
Saturday 28 April 2012

Wow what a week!

I've been busier than a one armed paper hanger this week and haven't been able to complete the two big articles I'm currently writing.... Anyone want to lend me an extra 8 hours to add to my days?

I'm working on several things, but suddenly is Saturday and I realize I haven't updated in a while.  So I'm going to mash a whole lot of stuff  in here right now, and hopefully I'll have time to elaborate on some of these topics very soon. Feel free to do some research on these topics while you wait though!

In short point form here are the big highlights for this week on the economic topic:

  • The Global Revaluation of Currencies (including the IQD and Dong) is a done deal.  All 3 letter agencies have signed off on it, all countries have signed off on it.  It has been confirmed that it is now in the hands of the "banks".  The Bank in control of "pushing the button" is said to be Wells Fargo. (interesting aside: it is strongly rumoured that a certain country has just purchased a substantial piece of WF..... *hint: what do bricks and chopsticks have in common?
  • Everyone holding IQD and Dong better have their running shoes on and all their paperwork in order and be standing next to the starting blocks, because last night we were told "on your marks"
  • Many many Prosperity Packages (PPs) have been launched and delivered (more details to follow later this week)
  • The World Global Settlements (WGS) are being launched today. I do not have an exact amount, but last summer the number talked about was $47 trillion US dollars.  After years of being blocked by government Cabal members and extremely crooked bankers (cough cough cough*dimon*cough cough cough), it is believed that it will finally be delivered imminently. Along with the WGS it is rumoured that the CMKX payouts will also be made- I do NOT have confirmation of this and to be honest, I'm not very familiar with the CMKX situation. Again, I will have more info about this hopefully later next week
  • The launch of the new US Treasury Notes is rumoured to be happening very soon as well, but at this moment I have not receive any solid confirmation of time frame, just "soon"
  • It has been strongly suggested that "Dinarians" diversify into strong currencies, such as the Canadian and Australian dollar, Chinese Yuan.  Also to stay liquid and not have money tied into government or bank investments, and to stay away from gold bullion - but buying old silver and gold coins etc... is not a bad idea.  I will have more info on this later this week

Rumours of more arrests this week, and they are starting to get seriously high profile.  One of the most important arrests, as reported by the White Hats is that of Dr. Herzog, who is apparently singing like a canary and pointing very dirty fingers at Romney and Bush among others.

April 27, 2012 - The White Hats Report #40Dr. Michael Herzog Arrested By German Authorities – Has Great Voice, Sings Like A Pro.
Please recall the winner-takes-all media confrontation between the White Hats Reports #35, #38 and #39 and a well known International Hedge Fund wherein Dr. Herzog tried to use a namesake as a front, hired some high priced legal muscle and used the well known fund to shield himself and his fraudulent activities for the beneficial interest of Mitt Romney and Jeb Bush.
Well ... two weeks ago, Dr. Michael Herzog was arrested in Germany following police raids on his home and the homes and offices of several of his criminal associates.  As the circle widens, Dr. Herzog’s activities are creating major implications for all of the crooked political, banking and US Government parties that have assisted him. Herzog is now in deep, deep trouble and his associates will all follow in the same footsteps. How do we know this?  We now know who they are from the reams of notes, transaction receipts, pay orders with instruction sets, and transcripts of Herzog and his associates illicit acts.
In addition, Dr. Herzog was detained for further questioning yesterday.  The outcome?  Dr. Herzog has a great voice and is singing like the Mormon Tabernacle Choir.  Bush, Ackermann, Dewhurst, Romney plus hundreds of people in the world financial markets, at the highest levels, in the agencies, past Presidents and elected leaders of numerous countries, our American Congressman and Senators are all named.  Yes, it has been a treasure trove of names, places and events, including orders for physical violence up to and including termination for those that did not cooperate in the methods of the Cabal. The Bird is out of the cage and the cats hate the harmonious singing.
As if all of the above wasn’t enough to swallow for one week, selective high level members of the House of Lords were informed last night that Josef Ackermann has been taken in for questioning on numerous issues instigated by Merkel, and that large scale operations are now planned with cross border cooperation, as the Cabal’s International Network gets publicly unraveled.  Greenspan is now the subject of ever more allegations and inquiries.  Tony Blair's Vatican accounts and his JP Morgan bagman role is now being assessed, as is his history of receiving Bush related funds.  The net is now closing in on many of them.
Ackermann was sidestepped for a key Bilderberg role.  Now serious criminal investigations will intensify the focus on both he and Deutsche Bank.  The Berlin Federal Prosecutors Office is focused on the trail of crime linked to Herzog and the immense scale of US Political Racketeering and CIA collusion which is emerging.
Herzog’s Berlin Court arrest is filed under Charge Case No. 83 Js 960/06. His arrested associates to date are Josef Birch, Case No. 83 Js 792 /05, address given as 34/36 King Edward Street, Darlaston, West Midlands, UK and Heinz Bosche, Case No. 47 Js 127/06.
We have information and belief that Birch supplied a false address and believe this is a Joseph Birch from Cornwall. In fact, it is believed to be Sir Joseph Birch, a well known Bush crony and associate, which we are now tracking, to help German Police and have him deported back to Germany. If this is the Joseph Birch we believe it may be, he comes with a long history of fraud, litigation and Bush connections.
In other significant news, it has been learned that Sarkozy needs to assist in the release of the Global Settlements to save his Presidency. Merkel needs it to save the Euro and EU model. If the EU goes, Germany's industrial base will collapse.
We are continuing to unravel the web of criminal conspiracy of the international Cabal. Germany's arrest of Herzog and associates is a major first step as it will lead investigators to the central, prominent cabal members in Europe and America. We have named just the first few. We will continue naming names, especially of those in the US through a series of reports that will be released starting next week.
Click HERE for original article

Enerchi of Ascension With Mother Earth is still compiling all of "Drakes" interviews, which can be accessed  HERE. Lots of new info coming out all the time.

