake and co's BS. Tbh I stopped listening awhile back. What I didn't get and still don't is the relationship with Keenan Drake and Jean Haynes. Drake says he waiting on word from Keenan so he can go to where ever in the world Keenan is at so he can help him bring back the funds. Sounds unlikely imo but if that were true, Jean Haynes published a whole truck load of stuff that made Drake look like he OD's on koolaid and then some. Something like Drake was sent here by some higher power and only Drake could save the world and other off the wall stuff. Jean Haynes claims to be good friends with Neil Keenan, who passes intel to Drake so what are we supposed to believe about this threesome? I don't think the words BS are strong enough! Drake is really dangerous with some of the inaccuracies he's put out imo.

  33. you basically answered your own question...

    "As a business, it has a massive debt, “masquerading” falsely as the people’s debt."

    expanding on this we find that this "business" believes it "owns" everything, but in reality it's the people that were given dominion by the creator (not necessarily the religious "creator", but the creator of the "business").

    This foreclosure is simply returning the value of the "trust" that this "business" has usurped.

    Hope that helps...


  34. As far as I can see, the strawman and the freeman share the same ass. If the freeman wants something from the system (like a mortgage)does it really matter if the strawman signed the papers? Just try getting out of contract with that rationale.

    1. LMAO!!! a Strawman signing... What a hoot.

      I guess "fiction" is confusing.

  35. "Take it back to Prime." How far back is Prime? The beginning of the Universe? In the beginning was the Word. The word was "Prime"? Music, vibration, frequency, sound.

    1. Prime is the originator of whatever you are talking about. Please try to see that there may be many definitions and concepts surrounding these words. This is a foundation of the deception used by "law".
      There is a maxim of law that states "Let he who would be deceived, be deceived".

      This basically says that if one is unwilling to educate themselves, no wrongdoing is perpetrated through taking advantage of that one's ignorance.
      Personally, I refuse to take advantage of the ignorant, but rather make the attempt to enlighten when I can. (The basic difference between STS and STO).

      Please be aware that a very large section of truth and reasoning has been deliberately hidden from the general public. Hidden in re-definitions and very confusing language. If you want some evidence to this, simply get a hold of a copy of Blacks Law or Ballentine's Law Dictionary and look up some of the words you believe you know the meaning of. Almost in all cases, the "legal" definition is radically different that what you have been taught.

      This is a good way for most to get started unraveling the deception.
      If you need someone to spell it out for you, to get you started... have a look at the youtube vid "Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception" and "The Magnificent Deception". Be aware that these vids are a bit old and some things have changed due to our efforts and increases in our comprehension of the issues.

      If you don't know, and I mean KNOW what definition is being used in any specific action, how can you begin to comprehend what is being asked (demanded) of you?

      Even simple things like being asked your birth date by a court or other official have ramifications that most cannot see... Can you honestly say that you have first hand knowledge of the day of your birth? (that would be a good trick).


  36. God created man
    Man created govt
    govt created corporations

    They have just fooled you into thinking it happens in reverse.

    1. God created man
      Man created govt
      Man created corporations
      Man created ....

      A fiction cannot create another fiction. Not possible. Something is the energy behind it. Consciousness, or life, or light or something that is the energy behind the new creation.
      There is always a 'life' behind all of it.

      Sign a mortgage, a 'life' signed the documents, and they pretended that life was representing a fiction and so someone owning a fiction had a representative at the table, and you were at the table (but they didn't tell you they weren't dealing with you, they were dealing with a corporation created by the state that they put you into the position of representative of.).

      Their representative didn't sign a single document for the mortgage.
      Your signature is all over it as representative of the corporation.

      If you have a Deed or mortgage, go look at it.
      Did they say anything to identify the purchaser.

      It probably says something like,
      First Last, a person
      First Last, a married person
      First Last, a single person
      First Last, a single man (as in Tiger Wood's mortgage)

      The legal definition in a law dictionary says a person is a natural person but for statutory reasons, that that's what person is for in contracts, statutory reason, a person is a corporation, and association, a partnership, but not a government unit,...if you look up man in a legal dictionary, man includes woman and child and is also a person.
      An Attorney is One who (blah blah blah) by definition it is stated as "One who" so when they are in character as an attorney they are not a person. But a representative is "a person who", and a guardian is "a person who", and a you see how it's in their books but they didn't teach us that stuff. Citizens are those who gave up their sovereignty to be represented by a government or other power. Sovereigns are non-citizens, the system teaches people to call them illegals (they have more rights and powers than those that are citizens), they are self governed, like kings or queens or stateless people.

      If you look up some executive orders, some carry definitions and when they mention an individual or a person it will provide the definitions (sometimes circular) state an individual is a person, and then it will define a person as a corporation, an individual, a business, or whatever.
      People see individual and think they are talking about the living. The definition is right there.
      This is a doll.
      A doll is a person, a person is a doll. You know it's talking about something not real.

