
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Update- just a few words

This will be very short and cryptic, because it has to be.

  Remember that when everything goes silent, that is our greatest hour.  Remember to keep your cool and help those around you understand what's happening.



  2. I am suddenly very glad I have two weeks' worth of cash stashed in my purse.
    I'm standing by with my fingers crossed and listening to the Fat Lady doing her vocal warmups backstage....

  3. yes...thank you *D*...withLove~inLight...Kiss! ~chinka~

  4. I just lost my foreclosure case, I wish we could get more detailed intel, it is hard not knowing if you are going to be homeless or not.

    1. You just keep doing what you do. You don't stop living waiting on a particular outcome. If none of this was going to happen what would you do next.
      Remember we are 'experiencing life'.
      We are 'as Gods' and we created this. Have you ever heard someone say, 'There should be a law against (...)? I remember hearing it all the time...then we elected people who wrote the laws. Then the distortion of the laws came back and affected us in ways we didn't imagine.
      As long as it was 'the other guy', we didn't care.
      But it goes without saying, What you do to others, you do to yourself.
      So, if they deliver a letter telling you when the sheriff will arrive to remove the 'persons' and contents from the property; what will you do? Will you be ready to move?
      Remember everything you experience is based on decisions you are making in the Now. Now creates your future.
      Will you let this website and blog decide that 'you' will do nothing because you are waiting? Will you look for an apartment? I see people saying they are looking for another home was stolen and I went right into an apartment. Couldn't be happier. The commute to work is closer. Offspring met people she'd never meet. Did I want to have my home stolen? No. But life is experiences, and so we experienced theft and being threatened out of our shelter. We experienced moving without planning, and creating a new home in a place we would never have thought. We experienced starting over and finding a light at the end of a dark tunnel. Life is what you make of it. When I got here nothing was promised. Nothing. So pay attention to what's happening in your life. This blog will not tell you whether you will be homeless or not. Only you can decide that based on what's going on around you and what you do about it.
      If you can stay in Light and Love and see the experiences presenting itself to you, you can turn that half empty glass into a half full one easily.
      I can't teach you what you needed to learn, but for some reason, it seems to me, (and this is only an opinion) your life plan was that if you didn't wake up and know certain things by now, you'd get shaken out of house and home until you did.
      As Gods if we sit comfortably, our creations will overtake us. If we wake up and come into our powers, we can control our creations.
      I didn't say kill. Guns and ammo is not the solution for anything created by the Creator.
      All men are endowed by the Creator....remember...remember...

    2. I am not the OP but wow, I eally enjoyed your response! Very powerful and inspiring, thank you!

    3. The message is on this email page.
      Website is a blog to communicate, chat,
      share ideas, read responses. I like the
      take off from the verse; ye are as gods,
      little children. (with heart mind hands
      and body and universes what can you
      not do? Or what can you do, what will
      you do, what will you will to each
      moments gift of life experience? It's not
      up to the government. Or is that what
      we wanted to learn, who to look to, how
      to do that? I think it says we find Him
      in our hearts. Maybe it says it all starts
      from there, no matter how long it takes us
      to find that out?)mjs

    4. Thank you, just what I needed to hear at the current stage of my life.

    5. You can't wait for anyone or anything to decide where to live. Figure out what you want to do, what you can do, and do it. Stay and prepare, or leave and be free. There are choices.

    6. Anon 07:44, That was extremely well stated and point on. I am glad their are some (probably more than I thought) actually creating the solution. Having said that, prepare for loss of cellphones and internet, as we were told satellite communications would be shut off. I am eternally glad this is happening now. I really am looking forward to a sane and compassionate world after all is said and done. I believe "IT" has been going down for a few weeks now. It is end game for those determined to wipe humanity off of the earth and I pray for the safety of those involved in the liberation of our country and the world. These are dangerous times indeed. My heartfelt gratitude to the oathkeepers stepping up for us all. Be safe. With prayers, love and light.

    7. If possible, go to the courthouse in your county. Research your actual mortgage. In most instances the mortgage was never recorded. You probably paid "recording fees" but the loan was, more than likely, processed through MERS and they never recorded it. I wouldn't just take your lawyers word for it. If there is no record of your mortgage they cannot foreclose. Take the bull by the horns and look into this. Good Luck to You and your family. God Bless You. You will prevail. We all will, eventually. xoxo Anon.

    8. if you can appeal, demand the bank produce the deed to your house. due to the derivatives market, the "owners" of debt never receive the actual deed - the document needed in order to prove ownership - as it is never transferred when the sales are made (sometimes the same debt can be traded over 100x). legally - they are REQUIRED to produce this document in order to collect their payments.

      a woman in Australia was the first person to successfully defeat her mortgage holder by using this technique somewhere between 2006-2008. you can research it online. there have been many more cases since then. i only wish i still had the links bookmarked to share with you.

      best of luck.

  5. lot of info at on foreclosure

  6. BTS, many thanks for the update and couldn’t agree with you more. We all have an important role to play as the changes begin to kick in and the folks around us start to wake up to the true reality of their world. While recent times have been difficult for many of us, in a way I feel very privileged in having been guided to awaken early. We’ve survived, gained much knowledge and have become stronger for it. This suggests to me we were chosen to play a special role in comforting and supporting those around us. You are here for a reason.
    blessings :)

    1. We’ve survived, gained much knowledge and have become stronger for it. This suggests to me we were chosen to play a special role in comforting and supporting those around us."

      I really like this and I completely agree.

      Thank you for the reminder.

    2. Really,
      What is the reason, why we are here?
      You as an individual have not and cannot change what has happened and what will happen in the future.A very large group of people must stand for their rights.I dont understand how you Americans have allowed Wall Street to strip all of your belongings, and take it up the arse...
      The seniors have been stripped from their retiremnt money, the farmers have been stripped from their livlyhood savings,others lost jobs,homes,families,pride and whatever else you can think of...
      And to shape it all up they gave all your trillions of tax payer dollars(bailout money) back to the criminals who created this whole disaster.
      WOW!!! Really how have you people not demanded retribution, is beyond me.