American Kabuki received this bit of interesting, yet unconfirmed intel:

This month will continue its course. It has been a murky and cloudy month. Tensions and efforts have been misdirected or muted. Energies have been haywire....this will continue for a few days into May.
 May will be a defining time for the human race. There is a period of time that is Astronomically important...I mean that quite literally. From May 8th through May 20th there will be energies coming to us from many directions. But these energies are of positive sychronicity. We will have 12 days to prepare for what will be coming up. As a human race we will dive into very intense personal discussion on some very key topics. Events will be unfolding in such a manner that heartfelt discussion will be the only option.
In the upcoming weeks you will see a rapid transition of the economy. I think it might be frightful to many people, as change always is. There will be an immediate desire to accept the new changes by many as well. These are the ones who have ears....and listen.

******(side comment) American, in the upcoming month I feel it important to inform you that you must stay diligent and steadfast. It is going to get crazy. Keep your cool and wits about you. This is not only a month of change for the outward, but many conflicts in the realm of "GOD" will come into play. I use that term loosely. Basically the things that make "you"...."you" will be challenged. Keep rooted.

This is where everyone (including myself) can finally participate. I feel so hopeless at times to help the progression of what is coming. I am humbled often by the knowledge that while I am is every other cog in this clock called Earth. I so very badly want to make public the things I know, but that is not my place. It is however my place to share with you what I can.

The American Dollar will end. I will not give a specific time or date. I have reason to suspect it will be this month. I cannot disclose how this will come about. Do know that it is very complicated and a work in progress. Luckily with the end goal of being rid of fiat dominance.....most everyone is on board. I have a feeling that this will soon be talked about very openly. The media will not truly know how to cover this time of news. Mainly because they haven't reported news for a while now. This is where you and many others come in.

The entire article by American Kabuki can be found HERE 

My friends, the world is about to change. Radically.  You don't need to fear, you don't need to panic.  You need to read and research, and be prepared.  Be ready for the massive changes, be ready to help others- both in understanding what's going on, and helping your community by working together.  This is not a time of division, it is a time of coming together.

United we stand, divided we.............

Monday 23 April 2012

Cabal gold diggers are desperate: Ben Fulford

I look forward to Mondays and reading what Ben Fulford has to say for the week.

...This week was particularly good!

Awwwww..... the poor wittle cabalists are wunning around in circles looking for buried treasure so that they can afford to buy their wifypoo's  more shiny baubles next Christmas!!!!  Someone better tell Tiffanys to hire extra security because as soon as the wittle thieves get their asses handed to them in the Philippines, their gonna get even more desperate and have to stoop to knocking over jewellery stores for their gold lust fix.  Wow.  Seriously- yesterday they were the kings of the world, today they're running around a tropical island with shovels and pickaxes hoping they can figure out where the X is.