      Individual is a person, a person is a corporation. A corporation is a person. An individual is a corporation.

      IRS has an Individual Tax Return.
      The info is there...Eyes Wide Shut, Hidden in Plain Site.

      Love to all.

      Love to all.

    2. I see this as essentially correct in my own comprehension, but there are a few points I would like to make.
      In Olde England, where all this originated, there were 3 classes of people created.
      Listed in order of their obligation to the state.

      This can be found in the OLD dictionaries.

      Another thing ALL must be aware of is the term "includes" (as differing from including and include). Whole books have been written on this as it is the MOST deceptive word used in law. This word, "includes", is restrictive, not additive. Meaning that whatever is listed as "includes" in law limits the definition to only that list. So when a definition says "a person includes a corporation" it is saying that for the purposes of that word "person" in that specific passage, it ONLY is a corporation.

      This is really hard to get one's mind around for the first time. But when you see it, a whole lot of other things fall into place.

      In Canada, we have two bodies of legislation. The Acts and The Criminal Code. In the acts, it's always "any person who" and in the Criminal code it's always "anyone who"...

      Be very careful of the words...


    3. Nice John.
      I love learning new things.

  37. Asking a question.
    As King A Quest I(am) On

  38. Drake and I believe Teri were part of the notification to the hague regarding "Nation Statrs" it would only take a roundtable discussion by all parties to come together and unite but for some sranfe reason manDrake will not discuss anyrhing in a setting that is not one-sided and controlled. That says a lot right there. The minute he and his "co."agree to a point counterpoint open forum where critical questions can be posed to all these alleged "truthers" nothing will be accomplished. The difolks and conquered strategy will prevail.
    D- I dare you and/or Brian to facilitate such a discussion. Are you all up for the task?
    It's transparency and vetting time folks.

    1. Ooops- my arthritis kicked in. this should read:
      Drake and, I believe, Teri were part of the notification to the hague regarding "Nation States" it would only take a roundtable discussion by all parties to come together and unite but for some strange reason manDrake will not discuss anyrhing in a setting that is not one-sided and controlled. That says a lot right there. The minute he and his "co." agree to a point counterpoint open forum where critical questions can be posed to all these alleged "truthers" nothing will be accomplished. The divided and conquered strategy will prevail.
      D- I dare you and/or Brian to facilitate such a discussion. Are you all up for the task?
      It's transparency and vetting time folks.

    2. Like I've said several times before- both Drake and Teri know exactly where I am- hell, I'm even friends with Teri and have worked with her and discussed many many things for hours with her...... I do not have the time to run after them begging them to do things politely.

      But I will say- about this article that everyone is discussing here- that I find it ironic that two huge patriots are questioning the fact that an attorney walked away from the BAR and denounced her status with the BAR..... coming from two patriots who have been trying for years to get the original 13th amendment back.

  39. anon 14:34 just go away and gossip about your friends.

  40. This article may shed some light on things regarding filing documents.

    1. Nice, I would say, these people 'believe' in what they were doing.
      They did the process because many were tauting it as the thing to do and 'it works', but when the system came back, they'd start posting asking for help, and there is no one to help them.
      Reason sometimes is no one has had that situation come up so they can't give advice (good, bad, or indifferent) on what can be done to get out of it.

      Sometimes they don't know because it worked the first time and then the system created a process to deal with all the other people doing it.

      Nice find...thank you.

      When it boils down to 'who' created the situation, it was the One who filed it and they can't lay blame on anyone else.

      They seeked.
      They find.
      They implemented.
      They deal with what they created.

    2. Certainly there are some that blew it, flying off the handle before they had all the info and that will certainly cause problems. But most of these wound up being "offer and acceptance". If someone says that your paper is useless and you don't rebut, properly and completely, then you agree your paper is useless.

      Pretty easy to derail this little gem.

      Demand anyone making claims against you to put them in writing under oath and full commercial liability. That usually shuts them right up.


    3. John-
      Don't you think that it's irresponsible of D, Heather, Peoples Trust et al to put all of this information/silver bullets out here and not even offer step by step instructions or template on how to properly and lawfully use these documents backed by proof that it actually works? Are you willing to take a chance to draft and put it on public record a document loosely based on "your" uneducated and inexperienced interpretation of what they did? If you are, then let me us know how it works out for you.
      I mean come on, D and Heather do not even respond to any of these posts.
      That doesn't seem sketchy to you?

    4. No I don't. I think it's irresponsible for anyone to try to implement these processes without first proving them to ones self first.