  7. Ohh Thank you, D! Wow, it gave me chills...

  8. Thank you. Even just that little bit helps us regain our composure and remember what our roles are in all this and why we chose to be here at this time. Those who are around me are so oblivious. I have my work cut out for me.

  9. anon 20:26 I feel in my heart for you BUT I also feel that it is going to be turned around shortly for you. You will keep your house. The foreclosure is illegal. Soon everything will come to a halt. I will pray for you that all negative turn into huge positives. And so it is.

  10. Hi BTS,

    I'm looking forward to it! would like to know if I can finally help others stop living paycheck to paycheck.

  11. This Site seems to be all about "next week it is coming". Then nothing happens and it's onto the "next week".

    Don't shoot the messenger.

    1. Go to another site:)
      Plenty to choose from!!

    2. Yes, please another site. Thank you

    3. I meant to say I agree that nothing ever happens. More stringing along? Eventually something is going to happen, and that's when they say, "see, you just had to trust and wait it out" lol. Of course we all know something will happen, but because they never tell you what, they remain safe.

    4. I completely understand your frustration my friend. Remember that this is a GLOBAL event. This isn't like planning a picnic in the park. Trust me when I say that the immenseness of this will blow you away.

  12. Please, a little advice needed. I closed on the sale of my home only the day before being served for the foreclosure. I am currently living in an efficiency from place to place. Is there still time to find a home to rent or should I look to a relative? All my belongings are in storage and I am hundreds of miles away.

    1. In my opinion, I would rent, and never buy anything with a mortgage in this country again; all the mortgages are being bought up by the Federal Reserve Bank, which isn't Federal at all; it's owned by foreign investors who are raping and pillaging our economy. Just find a place where you are happy, whether inside this country or out of it. Personally, I am working on leaving the USSA and have been making plans to do so for a year now. Research is the name of the game if you want to stay or leave. Don't live in a city if you can help it. Live in a place where you can have a garden and provide for yourself as much as possible.

  13. We lost our home eight months ago even though we had two mod loans they turned us down and a disablity loan turned down and then a nearly $500,000 reverse mortgage waiting for six whole months......wouldn't take it and we lost our home....we are both 69 years old and my husband had strokes!!!!!! GRRRR! Bank of Amerika called twice just after the foreclosure asking if we could resume payments and we told them both times we wanted to pay it off in FULL!!! NO DICE!! We rent now and still struggle!!!!!!!!!

    1. NESARA gives back all who lost their homes over the last TEN years.

  14. I have sold 5 homes in 7 years that I could not keep. We always tried to stay ahead of the MAN....... hope I have time to rent one before the SHTF. We have moved over 2o something times in 30 years....... I am tired and have just been trying to keep up.

    1. and, IMO, it's not going to get better. Just gather yourself together, wits and all, and rent; it's easier to move if you want/need to. I'm tired too, I understand. The SHTF is happening now; it's creeping in. Get prepared. Stay and dig your heels in, or find another country to live in -- which is what I am doing, leaving the USSA.

  15. Sounds like everything will shut down for a few days...

    It's interesting to see in MSM Canadian mayors are out the door, left right and center...Like one corruption fraud investigator said in MSM "When it all comes out it will be horrific"

    Love and light to all!

    1. "Sounds like everything will shut down for a few days..."

      Not necessarily if we all intend as smooth a transition as possible! ;-)

  16. 10-4, good buddy. Hoping. Not holding my breath (gotta breathe), but hoping, always hoping. :)

    I guess I just know and understand the other things I experience, physically, emotionally, that indicates all this will be so very soon. But given so many factors that have coalesced, I see that the first domino has toppled, and now all the rest can fall, too.


  17. It's good to see that they give you a blog to play with to pass the time while you're in the mental institution.

    1. No matter how much ya shake them....some just refuse to wake up....and even worse they cast stones...I guess to some ignorance is bliss.....

      thanks BTS.....

    2. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit .... If you have nothing better to do than sit at a pc at least do something useful like EDUCATE yourself :D

      Thanks for an interesting and INFORMATIVE blog BTS!

    3. Hahaha I know it was trolling but still funny ; ) thanks Troll, made me laugh. Tolling can be funny sometimes

    4. You guys are funny like ha,ha

  18. You have to be cryptic because you have nothing to say that's worth the ones and zeroes it occupies within cyber space. You should be ashamed of yourself for screwing with so many peoples' emotions. I know,I know you got word from the mother ship adorning you with uber top secret information to hand off to the white hats. What aflippin farce. You're no different than drake or hobie,, or worse yet poof. Never right and no matter what you have to say there's never anything in the real world to back up the world shaking revelations that you "receive" from your sources. F.o.s. and nothing else. Hang yourself.

    1. another comes spews their incompetence....and ineptitude....welcome.....

    2. Having a bad day friend? I respectfully suggest you look around and see what has happened in the last month.

      Stuff is going on for all to see so more stuff must be going on in the backrooms to be causing it to happen dontcha think?


    3. Here's something to ponder:

    4. Sometimes you feel a presens that you can't see but you know it's there. Is reality only things we can "see"? There is so much that has been hidden from us.

      When the Israelis attack the Palestinians there is for sure much more going on behind the sceenes. When Obama visits Asia, get's ride of 24 generals that is also for a reason we can not see. Still we know there is more to it.
      We are all waiting for the RV/PP to materialize so we can see it in front of our eyes. Look how far we have come in just 1 year when it comes to awakening?! Amazing and this is done by all of us.

      Why are so many people whining about things "not" happening? Are you truly blind or are you stuck somewhere?

      When the shit hit's the fan that's when our real hard task is at hand! Think of all people that to this day have no clue about what is happening.

      I feel truly blessed to be part of this which I've choosen.

      Love to you all folks!

    5. Thank you McCroft- you are absolutely right: When the shit hit's the fan that's when our real hard task is at hand! I think that a lot of people are missing this point.

      we should all feel blessed for the roles that we have been, and will be playing in this amazing time. We, each and everyone of us, have chosen to be in this immense play. No role is too big or too small too easy or too hard. we chose what our role will be.