As usual Kauilapele has done an excellent job of summing up Ben Fulford's report for this week.
Benjamin Fulford 4-23-12…”Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold deposits”
Posted on  This Benjamin report seems to describe something like a world-scale soap opera being played out to it’s final act. I’m not going to say anything more about it. Just read on and, if you’re a cabal member, perhaps keep the Kleenex tissues handy.
  • Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region.
  • The US warships are linked to a mysterious Hong Kong based individual by the name of “Rosenberg” (first name not known), the CIA sources say. Rosenberg is believed to be seeking physical gold to seize on behalf of the Nazi/Sabbatean cabalist owners of the Federal Reserve Board, these sources say.
  • This dispute is linked to the failed IMF and World Bank meetings that took place in Washington D.C. last week. It is also linked to an ongoing power struggle between the three factions in China, multiple sources say.
  • The US, or should we say, Nazi (national socialist Zionist) forces have been systematically searching bunkers and caves in the Philippines…
  • …this battle by the cabalists to steal gold is actually a sign of desperation…
  • This gold grab is seen by many as last minute looting by cabal members hoping they will still be able to control the world with gold even as their fiat financial rule collapses. That is not going to happen.
  • This brings us to last week’s IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The Western propaganda media reports a “victory” by the IMF because it was able to get $430 billion worth of funding for Europe.
  • However, a look at the fine print reveals the BRICs nations have made their funding conditional on reform of IMF voting rights.
  • The European nations are willing to increase BRICs voting shares in the IMF but the US is blocking it… In any case, both the IMF and the World Bank are increasingly irrelevant.
  • …the White Dragon Society is proposing the creation of a Long Term Infrastructure for Everybody (LIFE) planning agency with initial funding of $800 trillion.
  • The current rules allow the Japanese to leverage their $8 trillion in hard foreign exchange assets 100 times, meaning 800 trillion dollars or over $100,000 each for every man woman and child on earth…
  • The cabalists, for their part, have been making a desperate push to ensure their survival.
Major confrontations in South China Sea as desperate cabal tries to steal Asian gold depositsby Benjamin Fulford, April 23, 2012Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region. A fleet of 8 US war-ships is being confronted by a joint Chinese/Russian fleet in the region. The Chinese have publicly announced they are willing to go to war over this dispute. The US warships are linked to a mysterious Hong Kong based individual by the name of “Rosenberg” (first name not known), the CIA sources say. Rosenberg is believed to be seeking physical gold to seize on behalf of the Nazi/Sabbatean cabalist owners of the Federal Reserve Board, these sources say. In the Chinese government and Western corporate propaganda news this dispute is described as being a Chinese Philippine dispute over an area, blocked out on Google Earth, known as the Scarborough Shoal by the West and the Huangyan Islands by China.
This dispute is linked to the failed IMF and World Bank meetings that took place in Washington D.C. last week. It is also linked to an ongoing power struggle between the three factions in China, multiple sources say.
The US, or should we say, Nazi (national socialist Zionist) forces have been systematically searching bunkers and caves in the Philippines even as they look for sunken gold ships around the Huangyan Islands and in other areas, the sources say.
This is what an ASEAN White Dragon Society ally had to say to Neil Keenan on the subject:
Hello Neil. In PALAWAN, those that are LOCALs are now terrified, letters have gone to us all last week…Re – so CALLED “wardens” ( accredited officers _ who are US army “scouts” going round to do a census on all local residents and buildings, saying it’s for our own protection…this has never happened before, they are with sophisticated equipment…loading huge cargo like hanger CONTAINERs, all of army material !!!!!! they already have taken on 6 islands and are now off to JOLO ( SULU islands) due to IMF and Rebel tribe bandits.
There is definitely a WAR going to happen but what we are told is the ARMIES in / on the islands are for FUEL bases, ???? some of these ships are with FUEL/ something going on Neil it is same in Indonesia.
These reports come as Chinese and Russian fleets converge on the area for exercises that coincided with US announcements of joint Philippine/US maneuver in the same region.
Here is a US government propaganda report: is what the Chinese foreign minister had to say on the subject during an April 16th press conference:
Q: The Philippine Foreign Ministry reportedly said that a Philippine ship conducting archaeological studies in waters off the Huangyan Island was harassed by the Chinese side. How do you respond to that?
A: Currently the situation over the Huangyan Island has been eased thanks to the efforts made, and China and the Philippines are making further communication through diplomatic channels. According to relevant international conventions and Chinese laws, no organization or individual shall conduct such activities without the permission of the Chinese Government. China demands this archaeological ship to leave the waters off the Huangyan Island immediately.
The “archaeological ship,” has so far failed to locate the gold deposits it arrived to search for, CIA sources say. In any case, this battle by the cabalists to steal gold is actually a sign of desperation after their failure, despite multiple attempts, to gain legal rights to the 85% of humanity’s gold held by Asians. This gold grab is seen by many as last minute looting by cabal members hoping they will still be able to control the world with gold even as their fiat financial rule collapses. That is not going to happen.
This brings us to last week’s IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The Western propaganda media reports a “victory” by the IMF because it was able to get $430 billion worth of funding for Europe. Japan’s slave government, for example, handed over $60 billion in cabal money originally earmarked for post-tsunami reconstruction.
However, a look at the fine print reveals the BRICs nations have made their funding conditional on reform of IMF voting rights. As Brazil’s Finance Minister pointed out, at present the UK, which has a smaller economy than Brazil, has twice the IMF voting rights as Brazil.
The European nations are willing to increase BRICs voting shares in the IMF but the US is blocking it because it would then have to give up control of the World Bank. Certainly the European bond markets were not fooled by the announcements coming out of this meeting because Spanish bond yields actually rose after it.
In any case, both the IMF and the World Bank are increasingly irrelevant.
Think about it for a minute, the IMF, the so-called lender of last resort in the post war era, the group that once “bailed out” Russia, is running around with a begging bowl make it obvious to all this institution is no longer at the top of the international financial food chain.
The World Bank, for its part, lent out only $42 billion in new money in 2011, compared to a world GDP of roughly $75 trillion. They are a puny organization.
By contrast, the White Dragon Society is proposing the creation of a Long Term Infrastructure for Everybody (LIFE) planning agency with initial funding of $800 trillion. Of course at this level, numbers are meaningless.
The current rules allow the Japanese to leverage their $8 trillion in hard foreign exchange assets 100 times, meaning 800 trillion dollars or over $100,000 each for every man woman and child on earth (as a Japanese reader pointed out, I miscalculated in previous reports by saying that was available on 10 times leverage).
Even if you take the more conservative Basel 3 rules with over 10 times leverage, Japan can still legally make $10,000 available for every human, still plenty enough to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
If this money is delivered in the form of things that really exist, such as roads, schools, nature preserves, consumer products etc., then there is no limit to how much new money is created other than reality.
Needless to say China, ASEAN, Brazil, Russia etc. can all make similar moves in harmony and parallel with Japanese efforts.
The cabalists, for their part, have been making a desperate push to ensure their survival. They have blocked all efforts to create new organizations such as LIFE within the existing US dollar and Euro based systems even as they refuse fundamental reform of their organizations such as the BIS, the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the “World Court,” etc.
They also made a big push in China to convince leaders like Hu Jintao the White Dragon Society is a neo-colonialist organization controlled by the Rothschild family. The WDS has no Rothschild family members in its ranks and does not receive a penny from the Rothschilds or other cabal families like the Rockefellers and Bushes. It is dedicated to ending their terrorist misrule of the planet.

Friday 20 April 2012


I've just discovered, to my chagrin that Blogger/Blogspot doesn't seem to like me or this blog.  About 2 hours ago I received a block of comments- some over 2 weeks old!  And a few that I couldn't even get to publish.  Go figure.  So If you've written a comment and haven't seen it appear...... I'm not ignoring you, I promise!!!!

Blame them------->


Iraqi Dinar and the latest from "Drake"

I'm so swamped today that I'm not going to be able to spend much time with explanations and critiques of these links.... but this info is very important to be put out there for everyone to read and listen to. As usual, I'm just posting what info I have been given, you read and listen and then decide for yourself..... and hey!  Do some research!!