      This process REQUIRES personal responsibility. It is not, as far as I know, a cookie cutter process as each situation is different with different elements that come into play.

      the core concept is sound. If these folks can streamline it sufficiently that some bonehead can cut and paste without taking responsibility and not have to eat his hat, I would applaud them for their incredible feat...

      As it stands, this is information only. It will work as it is for some but not for others. It's up to the individual to study and meditate and think and when they are satisfied they have a decent comprehension of the process, to implement it if they so chose.

      As for proof it works... That is in the research. One can empirically prove to themselves that putting their hand on a red hot stove element will hurt either by reason or action... This is really no different.

      Once research has commenced and one begins to comprehend this, the proof is self evident. Until then, it will seem a fairy tale.

      The whole global control scheme is masterful in its design, but not without holes. There is remedy offered in ALL of this right from the beginning of the control. It's up to you, me and anyone that wishes to have this in their life to get educated.

      I have used these concepts (and many others) and have tied up cops where they refuse to deal with me. If you know the right questions and how to ask them, the whole deception thing falls apart.


  41. I've always loved this song, but only this past summer I got to experience it..look within, close your eyes and breath, it might take time but you will eventually see it or hear it.It might come easier under the Sun..

    "Wise man said just walk this way
    To the dawn of the light
    The wind will blow into your face
    As the years pass you by
    Hear this voice from deep inside
    It's the call of your heart
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The passage out of the dark"

    "Wise man said just raise your hand
    And reach out for the spell
    Find the door to the promised land
    Hear this voice from deep inside
    It's the call of your heart
    Close your eyes and your will find
    The way out of the dark"

    Scorpions-Send me an Angel


  42. here's Teri's blog:

    1. That was one Hell of an article! Terri really put these disinfo Horses asses to shame! Very well done and well organized.

  43. Jordan Maxwell interview and Admiralty Law:

  44. Judge Dale, if anything I have mentioned is incorrect in substance, please enlighten me. I have only my own comprehension of the subject matter to rely on, as getting straight answers out of just about ALL officials (and I use that term out of necessity, not fealty) is impossible.

    I would also ask if you have the time, come to our forum and assist our US folks to get their mind around this stuff. It seems that the US quagmire is somewhat deeper and more toxic that what we have here in Canada.
    Link to the site is behind my handle.

    Many thanks for your kind assistance here and elsewhere. If we can get folks to see even the slightest part of the deception, we can do wonders in holding accountable the deceivers.


  45. UCC guru's and youtube:

    Shrout- Keenan UCC/liens-

    Turner-(recently indicted in AL. for UCC filings)

    Drake/Wilcock Interview:

    Keith Scott/Kerry Cassidy/Keenan/ OITC:

    Heather/Charlie interview pt.1:

  46. I "get" the peoples trust. We are the people and " they have no authority over us. Anyone ever see movie" a bugs life" the grasshoppers control the ants. The ants work their hineys off to feed the grasshoppers, leaving barley enough for the ants to live off.
    The grasshopper who controls every ant and grasshopper says " if the ants ever figure out that the out number us, then we will have nothing to eat!".

    We out number them!

    1. That reminds me of the news story that the police have no bullets because the people bought them all... LMAO!!!

    2. that a true story? Well ..egos make some complacent.


  47. Something that Drake, Kerry, Winston and others fail to address is how, without education and personal research, is one to protect themselves AFTER the global change over? The silly word games will continue until nobody is able to be deceived. Contract will still exist, and right now EVERYTHING is contract, and I mean everything.

    We need to help people recognize when another is creating that contract, and it doesn't have to be on paper. There are many types of contract that most have no idea about. Adhesion contract, riders, rule of boxes, reservation of rights, knowing how to claim rights rather than wait for them to be bestowed...

    It's one thing to open the cage and let 'em out... It's a far different thing to function once that cage is open.


    1. Didn't Faust have a contract?

    2. "If you feed my goat while I'm away I'll make sure to bring you back some Mangos" is a contract.

      Contracts in and of themselves are not bad things. In fact, when something spans several years and multiple people are involved, it is wise to get things written down and agreed to.

      deceptive contracts are what is the problem.


    3. Well, by "deceptive" do you mean that there was not full disclosure? If one party does not fully disclose to the other party their intent- doesn't that make the contract null and void?

    4. It certainly does, but that in only one aspect of deception. One can redefine a word and if the other fails to recognize the redefinition....