    6. I hate to say it, but it's not time for this anonymous to get what it is he wants. His desires say something different. His desires seem to indicate if you don't give me what I want, hang yourself. Well, sorry, but it doesn't work like that. Hidden Hand said it like this. Thought is creative energy focused. You get exactly what you put out.

      I see that you receive nothing because you gave nothing.
      I'm sure you know where to place the blame for that.
      When you fix what needs fixing and your modify your desires, it'll all work out for you.

      I ain't mad at ya. I've been down that road before. I'm not going back, but I've been there, and from there you can get here. All roads lead to the same destination, some just take longer than others.

      That's the beauty of the Divine Plan. I have much love for you, I never left you.

    7. It's a good thing that none of you get to make the decision on whom gets what, or when. I too tire of the "ooh, I have a secret but can't tell it this time..." I heard that so many times in dinar chat rooms I could vomit. I am no longer in any dinar chat rooms. I peruse this blog and occasionally participate in hopes of education for those who need it, and perhaps a tidbit of info for myself. I don't know everything, and have never purported to know everything. But the constant secret bs is extremely disrespectful and utter game-playing with people's emotions.

      Best to say nothing instead of playing the "I've got a secret" game. That game just shoots down any credibility that could've been there. Just because someone disagrees, is it time to call them a troll? How childish. How small. Not enlightened at all. I completely understand those that question the games, and don't feel the need to call them names. I don't buy Drake or Poof nor any of them either. Talk talk talk talk, blah blah blah. That's what I hear. They like the sound of their own voices, and reading their own words. I will just hang onto the Word of God and let the rest slither by. I don't believe in backroom deals or stuff going on just out of sight, what crap. Let's be nice if we can? Many have lost their homes. The best thing you can do right now is rent. I would never own a home in the USSA, never again. The Fed Reserve Bank is buying up all the mortgages on anything that has a mortgage. Be glad to be out of that loop! God is the one light I need. I don't need to look to the left nor the right...

      And, one last comment if I may -- those of you with no character who feel the need to post "anonymously" and slam others, I have no respect for you. Either stand up and be who you are or shut up.

    8. Really, DINAR QUEEN? LOL!

    9. Dinarqueen, I agree that some say they have a secret and can't tell can make you want to know the secret and get mad when you don't. But you sought the secret and then rely on them to give it to you. They got the secret from more work than that. How can you be mad they put forth the effort to get connected to 'know' something that is secret. In my job, it's called 'confidential information' and only disclosed on a 'need to know basis'. There are secret societies and secret handshakes. I know you are frustrated with secrets, but the secret has caused you no harm so it has broken no karma. What may cause you harm is how you deal with not knowing the secret.
      Maybe it's not 'your' secret.
      Maybe the secret will never come true for you,and therefore you will never know it.
      Maybe one day, we'll wake up and know the secret and not have to come here, and those who weren't ready will not know the secret and come here looking but there is no one here to post what it was.
      So many maybe's.

      As far as name calling, I don't remain neutral to one's choice to go that route, and another's choice to accept the term as if it described who they really are. You can tell when one is enlightened. One who is enlightened would know that when they call someone a shill they are naming their self a shill. All being equal and One as we see another, so we see our self. Knowing the Creator in you is THE SAME Creator in me. Knowing that, would I call you a shill or a troll? Not unless I have a motive to get you to 'not' know who you are hoping to delay judgment by what I've done.
      We are all at different levels of awareness, even those that proudly trump how awake they are. The whole truth is known by the collective, each of us need each of us for the completion. That includes needing the dark for access to the whole truth. The Dark Crystal was mentioned on a call I listened to last month. I finally watched the movie. The name callers will one day recognize whom they are communicating with. Wayseers and wayshow(ers) can see you, the name callers. We know you don't know. I love You.

    10. Dinar Queen, I do not understand your presence here on RTS. Your comments tend to deride and demean not only articles posted here, but the comments left by other readers. Of course you are entitled to your opinion, and I do not censor people except under the most extreme circumstances, but I honestly do not understand why you continually return to read the information on RTS since it obviously goes completely against what you profess to believe in. You may believe whatever you wish to believe- free will- but please do not come here to deliberately antagonize others.


    11. BTS, your earlier comment above reminded me of the Pink Floyd lyric, "...A walk on part in the war or a lead role in a cage..." I think that's how it goes.

      Walk on for me, please.

      Thanks for all you do. I'm waiting...sometimes anxiously, but more peacefully the last two or three days

    12. @ Anonymous27 November 2012 10:53

      Thank you for your comments, they are respectful and nicely stated. Let me say a couple of things tho?

      I did not come here for a secret in any way; not interested in what it is nor when it allegedly will happen, if it will happen. If I was, I would have stayed in the dinar chat rooms lol. I agree we have the same Creator in each of us; if we allow God to be He will be. I have never heard of The Dark Crystal, but will investigate this movie. I don't come to this blog with the intent of deliberately antagonizing anyone. I stated why I came here. Yes, BTS, it is how we were created to be with free-will, and I do believe what I wish, and will continue to do so. I assume, BTS, that you will scold the others who told folks to leave the room when they disagreed the same thing? You said I am entitled to my opinion, but perhaps you don't want me to actually state my opinion here? It's confusing, but I think we will muddle through :)

    13. Hi DinarQueen, as with anyone else here, you are free to speak your opinion. My question was an honest one because I literally do not understand why you come to RTS. As I said above, you seem to disagree with most of what I post and with the vast majority of the comments/commenters, which is why I am confused as to why you frequent a site that you disagree with.

    14. BTS, actually there are quite a few dissenters here, and that's ok with me. It's good to have discussion and debate, don't you think? :)

  19. Remember when you learned to ride a bike, and the wall suddenly appears in front of us, but we are too nervous to do something and continue pedaling until hitting the wall?
    So it seems humanity today. Absolutely everyone knows that things go very wrong, that the planet and people can not stand much more aggression, but many continue pretending that nothing happens and keep on the same course.
    Some want proof of the transformation they do not know look at yourself!
    I realize the phenomenon of the Ascension happening in me! No news on the internet. But I am very glad to find dozens and hundreds of people going through the same as me. This is further confirmation of the phenomenon.
    To the anonymous skeptical friends I remember that are we who make the world. If we are unhappy slaves today is because we forget of paying attention to our self, so if you want to see a different world, change themselves, to be the change that you wish to see.
    To all brothers and sisters, strength and light!
    Sorry for the bad english and probable errors of google's translation,
    hugs from Brazil
    We are one!