First off, the Iraqi Dinar revaluation.  While the usual naysayers are still running rampant, the intel on the impending RV is astounding and very convincing.  Never before have so many Intel providers been on the same (relative) page as they are now. All info is pointing to the fact that we are on the cusp of this happening, that the rates are all set and just need to be dropped into the front teller screens and the starter pistol fired.  Regardless of what the ultra patriotic want to believe, China is the big boy holding the bat over the guy with the button that needs to be pushed.  

This article was posted on Ben Fulford's blog that gives some background as to why China is holding the bat:

From Ben Fulford’s Blog: Obama’s 50 Trillion Dollar Mistake, April 19, 2012
Posted on 
From a reader:
Obama’s 50 Trillion Dollar MistakeWashington, D. C.– Iraq economy coming back – US derailed by DINAR
Promises of the self-financed Iraq war advanced by Bush/Chaney administration were derailed by Obama Administration costing each US tax payer $414,000 – $1,150,000,000 or between $129,000 and $138,000 per citizen. Even by Washington standards that is a lot of money. By comparison the US debt is currently $138,000 per taxpayer and $50,000 per US citizen (
The national curency for Iraq, the Iraqi Dinar (IQD), was changed for US Federal Reserve Dollars during the Iraq War. After the new government was established in 2011 the new IQD were to replace the old US dollar as the currency. For alleged self-serving reasons the Obama Administration thwarted the global community banking system from putting the exchange price in place. Since the US Treasury or the Federal Reserve were holding 7.5 Trillion IQD the potential gain to the US Treasury was between 33.8 Trillion – 92.1 Trillion Dollars.
Since there has never been an audit of the Federal Reserve or the US Treasury, the location of the 7.5 Trillion IQD is unknown. What is known is that along with the 7.5 Trillion IQD the US was given the right to buy Iraqi oil at approximately 30 dollars per barrel after a stipulated holding period rather than at market rates. The exact terms of this Bush/Cheney agreement are allegedly confidential. The problem is that the US lost most of its IQD when the Chinese requested the return of gold on loan to the US. The only collateral available to the US that the Chinese would accept, in lieu of gold, was the US IQD DINAR holdings. Sources say at least 3.5 and then another 3.0 trillion IQD were handed over to the Chinese since the US had not the gold to make good on this obligation. Since then both Venezuela and Switzerland have demanded the return of their gold.
This loss is not the fault of the Chinese, rather the profligate mismanagement of other people’s gold reserves by the Federal Reserve and Treasury a line which the Federal Reserve Act likes to blur at its convenience. According to sources the Chinese have been diligently working with IMF to solve this problem. Being the US’s largest trading partner the Chinese wish no ill for the American economy or it’s people.
The Ron Paul campaign has succeeded in bringing the corruption of the FED to the main stream to some extent, but his discoveries are only the tip of the iceberg. The White Hats organization have also focused the financial chicanerary of our current administration and prior administrations through their reports to be found at In its 39th release it fingers very suspicious financial activity by both the Democratic and Republican parties and their respective nominees.
Our country’s full faith and credit depends upon ethics and fair dealings, as well as balance sheets. Failed delivery of other people’s gold symbolizes the worst bad faith and bad credit. When the final story is told about the gold and and silver markets manipulation we will learn just how bad that faith and credit were supervised by the Fed/US Treasury. A fee market economy should never depend upon manipulated markets.
If We the People do not monitor the government it is like leaving the teenagers at home with an unlimited credit card and we all know how that usually turns out.
Do you have any suggestions or comments on the content of this article. IT has already been reviewed by the White Hats representative.
Thanks for the information. A lot of Chinese were bribed with Iraqi oil by the Bushes to work against the White Dragon Society.

One of the other reasons that China has a huge club over America's corrupt government's head is because the PTB tried to pull a fast one a while ago:  When China received some of their gold back from the Fed, they discovered that the lovely shiny bars they had been sent were just gold plated tungsten. 
To say that China is unhappy about this might be a teeny understatement.
Now, there have been several updates from "Drake" this past week.   I'm not embedding the videos here but will give you links:
Here (video link above ^), Drake is talking about the Federal Reserve and the heaps of trouble they are in. I strongly suspect that THIS ARTICLE is showing some of the documents that Drake mentions being released. Along with the Leins placed against the Fed Res that David Wilcock outlined earlier this week, I am getting bits of other intel that the good ol' boys in the Federal Reserve are in serious serious trouble.

The site 2012: What's the "real" truth has put together a great run down of  Drakes lates video update:

This news comes through a pipeline that has been accurate, but is unsubstantiated at this time.
Generals under the Joint Chiefs of Staff told everybody to shove it.
Secret Service is extraordinarily upset – ticked because they’ve been dumped on, as well as Delta Force. . . along with this there is Clinton partying in Columbia (SS got the pics). She was supposed to have been in Turkey at a Nuclear conference with Heads of State. Israel is livid. Clinton is not in her best situation right now.
UN under heavy investigation.
Central Banks in uproar because of some things filed against them. Same topic:  DC was completely lost as to what to do, as well, running around like chickens without their heads.
GSA investigation. [See separate article with more info. ~J]Pinetta with all this recent fun and games with the military, Pinetta was told in no uncertain terms that he was not the boss of the military.
The arrests are going to be methodical (the word methodical is a guesstimate – very, very difficult to understand) , one at a time.
Last remark was, “The war is on.”
Now, take it this as rumor mill news if you want to. Drake has not heard back yet as to its validity. Drake goes on to say he has to be careful about divulging things because of the safety of those involved. It already has taken 14 lives, two of them children in a family, one at a time, with the message does that answer the question as to whether or not you should be doing this.
My final notes for today:

- do NOT invest in any banking products/investment for the next 6 months at least
- do NOT invest in bullion- buy up gold and silver in the form of old coins etc... 
- the prosperity packages are being launched- I will be writing about this in much more detail later today or tomorrow... Hopefully
-be prepared for some very major changes and events- this includes having enough food and water and supplies for your family for at least 3-7 days... just in case.