      Pretty much all the garbage that is being a problem is about lack of disclosure. But there is a large part of this from folks that don't read what they sign. Without a reservation of rights (UCC 1-308 if I remember right. UCC isn't used per se in Canada) one waives their rights. Then it's often really hard to prove lack of disclosure. You see, it's one's responsibility to know what they are signing and making oath to. (a signature is an oath... Never forget that)



    3000 Year old Secret:

  49. Well I'm off to snuggle with my Dog, try to warm up and maybe get some sleep.

    Thank you ALL for the discussions and for voicing your ideas. Only by sharing what we feel, what we think we know and even our prejudices, do we open the door to growth. I have dealt with militant opposition for many years and see it as only ones view from where they are at that moment. We all have been deceived. Some more than others. That is something that many have a hard time with. Certainly, ego plays a large part in this and that is as it should be. It's up to those that come before to assist those that come after to advance in their comprehension and standing, in honor and truth.
    We all must be open to being wrong, mistaken or misguided at some point and take responsibility for that upon ourselves, for, in truth, no-one can be deceived unless they allow it.

    Good night all... holding the intent for all to have lighter days to come.


  50. John in BC you have made a great point. Contracts. We need to talk about contracts of all kind.

    If you give your word to someone that you will pay them for a service rendered, you need to pay them. A promise is a promise. It is called integrity. YOUR WORD is all that you have that can never be taken away by anyone BUT YOU.

    I keep hearing people talk about not paying water bills, student loans, ect...if you received an education or water. Then pay! If not, you are no better than the enemy.

    Freedom is treating everyone equally! Treating others the way that you want yo be treated.

    I just realized we are treading a fine line. There are some that wont see the difference between the enemy's work and "the people"

    There is a differe

  51. So much for sleeping through the night...

    Big Mamma, You are going to find that even the act of paying for something is not what we have been told it is. I don't know how old you are (I'm not gonna ask) but you may remember dollar bills (bill, hmmm wonder why they used that word) that were in circulation prior to about 1970 had printed on them "promissory note". Looking that up, we find that it is simply a promise to pay. with a bit more research we find that these bills are borrowed into existence and represent debt. Do you think it's possible to pay a debt with another debt?

    I really can't get into it here, but in truth and the integrity you speak of, there is nothing to truly "pay" with, only promises. If the one owed accepts that then the debt is transferred, but never really paid.

    Money comes in many different forms. Did you know that the little slip you get with your utility statement is a remittance? The slip conforms exactly with the requirements in the (in Canada) Canadian Payments Association rule H6, and is defined as a "specie of money" in law.

    Anyone want a serious headache? Try to wrap your mind around that. It does make sense, but not at first.


  52. Oh and another thing for those intrepid folks that are gonna go nuts trying to research this...
    here are a few things to make your brain itch...

    exactly what is a bill and why do you NEVER get one?

    It's because a bill, accepted for value and properly completed becomes a note and a specie of money. A far better specie of money because that form DISCHARGES debt rather than increasing it. That form of money is what we should be paying stuff with, but since the Banksters will lose a whole whack of interest revenue, because we aren't borrowing paper anymore, they really don't like anyone bringing it up.

    Oh man, I gotta get a life. LOL.


  53. new TOPPT post from Kabuki - "Disclosure"?

    it's gonna get noisy in here again tomorrow :)

  54. David G 15:06 I have a question. If no one will ever do jail time again, then what about the people who do or have done dangerous crimes. Lets face it, they exist. What do we do with them? Turn them loose to run the streets and commit more crime? After all, they are human too. If we truely are all equal, that applies to them also. Regardless of what ever crime they committed, the bottom line is, they are human too and have the same entitlements by birth as the rest of us. If this is really how all of this is going to go down, this world could be more dangerous after disclosure than before. No one will ever convince me that criminals that have done horrible crimes are going to wake up some day and become good citizens of the world. Someone please enlighten me!

    1. I am refering to a time and place (world) that is different to the one we live in today. A world that works on common law. A world where debt does not exist and money (if there is any) would be based on value of something. Where Humanity values humanity more than money and with disclosure of hidden technology to supply free energy, the need for money would barely exist.
      The more we reduce the dependancy on money the less crime there will be, most crime is related directly to money. Living in a healed society with highly educated people would see crime reduce to almost nil. I am imagining a world where people do not have any needs unmet, where solutions are sought before punishments. Does this sound impossible? Well that is the world I see comming soon.

    2. That is a world that we all wish for DavidG !!!

  55. Real and dangerous criminals will still be jailed and dealt with as my understanding. much lesser crimes and falsely accused will be set free. I has already been happening this way for the last 6 months as I have seen it.

  56. If you all read Judge Dales link he provides links to j. Costas - freedom reigns-Drakes info.

  57. NOTE: This is completely incorrect, and you need to correct it.
    This is wrong information given by the purported " Judge" , "The Delegates to the Federal Convention specifically voted against granting the Federal Government the power and authority to create corporations, upon the motion of James Madison [See: James Madison Journal of the Federal Convention, Vol.2, page 722]. Therefore, all government corporations, agents and agencies created by our representatives is a usurpation of power and subsequently is unconstitutional."


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