    1. Thanks for your beautiful words and may the light penetrate to the core the non-believers.... love to you Brazil.

    2. yes we are all one- awesome words my friend

  20. Bless you, BTS, and all New Earth Builders here. We need every one of you. There is a "Treasure in the Field" and the field is you, the thing you thought was "human". Your True Essence, your Divine Self is the unique treasure planted in that field. As each of us recognizes and releases our unique treasures and follows our bliss, we shall see Heaven coming forth on this Earth. It's time. All creation groans and waits....for US.

    much love,


  21. You 99% will always be beneath our thumbs. Squirm and wrestle all you want. You'll have no choice but to accept your chip and be controlled how we see fit. You are our servants and always will be. The only transfer of wealth that is taking place is from your pockets to ours for the rest of your feeble lives. The nwo is upon you, and there's no stopping it. We will fulfill our destiny as leaders and you will fulfill yours as servants. Please keep breeding as we shackle your children into slavery to serve our every whim. Why do you think no one but the little people have gone to jail? We own the judicial system. We own the world leaders. We feed you want we want you to think, feel and see. This great plan of ours has been in the making for longer than any of you wish to realize and will remain long after your children's children die. There is no savior coming to your aid. You will not escape our cold, ruthless methodical planning.

    1. Ah, the voice of (psychopathic) reason....

      Heh, nice try buddy.

      Love is gonna get ya. :)

    2. We need no savior.......

    3. Was that from someone thinking they were 1%?
      There is no separation. You are one of us. What you do to us, you do to yourself.
      You would know that if you were part of the group knowing this.
      Either you allowed EGO to take over or you forgot something key in all of this.
      It's all Love.
      So you must have accepted the role to be the bad guy catalyst. Thank you. You did a good job and got us to step into our power.
      There are no slaves, or victims, or little people, or death.
      As for those in jail. The judges will be judged for what they've done. You know that.
      They were probably told we'd never find out who we were and so it won't matter and they'd be safe.
      Isn't it a lying shame?
      We are all the same. Some of us forget to step into our power, some are afraid, but it matters not. The ones that have awakened and remembered is the reason you found this blog and posted your post to let us know you see us.
      Thank you. Thank you.
      As for your planning...well our messages have gotten to the right people. You are feeling the loss of control in your planning.
      You taught us through those guru sessions and released just enough to help us remember.
      You know the game 'scavenger hunt'? A bunch of unlikely things found in unlikely places can complete the game.
      Yeah. Love you, and yes, we want a New World, you knew that, so you used the New World Order to try to get us to 'not' want it.
      Rule 101. What we reject individually or as a collective, we draw to ourselves to experience.
      Many stayed asleep and so as a collective they did not awake and reject the NWO, so your existence would never be.
      The sheeple had a purpose. You're just mad some of us didn't break karma and wake them up for you so they could fear you and you'd gain your power from their lack of knowledge of how this system works.
      What we reject, we attract to our selves to experience.
      What we fear, we draw to our selves to experience.
      If sit and we wait on a single outcome, we lose the opportunity to experience other things in our life; we pass up potentially greater opportunities.
      We woke up and learned a lot from you. Thank you. Thank you. Much Love to you. Much Love.

    4. My Goodness, Mr. Rothschild, you are one sick and hateful person. Your spew just gave me chills, and I am glad you have shown yourself. Unfortunately for you, love has taken over "our" Earth, and it's getting stronger every day. Soon you will have to scamper to your Bunker, or offworld on your Spaceship or whatever, but you will have no more negative effect on us. We are the power NOW. Love and peace to you.

    5. OK - I'll take a shot at replying to you.

      You 99% will always be beneath our thumbs.- Personally, I have never been "beneath your thumbs", and never will be.

      Squirm and wrestle all you want.- There's no need to. You may be mentally ill, but you sure don't scare me.

      You'll have no choice but to accept your chip and be controlled how we see fit. - There's always a choice. I'm not afraid to die if that is what it comes to. It's going to happen sooner or later anyway. I'm not going to give you "power" over me in the mean time.

      You are our servants and always will be. - You must be thinking of someone else.

      The only transfer of wealth that is taking place is from your pockets to ours for the rest of your feeble lives. - If you take all money from everyone, pretty soon no one has any. Who are you going to take it from then? Your pals and fellow NWO people? With that line of reason, soon you'll be consuming yourself or one of you friends will.

      The nwo is upon you, and there's no stopping it. - Congratulations! You've already won then. Why do you sound so scared?

      We will fulfill our destiny as leaders and you will fulfill yours as servants. - But you are not good leaders. Leaders do not act like parasites. Parasites consume the host and then begin feeding on themselves. Good luck with that.

      Please keep breeding as we shackle your children into slavery to serve our every whim. - Aboriginies in Australia took a vow of celebacy a couple of decades ago. Read the book "Mutant Message". They were on to you quite early, and so was I.

      Why do you think no one but the little people have gone to jail? - 24 Generals are little people? I think more "little people" are in the pipeline. Who knows, you may be next.

      We own the judicial system. - Not for long.

      We own the world leaders. - Not for long.

      We feed you want we want you to think, feel and see. - It''s not working as good as it has, is it? Personally, I do not watch television.

      This great plan of ours has been in the making for longer than any of you wish to realize and will remain long after your children's children die. - What's so great about it? You sound a little scared again.

      There is no savior coming to your aid. - I don't want one. We are the ones we have been waiting for.

      You will not escape our cold, ruthless methodical planning. - Oh contrere mon ami. Cold? Ruthless? Methodical? - Did you forget Pathological, Certifiable, Parasitical?