...and finally: Spread the word!!!! If you KNOW what's going on, you have a responsibility to tell others.

Monday 16 April 2012

Message from the Pleiades: fact or fabrication?

This is an excellent video to show people to explain the UFO and first contact experiences that many people have had over the last 40 years or so. The video delves into the realm of Channelled messages. It offers a very simplified explanation  of  Quantum Physics, the universal Creator, and the energy that binds us and the universe together.  I highly recommend spending 33 minutes and watching this mini movie. even the Star Wars Fans out there will enjoy this one!

First hand contact by aliens from the Pleiades; are such startling claims amazing fact or outrageous fabrications? What meaningful information could these cosmic visitors possibly offer to Earth humans? Does a new Quantum-Physics world-view corroborate insights shared by these star-travelers? Does their 'message' foreshadow a revolutionary social/technological transformation of the human race? Judge the evidence.

A Child educates the World

This 12 year old girl gave this speech at a businees meeting in front of 600 people. Her eyes have been opened to a scam that is being perpetrated upon Canadians and the rest of the world.

  Both of the following videos need to go viral on the net- Please share extensively!!

Out of the mouths of babes.....

This is Victoria's second interview

UFOs: a vital video- please share!

Before I say anything else, I will say that I have not watched this video in it's entirety yet, but, like Kauilapele, I immediately realized the importance of this movie and the need for it to go viral asap.   I cannot embed this video here, so you will need to watch it on You Tube.

The creator of this film is writer, director, producer Jose Escamilla, who has been featured on a multitude of TV shows, news programs, magazines and editorials.

Aside from Jose's work with many artists and celebrities, Jose's UFO experiences that occurred at Midway, New Mexico on March 5,1994, have put him on a variety of lectures and television and radio programs talking about the subject. He has appeared on television shows such as The Learning Channel, Geraldo Rivera, Hard Copy, Sightings, Encounters, The Other Side, Inside Edition, the BBC in London, Spanish Language programs, (Sabado Gigante-"EL Y ELLA"), and on many Network News broadcasts, ABC, NBC, CBS NEWS. He has appeared in many UFO related magazines, America On-line, The Internet, CompuServe, Newspapers and radio talk shows. He has lectured at many conventions on the subject including, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado, and Mexico City. His first hand experiences with the phenomena and background in the Entertainment Industry, lend a unique quality in presenting UFOs to the public.

This video features a huge amount of UFO film footage, shot in regular and infra red spectrum.  Jose covers the major cover up by governments, and their desperate attempt to hide the truth from the rest of the world.

As we move closer and closer to the world wide full disclosure event that will announce that our Galactic family is here with us, films like Jose's are vital for the general public to see, to help them understand what is and has been happening for a long long time.

UFO-The Greatest Story Ever Denied - HD

Saturday 14 April 2012

Liens & Arrests: the continuing story

Yesterday David Wilcock released the next section of his article "Divine Intervention: defeating financial tyranny", entitled "Major Event: Liens filed against all 12 Federal Reserve Banks" 

David bring us some startling updates on the impending doom of the criminal global financial system.  Below are a few excerpts from the article, but I highly recommend reading the entire article.  If you've missed the prequel (if you will) to all of this, you can start reading it HERE.

Below the excerpts from David's article is more info about "Drake" - including links to his most up to date interviews- and other info that I have come across this past week.

MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve BanksWritten by David WilcockFriday, 13 April 2012 18:18

The next major milestone for Mass Arrests of the cabal has now arrived. Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. A Cease and Desist Order has also been filed -- to prevent the world's wealth from continuing to be stolen.
If you have been following this and certain other websites, then you have already heard the eyewitness testimony suggesting that thousands of conspirators in finance, media, defense, military, corporations and government are about to be arrested.
The mass resignations of CEOs, worldwide -- now numbering well over 450 in the last few months alone -- is a tangible sign that a major event is anticipated within the insider community.

Let's be clear, again, that this is NOT a coup, NOT martial law, and NOT a takeover of the government in any way.

Our financial system, media complex, defense industry, corporate world and government has already been taken over.

It is not being run for the people and by the people. It has been systematically manipulated by a secretive, occult Cabal.

We cannot sit back and wait for their next attempt to generate mass chaos and destruction, and say "let's just leave everything the way it is," simply because this group has been so circumspect in revealing its true intentions.

This system threatens the welfare of everyone on Earth. In their plan to secure global control, they have repeatedly attempted to create mass casualties -- by a variety of different means -- and significantly reduce population.

Many, if not most of these efforts have been thwarted. Much of this is thanks to the will of the people; great heroes who take a stand. This includes countless hundreds of millions of people doing their best to spread the word -- and inform others.

More recently there appears to be Divine Intervention, for lack of a better term -- which is utterly destroying the Cabal's ability to do any further harm on a mass level.

That does not, in any way, reduce or eliminate our need to act. For now, we focus on the practical, tangible, on-the-ground steps we must take to free our planet from Financial Tyranny -- within this very opportune set of circumstances.

The plan for mass arrests appears to have been in development since the 1960s, as my interview with a new insider named Drake revealed.

Drake was asked by the "good guys" in the Pentagon to provide a public voice for a plan that, up until then, had almost entirely been disclosed by Benjamin Fulford, since 2007, and myself since November 2011 -- when I was personally briefed on it.