      Much Love

    6. Jeff,

      You did a GREAT job adressing all points written by this "piece of work".

      Those 24 generals that got vetted used to think just like that, until justice came calling on them. "They shall reap what they sow..." comes to mind when I think of all the insane psychopathic beings who are actually no longer HU-man! those words he/she/it wrote above!! INSANE!!

      Let SANITY, JUSTICE, LOVE prevail all applied with a STRONG & STERN hand asap! TOO MANY are needlessly suffering for too long. Enough is enough! BE GONE YE DEMONS!


    7. Well, whoever he is, he sure got ya'll to waste your time in replying lol And I will totally disagree that there is no Savior. but then that's the right we all have -- to disagree and live our lives according to our beliefs and faith.

    8. @ Anonymous27 November 2012 07:12
      Love what you said - Aloha!

    9. BRAVO Jeff, BRAVO! You have gotten a standing ovation from the enlightened here!!! Man, I so love this awesome little blog. I was getting all serious and morose, this has definitely restored my humor. You unfortunate "elite". Well, I read the blood oath you take upon entering your "club". You have taught me much. I have grown from the experience. So, to the elite, Thank you, I forgive you, I love you.

    10. All I got to say to the troll

      is this

      I'll be the dude with the hammer... Ahahahahaha!

    11. Oh brother if you are the elitist you claim to be please don't keep the other prisoners up with your Gollum like screams. Like others here I don't hold anything against you, you have taught humanity some important lessons and have made us stronger as a people.

    12. -Jeff uhm, "Mutant Message" is codswallop. The author faked the entire thing and attempted to shoehorn Australian Aborigines into a new-agey faux Native American framework. She's a fraud.

  22. Hey, thanks for the head's up, BTS! I usually post your updates to my FB wall, and even though 621 of my 625 friends currently think I am insane (lol!), I know that if things really do "go silent" there will be 621 cooler heads out there helping to spread the calm.

    See y'all on the other side! :)

  23. I am blown away by the comments posted here (except for the one Anonymous hang yourself comment), it really is a WONDERFUL world and I am so proud of the spirit, the courage and the love bursting through all over the world....the "meek" really shall inherit the earth and we are about to see on earth as it is in heaven!
    We've travelled a rocky, dark road.....I think we are mostly all ready to be delivered!


  25. Wow, reading the troll message made my heart burst with joy! That's new!! It seems as though without thinking, that attempted negativity activated immediate bursts of love for that author :) FUN! Also, honestly, not a cell in my body resonates with the message ;) Sorry buddy, we are past that kind of talk. LOVE to you, nothing but the best! May it reach your heart :D

  26. Dinarqueen has some very good advice. Look at the big picture, and try not to get lost in the little scandals and secrets. I would add that one ought not to get caught up in the little back and forth with political parties and that sort of thing. Most people have suffered because of very poor education. The books have been removed and rewritten, and television has done what it was supposed to do. Try not to think of it as a big mystery that you're all just discovering for the first time. (I've found humility is the beginning of real education, by the way, although I'm still learning that one.) About a hundred years ago, people started forgetting, and the books were removed. So there we are--lot's of little secrets and scandals and conspiracies? Not really, just one large one that the founding fathers and kings and princes used to mention quite a bit. We're just remembering it all.

    Oh, and one last thing, when you make them angry like that one above, always remember: you're on the right track!

  27. "It's coming soon."
    "It will happen next week."
    "It's a HUGE undertaking."
    "Hang in there."
    "Changes are coming."
    "Arrests are imminent."

    On and on and on and on and on.....

    How long have people been waiting for the Dinar rv? Sheesh.

    At what point do people realize that this *may be* a hoax? Be honest with yourselves.

    1. It is a global reset and not a Iraqi Dinar RV. Very different.

      However, the good guys are starting to piss me off how much they are dragging this along, but if it happens this week we will all be happy. Even though there is still no proof people like BTS are saying that they fought the cabal and apparently won.

      I hope that is true and not a hoax like you say. I hope this is the week all can be seen.

      For what is worth, is this hoax too:

      I has been like this for more than a week. They get their numbers live from NASDAQ, NYSE and AMEX. Something has to be happening. We just don't know yet.

    2. lol anonymous 12:35- they're sorta pissing me off too :>) I just keep getting told that I don't have all the details and can't know everything that is and has to happen. Damn frustrating. I even promised not to tell anyone! But they're still not spilling, lol.

      I know what the link you posted was showing earlier- but it's now showing the "official" real rate again. It's been doing that on and off for over a week. They keep saying "it's a glitch".... yea...... Right!

    3. They are intentionally hiding the real rate. Take a look and compare these two links:

      The first one is hidden and the second shows the real live rate.

      It has been like this 24/7 since early last week. When you use the "convert currencies" thing at the bottom of the page it will ALWAYS show you the real rate. I have checked it since early last week and it hasn't changed.

      The theory on the Dinar chats is that it has RV'D but only for the first two "tiers" governments, banks and wealthy people.

      We slaves are still waiting for our "tier" and could be waiting forever if something good doesn't happen for us.

      BTS, we will see if your contacts are right that we are going to get a taste of this.

      It seems the entity that told in a dream a month ago inside my head that this was going to happen in less than a month was dead wrong. Oh well.....

    4. Anonymous 13:23, When I got to your comment about the dream, I had an "aha" moment. At least a week before Halloween, I had a dream that seemed way too real (most of my dreams are ridiculous locations, happenings, etc), but this one was so real that it was (almost) boring. In the dream I was walking into my local grocery store very early in the morning. It was like 6 am. The weird part is the store was EXACTLY as it really is - so in my dream, I walk into the store and walk around to the side where the deli is. This store is kind of different in that the deli is not built along a wall, but sort of in the middle of the store, so there is a front part, where all the food is, and a back part that just is the door that the employees walk in and out of the deli area. So, in my dream, I'm walking around the corner of the back of the deli, and I stop in my tracks because there is a LONG LINE of people with empty shopping carts from the back of the store going INTO the back door of the deli! At 6 in the morning! And they are overjoyed. I can't figure out what is happening, so I ask one of the people in line. They said that something awesome had happened and everyone was getting a bountiful Thanksgiving! Sure enough, a cart would come out of the deli overflowing with all the Thanksgiving fixings !

      After I woke up, I pondered this dream. It was so weird because it wasn't weird at all, if you know what I mean. The store was EXACTLY the same as it really is. I figured that the dream was telling us that we would receive the pp around Thanksgiving, but that didn't happen. Anyway, maybe it was supposed to, but there have just been delay after delay...Just thought I would relay another dream from the ethers...

    5. "It's coming soon."
      "It will happen next week."
      "It's a HUGE undertaking."
      "Hang in there."
      "Changes are coming."
      "Arrests are imminent."

      Indeed. And it's a great education on NOT letting expectation and impatience get the better of you/us. Allow the natural process to PROCESS!

      When kids in the backseat invest all their energy and focus in asking "are we there yet", they miss the interesting views, and observational opportunities just outside the window they're sitting next to.

      When choosing a perspective, don't get locked into perpetual expectation.

      Quiet down, and look out the window. There's a wonderful "NOW" right under your nose.

  28. I can't wait for the day that I can be sure I'm not crazy and that this is all real.

  29. From

    Christmas Joy
    Twas the Night Before Christmas

    Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,
    not a creature was stirring not even a mouse.
    The hopeful were dreaming of spreading good cheer,
    In hopes that their blessings soon would be there;

    All were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of freedom danced in their heads.

    When out on the porch there arose such a clatter,
    I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
    Away to the window I flew like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
    And there stood the marshall with packages at last.

    He smiled as he asked for the signature please
    and then rushed away to bring others this peace,
    And away they went to bring more joys and cheer.

    Shhhhhhh, can you feel it? Can you sense it? It's coming!!

  30. Wow!!!!! That's WONDERFUL!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH for the Best Christmas Story Ever!!!

  31. I am going to buy my month supply of food as I have been putting it off. I don't want to go into this unprepared. BTS one question (if you can't say I understand) even a cryptic answer would be fine. Is the person who many of us believed was a bad guy, is he is being good guy in all this (for whatever reason) and helping the situation move forward?

  32. I don't think that we should rely so heavily on these websites to tell us anything about our own lives. Look inside of yourself for answers on how to handle your own changes. You have that responsibility... and that ability. You still hold the power to change what you have and where you are. Fear, anger, blame and impatience can cause major disruptions to the flow of things... and don't think these negative reactions only affect you and yours. Spewing hurtful words and radiating fear affects everything you touch. Choose YOUR ripple effect, wisely. Don't rely on "them" to tell you things are changing, only to be disappointed when your own perception of what "change" means, isn't met within the time frame you believe it should be met. Trust your instincts. Some of us in dire situations have no other option, but to trust.

    I feel the changes making way. I feel ascension rushing through me. It is hard, at times, but I feel its power and new energy force. I see it in my life. My entire life has flipped upside down in the past week. Ended relationship, car stopped working, leaving apartment and unsure of where I'm going. I put my time (and heart) into a non-profit organization, as I spent so long applying for jobs... to no avail. Secretly, a "job" was the LAST thing I wanted. I wanted to live purely from the heart and that is where I remain.

    I can't rely on these websites or the outside changes to save me from my own fear OR my situation. I have to trust, move swiftly with intuition, and listen... instinctively, I now know what to do. I refuse to make decisions based off of fear, as that has led me to the exact position I am in, now. Things had to crumble and fall, so that I can retrace my steps, back to truth. This is my fresh start... the hard part that is necessary. But now more than ever, I can see the light shining bright, at the end of this short tunnel. I FEEL the changes taking place and something inside of me KNOWS "it" is happening. I trust that I cannot fathom the changes... how could I expect myself to? We grew up in a world with very limited ideas or understanding of what is possible for us. We HAVE to acknowledge how little we understand and TRUST that there could be so much more. The less you allow your fear to take hold and throw you around, the quieter it will become, the stronger you will proceed. Ever since these difficult changes have unfolded in my life, time is standing still. I have time for everything that I need to accomplish (which is quite a lot) and it flows through one thing at a time, one step at a time. I let it go.

    I am 23 years old. It has become so blatantly clear to me so far in my short life, and now in these last few days that when it comes down to it, I am not the dictator in this life/this situation. When something needs to change and something needs to happen, it WILL be changed... at the EXACT right moment, in the EXACT right way, with a strength that cannot be questioned and a grace that cannot be matched. You can't help but to let go, trust and be carried through it, one step at a time. I trust in this force that is moving this world in its new, much needed direction. I see that I am a part of that force... and so are you! I believe we have to let it go and let it be, because if we stop and listen, we will know.

    1. web sites like RTS provide information that people would not have access too if they didn't exist, Heck! that's how I woke up, by reading information posted on the internet! But you are correct: people need to discern this information themselves and listen to their inner voice and heart when reading information.

    2. @ Anonymous27 November 2012 14:35

      Here are three sites that I trust and like for survival supplies and rations:

  33. Anonymous 14:21

    I think it might have happened, but they are always dragging things for the us the "cattle".

    That is why I will stay grounded from now on until I see it. The longer this drags, the more down people will be.

    According to people with connections this should have been over a long time ago.

    We wait for this to pop and December 21, gets closer an closer. This global reset might not be relevant after December 21, 2012 if fourth density ascension is true. That's the most frustrating part about this.

    They are trying to perfect something while the clock is ticking and NOW is the time that this could help humanity. After December 21, 2012 who really knows for sure?

    They should hurry up and release this thing and work the kinks later. You know what and I know people doesn't want to hear this, but here it goes.

    I'm starting to think that fourth density ascension has a much better chance of happening than this global reset event.

    Those China dudes want this to be perfect and there is no thing as perfect. Only the creator is perfect.

    Hurry the f*** or don't do s*** at all. Quit saying you are going to save the world and then keep making excuses of why you still can't do it yet.

    I hope they are reading this, but I doubt they will waste their time reading a blog like this. I HATE Chinese food but if they FINALLY release this I am going to eat it for a week as a tribute to them.