This plan requires the will of the people to succeed. Otherwise, our supporters within the military and the justice system do not have the legal precedent to perform such actions.

After many years, the public outrage is now sufficiently high that the will of the people has become more than sufficient to take these steps. Elements within our civilian and military sectors alike have had enough -- and are taking a stand.

US marshals from the Department of Justice and peace officers will carry out the arrests, with the assistance of military personnel -- in the event of any unforeseen disturbances.

By assisting a legal civilian operation in this manner, the military personnel are following their Oath of Enlistment -- to protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Again, to reiterate, the mass arrests will generate a situation from which there is no turning back for the Cabal.

Once the truth is exposed, there will be no further walls of secrecy for them to hide behind.

Every genuine fact you've ever read on the Internet about this problem will quickly become common knowledge. The "learning curve" is steep, but this is what everyone will be talking about.

The rules of logic are absolute in a case like this. Full disclosure of this group guarantees that no such actions will ever be tolerated again by the public. It is a full-stop Game Over for the cabal.

That is why they are so terrified right now.

There are plenty of headlines showing this -- such as Muppetgate, the public divorce of JP Morgan and the Vatican, the mass resignations of over 450 CEOs, and the passing of ridiculous and tyrannical executive orders.

This cannot and will not be a "cleaning out of middle management" only. The upper levels will be clearly exposed. These people's lives will never be the same. No one will tolerate the continuation of their plans.
Particularly since 9/11, an incredible amount of damning evidence has been quietly collected -- all for use in this single moment of Truth.

This evidence includes extensive video proof of how they talk, what they do and what they have planned -- in countless, allegedly secure locations.

Bohemian Grove is only one of many locations that have been thoroughly compromised by hidden surveillance.

Yes, it will be shocking. Very shocking. It will also be undeniable. This evidence has been rigorously collected since 9/11, and distilled down to its most powerful core elements.

There is so much evidence that any attempt to "debunk" it, or say it is the work of CG animation, et cetera, will completely fall apart.

All international air travel and all domestic borders will be closed, to prevent the conspirators from fleeing. Those who have already gone into hiding, internationally, will be located and brought to justice.

There will NOT be a mass power outage unless the negative groups try to do this. The lights will stay on and everyone should be OK during this process.
There may be local disruptions of Internet service and international phone calls for the initial three-day period. This is by necessity, to avoid trillions of dollars flying out of the economy and collapsing the nation -- as began occurring in the 2008 crash.

Had this massive hemorrhage not been quickly stopped in 2008, the economy could have been destroyed beyond any hope of repair.

Any outages of these critical services will be turned back on as soon as possible -- in no more than three days' time.

For the first five days after the arrests occur, every television station will have wall-to-wall coverage of information that makes our finest civilian investigations pale by comparison -- and leaves no margin of doubt.

Scores of DVDs' worth of documentaries -- some narrated by instantly-recognizable public figures -- will be airing, revealing the truth, with as much sensitivity as possible -- while also not pulling any punches.

I have been told that the most disturbing content will not be made available to minors. Anyone will be able to review it, but they will need to do so under supervision, such as via Skype.

Enough information will be released to make people aware of the exact nature of this disturbing content, however.


In order to stop this game and bring about true peace, any plan for mass arrests must involve a full exposure of the gold that was confiscated worldwide -- by the bankers themselves.

The world's biggest banks are unified under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve and its international component, the Bank for International Settlements or BIS.

Together, this conglomerate is now earning and controlling a staggering 80 percent of all the money there is to be made in the world. The scientific proof of this is featured in Financial Tyranny.
Adam Smith's treatise was used -- in the tragic aftermath of the completely manufactured, pre-planned World War I -- to convince world leaders to hand over their gold.

Much of the Asian gold was being held in complete secrecy, by ancient family dynasties, for security purposes -- but the insiders knew all about it.

The total amount of gold that was confiscated and put on "deposit" with the BIS is 2,420,937.4 metric tons. That's two million, 420 thousand, 937.4 tons of gold.
Two different economies were set up: the public economy, where we currently have about 62 trillion dollars in world GDP, and what I call the occult economy.
The occult economy has dollar values ranging in the thousands of quadrillions. Cabal insiders are bribed and enticed with private bank accounts -- with sums that may eventually rise into in the trillions of dollars.

My friend who just died was one of my associates who came into direct contact with people who were working this system. He was never directly invited in, and distrusted the whole thing as much as I did.

Nonetheless, the fact that he knew me, and could drop my name and contact info, led to direct offers for me to be brought into this system.

Imagine the psychological value of someone thinking they are actually a trillionaire -- and laughing sarcastically at the billionaires of the world, thinking, "If you only knew, my friend, if you only knew."

In order to use any of this money, however, it must be withdrawn from accounts held in the occult economy -- and converted into real money in the public economy. Therein lies the problem.
The banks have been strictly controlling this process all along. Numbers suddenly appear in bank accounts that were not there before, and shouldn't be there.

There is no honest, open, above-board world auditing system, so these numbers can appear without people really noticing it.

No one is ever really allowed to withdraw that much, relatively speaking. If you try to grab too much cash, you get refused -- plain and simple.

As of last fall, these accounts have been almost entirely closed -- by the international "good guys" freeing us from Financial Tyranny.

Only a very small number of key "traders" still hold any accounts in the occult economy.

The whole thing was never more than a series of enormous numbers in a massive glut of fake bank accounts -- designed to pump up their members' egos to super-human levels.
Many disappointed "traders" have recently figured out that it was all a scam. Now they're "broke." They put real money in, to get these accounts started, and now they've got absolutely nothing to show for it.

Groups like the SEC have completely shut these accounts down. No one can whine about losing their "money" in public, because it was all illegal to begin with.