    1. Hey man,

      I'm of Asian extraction. Tell ya what. When it finally goes down, I'm throwing a party, and you're invited. Best Asian cooking on the house, best music, hot people, hot dancing, celebrating some finally well deserved FREEDOM. I've been in this fight for over 11 years now, and I'm dead tired. More like dead, without the finally pushing up the daisies part. Not sure how I've managed to last this long.

      In any case, it's time.

      And you're gonna eat ALL WEEK LONG. NO MSG. Guaranteed!

      I ain't gonna have any other cuisine too.

    2. Thanks bro for the invitation:) So, are you saying that you have been involved in the creation of the new financial system, or that you have been waiting for an opportunity like this to happen for 11 years?

      I have been waiting all my life for a blessing like this to happen. A lot of "opportunities" have come and go, but this one has the best chance of happening and like you said, it's time.

      Lets see what happens soon and who knows we may be celebrating after all.

    3. oh! yes...we will!...and i will serve "celestial" cup of tea...~chinka~ Kiss!

    4. @ Anonymous27 November 2012 15:01

      I fully agree with you! :)

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. BTS I am confused; the Basel III law will be enacted on January 1st 2013 correct? Now the RV is all about forcing all Countries who wish to trade internationally, to make their currency [asset backed] or BASIL III compliant! BASIL III means currency guaranteed by gold correct? So that would mean the money we have now is not backed by gold which mean when the RV happens the new U.S. Treasury notes will go up in value while the Federal Reserve notes devalues another 40 percent after the RV occurs. But they say the U.S.Treasury Notes aren't do out to next year also correct? So when we get our packages that basically means we will have to wait until next year to get them because right now the Basel III law doesn't protect the distributers of our money if they were to issue them out before January 1st 2013 so how are we to expect our packages before January if it would take that law to ensure they are not tampered with? I just don't get it? Then we have ascension on the 21 of December coming into effect and who's to say the RV would even be relevant after that event?


    1. In other words I know for a fact the money we currently use FRN(Federal Reserve Notes) is not the currency we will be using once the RV happens because they will be traded in for the New Treasury Notes to take the ''Federal Reserve Notes'' out of circulation and thus leave us with the new notes to use. The Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds will be repatriated back to the U.S. because President Christine Lagarde according to Tom Heneghan has just told Timothy Geithner to complete the bi-lateral tax agreements between the U.S. Treasury, the IMF and the Central Bank of Austria, and we know that a bi-lateral Tax agreement will strengthen relations between two states that would again protect investors from being double taxed on stock shares they invested in right? So that has to be done first in order for the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds can start being distributed as prosperity packages since the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol funds are valued at trillions of dollars. Isn't that an ''asset redemption'' aka Global RV? Protocol implementation will return $1.5 trillion back to the U.S. Treasury and zero out the budget deficit within sixty days. So again and again that would mean we will not be getting our packages until that happens!

    2. HI Ariel- I responded to your post on the Keenan article.

  37. Honest question: at what point do the "believers" admit that this is all a fairy tale?

    I mean come on, one guy admitted he's been waiting for 11 years??? Life is too short to be hanging out on blogs hoping for a miracle.

    Just sayin'.

    1. That's right,

      I'm the Asian dude who said he's been waiting for 11 years. That's right. ELEVEN LONG YEARS. Hanging out on blogs? Please.

      Spent the 90's researching December 21st, 2012, long before anyone ever considered it. Prowled University departments and libraries regarding it. Spent another 2.5 years in South and Central America exploring the leads on it. Ended up in a lot of dead ends in the middles of jungles. Spent the last 9 years putting together the puzzle of the financial system after watching Argentina go down. That was a lot more productive, financially speaking, especially when you can see the NWO's steps about 5 years ahead of time! Spent the last 4 years watching the build up while preparing for this final year. 2012. I'm cashing out now because of all that prep for my final mission.

      Eleven years is a long time to wait to see the grand finale. And from my tired eyes, it's a great finale indeed. Do you have any idea what it's like, to study this stuff in the 90's and watch earthquake records skyrocket between 2000 and 2012? What it's like to watch the mathematics of the build up to 2012 coincide with 2008 market crashes, Japanese tsunamis, Deep Horizon oil gushers, Obama election, Europe implosions, etc, all of which coincide with the spiral of the golden mean?

      It's AMAZING. That's what it is. But like some of us who are among the "Other", who've dedicated a good portion of our lives observing this, communicating this, helping out, (futilely) in some cases, and some like me are burnouts.

      In a few weeks, I'm taking a long rest. Did my time, did my work. This is one thankless job, that's for sure.

      But the break is gonna be well deserved, especially with what's about to happen next.

    2. Gosh, I love the comments on this site so much! Anonymous 16:13, you sound like you have some amazing stories! I would have liked to have known you - if you have a website, please let us know. Enjoy your well-deserved rest!

    3. 11 years?.....take a number sonny, the line starts behind me. Try 16 years of hearing every week that the money is in the mail. Also been hearing about all these changes coming for 25 years. You can exhale and stop holding your breath any time!

    4. Anonymous 16:13- .... after this is all over, we should talk. I have a feeling that our journeys have been similar in many aspects.

  38. Elevated alignments of individual Higher D Light filaments have allowed coalescence of these filaments into Gaia Beams of Light throughout the planet. Connection with Essential Cosmic Entities finalizes.

    Compression of Time-Illusion brings multiple energetic events into simultaneous manifestation.

    Hue-manity awakens within all humanity.

    Celebrations follow quickly.

  39. LOL...I have read thru the NESARA agreement that it seems everyone is waiting for. All the people in the World getting 100,000 a month. That would be great (I guess), but you would have to keep in mind...who would go to work? I would want to travel...who will want to fly the plane? Where will the airport workers be? Would you go to work at the grocery store the next day? Would you go to your job at Best Buy, or at the car lot the next day? How about the Gas Station. NOT! We still have to be focused on the energy coming and upgrade ourselves if possible. Money will become unimportant. Many things will be disrupted for awhile.