If they speak out, they will be tortured and killed -- as will everyone they love and care about. If my friend's death was a "message," I have decided not to listen. The stakes are too high at this point.

The shutdown of these illicit accounts is another reason why so many CEOs have resigned since this happened. Where do you think most of their "big" money was being held?

Suddenly, the wimpy public-economy bank accounts are all they've got. Many of them are now running out of the burning building, screaming -- and grabbing whatever cash they can carry on the way out.
And now for the grand finale. Neil and I had an extensive conference call with Drake and his associates, including a remarkable new insider I had never met before, as of this past weekend.

Drake was told that a certain sequence of events needed to occur before the mass arrests could happen. The filing of this lien is one of those events.

The first part, again, has some legalese to establish the point. Afterwards, you will see the good stuff. Everything from this point down is part of the Affidavit of Obligation. I will signal my return by writing WILCOCK.

NOTICE!A Security (15 USC)A USSEC Tracer FlagNot a point of Law
Affidavit of ObligationCommercial Lien(This is a verified plain statements of fact)
All men and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists in the telling of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Truth, as a valid statement of reality, is sovereign in commerce.

An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
An unrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgment in commerce.

Guaranteed---All men shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If a remedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has been subverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves -- and endow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.
(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a valid reason for the commission of a crime when the law is easily and readily available to anyone making a reasonable effort to study the law.)
All corporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, Commercial Contracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses. Hence, governments cannot exercise the power to expunge commercial processes.
The Legitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutely dependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against Public Hazard -- because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power of Official signature, means no real corporate political power, and means no privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
The Corporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors. Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
Municipal corporations, which include cities, counties, states and national governments, have no commercial reality without bonding of the entity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution of its rulings).
In commerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/Public Office to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, and it is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay the Claim.
If a Bonding Company does not get a malfeasant public official prosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days, then it must pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90 days).
Except for a Jury, it is also a fatal offense for any person, even a Judge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, any Affidavit or any commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
Judicial non-jury commercial judgments and orders originate from a limited liability entity called a municipal corporation -- hence must be reinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial Liability Bond.
A foreclosure by a summary judgment (non-jury) without a commercial bond is a violation of commercial law.
Governments cannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce, free enterprise citizens, or sole proprietorships without suspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
A Security (15 USC)This is a USSEC Tracer FlagNot a point of Law
It is tax fraud to use Courts to settle a dispute/controversy which could be settled peacefully outside of, or without the Court.
An official (officer of the court, policeman, etc.) must demonstrate that he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summary process.
An official who impairs, debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effect of a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor and his/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien. Pound breach (breach of impoundment) and rescue is a felony.
It is against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or a Jury can dissolve a commercial lien.

Notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent.

All officials are required by federal, state, and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephone number of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company, and the policy number of the bond -- and, if required, a copy of the policy describing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance.

Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate and limited liability insurance fraud (15 USC), and is prim-a-facie evidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official, personally, to secure their public oath and service of office.

Neil Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts
Keith Scott/Lien Claimant as Settlor for Global Accounts  
c/o Notary Acceptor
Box 123
Ivins, Utah  [84xxx

Eric S. Rosengren/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
600 Atlantic Avenue
P.O. Box 2076
Boston, MA 02106-2076
(617) 973-3000

William Dudley/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
33 Liberty Street
New York, NY 10045
(212) 720-5000

Charles I Plosser/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
10 Independence Mall
Philadelphia, PA 19106
(215) 574-6000

Sandra Pianalto/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
1455 East Sixth Street
Cleveland, OH 44114
(216) 579-2000

Jeffrey M Lacker/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
701 East Byrd Street
Richmond, VA 23219
(804) 697-8000

Dennis P. Lockhart/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
1000 Peachtree Street, NE
Atlanta, GA 30309-4470
(404) 498-8500

Charles L. Evans/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
230 South LaSalle Street
Chicago, IL 60604
(312) 322-5322

James B. Bullard/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
411 Locust Street
St. Louis, MO 63102
(314) 444-8444

Narayana Kocherlakota/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
90 Hennepin Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55480
Mail Address: P.O. Box 291
Minneapolis, MN 55480-0291
(612) 204-5000

Esther George/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
925 Grand Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64198
(816) 881-2000

Richard W. Fisher/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
2200 North Pearl Street
Dallas, TX 75201
Mail Address: P.O. Box 655906
Dallas, TX 75265-5906
(214) 922-6000
John C. Williams/Lien Debtor
dba CEO of Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
101 Market Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Mail Address: P.O. Box 7702
San Francisco, CA 94120
(415) 974-2000
Other PARTIES/Lien Debtors:  John Does 1-20

1.   The amount of gold under contract to the Federal Reserve system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms. (2,420,937.4 metric tons.)
2.   The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
3.   Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.
4.   Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.
5.   The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.
6.   The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit, whereby all countries would have equitable access.

7.   The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.

8.   In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.
9.   The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.
10.  The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.
11.  The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.
12.  All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets -- making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-

The Committee of 300
Skull and Bones Society
The Bilderberg Society
The Trilateral Commission
Council on Foreign Relations
13.   The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only -- and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.
14.   Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors -- collectively and severally.
Proof of Allegations: 
1.   The amount of gold in the system is 2,420,937,400 kilograms.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

2.   The lease payments on this gold are payable at the rate of 4% per annum. The total owed, starting in 1961 through 2012, is 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

3.   Proof of the Federal Reserve Obligation is in the form of Federal Reserve Bonds, series of 1928 and series of 1934.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

4.   Proof of the interest obligation is further demonstrated by the issue of international currencies that have been issued to the Holders of the Gold Accounts, but against the Federal Reserve Bonds.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

5.   The gold was acquired through a time when gold coin and gold bullion could not be privately owned, and had to be surrendered to the State.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

6.   The States combined the bullion into a single, central deposit, whereby all countries would have equitable access.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

7.   The gold is actually owned by Governments through their Ministry of Finance.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

8.   In 1948, under UN Resolution MISA 81704, Operation Heavy Freedom, President Soekarno was appointed as M1, (Monetary Controller), and the entire centralized system was put under his disposal as Trustee.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

9.  The gold was deposited into the system by a group of Trustees appointed by Soekarno. These Trustees formed an association of Trustees now known as the Amanah, otherwise known as the Mandates.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

10.  The Mandates have assigned their authority over the accounts to Neil F. Keenan and Keith F. Scott.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

11.  The owners of the gold and other assets leased to the Federal Reserve system between 1928 and 1968, at a 4% per annum rental fee, have never received substantive payment since 1928 until today. They have been constantly tricked and deceived.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

12.  All persons from several organizations of persons who consider themselves to be the global elite have illegally used these assets -- making fortunes for themselves, or otherwise benefitting from the illegal use of these accounts. Key among these are members of (but not limited to) :-

The Committee of 300
Skull and Bones Society
The Bilderberg Society
The Trilateral Commission
Council on Foreign Relations

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

13.  The Federal Reserve System is a privately owned banking system. All debts of that private banking system, beyond the value held in gold, is the obligation of the Federal Reserve System only -- and is not a debt obligation of the people of the United States of America.

ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]

14.  Owners, Shareholders, Directors/Executive Officers and Bonding Companies of the Federal Reserve System are deemed lien debtors -- collectively and severally.
ANSWER: [If no response, allegation is affirmed.]
Ledgering and True Bill:   
The ledger for this True Bill is based on the rate of 4% per annum of the principal amount of leased gold, which was 2,420,937,400 kilograms of pure gold. The total amount since 1961 to present is as follows:
times          .04
96,837,496 per annum
times         51 years
4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold
Demand is now made for Lien Debtors, jointly and severally, to deliver over to Lien Claimants 4,638,791,996 kilograms of pure gold.
Any and all accounts, assets, bonds, insurances, securities, profits, proceeds, fixtures and the like, owned/managed by the Federal Reserve Banks at any location under control of Federal Reserve Banks.
Lien Debtors are granted ten days (10) upon receipt of this Affidavit of Obligation to respond/rebut, absent which this matter is stare decisis and res judicata -- and Lien Debtors have created an estoppel in pais.
Any and all rebuttal must rise to the level of swearing of Lien Claimants to be held valid [no oath under “pains and penalties” is acceptable].
I, Neil Francis Keenan, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit -- and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].

Neil Francis Keenan/Lien Claimant as Settlor

I, Keith Francis Scott, certify on my own full commercial liability that I have read the above affidavit -- and do know the contents to be true, correct, complete, and not misleading, the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and do believe that the above described acts have been committed contrary to law. [see 18 USC 4 misprision of felony].

Keith Francis Scott

To follow up this amazing news, you can listen to the interview with whistleblower "Drake", whom David Wilcock interviewed HERE.  The written transcript for this interview can be found HERE.

Enrichi  from Ascension With Mother Earth has put together all the video/recordings of the latest "Drake" in one spot for easy access right HERE.

Now... I've read a few reports from other "insiders" and spoken with a few lightworkers on the ground crews and I feel that Drake's timeline of 30-45 days till the mass arrests start might be off by a bit and I believe that we will see these arrests starting sooner than that, but this is just my own personal opinion. As WE are not in control of this, all we can do is prepare our selves and families and friends  and make sure that we are ready for when it happens.

Cobra from  2012 Portal   gives this "schedule of events" that covers the basic change over of power and finances.

As more info becomes available I will update everyone asap.


Phase 1: The Event  (3-7 days)

Mass arrests of the Illuminati
‑Military sweep
-1 day viral and mass media info distribution
-1 day arrests
-Up to 3 days shutdown
-5 to 6 days conviction process

Phase 2: Restructuring  (3-6 months)

New financial system backed by precious metals and commodities introduced
-Federal Reserve dismantled, US Treasury prints gold backed money
-Basket of currencies (6 or more) base of world financial system
-Worldwide debt forgiveness
-Bank debts cancelled (credit cards, loans, mortgages)
-Banks must be re-licensed, no interest (usury)
-Multinational companies split and nationalized

Redistribution of world's wealth begins
-Prosperity funds released
-Humanitarian and environmental projects funded

Free energy technology and advanced medicines released

Government UFO involvement disclosure

International criminal court tribunal of Illuminati

Statutory laws invalidated, return to Common Law

Interim national governments and then elections

UN restructured as head of Provisional government

Disengagement of warring parties, military forces recalled permanently from active duty and restructured into peace keeping force, nuclear weaponry disarmed

Phase 3: First Contact  (1-3 months)

Contact with selected private individuals

Re-education of humanity, including our history not told: Atlantis and Lemuria

Global telecasts over TV and internet

Increasing number of spacecraft make themselves known, culminating in a massive flyover when tens of thousands of ships will take part as final proof that other civilizations are out there

Two week contemplation period

First contact: Public contact at UN - Electric surge into Earth Light body -Galactic / Cosmic synchronization / Tachyonic  alignment

After First Contact
-Interaction with Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters 
-Start of technology transfers and educational programs
-Beginning of pollution cleansing and renewal of ecosystem
-Start of full consciousness training (Ascension chambers)
-Reunion with Confederation Fleet and Inner Earth