    1. Do you really think humanity is ready to know how to spend their time wisely if they no longer have to go to work?

    2. Hi Leosun- remember that the details of NESARA are closed and locked by court order of the highest level. The real details of NESARA will not be known until it is announced. and yes, there will be disruptions for a while.

  40. I have been waiting nearly 25 years for the sthf.....NOTHING. Until one day I woke up to realize I had lived my life totally given away to fear of an unknown, a possibility that has NEVER happened yet. Listened to years and years of people passing grandiose claims on the internet, hell I was into this years before the internet was even born. Then we got the internet and cyberspace profits were born! McHaffie, Casper, Clyde Hood, Poof/Truth warrior, Jennifer the Dove of Oneness. Dove had the best line of all. According to her.....there was a shootout with Aliens on the steps of the Whitehouse some years ago and many senators and congressmen were killed. Uhhh, that was the last time I needed to hear from the Dove! Seemingly all have been on pins and needles waiting for "The Day", just as I was. Far be it for me to try and change anyone's mind on anything, time will have to do that for you. Do I believe in a great shift in consciousness....absolutely. Do I think it will all come down on or before 12/21/2012? Oh hell no! Hold your dream of fabulous wealth if that gives you security, but I have messages still from 12,13,14 years ago that promised absolutely the packages were on the truck and headed for my door. Must have taken a wrong turn somewhere...... Yes, I do indeed wish the best for humanity, but how many times can we hear these internet prophets(profits) cry wolf, sending our hopes and dreams over the top, only to have nothing happen yet again.

  41. Anonymous 16:13, Guess what? When Dec. 21 passes without incident, you'll have the pleasure of realizing that you've wasted a chunk of your life on nonsense.

    Nice work.

    Will you be big enough to admit it? Or will you lie to yourself and proclaim that "the dates were just a little off" and starting pointing to some far off distant new date of imminent disaster\ascension\nonsense?

    1. And when something DOES happen on December 21th or before, will YOU be big enough to admit you were wrong or do you plan to join the chorus of "I knew it all along!" and conveniently forget posts like the one above?

    2. How can hope for something better ever be a waste? The Book of Hebrews says that many have died without seeing the promise for which they waited. That does not invalidate their hope & faith--or the promise.

  42. Why is everyone "waiting" for something to "happen"? We all know that our Solar system is going to align with the Galaxy. The energy is already intense...wouldn't you say? I wish for some money, but I mostly wish for World peace and prosperity. THAT is what I want to come to all of us. There is the "date" prophesied by many Ancient calendars, but it seems to be about an ending to an era, and a new beginning for our World. I feel the energy already, and see signs of it all over the Internet. Please, let's concentrate on that together :) Love and Peace.

  43. Never before has the Savior mentality been so apparent. Stop waiting sheeple and start LIVING!! You don't need anyone to save you or bail you out. Step up to the plate and create the life you want with the power YOU HAVE!

  44. I gave the grant application in a few weeks ago and got an answer that it will be processed in January or February. So i am waiting for a nice sum of money to arrive. i will be able to have a nice holiday and pay my rent without big problems. I won\t have to work for at least halth a year! Cheer up! I have been waiting for this moment since 1998 and I* am 60 now...

    1. Anonymous 00:36 - Pardon me if this sounds like an ignorant question, ( really is because this is a first for me), but you say that you gave a grant application in a few weeks ago and got an answer that it will be processed in January or February. You're waiting for some nice sum of money? Please be so kind as to bring me up to speed. This is the first time I've visited this blog, and it seems all of you are waiting for the "package"???

  45. Is your mortgage securitized? Find out for free.... go to:



  46. Hang In There Folks! Our Time Is Coming. I Know I Said By November And That Has Come To Pass, But Believe Me, We Will All Be Set By Christmas! This Has Been One Helluva Ride And We All Deserve The Best! Bob, Thanks For Setting Me Straight With That Last PM. It All Makes Better Sense Now. Al Deserves The Utmost Respect From All Serious Longs. I Can't Wait To Finally Meet Up With You. Are We Still Set For The End Of Next Week? Don't Worry About Security, I've Got That Handled! Let Me Know What You Think. Des, Thank You So Much For Remaining By My Side. Make Sure You Can Still Meet Up With Bob And I! I Love All Of You, Even The Ones Who Don't Believe In My Words. We All Cross The Finish Line Together! Adhere To The Strict Rules Of The N.D.A. They Are There For Your Protection. I'll Be Coming Into The Grapevine Later Tonight, Maybe Tomorrow Night To Take Some Questions And Give Everyone A Chance To Listen To My Last Chat. Tramp, Be There Or Be Square, And Make Sure You Get As Many Mods From All The Boards Into The Chat, Especially The Millionaire And Unofficial Boards!


    1. are you speaking of the pp's or the germaine grants????
      in a post above, someone attested to having received a grant 'approval'...does that mean that those of us who applied and did not receive one, are out of luck?
      your exciting news does sound exciting.
      can you expand on this for us others?
      thank you.

    2. If You're In, You Win!
      Cheers To All CMKX Longs! Wow What A Journey It's Been! I Just Got Word To Postpone The Grapevine Chat Until Monday/Tuesday. Sorry Folks, But I Promise You All You Will Love The Outcome BEYOND YOUR WILDEST DREAMS! I Am So Honored To Have Been Part Of Such Great Group Of People. I Can't Wait To Have Our AC/ Rockin' Out Party!
      Go CMKX, Go Urban, And Thank You Mr. Maheu!
      I Love You All. See You In The Grapevine!


  47. I love you Acca!!

    Go CMKX!

  48. What the heck is the grape vine?

  49. The last real update was November 18th. How long is the silence going to last?!

  50. Replies
    1. so who is acca supposed to beeeeee?

  51. Gotta Love ACCA!!!

  52. I came by this site because I was reading the "Daniel" papers and article by GW Hardin Timeless Comments on Timelines., on the American Kabuki site because the items were there - worth reading for those with an interest in the mechanics of all this ascension issue...peace to all and spritual love...found the article and comments on this site very apprecaible. Safe journies.


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